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UNIT FOUR TRANSPORTATION SECTOR -Atthe end ofthis ehape, you should be ale: 1. Explain the unesportation and rave evolution 2. Diseuss the historical development ofthe ranpocaion cet 3. Discus the diferent section of tangpotton modes, ‘ne tae Fave undersone many changes A review of he history of transportation and avel shows that their evolution ook seven eras. These ae the pre-industrial rave system ert the cay instil travel sytem era the mature railway system era, the expres travel systom era, the automobile based travel system er, the modemourism ave stem eras nd the post mobility adjustment ea oe in Farope and North America. It was bere the Screamer a Ee a a ae ie Teas ee cel regularly scheduled transportation services, “Travelers made Ue ova anangements th several Supliers Irae ‘Only few pepleha te money and the eason tote a eee rng thee. Sicha railways, canals, and steamship services were brought about due to ‘apd indostaization and advances in tansporationteeelogs. Common caries came ino existonce and began o offer regularly scheduled tasporation services. ‘because mare people who had ‘money tavele Thea ying ek nd pviding ther ‘rete save Te lego mre ee srs mre sepsis). TSG Companies erm. Tomasi gun ha comps aces nti ra than nthe prvios ane. SrnMaSceTT rach ovTeTstenobie was hanced in North America and Ewope fc 1920s mar CarownerifpBoofe in Noth America Mcoceys, neste highs anda eu highway Strdeveinpedm eaters cr which a fom 192001974 Thebwamcoeas pena one ies travel des 102010 1388, Speer ero Tom Ts Kou asthe moderntourism travel system er, Car ouership continu to tro a last rate, msioly a the expense of fong-dvane ail ave, Mase a ravel was anc pst- World ‘War occurence The introduction of wide-oded jt in 1970 gral increased arava. The "mass tours” los and marking approaches were prevalent dring the 19808 and 196, | BT a el oft ol embers geracd y te Orit of ele exporting Cotries (OPEC) andthe esting increase in fs pes, The evens ofthe energy basically ‘hanged the travel ters troughout the world. The present cas one in which ravelerseontinue to ook to alleratv,aroupiented modes of tansprtation, Tae eel Travels smulted Wilh he improvement in transportation. Before World War it took seven day for ales ogo from coast o coast by steam ocomsive. By 1950, tavelers could complete the journey ‘nto and al ayy tain, In 938, an pane with the sped of 40 miles an hour made ossibe ronson oases light ks than ight hors In 950, eal time fom coast coast was essen fur hous, [Nt present the Concorde ean make a ight in two and a half hours Table 2 shows the istrial development ofthe tanspon syste. Tale. Historical Development of he Trango $sem Yer [___Moleetrampot pear tatis —] = in| cmt can = eon 3c ——> ern 20 a0 tnt rr io ea 1 Tproved sean osmotic io Tad sped esd (Behn SF Malcsin cunphal Tid speed rd pe 3 an ca abn Cath TH son ae 7 1 Thiet Site Liner fom NE a (a YorkwoLetlane titrant ——} 55 sR Besng 707 nd DC cia 70 Ter Spas (Vek Toi Tse Ber Rexel pe ie iBT ge bomber (ing) 180 70 Commerc ra: Conor 1330 i970 Boeing 747 a6 Smee: Reston, Imes. Man im Motn: The Paychology of Tenel-Lanans Goope WORUSIE ‘Nicolson Limited, 1995, sre development intransporaionkas made th world smaller ple. tinow posible take oct two wecks ‘hezcation in distant places he Europe the United Sites, the Carita, Mec, and South Anenes Nan, ‘traveler can got any place nthe work due fst and ecient means of tanspertaicn Sesto o Fanon Wo] ‘Thera many reson why people select one tensporttion med over acer busines an please Sis The mos common reasons ar ent. rveing tine, say, conenene comfy ene ‘of trps ground services, termina faites and loeations, stats and prestige, anddcparareand ence People belonging to dierent wal segments have dierent vale peeeptinns For exemple he tine oon traveling aswell as departure and rival times are very imptant tothe business avle while neces te rps the travelers primary consideration, Hefound out that travelers choose a tel mode based on haw they psychologically weigh the five Retons Sunctina,aesteiemotioa,soialorgeizatona,stational, and esoiy. The fncnal ily o 6 ‘node's is exsted perfomance fra specie pupse. Examples ae departure and aval times say ‘cord, the dieeness ofthe tip, andthe number of siops and ansfers Aeshei‘emotionall elated Yo cacy aspect ser, social concerns, se lsu comfort, and cher pron esings hat the forma earepnaon ‘might evoke soeia/epanizational shows tit