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Program : Engineering
Department council

Multidisciplinary Project
(571 - 761 - 971)

Project: Design Of A Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Generation System For An

Off-Grid Community.

Group Name: Group 7

Group Members:
Leader Houssem Jmal
Student no #1 Sofiene Barhoumi

Student no #2 Arij Hafi

Student no #3 Melek Ben El Ghoul

Student no #4 Fidaa Cherni

Student no #5 Melek Krichen

Supervisors: Fehmi Najar, Melik Sahraoui, Lilia El Amraoui, Amine Ben Hassena, Fathi
Karoui, Ines Bousnina, Taysir Rezgui, Zied Saadaoui, Kais Mrabet, Maya Turki, Faten

Semester: S5-Fall 2022

Submission Date: 25/01/2023


The increasing demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources has led to a growing
interest in renewable energy power generation stations. This project aims to design and
implement a renewable energy power generation station to meet the energy needs of a specific
location, which is an off-grid community. The problem addressed in this project is to
demonstrate how we can benefit from the environmental elements of an off-grid region in
order to generate electrical power with respect to the poverty factor.

A renewable energy power generation station can provide a vital source of energy for poor
and off-grid regions, where access to electricity is limited or non-existent. These regions often
lack the infrastructure and resources to connect to the traditional power grid, and as a result,
rely on costly and polluting alternatives such as diesel generators. We will have a deep
inspection of potential areas in Tunisia to benefit from a renewable energy power generation

The project's goals include conducting the location to evaluate whether a PV power producing
plant is feasible, sizing and designing the PV power generating system to satisfy the site's
energy requirements, locating and assessing possible machinery and technology possibilities
and creating a thorough implementation strategy for building and launching the renewable
energy power generation station.

Additionally, the production of renewable energy power may benefit a community's social and
economic growth. It can offer a consistent source of electricity for necessities like lighting,
communication, and refrigeration, enhancing quality of life and supporting economic
activities like small enterprises, healthcare, and education. A renewable energy power
producing facility can also provide locals with employment possibilities throughout the
building and upkeep of the facility.

The project's constraints include site-specific elements including temperature, weather, and
sun irradiance, economic and financial considerations such as project costs and return on
investment and also the technical restrictions and equipment and technology availability.

The conclusion is that the project will provide a detailed plan for the design and
implementation of a station that meets the energy needs of a specific location while also
reducing dependency on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions and providing an off-grid
community with electrical power.

1.1. Detailed definition of the project 9
1.2. Significance of the project 9
1.3. Detailed project objectives 9
1.3.1. Main objectives 9
1.3.2. Pre-Design and Region Selection 9
1.4. Detailed project constraints 9
2.1. Background information 10
2.2. Available solutions 10
2.3. Comparison of the available solutions 10
2.4. Engineering standards of the existing solutions 10
3.1. Proposed/Selected design 11
3.2. Engineering standards 11
3.3. Design calculations 11
3.4. Cost analysis 11
4.1. Multi-physical modeling 12
4.2. Experimentation description 12
4.3. Experimentation results and discussion 12
5.1. Manufacturing process 13
5.2. Testing and validation of the prototype 13

5.3. Applied engineering standards 13
6.1. Project results 14
6.2. Solution Impacts 14
APPENDIX A: Data Sheets 17
APPENDIX B: List of Standards 18
APPENDIX C: Table of Constraints 19
APPENDIX D: Project Plan (Gantt) 20
APPENDIX E: Engineering Drawings 21


Figure 1: Grid Connectivity Map in Tunisia……………………………………………..12

Figure 2: Photovoltaic Power Potential Map in Tunisia…………………………………15

Figure 3: Mean Wind Speed Map in Tunisia…………………………………………….15

Figure 4: Max Wind Speed Overview………………………...…………………………16

Figure 5: Wind turbine Schema………………………………………………….………31

Figure 6: Skystream wind turbine……………………………………………….………32

Figure 7: Aeolos Wind Turbine………………………………………………….………34

Figure 8: Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Panel…………………………………….………36

Figure 9: PV Panels……………………………………………………………...………37

Figure 10: PV Panels Datasheet…………………………………………………………40

Figure 11: Low Cycle Battery……………………………………………………………41

Figure 12: Hybrid Station Model………………………………………………….……..43

Figure 13: Hassi El Frid Location…………………………………………………..……45

Figure 14: Daily PVs Output Of Energy(kWh).................................................................45

Figure 15: Monthly Average PV Output (kW)..................................................................46

Figure 16: Power Curve Model Of the Wind Turbine……………………………...……46

Figure 17: Real Wind Power Output (kW)........................................................................46

Figure 18: Wind Speed At The Turbine’s Hub (m/s)........................................................47

Figure 19: Monthly Average Of Collected Energy (kW)..................................................48

Figure 20: Days Where The Batteries Are Used………………………………….……..48

Figure 21: Photoresistance………………………………………………………………49

Figure 22: Characteristics Of A Photoresistor…………………………………………...50

Figure 23: LM35 Sensor……………………………………………………………..…..51

Figure 24: Photoresistance Components……………………………………...…………51

Figure 25: Arduino Mega 2560 Board………………………………………….……….52

Figure 26: LM35 Sensor View…………………………………………………………53

Figure 27: 10k Ohm Resistor……………………………………………….………….53

Figure 28: Experiment Circuit…………………………………………………………54

Figure 29: Luminosity Evolution In terms of Resistance………………………………55

Figure 30: Temperature Evolution…………………………….……….………………55

Figure 31: Luminosity Evolution In Terms Of Time………………..…………………55


Table 1: Delegations Specifications………………………………………………………11

Table 2: Customer Requirements…………………………………………………...…….23
Table 3: Design Requirements………………………………………………………..…..24
Table 4: Engineering design…………………………………………………………...….25
Table 5: Skystream Wind Turbine Technical Specifications……………………………..33
Table 6: Aeolos Wind Turbine Technical Specifications…………………………………35
Table 7: Optimum Angel……………………………………………………………..…..38
Table 8: Battery Specifications………………………………………………………..….42
Table 9: Impacts Resume………………………………………………………………....61


The increasing cost of energy, coupled with the uncertainty of supply and fluctuations in
prices, as well as concerns about the environment and the impact of climate change on human
well-being, have highlighted the need to significantly increase the use of renewable energy
sources in the global energy mix.

Tunisia, which has been a net energy importer since the year 2000, has made a commitment to
diversify its energy mix and to implement ambitious renewable energy plans to meet its
growing energy demand in the future, while also contributing to climate protection. Although
currently, renewable energy power plants in Tunisia represent only 3% of the current
electrical energy mix, the location of Tunisia offers a great opportunity for the exploitation of
the two main renewable energy resources: solar and wind. The Tunisian government is
committing to increase the renewable energy share in the energy mix by 30% by 2030.
Currently, the electrification rate is at 96% in Tunisia, but due to the increasing demand of
energy (between 1%) according to STEG, it has become important to expand the Renewable
energy activities in remote and rural areas, as these areas have a great potential to attract a
large part of investment related to renewable energy deployment, tending to be sparsely
populated but with abundant sources of renewable energy.

Due to a number of variables, Tunisia has a significant need for hybrid renewable energy
systems. Among the primary causes are Tunisia's dependence on imported fossil fuels to
cover its energy needs is mostly due to its country's inadequate domestic energy resources.
The nation is also impacted by high energy costs, which make it challenging to supply its
population with inexpensive energy. In addition, Systems for hybrid renewable energy can
help to lessen the nation's reliance on fossil fuels and offer a more reliable supply of energy.
One should also mention that hybrid renewable energy systems can be a successful means of
bringing electricity to these populations in Tunisia's rural areas. Also, the Tunisian
government has adopted regulations to stimulate investment in this industry and has set high
goals for the growth of renewable energy. Additionally, the government has developed a
variety of incentives, including tax cuts and subsidies, to encourage the use of renewable

An overview of a renewable energy power producing facility is provided in this study. The
station produces electricity for both household and commercial usage using renewable energy
sources like sun, wind, and hydropower. The design, building, and operation of the station, as
well as its effects on the environment and economic viability, are all covered in the paper. The
report's objective is to assess how well the station meets energy demands while limiting
dependency on fossil fuels and having a negative environmental impact.

