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NatioNal College (Autonomous), TiruchiraPpalli – 620 001

B.Sc.,(CS),B.Sc.,(IT),B.C.A., Degree Examinations – February 2022
Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks : 75
SECTION-A (20x1=20 Marks)
Choose the Correct Answer
1. ∫ is equal to _________
a) b) c) d)
2. ∫ is equal to ___________
a) ( ) b) ( ) c) ( ) d) ℎ ( )
3. The integral value of √ is

a) sin b) sin c) sin ( 3 d) sin 2

4. ∫ is equal to ____

a) cos (2 + 3) b)sinh (2 − 3) c) sinh (2 + 3) d)cosh (2 − 3)

5. ∫ ( ) = 2∫ ( ) , if ( ) is an ____________function of
a) odd b) even c) implicit d) explicit
6. The value of ∫ is __________
a) b) (x+1) c) ( + 1) d) ( − 1)
7. ∫ is equal to _______
a) −∫ b) −∫ c) −∫ d) −∫
8. If ( ) is an odd function of then the value of ∫ ( ) is equal to ________
a) 0 b) 1 c) −1 d) 2
9. A differential equation is said tobe linear when the dependent variable and its derivatives occur
only in the __________degree
a) b) first c) second d) ( + 1)
10. The general form of the linear equation is __________
a) + = b) + = c) + = d) + =
11. Integrating factor is one which changes a differential equation into ________Differential equation.
a) exact b) Linear c) Partial d) Total
12. The solution of + =0 is
a) ∫ = b) ∫ = c) ∫ = d) ∫ =
13. The auxiliary equation of +5 +4 = 0
a) +5 +4 = 0 b) +2 +4 =0 c) + 4 = 0 d) +5 +4 = 0
14. The particular integral of( + 5 + 6) = is
a) b) c) d)
15. If the auxiliary equation has two real and district roots & then y =____________
a) + b) + c) ( + ) d) −
16. The roots of − 3 + 2 = 0 are _____________
a) 2,-1,1 b) 1,0,1 c) 1,1,-2 d) 1,1,2
17. L(costat) =______________
a) b) c) d)
18. The value of L(t) is __________
a) b) c) )
19. If is a positive integer then ( ) =________
! !
a) b) c) d)

20. ℎ is _________
a) b) c) d)

Section B (5x5=25 Marks)

Answer all questions
21. a) Evaluate ∫ √ (OR)

b) Evaluate ∫

22. a) Evaluate∫(log ) (OR)

b) Prove that ∫ log (1 + ) = 2

23. a) Solve − +3 =0 (OR)

b) Solve ( + 1) +1=2

24. a) Solve the equation − =0 (OR)

b) Solve ( + + 1) =
25. a) Find ( 2 ) (OR)
b) Find [( )

Section C(3x10=30 Marks)

Answer any three questions
26. Evaluate ∫ √

( )
27. Prove that ∫ = 4
( ) ( )

28. Solve (1 − ) +2 = √1 − given that =0 ℎ =0

29. Solve ( − 4 + 3) = sin 3 cos 2

30. Find [ ]

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