the equent ers coin Kindo tanspontion te stoceyoe according to sex ail oii, income, priceos and eduction. For example, hae make bs ip re ‘ally persived tobe female, either young ook, while those whoake bus tours and eres ae gereally retired peopl Situational refers to how convenicnlly located the particular mode of tansportion andre ‘exminal faites are forthe rave, aces wii ree tthe rales pried ne io do sonaingnewand dire yng nai fon Concorde may havea high curiosity vale for many busines tele Pk a a ot urope inthe 19h and eatly 20h ecu aa Engltmen tose wor athe Gash hin ‘The tain was instrumental in simulating the development of many sean rssrsin Briss, tn cet doetown shor distance from theritend tion THE ane oeraes keane amd easy acess totes and easinan pre toni who ervey si quick Sever ater have fen made termine ‘evident factors are: sal Tuifsonhad snes of ot rina inporance Four safety, and VIA msiness travelers have identified usr cost, onveniene, raven and com ‘Asurvey of Amira passengers showed that travelers favored the tran forthe following reson: 1. Satey Ability too out ofthe tain and sec the interesting things ex route; Ability to got up and walk around, ‘Arriving a the destination rested and relaxed: nd Personal comfort. ‘Doreciyinmosoemia Troncioe ty Ante Via tel nee eee benefits of taking the tin. They have als pointed out tha the doenown-o-downtown routing of tins saves the time ofthe pessenzers Although th: impertace of al travel was reduced due to the popularity ofthe automobile and acplane in ‘any countries, railroads had been working hard to improve thei files to acommodate super tune with ‘speeds between 150 to 250 mils per hour. The first sensational rail accomplishment afer Word War wan Japan's shinkansen o bulletins which travel at speeds greater tan 140 miles per hour The bullet ins ron north and south and fink major metropolitan areas. Thos began operationsin 196 in tine forthe Olymps Japan. They make the tun of $50 mils in three hours an 10 minutesfrom te former time of 18 boar They [Provide a ride so smooth that a passenger can lave a cup of ta ar coffee ona windowsill and nots dep il spill A computerized contol center feeds information oa ight board that shows the location of ever tain and the conditions ofthe tack, switches, and wires Station stop areas short as wo mite nredae sation, so ravelers mst be ready to move fast. The computer automaticaly sips the vain in cave of euble spesialy during am eanhquake. At preserapan has the best ala system in the world with 26,000 fas and cifiient trans scheduled a day. Japan plans foe rains which tavel t speeds of 300 mies por hour The Japanese rail system is heavily subsidized by the goverment. SRR ee ecto eb vin bt hve til ts i 18cm at uavlby occan liners hepan to become prominent. Ocean liners were used to provid an imporant link to passengers among, continents. At presen, Wate anspor has (Wo major roles in ave nd four ferying and ening. However, the introduction of the jet areraft led tothe rapid decline in the ships as scheduled passenger Icanspontation mode. Inthe ae 1990s, the eraof travel by ships expres, Crise hips tok heplac of regulary scheduled passenger ships. Many pastenger ships were converte int ruse ships. Those tat were ot oho too large vere junkod or trapped. Others thet ha historia value were converted into tourist atctons. oe «example the Queen Mary whichis permanently docked in Long Beach, Califo became a tours araction and ahve. The rnc of critng hacen Sony romord sd sided very mosh bythe ppsartclevson rogram, Love ea Cres we ved inte px depending on he ron of ete. Short cose ee neko ered ek Chie int oe to fateh. nd lng rego and he wor ad ake on hee moh Cruise Ship Shor-duaton cruises are more popular because they require less vacation ime and are les expensive. Other reasons are travelers can satis thir desire to experience new environments and see new cultures sod sill, ‘bring with sham the comfort safety, and convenines of ham. In additio, there ino changing of hates, Y seports, and food and beds which may cause ihe us ees Jleeplessness and other problems. Examples of shor criss are ec esis to Mexico and crises onthe St. Lawrence River on vessels acl ise ships may be divided int which can accommodate sn ss toward large vessels, Recently epeala ta ‘capacity ofa new shins 2.000 passe ‘Bests, most of which are packed inte Petsons to lavish staterooms. The roo couse Cease deco peg Protons. The-cneraitnet trove an ihe the