1.1. Detailed definition of the project

The project aims to design and construct a renewable energy power generation station in an
off-grid community in Tunisia, with the goal of increasing energy access and reducing
dependence on fossil fuels. The station will be built using a specific type of renewable energy
technology (e.g. solar, wind, etc) and will have a certain capacity (e.g. 100 KW). The station
will cover a certain area and will benefit a specific number of households. The project will be
implemented in partnership with local government, community members, and other
organizations. The project will have specific objectives such as increasing energy access for a
certain number of households or reducing carbon emissions by a certain amount.

1.2. Significance of the project

The significance of the project is multifaceted, it will have several key impacts on the energy
situation in Tunisia. Firstly, it will help to increase energy access for a certain number of
households, which can improve the overall quality of life for those individuals and families. It
will also provide power to new developments, which will help to spur economic growth and
create new opportunities for business and industry. Secondly, the project will help to reduce
carbon emissions by a certain amount, which will help to mitigate the effects of climate
change and improve air quality. Thirdly, it will increase the reliability and stability of the
power grid through the implementation of advanced technologies and the integration of
renewable energy sources. Fourthly, it will create jobs and economic opportunities by training
and employing local workers in the construction and maintenance of the power station.

Overall, the project will be a significant step towards improving the energy situation in
Tunisia, and will help to create a more sustainable and equitable energy system.

1.3. Detailed project objectives

1.3.1. Main objectives
The station will have specific objectives that are focused on achieving specific goals related to
energy access and reducing carbon emissions. One of the objectives may be to increase
energy access for a certain number of households. This could be done by building new
infrastructure or upgrading existing infrastructure to provide more households with access to
electricity. Another objective may be to reduce carbon emissions by a certain amount. This
could be achieved through the use of renewable energy sources or by implementing energy
efficiency measures. Additionally, the station aims to provide electrical power to the needed
people in order to extend the connectivity grid of electricity in Tunisia. This could include
expanding the power grid to reach remote or underserved areas, or providing power to new
developments. Overall, these objectives will help to improve the overall energy situation in
Tunisia, increasing access to power and reducing carbon emissions.

Another objective that the station could have is to increase the reliability and stability of the
power grid. This could be achieved through the implementation of advanced technologies
such as smart grid systems, which would allow for real-time monitoring and control of the
power grid, and the integration of renewable energy sources which will decrease the
dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, the station could have a goal of creating jobs and
economic opportunities by training and employing local workers in the construction and
maintenance of the power station, and providing power to new businesses and industries. This
would not only improve the energy situation, but also help to stimulate the local economy.

1.3.2. Pre-Design and region selection

When choosing a target region for deeper investigation, it is important to consider multiple
factors to ensure that the region is suitable for the project at hand. In this case, the three main
criteria being used are poverty, housing density, and off-grid connectivity. These factors can
provide insight into the needs and resources of the area, and can help identify regions that
may be more suitable for implementing sustainable energy solutions. Additionally,
environmental elements such as the availability of renewable resources can also be taken into
account when choosing a target region. By combining all of these elements, a more
comprehensive understanding of the region can be gained, which can aid in the selection of
the most suitable area for the project.

Table 1 shows the most convenient areas in Tunisia that are in need of increased electrical
power, as determined by real data provided by the Tunisian government statistical center.
These areas, or delegations, have been identified as targets for intervention due to the
significant limitations and restrictions they face due to a lack of access to electrical power.
The table includes data on various factors such as poverty rate, housing density, and off-grid
connectivity. By analyzing this data, it is possible to identify regions that are particularly in
need of improved access to electricity. Additionally, the table also includes information on
environmental elements such as the availability of renewable resources in the region. This
information can be used to determine which regions are most suitable for implementing
sustainable energy solutions.

The table will show the name of the region and the related data for each criteria to be able to
compare and evaluate which region is more suitable for the project. It is important to note that
this table is based on real data provided by the Tunisian government statistical center and it
can be used as a starting point for further research and investigation. The data can also be
used to identify potential challenges and opportunities in the selected regions, which can aid
in the development and implementation of sustainable energy solutions.

Delegation Homes Population Electricity Kg CO2
(Name) (number) (number) generated by the equivalent

Hassi Ferid, 4288 19400 5.13 MWh 1903.23 Kg CO2


Djedeliane, 2738 12297 3.27 MWh 1213.17 Kg CO2


El Ayoun, 4080 19211 5.1 MWh 1892.1 Kg CO2


Belkhir, 3877 14784 6.77 MWh 2511.67 Kg CO2


Hebira, 3104 10654 5.27 MWh 1955.17 Kg CO2


Ouled 5735 23020 9.57 MWh 3550.47 Kg CO2


Douz Sud, 4346 18565 8.08 MWh 2997.68 Kg CO2


Total 24678 117931 43.05 MWh 15971.55 Kg CO2

Table 1: Delegations specifications

Even though the scope of our prospecting work included many delegations from many
governorates, we chose to focus on the previously mentioned delegations

We chose Kasserine because of the high rate of poverty it has (32.8% ) . Indeed, it is well
known that Hassi Ferid (53.3%) , located in Kasserine, is the poorest delegation in Tunisia.
So, a reliable source of electricity will benefit them greatly, economically and socially. On the
one hand, It will enable locals to work more hence earn more, on the other hand make life
conditions a bit easier for them, since living in such remote delegations that lack basic
infrastructure is already challenging.

Also, Douz sud, Kebili shows good indicators for being a spot for a renewable energy power
generation station. In fact, Douz sud is a touristic destination, and using an innovative and
clean source of energy in a place visited by tourists will reflect a good image of Tunisia, a
country that encourages the use and exploitation of renewable energies. Second, Kebili enjoys
almost year long sunny weather, which makes it a strategic place to host solar panels.

To be more precise in our work, our delegation will be chosen in respect to the following
criteria: (The delegation chosen is Hassi Ferid)

Grid Connectivity: If the grid reaches the delegation, it will be eliminated.

Wind Speed: The delegation must have above 6 meters per seconds as mean wind speed, our
delegation scored approximately 6.8, which is a value that we can work with to develop the
hybrid station.

Heat Intensity: Among all the other candidates, Hassi Ferid has the most solar radiation
which is a very good target for us compared to the others.

Housing: This delegation consists of many remote houses off-grid which makes a good
candidate for our project. Also, Hassi Ferid has the highest poverty ratio among all the others
(53,5%), so we made up our mind to work on this area for these reasons.

In order to choose the most optimal delegation location, we considered multiple factors
including heat map, wind speed map, and grid connectivity map. We aimed to maximize the
heat and wind resources while minimizing the distance between the delegation location and
the electrical grid. Additionally, we also took into account previous selection in order to
ensure consistency and efficiency.

Figure 1: Grid Connectivity Map in Tunisia

Figure 2: Photovoltaic Power Potential Map in Tunisia

Figure 3: Mean Wind Speed Map in Tunisia

1.4. Detailed project constraints

1. Constraints related to the weather (Humidity)


Problems can significantly affect the reliability and longevity of a wind turbine. Rain and
other weather-related factors can cause damage to the turbine's components, including the
blades, nacelle, and tower. The blades, for example, are often made of composite materials
which are susceptible to moisture and UV damage. In addition, the nacelle and tower are also
vulnerable to corrosion, particularly in coastal areas where the salt content in the air is high.

Corrosion can lead to a number of problems, including structural damage, increased

maintenance costs, and reduced performance of the turbine. Structural damage can weaken
the turbine's components, making them more susceptible to failure during operation. This can
lead to increased maintenance costs as damaged components need to be repaired or replaced
more frequently.

Reduced performance of the turbine is another major concern. Corroded components can
become less efficient, which can result in lower power output and energy conversion
efficiency. This can lead to decreased revenue for the project and a lower return on

It is important to have a regular maintenance schedule to prevent corrosion from happening,

this includes cleaning and inspecting the turbine for signs of corrosion, as well as applying
protective coatings or sealants to vulnerable components. Regular maintenance, such as
painting and corrosion protection, is necessary to extend the turbine's service life and ensure
optimal performance. Without regular maintenance, the turbine's performance will quickly
degrade and the costs associated with repairs and replacements will increase.

2. Noise

Wind turbine noise can have various effects on people and the environment. Some of the main
effects include:

● Annoyance: The most commonly reported effect of wind turbine noise is annoyance,
which can lead to sleep disturbance, stress, and other health problems.
● Interference with communication: Wind turbine noise can interfere with speech and
radio communication, particularly in the low frequency range.
● Effects on wildlife: Wind turbine noise can affect the behavior and reproduction of
some wildlife species, particularly birds and bats.

