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Facilitator: Savima E. Banalo

Participant: Jerald M. Morillo, Angela M. Galupo, Leana Marie D. Acibar, Mecca O. Delizon,
Jude Esteves and Babylin Siervo
Hello and Welcome to this group discussion. My name is Savima E.Banalo and I am
here working as the facilitator-moderator. I am student in Bantayan National High School. My
rule is to help get a conversation going and to make sure we cover a number of important
topics that they would like your input on and generate some new business ideas for every
person in this focus group discussion.
Purpose: First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your day to come here
and discuss your ideas and opinion about generating a new business. The overall goal is to hear
your thoughts about a new business idea and the essence of the idea drives everything
forward, the business idea creates a reason to invest and it also creates sales and profit. With
sales and profits come the scope to invest in more products and services, enabling the business
to grow.
In particular, we are or I am interested in your views about generating new business
ideas and coming up with a business ideas has advantages if we know how to develop it
successfully. The business idea must be well developed by identifying the products and services
involved, composing a profile of the target by use, developing a profile and scope and mission
for the idea. We are asking all of you to share your unique and best business ideas so we can
conclude a profitable new business.
As far the focus group are concern, there are few ground rules:

 I might move you along in conversation. Since we have limited time I’ll ask that
questions or comments off the topic be answered after the focus group session
 I’d like to hear everyone speak so I might ask people who have not spoken up to
 Please respect each others opinions. There’s no right or wrong answer to the questions I
will ask. We want to hear what each of you think and it’s okay to have different
 We’d like to stress that we want to keep the sessions confidential so we ask that you not
use names or anything directly identifying when you talk about your personal
experiences. We also ask that you not discuss other participant responses outside of the
discussion. However, this is in a group setting, the other individuals participating well
know your responses to the question and we cannot guarantee that they well not
discuss your responses outside of the focus group
So how can we create a good and best new business? First of all we should need to identified
our target audience, Identifying target costumer or audience is the beginning point as what
ever you have to do next well depend on this market part. With a target costumer, you can
know or we can know our prospective patrons.
We also need to be wary of our products and services we must clearly and accurately identify
those products/services resulting from the original idea. After that, we must know the
marketing place for our ideas because we aim to bring buyers and sellers together.
We should know the resources if you want to wish our idea turns into reality. Our idea can be
anything, from having a business plan it would be reliable.
The best businesses don’t only turn a profit but also show potential for further growth,
whether this manifest as an expanded product range or activity in new markets.
Business Ideas- Need
The best business ideas provide a product or service that address an ongoing need for an
identifiable customer base. A good business opportunity is also scalable, meaning that you can
expand production or serve more customers without a negative impact on quality or revenue.

Q1. What sort of products or services will you be providing to your customer?
Q2. Will this business meet a need or solve a problem?

Q3. Can this business idea make us money now and in the future?

Q4. Who is my target audience for my business?

Q5. What is your USP?

Q5. Do I have the funds to start this business?

Q6. Is this the right time and place for the business?
Q7. Are there other businesses already doing what you want to do?
Q8. Are you capable of launching this business idea?
Q9. Are we extremely motivated and passionate?
Q10. Is this something you really want to do?
Some of great business recommendations:

 Online fashion boutique

 Pet business
 Café shop
 home décor product
 Laundry services
 Restaurant
 Packing services and facilitator
 Caterer Service

V. Conclusion
Now that we have successfully started our value-added business, your work has just begun.
Producer groups often forget that once the business is created, it takes constant attention for it
to remain healthy and viable. 
Operating a business is very different than starting a business. It requires a different set of
skills so the people who create the business may not be the best people to manage the
We are very confident and believe that our business venture will create and establish a very
satisfactory investment return every year. This focus group discussion is really helpful to surely
make a plan to generate new business idea. Focus groups give us valuable strategic insight into
our customer or potential customers which is useful to us to pursue all of your promising ideas.
Our best choice in all of those great recommendation is a new restaurant but we think about
making it more innovative.

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