Ferma is ne of ts mar arctns, Pas Acland ey the warm maton ‘combines shi, pln of pnd h wellAnown performers, discos, binge, gambling. courses in sl ‘passengers the merous opportunities to seize on a ese vacation gc who prefer a lesative type of vacation can relax by the pool ot on bail sunsets. Cruse ethusiast prefer this type of vacation cause a vary activites, and visi to exe places, TusGEae homoted and sold onthe has Thea, recreation, and pase. Theme erie are popula such A gular crises, historic voyages to les-hnown places, sock markt scminam, Nove teas races ‘sivas aswell ascrines devoted io a, gol aslo, emis photography. and beauyouelng In 1885 to 1886, he combined the bieycle andthe intestinal combustion engin and designed he complete veil engine casio ote ‘The price ofthe Model T car decreasedom S25 in 1908 to $260 fn 125 The automobile industry aren rapidly. However, was only ater Word War il Okt the pares © ‘he automobile increased significa The itoduction of the automobile trot abou the decline ofthe t's popular ia most developed countries. The advent of the automobile sed the beni oursm more widely end eabledpespe wo oee individually cr in private smaller soups. The automobile bought abou a more random fees of eel ‘movements opened up new destinations, and hastened the development of eaherienebrocieaf tenets ‘rend lites and servies along highoays and rods. Example of aw fclistypes that denconel ine ‘United States and Canada afer World War Il were the tourist cout andthe motor hotel or motel, The growth fer ovnentip neces road improvement. The umobile mule turn by creating stration along tourist ous mae accessible by te automobile Examples re homes of sural eee ‘seen areas, and histori shrines and monuments. Two impertant spect of aviomoile ave ae hereon ‘chices and carrentals. These two aeashae developed so extensively in North America and heme hat they ae no significant elements oflourism. The recreation vehicle or RV was an extension ofthe prelsence ‘of North America forthe eutomobile ‘The growth ofthe industry inthe lte 19605 and early 1970s canbe atibted ote inteduction othe fy ive concep. encouraged ravelers nto drive ker personal caro ther destination but to tavely plane ted ot ‘car onarval. The fy drive concept became very popular inthe Florida marke the biplac of mary sew ‘arrenta companies. The highest tization of rental cas takes placeon Mondeyst rides truly by busines travelers which comprise about 75% ofthe total basines. The demand onweekends comes unl frm pleasure travelers. high percentage of car rena takes place ot pot terminals, Ths, ti understandable ‘hat the success ofthis busines is closely read to the iline indus. In the United States, buses wer ist tse to carry passengers itrity inthe eatly 1900s, Tete ets say by tis time, buses raved from New York a Los Angeles in abou ive days. With oad improvements before World Wat 1. cross county ip time wos rede 00 hours, [esr "ho nny nh An cei Sevloc, The Seco foes The fist ist provide a regular sched of inrsity passenger ansporttion sce Ths son vicar an anny se sine mic wh re ra nda ie Dv uae prey es mame ee attems also char 8 service has declined, while charter and tour services have grown. Bus ridership ie eee anged to shori-haul distances of 250 miles or less. Continental Trailways and Greyhound Lines jor ey companies wh Gruso ort te ash ‘nro sting tse _ sofuvalaecmeneeandonam: Fv pl noose the bus for business ravel Bus riders tnd tobe oer and have less income. Dus service is availabe ia ‘ratcally every town of 100 people or mor. and et agent fo 4 000 people or moe, and a passenger station or icket agen for Bus sve i Sand in ac of thei crm, Ms prope so at cess tn rags Se Hae shen ‘women bus riders ruinumber men, Reset advertising indicts that bus companies ac trgting their marketing programs toward the family simmer vacation market, youngeouples, older people on summet ‘Vacation, andthe tired peopl ‘Charter and tour service isthe fists growing segment ofthe bus or motor coach industry. Severliourpockases tre developed by tour brokers who charter bass and arange all the other component ofthe tour, including the itinerary, lodging, sightseing, edmision, tur guides, meals, and the ike. These packages ar staly sold ‘through travel agents: Motorcoach tours usally la five osx dys and ae limited oa particular geographical area, The two principal markets for charter and tour services are schoolage chien and sic cizens. Ober ‘markets include