3. Visual impact of a wind turbine

Because it may impair surrounding residents' and visitors' perspectives as well as the artistic
beauty of the landscape, it might be seen as a limitation. Some people could find wind
turbines visually offensive and object if they are put close to their homes or in scenic
locations. Additionally, because of their size, wind turbines may be seen from a great
distance, which may alter how nearby residents and travelers perceive the area. In order to
reduce adverse effects and resolve community concerns, the visual impact of wind turbines
must be taken into account during the planning and design process.

4. Electronics, batteries

Solar radiation is strongest in Hassi Ferid. In order to avoid overheating and preserve the
durability of the electronics and batteries, sufficient ventilation is necessary. It is necessary to
plan and construct the cabinet in a way that permits sufficient airflow and temperature control.
It is essential to choose and install the electronics and batteries in a way that satisfies the
turbine's performance parameters. Overall, to ensure the appropriate operation and lifetime of
the wind turbine, it is crucial to design, build, and maintain a ventilated, water-resistant, and
lockable cabinet for electronics and batteries.

5. Availability of the turbine wind (Storage Capacity 500 A 12V)

A wind energy project's overall effectiveness and profitability are impacted by the wind
turbine's availability. The availability of the turbine, which is the proportion of time the
turbine is active, and the maintenance needs of the turbine, which can vary based on the type
of turbine and the operating environment, are factors that have an impact on reliability.
Reliability is also impacted by downtime, or the duration that the turbine is not in operation.

6. Cost

Any project's primary restriction is budget, and wind turbine projects are no exception.
Construction and installation costs for the turbines as well as ongoing maintenance and
operating costs may be high. The price of adding the turbines to the electrical grid and any
required transmission line modifications can further raise the project's overall cost. If the
project's cost is too high, it might not be financially feasible and finance might be hard to
come by. In addition, for the project to be financially sustainable, the price of the power
produced by the turbines must be competitive with that of other energy sources..

Cost constraints can also impact the scale of the project, as a smaller project may be more
affordable, but may not generate enough electricity to meet the needs of the area. This would
need to be balanced against the costs of the project.

Overall, cost is a critical consideration in the development and implementation of a turbine
wind project, and careful financial planning and analysis is required to ensure that the project
is financially viable and able to meet the energy needs of the area.

7. The ability to adapt to changing wind conditions and energy demand

It is important for ensuring that the project can meet the energy needs of the community.

8. Adaptability to the location (Max Wind speed (survival) : 50 m/s)

Factors such as wind speeds, terrain, and zoning regulations will all affect the suitability of a
turbine for a particular location and small area. The wind speed today, 20/01/2023 from 1pm
to 11pm is given in the following figure and shows that the wind speed in Hassi Ferid can
exceed the standard speed 25 m/s.

Figure 4: Max Wind Speed Overview

9. Integration with the grid

When assessing the integration of a wind energy project with the grid, it's crucial to take into
account the project's compatibility with existing power infrastructure and its capacity to sell
surplus power back to the grid. Connectivity to the grid, supply and demand balancing, and
the ability to react to blackouts and grid disturbances are all included in this.

10. Safety and security

When designing and operating wind turbines, safety and security are crucial restrictions that
must be taken into account. The solution should provide safety against electrocution and
thunderstorms. Also concerns about safety include the possibility of mishaps or injuries to
employees and adjacent communities during the installation, upkeep, and use of the wind
turbine. Falling hazards, electrical risks, and exposure to dangerous materials are all included
in this. In order to protect workers and the general public throughout the installation, upkeep,
and use of the wind turbines, safety regulations and procedures must be in place. The
possibility of theft, vandalism, or sabotage of the wind turbine is one security problem. This
may involve the theft of parts or tools or the damage of the turbine itself. As a result, security
measures such as surveillance cameras, alarms, and physical barriers must be in place to
protect the wind turbine and its components. Additionally, in the case of grid-connected wind
turbines, the issue of grid security and reliability need to be considered as well. The wind
turbine should be designed and operated in a way that it does not disrupt the normal operation
of the electric grid and does not create any security vulnerabilities.

Overall, safety and security are critical aspects that must be taken into account throughout the
entire lifecycle of a wind turbine, from the planning and design stages to the construction,
operation, and decommissioning phases.

11. Illiteracy and poverty

Hassi Frid has the highest poverty ratio among all the others (53,5%) which can affect the
implementation and success of a turbine wind project in a rural area. Poverty can make it
difficult for local communities to participate in or support the project. Illiteracy can also lead
to a lack of understanding of the project and its benefits. Additionally, cultural considerations
such as traditional land use practices and beliefs may also play a role in the acceptance and
success of the project.

Detailed project needs

● Cultural: the desire for energy independence and self-sufficiency.
● Social: the desire to improve access to electricity in remote or underserved
● Environmental: the desire to reduce carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.
● Economic: the desire to lower energy costs and increase economic development in
rural areas.
● Reliability of power supply
● Consistency of power supply
● Meeting the energy demand of the rural area
● Improving the standard of living
● Providing more opportunities for businesses and services.

2.1. Background information

Hybrid renewable energy power generation systems differ from one country to another, the cost,
complexity, intermittency grid integration, maintenance and monitoring represent challenges to the
manufacturer to make the station compliant to the existing standard and constraints in that country
and the desired ultimate goal of the station.

Due to the lack of a perfect solution, we often strive to meet our requirements, hence the existing
solutions typically aim to satisfy certain criteria while neglecting or undermining others. We can see
that hybrid systems are often expensive to construct due to the numerous components needed to create
them. Furthermore, no one configuration of a hybrid energy system is ideal. The availability of both
renewable and non-renewable resources, site-specific energy infrastructure, production prices, and
incentive policies are instead the foundations for optimizing. Thus, in order to plan a hybrid system,
each project site must have enough time for research. Additionally, due to the restricted scalability of
currently available technologies, many hybrid systems rely on flexible small conventional power
generation facilities that can be dispatched as needed and/or on tiny storage devices to deal with
intermittent renewable energy sources. Additionally, not all energy generation and storage innovations
that may be used as components of hybrid systems have reached their full potential. Putting money on
long-term, costly infrastructure that may see a big improvement in the next few years is hazardous.
Hybrid energy system implementation can open up markets for the adoption of energy technologies
that are not yet fully developed. A new form of fuel cell, for example, may work well as an extra
component to a hybrid system if it is not yet efficient or dependable enough to create power in a
stand-alone system. In this way, other components may help smooth out any potential production
hiccups. Finally, because hybrid energy systems promote more decentralized energy generation,
transmission interests and huge electric utility interests may use their political influence or financial
resources to try to restrict the growth of hybrid energy systems.

2.2. Available solutions

Systems for generating electricity from numerous renewable energy sources, including solar, wind,
and hydropower, are known as hybrid renewable energy power production systems. A hybrid
renewable energy power generation system might use some of the following solutions:

Solar-Wind Hybrid Systems: Solar-Wind Hybrid Systems are renewable energy systems that use
both solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity. These systems are designed to complement
each other, with solar power providing electricity during the day and wind power providing electricity
at night or on cloudy days. There are several types of solar-wind hybrid systems available on the
market, we will only focus on the Standalone Systems, these systems are typically used in remote
areas or off-grid applications. They consist of a wind turbine and a solar array, along with a battery
bank for energy storage.we can mention for in this context The Hybrid Power Plant in Germany,
this project, which was completed in 2020, consists of a 2.3 MW wind turbine and a 2.3 MW solar
farm, connected to a 2.3 MWh battery storage system. The plant provides electricity to around 2,500
households. Like all other power production technologies, the German hybrid power plant offers
benefits and drawbacks. The following are a few possible drawbacks of this particular project. High
upfront costs are a big factor here, so constructing a hybrid power plant, like the one in Germany, may
be pricey. For certain towns or companies, the cost of the wind turbine, solar farm, and battery storage

system may mount up rapidly. Also, costs of maintenance and repairs. In order to keep solar panels
and wind turbines running as efficiently as possible, constant maintenance is necessary. These systems
can be expensive to operate and repair, which could result in continuous expenses for the plant's
operator. Moreover Germany has its unique weather. The production of wind and solar energy is
influenced by the weather, therefore the plant's output may change as a result. via the grid. One should
also mention the Grid-Integration factor. When a hybrid power plant, like this one in Germany, is
integrated into the grid, it might be difficult to guarantee that the energy produced by the plant is used
properly and efficiently and that it isn't interfering with the grid in any way.

Another solution in this context is The Hybrid Power Plant in the Caribbean. This project, which
was completed in 2020, consists of a 2 MW wind turbine and a 2 MW solar farm, connected to a 2
MWh battery storage system. The plant provides electricity to around 2,500 households.The
production of the plant might change depending on the weather because wind and solar electricity are
reliant on the weather. Hurricanes and other extreme weather events are common in the Caribbean,
which can reduce the plant's capacity and make it challenging to maintain a steady and dependable
power supply.A hybrid power plant, like the one in the Caribbean, might also be quite expensive to
build. For certain towns or companies, the cost of the wind turbine, solar farm, and battery storage
system may mount up rapidly.

2.3. Comparison of the available solutions

2.3.1 Other solutions policies

Tunisia has several energy projects underway or in development. Here are a few examples:

1-Solar power: Tunisia has a goal to produce 14% of its electricity from renewable sources
by 2030, with a significant portion of that coming from solar power. The country has several
large-scale solar projects in development, including the 40 MW Sidi Bouzid solar power plant
and the 80 MW Kairouan solar power plant.

2-Wind power: Tunisia has several wind power projects in development, including the 30
MW Eoliennes de Monastir wind farm and the 30 MW Eoliennes de Kairouan wind farm.

3-Natural gas: Tunisia has several natural gas projects in development, including the
development of the Miskar and Hasdrubal natural gas fields, which are expected to increase
the country's natural gas production and reduce its dependence on imported energy.

4-Energy efficiency: Tunisia has implemented several energy efficiency programs, including
the "Tunisia Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Financing Facility" (Tunisia EE
REFF), which provides financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

5-Energy storage: Tunisia has also started to invest in energy storage systems, for example
the development of the first pilot project for the integration of a battery energy storage system
in the Tunisian grid.

2.3.2 Our solution competitivity

In this section we will mention our creative ideas for implementing a hybrid energy station that could
potentially make it more competitive with other solutions:

1- Incorporating advanced energy storage technology: By incorporating advanced energy storage

systems, such as lithium-ion batteries, a hybrid energy station could store excess energy generated by
renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, and release it when demand is high.

2-Optimizing energy management: By using data analytics and artificial intelligence, a hybrid
energy station could optimize energy management and reduce overall costs, by predicting energy
demand and adjusting the balance of energy generated by different sources accordingly.

3-Offering additional services: A hybrid energy station could be designed to offer additional services
to customers, such as EV charging, to increase revenue and attract more customers.

4- Implementing a microgrid: A hybrid energy station could be designed to work as a microgrid,

allowing it to operate independently from the main grid and providing a reliable energy source in case
of a power outage.

5-Incorporating energy-efficient technologies: By incorporating energy-efficient technologies, such

as LED lighting and efficient cooling systems, a hybrid energy station could reduce its energy
consumption and costs, making it more competitive.

2.4. Engineering standards of the existing solutions

The engineering standards for a Hybrid Power Plant in Germany/Carribean would likely include a
combination of international and national standards. Some relevant standards that might be applied

-International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards are set for a variety of electrical devices
and systems, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and energy storage systems. These standards address
subjects including performance, testing, and safety.

-German national standards are created by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), which
covers a wide variety of goods and services in Germany. These requirements address issues with
performance, safety, and quality.

-EN standards: In Europe, a wide range of goods and services are subject to standards issued by the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN). These standards address subjects including
performance, testing, and safety.

-Grid-connection requirements: The hybrid power plant in Germany would have to adhere to
grid-connection requirements established by the Federal Network Agency and the German
Transmission System Operator (TSO) (BNetzA). These requirements encompass things like voltage,
frequency, and power quality.

-Environmental regulations: The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the European
Union have established environmental regulations that the hybrid power plant must abide by. These
regulations address issues including trash management, noise pollution, and emissions.

-Standards for health and safety: The EU's Workplace Health and Safety Directive and the German
Occupational Safety and Health Act (ASiG) must both be followed by the hybrid power plant in

-Standards issued by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) apply to a variety of goods and services
throughout the Caribbean. These standards address subjects including performance, testing, and safety.

-International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards are established for a variety of goods
and services. These requirements address issues with performance, safety, and quality.

-Resilience standards: The Caribbean region is known for its vulnerability to natural disasters, thus,
the hybrid power plant would need to comply with resilience standards set by the regulatory body in
charge of disaster management in that specific country and the CARICOM to ensure that the plant can
withstand natural disasters and continue to provide power during and after such events.

It's important to note that standards and regulations can vary depending on the country and it's
recommended to consult with local experts and check the regulations and incentives in the area before
planning and building a hybrid power plant.

3.1. Proposed/Selected design
3.1.1 Quality Function Deployment for the Improvement of a hybrid energy station:

QFD stands for Quality Function Deployment. It is a method used in product development
and service delivery to understand and prioritize customer needs and requirements and then
translate those needs into specific design and delivery characteristics. The purpose of QFD is
to ensure that a product or service meets or exceeds customer expectations. It is used to help
organizations make decisions about product design and development, and to improve
customer satisfaction.

3.1.2 Definition: House Of Quality

The House of Quality (HOQ) is a visual tool used in QFD to map the relationships between
customer requirements and the design and delivery characteristics of a product or service. It is
typically represented as a matrix with customer requirements on one axis and design
characteristics on the other. The cells of the matrix are used to show the relationship between
the customer requirements and the design characteristics. The HOQ helps to identify design
characteristics that are critical to meeting customer requirements, and to identify potential
trade-offs between different design characteristics. It can also be used to identify areas where
further research or development is needed to meet customer requirements. The House of
Quality is a powerful tool that helps organizations to ensure that their products and services
meet or exceed customer expectations. Customer requirements:

Customer requirements refer to the specific needs and expectations of a customer for a
product or service. These requirements can include functionality, performance, design, and
other factors that are important to the customer. Design requirements:

Design requirements, refer to the specific requirements for the design of a product or service.
These can include things like ergonomics, aesthetics, and user experience. Design
requirements are often based on customer requirements, but may also be influenced by factors
such as industry standards and the company's own design philosophy. Engineering design:

Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired
needs. It is a decision-making process that begins with the identification of a need or
opportunity and ends with the implementation of a solution. It involves the creation of new
ideas, the evaluation of alternatives, and the final selection of the best solution.

22 Product characteristics:

Product characteristics refer to the features and attributes that describe a product or service.
These characteristics can include physical features such as size, shape, color, and material, as
well as functional features such as performance, durability, and ease of use. They can also
include emotional and aesthetic features such as design, brand, and perceived value. Customer requirements-Design requirements HOQ:

Table 2: Customer Requirements

23 Design requirements-Engineering design HOQ:

Table 3: Design Requirements

24 Engineering design-Product characteristics HOQ:

Table 4: Engineering design

3.2. Engineering standards

3.2.1 Terrestrial photovoltaic modules - List of standards: Introduction:

IEC 61215 is a technical standard developed by the International Electrotechnical

Commission (IEC) that provides guidelines for the design, construction, and testing of
crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules. It is one of the most widely used
standards for certifying the quality of PV modules.

The standard covers a wide range of topics related to PV modules, including:

● Materials and component requirements

● Electrical performance requirements
● Environmental and mechanical testing requirements
● Durability and long-term performance requirements
● Quality control and testing requirements
● Safety and protection requirements

Our system should comply with the standards of IEC 61215 to be accepted by the authorities
and can be deployed. Here are the most important compliances in IEC 61215. Safety issues:

PV arrays for installation on buildings shall not have maximum voltage greater than 1000 V
DC. Also, separation of PV arrays from main AC power output circuits is a must.

There shall be no other equipment connected to the same winding of the external transformer
as the PCE. Protection against electric shock: one of the following protective measures shall
be used: Double or reinforced insulation: the equipment for example PV modules junction
boxes or cabinets cables used on the DC side shall be class two or equivalent installation.
Extra low voltage: basic protection is not required if the nominal voltage does not exceed 35
volts that was given by the DVC.

Other safety issues should also be taken into account.

● Protection against thermal effects: protection against thermal effects is provided by:
● Protection against the effects of insulation faults/ overcurrent protection / appropriate
rating of components / signage to alert emergency services.

In DC systems, overheating of connections and consequent arc faults may occur when high
resistance connections are present or develop due to temperature cycling in an installation. It
is important that care be taken to ensure that all connections are correctly tightened to avoid
points of failure over time, are properly locked into place, and crimp connections are
performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Protection against the effects of insulation faults: some module technologies require a
functional earth on either the positive or negative main conductor to bleed charge away from
the PV cells

Protection by a residual current monitoring system: detection shall be provided to monitor for
excessive continuous residual current according to the limits shown. If ever the limits of the
residual current monitoring system are exceeded one of the following measures for
disconnection shall be applied; disconnection of the output circuit from any earthed output
circuit/ disconnection of the PV array / disconnection of all poles of the faulty part of the PV
array from the PCE.