international visitors, Gambling fous by motor coach the casino centersof.as Vegas, Reno, land Atlantic City ar very popula. “The increasing demand for motorcoach tours, coupled withthe improvement of buses, ould resuin the fate ‘xpansion ofthe bus charter and tur segment of ourism. The present coaches arc wider, have more legroom. ‘ire baggage space lovatores, climate and noise eoarals, bet ighting, more sophisticated public adress system, and panoramic view windows The apa soltionary impact on tourism from World War Il onward Thehistory of ar transportation ane divided into tree parts Pre- World War | World Wa, and Pos-World War I, OnDecembe 17,1903, the Weight Brothers ook a ight ona beach in North Carolina which lasted 12 seconds with a distance of 120 eae tn 1927 te ar industry developed regularly scheduled passenger trips between Boston and New York. Cher povenments helped the growth inthe 1920s by subsidizing ar companies. nthe United Stats, almost al early sins started by carying mail forthe post office. One of theft was Varney nhich boganin April 1926 and Inter became United Aitines, Westem Aitines began ispassenger SNe on agi 17, 1926 when cred a oman passenger along withthe mal, Pan AmericanAirways hed the Fie iteraconal ight in 1927 when i cared mail rom Key West, Florida to Havana, Cuba * 11 by using the knowledge puinedby ‘hosands of servicemen who Became familie with planes and ai eave! “the wemendous time-saving aspect of ai travel and ils cost effectiveness, when compared to olhermodes of ‘ransportaion such a the tran, ship, and autemobie, aide te growth ofthe iin industry during the pos- ‘World Wart! year Inthe late 1950s and early 1960, commercial jet airrats were introduced, increasing the ‘peed of ravel and eealing smoother Mighs and greater seating capacity for passengers. The commer ‘eine indastry improved further in the 1970s with the introduction of wide-bodied aircrafts such as the Daughlan DC“10, Bocing 747, the Lockheed Trisar 1011, and the European Aerobus. These planes further increased passenger comfort aswell as seating and feght capacity. ‘Aste siline industry grew, the travel industry depended on it more. Cris lines rental ear companies rport hotels, and ground transportation operators depended onthe arin industry to generatethe bulk ofthe business ecutive business travel and intemationl tourism are dependent oni The impetus of sir travel people traveling on busines ists time-saving advantage; forthe pleasure traveler ts the alfodabe price that asthe ‘retest impact, Airline Regulation Incematona louram requires a system of international at transportation, This system requires negotiations {among nations and carers in the form of bilateral agreements. Overflight privileges must beobiained fom all talons ovr which an Chae Wil ces ring maton ip ie aor maybe sce ove Frmse,'% Ine rivileas of fying over other nations ineluding countries which Smothave formal diplomatic Frain each ter like Cuba and the United States, Lending rights, fuel purchase agrecmens, tenance provisions, and other considerations ruie bilateral negotiation Governments throughout the word h over ut the world have agreed that a complete fce market for international si ravel isnot possible. The orginal idea fora woridvide system of sling regulation took place in the Chicago Convention ‘0f 1944 and the Bermuda Agreement of 1946 ‘The Chicago Convention mated the beginning of continous datogue about various feos ofthe but ‘estate incising amulet ofcommec avin igh: Te ermidaAresment ‘exablished the fat worldwide model for Ture bltral agreements regaring the exercise of the ei freedoms ote air 3. Ht red: The ihm iio ovr on conto get aor ii Scond econ Ther fanantic rei sopove uc anon ce) ht des mc poor a i, Th edi he righ of an oper X, to op off rae Foncoury X remy iv. Fer ans The gt ofan iting eid in out, oc ack eau ten emmey \. Hh read he sigh ofan ing teen ot toot ain oun andy onset 2 sgt igh ci eg rtemnasn cory X vi SkthFeton:Terigofaating ten sony cay aon gene pon cru ane ad Tec neler erg sor lat oinaton ncouny vii SSenh taedone thet oft ane rgd my ope enone of cnuntyX enng ne brern we oberon vii, Eig edn Te dgofan tne roid nom Xtal nen wo pits Serene horses Only the first wo technical freedoms have been widely accepted. The third, fourth, ffth, and sixth ffeedoms are still subject to bilateral bargaining. Te seventh and eighth freedoms are usually allowed only in special

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