Other safety issues must be accounted for such as prediction against overcurrent, overcurrent
protection sizing, protection against overvoltage.

Surge Protection Devices (SPD) are also required. The standards require us to use SPDs that
are incorporated into electrical installations to limit transient overvoltages of atmospheric
origin transmitted via the supply distribution system whether AC or DC or both and against
switching surges. Location and installation requirements:

Disconnecting means shall be provided in PV arrays according to table of standards to isolate

the PV away from the power conversion equipment and vice versa and to allow for
maintenance and inspection tasks to be carried out safely Wiring system requirements:

Wiring of PV arrays shall be undertaken with care to prevent damage occurring such that the
possibility of line-to-line and line-to-earth faults occurring is minimized all connections
should be verified of tightness and polarity during installation to reduce the risk of faults and
possibly arcs during commissioning writing and future maintenance.

Compliance with wiring standards the PV array wiring shall comply with the cable and
installation requirements and the wiring requirements mandated by local standards and
regulations. In absence of national standards and all regulations wiring system used in PV
arrays comply with IEC 60364.

Wiring loops: to reduce the magnitude of lightning induced overvoltage the PV arrays wiring
should be laid in such a way that the area of conductive loops is minimum for example by
laying cables in parallel. Other requirements:

PV modules must be designed and tested to withstand specific environmental conditions,

including temperature, humidity, and mechanical loading. This means that PV modules must
be able to withstand extreme temperatures, humidity, and mechanical stress during
transportation, installation, and normal operation. This is crucial for ensuring the safety and
longevity of the PV modules.

PV modules must be tested for electrical performance, including power output, voltage and
current ratings, and performance under varying temperature and irradiance conditions. This
means that PV modules must be tested to ensure that they are able to generate the expected
amount of power and meet the specified voltage and current ratings. The test also includes the
performance of the module under different temperature and irradiance conditions.

PV modules must be tested for safety, including electrical safety and fire safety. This means
that PV modules must be tested to ensure that they are safe to use and do not pose any

electrical or fire hazards. This includes testing for electrical insulation, overvoltage and
overcurrent protection, and fire resistance.

PV modules must be certified by a recognized testing and certification body before they can
be sold or installed. This means that PV modules must be evaluated and certified by a
recognized and independent organization to ensure that they meet the requirements of the

PV modules must be labeled with specific information, such as the manufacturer's name,
model number, and performance data. This means that PV modules must be clearly labeled
with the manufacturer's name, model number, and performance data such as power output,
voltage and current ratings, so that they can be easily identified and verified.

3.2.2 Wind turbines - List of standards: Introduction:

IEC 61400-1 is an international standard for the design and operation of wind turbine
generator systems. It provides guidelines for the design, testing, and evaluation of wind
turbines, as well as recommendations for their safe operation and maintenance. The standard
is published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and is widely used in the
wind energy industry.

Our system should comply with the standards of IEC 61400-1 in order to be accepted by the
authorities and can be deployed. Stability requirements:

IEC 61400-1 states that for wind turbines, to guarantee stability:

“The load-carrying parts of “non fail-safe” components shall not buckle under the
design load. For all other components, elastic buckling under the design load is acceptable.
Buckling shall not occur in any component under the characteristic load.” IEC 61400-1
section 7.6.4

To apply this rule to a physical component, you would first need to determine whether the
component is considered a "load-carrying" or "non-load carrying" part. If it is a load-carrying
part, it should not buckle under the design load. This can be verified through testing or
analysis using computational methods such as finite element analysis. If the component is not
a load-carrying part, elastic buckling under the design load is acceptable. However, it should
not buckle under the characteristic load, which is typically a higher load than the design load.
You may also verify this through testing or analysis.

Since, this project does not cover using methods like finite element analysis to test the
stability of “load carrying components” such as the main column of the wind turbine. Control and protection system:

According to IEC 61400-1:

“Manual or automatic intervention shall not compromise the protection functions. Any device
allowing manual intervention must be clearly visible and identifiable, by appropriate marking
where necessary.” IEC 61400-1 section 8.1

This statement is referring to a requirement for safety systems in which manual intervention is
allowed, such as emergency stop buttons or override switches. To comply with this statement,
you should ensure that any manual intervention devices on the physical component are clearly
visible and identifiable, and that they do not compromise the protection functions of the

Our system is fully self-automated but nevertheless a mechanism of manual intervention

stopping system should override the self-stopping system in case of emergencies. Mechanical system:

“All mechanical systems in the drive train and in the control and protection system shall be
designed according to IEC/ISO standards wherever available. Otherwise, recognized
standards shall be used. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that cooling and filtration
systems can maintain the relevant operating conditions throughout the operating temperature
range when the specified maintenance procedures are followed.” IEC 61400-1 section 9.1

This could be achieved by using standard components and systems that are known to meet
these standards, and by following established design and engineering practices. Additionally,
you should pay particular attention to the cooling and filtration systems of the component,
ensuring that they can maintain the relevant operating conditions throughout the operating
temperature range when the specified maintenance procedures are followed. This could be
achieved by using standard cooling and filtration systems that are known to meet these
requirements, or by designing custom systems that are specifically tailored to the needs of the
component. Hydraulic or pneumatic system:

“Means of isolating or discharging accumulated energy must be included in such systems. All
pipes and/or hoses carrying hydraulic oil or compressed air and their attachments shall be
designed to withstand or be protected from foreseen internal and external stresses.
Precautions shall be taken to minimize risk of injury arising as a consequence of rupture.”
IEC 61400-1 section 9.3

To comply with this requirement, we should ensure that your physical component includes
means of isolating or discharging accumulated energy, such as emergency shut-off valves,
pressure relief valves, or other appropriate devices.

It is also important to take precautions to minimize the risk of injury arising because of
rupture of the pipes and hoses. This could be achieved by installing sensors or alarms that will
detect the leakage, or by installing protective enclosures around the pipes and hoses. Electrical system:

Disconnect system:

“It shall be possible to disconnect a wind turbine electrical system from all electrical sources
of energy as required for maintenance or testing. Semiconductor devices shall not be used
alone as disconnect devices. Where lighting or other electrical systems are necessary for
safety during maintenance, auxiliary circuits shall be provided with their own disconnect
devices, such that these circuits may remain energized while all other circuits are
de-energized.” IEC 61400-1 section 10.4

This statement is referring to the need for a way to disconnect a wind turbine electrical system
from all electrical sources of energy for maintenance or testing purposes. To comply with this
requirement, we should ensure that your physical component includes a means of
disconnecting the wind turbine electrical system from all electrical sources of energy, such as
a switch or circuit breaker.

It is important to note that semiconductor devices, such as power diodes or thyristors, should
not be used alone as disconnect devices, as they may not provide a complete isolation of the
electrical system. Instead, you should use mechanical disconnect switches, contactors, or
other devices that provide a physically separated and clearly visible disconnection point.

Electrical cables:

“Where there is a probability of rodents or other animals damaging cables, armoured cables
or conduits shall be used. Underground cables shall be buried at a suitable depth to avoid
damage by service vehicles or farm equipment. Underground cables shall, if not protected by
a conduit or duct, be marked by cable covers or suitable marking tape.” IEC 61400-1 section

For underground cables, we should ensure that they are buried at a suitable depth to avoid
damage by service vehicles or farm equipment. This can be done by specifying the
appropriate depth for cable burial in the design of your component and ensuring that the
cables are installed correctly.

3.3. Design calculations

3.3.1 Wind turbine sizing and characteristics

Figure 5: Wind turbine Schema

From the wind flow the turbine gets the energy to rotate the blades. The energy produced by these
rotations is given to the main shaft (or to a gearbox, if it is present) and from here to the electrical
generator that provides the electricity to the grid.

The power of the wind is described by:


31 Horizontal axis wind turbine

The model we chose is Skystream, it is a brand of residential-scale wind turbine, designed to generate
electricity from the wind for homes and small businesses. The turbine has a rated power output of 3.4
kW and a swept area of around 9.35 square meters.
It is designed to be easy to install and maintain, and can be connected to the grid or used in off-grid
applications. Skystream turbines are typically installed on towers that are 20-40 meters high.

Figure 6: Skystream wind turbine

Model Skystream

Power 3.4 kW

Weight 77 kg

Rotor Diameter 3,5 m

Direction Of Rotation Clockwise facing the wind

Blades 3-Composite reinforced with fiberglass (10,87 m²)

Regulation braking system Electronic stall with redundant relay control

Average wind speed 13 to 18 m/s

Survival Speed 50 m/s

Alternateur Permanent magnet

Height 20m

Swept area 9.35 m²

Table 5: Skystream Wind Turbine Technical Specifications

First we calculate the force applied to the turbine blades by the wind:

Where A is the swept area and P is the pressure given as follows:

Considering the worst case scenario where V=50 m/s, we obtain the following value:

Multiplying by the height, we obtain the value for the momentum applied at the base:

In order to protect the wind turbine from falling, the base on which it will be constructed must
resist a momentum of 286340 Nm and nearly a weight of 300770N.

33 Vertical axis wind turbine
Aeolos wind turbine is a brand of wind turbine used for generating electricity. They come in a
variety of sizes, with the most common being small-scale turbines used for residential or
small commercial applications. The turbine has a rated power output of 3.2 kW and a swept area of
around 5.57 square meters.

Figure 7: Aeolos Wind Turbine

Technical specifications

Model Aeolos

Power 3.2 kW

Weight 106 kg

Rotor Diameter 2.8 m

Direction Of Rotation According to the direction of wind

Blades fiberglass or carbon fiber composites

Regulation braking system eddy current brake

Average wind speed 13 to 18 m/s

Survival Speed 52.5 m/s

Alternateur Permanent magnet

Height 17m

Swept area 5.57 m²

Table 6: Aeolos Wind Turbine Technical Specifications

Following the same steps,

In order to protect the wind turbine from falling, the foundation on which it will be constructed
must resist a momentum of 144994 Nm and nearly a weight of 251070.

PS: The following calculations were carried out for 50m/s which is an
extreme case for the region we are working on ( Hassi Ferid ), where the
average annual wind speed is 7m/s and barely reaches 24m/s during winter.

Conclusion: Comparing the 2 models, we can say that the vertical axis wind turbine
outperformes the horizontal axis wind turbine, thus we will be working with the VAWT.

3.3.2 Photovoltaic Panels sizing

When determining how many solar panels are needed, there are three key factors to consider
to get the most benefits of solar energy:

● The average daily energy consumption.

● The sun hours in your area.

As for the daily energy consumption, the specifications require 3kW per day Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Panels

Polycrystalline photovoltaic panels are a type of solar panel made from multiple small crystals
of silicon. They are less efficient than monocrystalline panels with efficiencies ranging from
around 15-17%, but are also less expensive to produce. They are typically blue or black in
color and are a popular choice for residential and small commercial solar installations.

Figure 8: Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Panel Monocrystalline Photovoltaic Panels

The chosen panels are Monocrystalline solar panels, which are made from a single crystal of silicon. It
is cut into thin wafers and then assembled into a panel. These types of panels are typically more
efficient at converting sunlight into electricity than other types, such as polycrystalline or thin-film
panels, but they also tend to be more expensive.
Monocrystalline panels also tend to have a longer lifespan, and are more durable and resistant to
extreme temperatures. They can be identified by their uniform, dark color, and are often preferred for
residential use because they take up less space than other types of solar panels.

To make up a 3kW solar system we need to calculate the number of Monocrystalline solar
panels, assuming that we use 405W panels.

Figure 9: PV Panels

For a given energy demand per day, for a house not connected to the grid we have:

A typical year in Hassi Ferid provides the following values:

Peak for normal sun hours:

Peak for normal sun hours at optimum tilt:

Finally, the number of PV panels is given as follows:

The choice of the optimum angel is based on the following tables:

Table 7: Optimum Angel

● Unit price = 780TND => Total price = 780 * 3 = 2340 TND
● Unit weight = 21.5 Kg => Total weight = 21.5 * 3 = 63.5 Kg

Figure 10: PV Panels Datasheet

3.3.3 Choice of the Batteries

● The role of the batteries consists of providing electricity in case weather conditions don’t
supply enough solar radiation or/and enough speed.
● Batteries are usually rated 12V DC

Thus, the capacity of a battery bank is given as follows:



The number of batteries is then given by

The recommended batteries to use in a hybrid energy station is the deep cycle battery:

Figure 11: Low Cycle Battery


● Long lifespan : 3000 life cycles → 7 to 8 years before changing

● Lithium-Ion reaction
● Unit price: 1200 TND
● Unit Weight 68 Kg

Total weight:

● 272 Kg

Total cost:

● 4800 TND
● Battery Datasheet

Table 8: Battery Specifications

This model of a battery is expensive, which is why we will limit our choice to a ASSAD model
battery which will do the trick.
3.3.3 Hybrid station Schematic
A Hybrid station Schematic containing PV and wind turbine would show the layout and connections
of the various components and systems used in a hybrid power generation facility that combines solar
panels and wind turbines. The schematic would show:

● Solar panels and wind turbines that are connected to a common electrical grid through
inverters, which convert the DC electricity generated by the solar panels and the AC electricity
generated by the wind turbine into a common AC voltage that can be used by the electrical
grid. The schematic would also show the energy storage system, such as batteries, which

would be used to store excess energy generated by the solar panels and wind turbine for use
during periods of low sunlight or low wind.
● The control systems and power management systems used to regulate and optimize the
operation of the hybrid station. This can include a microgrid controller, which would be used
to manage the power flow between the solar panels, wind turbine, energy storage system, and
the electrical grid. It also can include a weather forecasting system to predict the wind and
solar energy production, and a power management system to optimize the output of the
● A wind charge controller is a device that regulates the charging of batteries from a wind
turbine. It ensures that the batteries are charged at the appropriate voltage and prevents
overcharging, which can damage the batteries. The wind charge controller can also protect the
wind turbine from overloading, by disconnecting it from the batteries when the voltage
exceeds a certain level.
● A solar controller, also known as a solar charge controller, is a device that regulates the
charging of batteries from a solar panel. It ensures that the batteries are charged at the
appropriate voltage and prevents overcharging, which can damage the batteries. The solar
controller can also protect the solar panel from overloading by disconnecting it from the
batteries when the voltage exceeds a certain level.

Figure 12: Hybrid Station Model

3.4. Cost analysis

The costs can be listed as follows:

· Initial investment costs: costs of study, materials purchasing, construction and


· Operations costs: includes upgrades, taxes, costs of license.

· Maintenance costs: includes repairs, cleaning …

· Operations growth rate: the rate at which operations costs grow, caused by increasing
hand-work costs, inflation, device aging …

· Maintenance growth rate: the rate at which maintenance costs grow, caused by
increasing hand-work costs, change of climate…

· Degradation factor: the rate at which the device becomes less and less performing, due
to multiple factors principally device aging.

· Discount rate: present value of future expenses.

The benefit can be listed as follows:

· Yearly output of energy: initially 3000 kWh, It is discounted at the degradation rate
over the life span of the project which is 20 years.

· Present value of Energy output: it is the yearly energy output discounted at the discount
rate, to take into consideration the value of the money it will be sold at.

STEG prices for a similar consumption are 0.223 TND/kWh whilst our device can deliver the
same energy output for 0.209 TND/kWh, which means an ROI of 7%.

Furthermore, the fact that it doesn’t need a connection to the grid, nor prior installations is
time saving.

This will allow more people in isolated locations to benefit from a cleaner electricity at a
cheaper price, without having to wait years for STEG connections to reach them.

4.1. Multiphysics modeling
4.1.1 Data collection:

Figure 13: Hassi El Frid Location

The data at our hands did not cover Hassi El Farid (Kasserine), so we worked on the closest
point. Available wind speed was at an elevation of 10m, so to calculate it at 20m we used:

In our modeling, we have considered the PV modules fixed at the optimal tilt of 57.5° and
oriented towards the South. We have worked mainly on worst case scenarios. Which means
we have taken into account severe efficiency coefficients.

4.1.2 PV modeling:

Figure 14: Daily PVs Output Of Energy(kWh)

Overall, in most of the year, the panels are able to generate a constant output of 3kW while delivering
a surplus of energy sometimes.

Figure 15: Monthly Average PV Output (kW)

Only in the Winter season the energy harvested by the PV modules drops under the required amount of

4.1.3 Turbine modeling:

The power in the wind is :

The power that can be generated is :

Figure 16: Power Curve Model Of the Wind Turbine

The harvested energy by the wind Turbine is :

Figure 17: Real Wind Power Output (kW)

● As we can see, the wind turbine is struggling to keep up with the required output of energy.
However, we are being realistic and due to budget constraints this is the best we can do
without exceeding the limit.
● Fortunately, the surplus of energy delivered by the PVs can compensate for this shortage.

The wind turbine behavior for a typical day :

Figure 18: Wind Speed At The Turbine’s Hub (m/s)

● The turbine, at nominal wind speed, is delivering 3kW - 4kW.
● When the wind speed exceeds the maximum speed supported by the turbine, it shuts down.

4.1.4 Total system modeling:

Figure 19: Monthly Average Of Collected Energy (kW)

Figure 20: Days Where The Batteries Are Used

● Excessive charging/discharging of the batteries during the winter.

● When we use 3500 cycles lifespan batteries, they can last for the whole lifetime of the project
(20 years).

4.2. Experimentation description
4.2.1 Photoresistance:
A Photoresistor is an electronic component whose resistivity varies according to the
amount of incident light. It can also be called resistance depending on the light (LDR).

Figure 21: Photoresistance

4.2.2 Working principle:

A photoresistor is made of a high resistivity semiconductor. If the light incident is of

sufficiently high frequency, it carries energy. Beyond a certain material-specific level, the photons
absorbed by the semiconductor will give the bound electrons enough energy to jump from the valence
band to the conduction. Understanding this phenomenon is part of band theory. The free electrons and
the electron holes thus lower the resistance of the material. When the incident photon is sufficiently

The resistance evolves as the inverse of illuminance, this relationship can be considered linear
over a range of limited use. The materials used in photoresistors are most often compounds of columns
II-VI of the periodic table of elements. For use in the visible and at a lower cost, cadmium sulfide
(CdS) or selenium are most often used of cadmium (CdSe). For use in the infrared we use sulfide of
lead (PbS). To maintain conduction, the number of electron-hole recombination pairs must be limited.
The receiving surface of the luminous flux is a ribbon. This shape minimizes the width separating the
electrodes and leaves them in contact with the tape over a large area. This configuration gives the
lowest resistance. Only photoresistors used under high voltage consist of a wide ribbon.

Indeed the current crossing the photosensitive resin is written:

I = q.μ.n.A.S

S= V/L

In this expression:

- q is the charge of the electron.

- μ is the mobility of the electron.

- n is the density of electrons present.

- A is the area of ​the contact surface between the electrodes and the photosensitive region.

- L is the width of the ribbon.

We see that to increase this intensity we must maximize A and minimize L. Therefore, ribbon
is the most effective form.

4.2.3 Characteristics of a photoresistor:

The main characteristic of a photoresistor is its resistivity/brightness relationship. If

done, this gives the ohmic value of the photoresistor, depending on the light intensity.

Figure 22: Characteristics Of A Photoresistor

4.2.4 LM35 Temperature sensor:

We will now analyze in more detail the LM35, a temperature sensor based on an integrated
circuit, which produces an analog output in the form of an electrical voltage, by depending on
the measured ambient temperature.

It is a very simple sensor to use and does not require any calibration before use.

Figure 23: LM35 Sensor

To know the characteristics of the LM35DZ, its mode of operation and the mode of
use, it suffices to refer to its technical data sheet, which can be easily found on the site
Manufacturer's website. The LM35DZ produces an output voltage directly proportional to the
temperature in degrees Celsius. Once the voltage is measured, no complex calculations are
required to translate the voltage to degrees Celsius. Also, since this sensor only shoots a very
low current of 60 μA from its source, it does not heat up much, barely 0.1°C in free air. The
measure will therefore only be slightly disturbed by the heating of the sensor. Figure 2.8
shows the main characteristics of the sensor, which can be found in its Data sheet.

The LM35 sensor is quite simple to use. To measure a temperature, you just need to
supply it with a voltage between 4V and 20V so that it starts to work and produces an output
voltage proportional to the temperature measured in degrees Celsius, at the rate of 10 mV per
degree measured. The following figure shows a very simple circuit using this sensor. With this
arrangement, it will be possible to measure a temperature between 2 °C and 150°C.

4.2.5 Measurement procedure:

Figure 24: Photoresistance Components

The purpose of the assembly will simply be to measure the ambient light and the
temperature for a specific time and send the measured values ​to the SD card. The materials
needed To make this assembly, we will need:

- An Arduino Mega board (and its USB cable),

- Light sensor photoresistor,

- LM35 temperature sensor

- Resistance (brown / black / orange),

- Micro SD card module to save measurement data.

- A test plate

- wires to wire our assembly

Arduino Mega 2560 board:

Arduino Mega 2560 board is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It

has 54 digital input/output pins (15 of which can be used as outputs) PWM), 16 analog inputs,
4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 crystal oscillator MHz, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header, and a reset. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-DC
adapter or a battery to start with. The Mega 2560 card is compatible with most shields
designed for Uno and old Duemilanove cards or Diecimila.

The component is mainly used to distinguish the presence or absence of light. The flux
quantification remains possible but is less used. Photoresistors are mounted as a voltage
divider bridge for potentiometric assemblies used for the relay or diaphragm control.

Figure 25: Arduino Mega 2560 Board

LM35 Sensor:

The LM35 is an inexpensive precision centigrade temperature sensor manufactured by

Texas Instruments. It provides an output voltage linearly proportional to the centigrade
temperature and is therefore very easy to use with the Arduino.

Figure 26: LM35 Sensor View

10K ohm Resistor:

Commonly used in breadboards and other prototyping applications, these 10K ohm
resistors make excellent pull-ups, pull-downs, and current limiters. Those thick lead versions
of the resistors fit nicely in a breadboard with very little movement.

Figure 27: 10k Ohm Resistor

Micro SD card:
it allows all other SD compatible devices to read from this MicroSD card. It's ideal
when you need to print photos or transfer files manually via an SD card reader.

Solderless breadboard:
The solderless breadboard (usually a large white plastic component with rows and
columns of holes) provides a workspace where temporary circuits can easily be constructed.
Wires from electrical components (for example, resistors) can easily be pushed into the
breadboard holes.

The purpose of the assembly will simply be to measure the ambient light and the temperature
for a specific time and send the measured values ​to the SD card. The materials needed To
make this assembly, we will need:

- An Arduino Mega board (and its USB cable),

- Light sensor photoresistor,

- LM35 temperature sensor, A 10K ohms

- resistance (brown / black / orange),

- Micro SD card module to save measurement data.

- A test plate

- wires to wire our assembly

To start our assembly, we will wire the VCC pin of the Arduino board to the legs of the
photoresistor by means of a wire. We then rely on the second leg of the photoresistor to one of
the two legs of the 10K ohm resistor. Finally, we wire the second leg of the 10K ohm resistor
on the GND pin of the Arduino board and same for the LM35 sensor. Once the 10K ohm
resistor and the photoresistor are wired, all that remains is to connect the junction between
these two resistors at pin A0 of the Arduino board and the pins of LM35 will be tied to pin

Figure 28: Experiment Circuit

4.3. Experimentation results and discussion

The resistance variation law with temperature is given by the relation approximate:

Rt = R0(1 + α.T)
The temperature coefficient α is around 4.10-3°C-1 and R0 is the value of the resistance at

Figure 29: Luminosity Evolution In terms of Resistance

If we look at the luminosity curve (in lux) and the resistance (in ohms), we realize it is not a
straight line, but a curve. It is therefore quite complicated to determine what brightness (in
lux) corresponds to a measured value by analogRead().

Figure 30: Temperature Evolution

The temperature in (°C) is presenting a decreasing trend over the period of testing. We notice
that there are some pics in the plot which can be explained by noise in the sensor.

Figure 31: Luminosity Evolution In Terms Of Time

The 3 figures respectively show the evolution of the overall daily light intensity on a
horizontal plane (angle 0) evaluated from sunrise to sunset. An expected benefit of our study
is to link the efforts invested in the field of the estimation of the overall light intensity, in
order to manage the exploitation rational of the location of the photovoltaic panels and to
respond in a way interesting to our project development concerns, both from the point of view
environmental than that of security of supply. This work offers semi-empirical approaches to
calculating light intensity as a function of radiation solar. From the models considered, it was
possible to calculate the three components of the solar radiation: voltage, temperature and
light intensity under the conditions of the clear sky. The comparison between the incident
radiation values ​on a plane horizontal of the sensor and the measurements taken on an
inclined plane of 30 degrees from the sensor, shows the validity of the mobility of
photovoltaic panels with an inclination of 30 degree. This is particularly interesting for our
team in the process of pursuing solar as prospects for this project.

6.1. Project results
6.1.1 Recap
● The hybrid energy station is designed to generate electricity using a combination of
solar and wind power sources.
● The station includes a mini-solar farm, which is composed of 5 solar panels (34°
degrees inclined towards the south) that convert sunlight into electricity.
● The station also includes a wind turbine , which is made up of one vertical wind
turbine that generates electricity from the wind.
● The station will be constructed on a small plot of land, which will be carefully selected
to optimize the performance of the solar and wind power components, and to take into
consideration the scalability of the project which will be expanded in the middle term.
● The performance of the hybrid energy station has been estimated closely. The station
has exceeded expectations in terms of energy generation and efficiency. The mini solar
farm has been able to generate a significant amount of electricity, even on cloudy days
due to the installation of the batteries.
● The wind turbine has also performed well, generating electricity even during periods
of low wind.
● The batteries will be able to provide a reliable source of energy during times when the
solar and wind power components are not able to meet the energy demand.
● A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the financial feasibility of the
hybrid energy station. The analysis revealed that the station is expected to generate
significant cost savings over its lifetime, due to the low cost of operation and
maintenance of the solar and wind power components. Additionally, the use of
advanced technology in the establishment of the wind turbine as well as the PV panels
helped to minimize operating costs. The station is expected to have a positive return
on investment and to generate substantial savings for consumers.
● Overall, the hybrid energy station is a highly efficient and cost-effective source of
electricity that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy
security. The station is expected to be a model for future energy generation projects
and to pave the way for a more sustainable energy future.

6.1.2 Criticism

In this section, we will mention some of the potential areas of self-criticism that should be taken into
consideration, besides it should be balanced by highlighting areas of success and lessons learned that
can be applied to future projects.

● Limited scope: The project may have been limited in scope, and not fully optimized to
achieve the maximum potential of the hybrid energy station.
● Lack of innovation: The project may have failed to include new, innovative technologies or
approaches that could have improved the performance or efficiency of the hybrid energy
● Cost overruns: The project may have encountered cost overruns that were not anticipated in
the original budget, which could have impacted the financial viability of the project.

● Limited scalability: The project may have been designed for a specific site, rather than being
designed with scalability in mind, which could limit its potential for replication in other
● Limited data collection: The project may have failed to monitor and collect sufficient data on
the performance of the hybrid energy station, which could limit the ability to make
improvements in the future.

6.1.3 Challenges
The potential challenges that we faced and we may probably encounter in future work

● Integration of different energy sources: Hybrid energy stations typically combine

multiple energy sources, such as solar and wind, which can be technically challenging
to integrate and optimize for maximum efficiency.
● Energy storage: Hybrid energy stations may also require energy storage systems,
such as batteries, to ensure a consistent and reliable supply of power. These systems
can be costly and may require significant maintenance.
● Environmental impact: Hybrid energy stations may have a smaller environmental
footprint than traditional power stations, but they still have an impact on the
environment. Careful consideration of the site location and the potential impacts on
local wildlife and habitats is essential.
● Grid integration: Hybrid energy stations may need to be connected to the electricity
grid, which can be challenging, particularly if the grid infrastructure is not well
developed in the area.
● Financial feasibility: Hybrid energy stations can be more expensive to construct and
operate than traditional power stations. Careful financial analysis is required to ensure
that the project is economically viable.
● Maintenance and operation cost: Hybrid energy stations are more complex than
traditional power stations, as they combine different energy sources, which can
increase the cost of maintenance and operation.
● Government regulations and policies: Hybrid energy stations must comply with a
variety of federal, state, and local regulations and policies, which can be complex and
time-consuming to navigate.
● Weather and climate conditions: Hybrid energy stations are dependent on weather
and climate conditions, and can be affected by extreme events such as storms and
droughts, which can lead to fluctuations in power generation.

6.2. Solution Impacts

1- Economic Impact :

An increase in economic activity and job creation since the construction and operation of
wind turbines can provide jobs for local residents in areas such as construction, engineering,
and maintenance. Additionally, the presence of wind turbines in a rural area can attract other
related businesses and industries, leading to more job opportunities and economic growth.

This can have a positive impact on the local economy, helping to improve the standard of
living for residents.

Furthermore an increased revenue for the local community since Landowners can receive
lease payments for hosting wind turbines on their property. This can provide an additional
source of income for landowners, which can help to support their livelihoods. Additionally,
the presence of wind turbines in a rural area can increase tax revenues for the local
community, which can be used to fund public services such as schools and roads.

Moreover they can help to reduce the cost of electricity by generating power from renewable
sources, which can decrease the need to rely on expensive fossil fuels.

2-Social impact

Hybrid wind turbines can play an important role in improving the quality of life for people
living in underdeveloped areas and remote locations. These areas often lack access to reliable
and affordable electricity, which can be a significant barrier to economic development and the
provision of basic services such as healthcare and education. Hybrid wind turbines can help to
address this issue by providing a source of clean and renewable energy that can power homes,
businesses, and public services.

In addition, hybrid wind turbines can also help to meet the basic needs of people living in
underdeveloped areas by providing access to clean water through the desalination of seawater,
and by powering communication systems, which can connect remote communities to the rest
of the world.

Moreover, hybrid wind turbines can also contribute to the development of the region by
providing a reliable source of energy that can support the growth of new industries and
businesses, which can increase economic opportunities and improve the standard of living for
local residents.

In addition, it plays an important role in creating community engagement and empowerment,

by involving local communities in the planning and implementation of hybrid wind turbine
projects, residents can gain a sense of ownership and control over the project, which can help
to build a sense of community and promote social cohesion.

Finally, installing wind turbines improves education and awareness since it can also serve as a
learning opportunity for local residents, as well as an opportunity to raise awareness about the
benefits of renewable energy and the importance of protecting the environment .

3-Environmental impact

Support for sustainable development: Wind turbines are a clean, renewable source of energy
that can help to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and promote sustainable development in
the area. This can help to ensure that the local community has access to a reliable source of
energy, while minimizing the environmental impact of energy production.

Hybrid wind turbines can provide a reliable and sustainable power source in remote areas
where access to traditional power sources is limited or non-existent. By eliminating the need
for power lines and other infrastructure, hybrid wind turbines can reduce the environmental
impact of power generation. This includes reducing the need for clearcutting forests to make
way for power lines, as well as reducing the carbon emissions that would have been produced
by building and maintaining power lines. Additionally, using hybrid wind turbines in remote
areas can also help to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and promote energy
self-sufficiency. This can be especially beneficial for indigenous communities, who may have
limited access to traditional power sources, and who rely on the natural environment for their

Additionally , It conserves wildlife and habitat by reducing the need for power lines and other

Finally it reduces greenhouse gas emissions because wind turbines generate electricity
without emissions, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major contributor to
climate change. This can help to mitigate the effects of climate change on the local area, and
promote sustainable development.

4-Public health impact :

First, having access to clean energy can have a positive impact on mental health, by reducing
feelings of dependence on fossil fuels and promoting energy self-sufficiency.

Secondly, hybrid wind turbines can help to improve air quality by reducing the need for fossil
fuels to generate electricity. This can help to reduce the levels of particulate matter and other
pollutants in the air, which can have a positive impact on public health.

Economic Job Source of Sustainable Reduces Promoting Improve air
growth creation clean and power greenhouse energy quality
renewable source gas self-sufficiency
energy emissions

Public health X X X

Safety X X X

Welfare X X X X X

Environment X X X X
Table 9: Impacts Resume


In conclusion, a hybrid solar-wind power generation system has the potential to provide a
sustainable and reliable source of clean energy. By combining the strengths of solar and wind
power, such a system can provide a steady and consistent output, even when one of the
sources is not available.

Additionally, it can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, thus reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and helping to combat climate change. The technology for a hybrid solar-wind
power generation system is already available and has been successfully implemented in
various parts of the world.

However, there is still room for improvement and further research is needed to make it more
cost-effective and efficient.

Overall, the implementation of a hybrid solar-wind power generation system can have a
significant impact on the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. It is an
exciting and promising area of research and development, and we look forward to seeing it
being implemented on a larger scale in the near future.


Global solar radiation on tilted surfaces in Tunisia: Measurement, estimation and gained
energy assessments A. Ben Othman a,c , K. Belkilani a,b, *, M. Besbes a,b

Methodology for Assessment of the Potential of Photovoltaic Electricity Production in the

Non-residential Areas of Tunisia Article

"Design, Analysis and Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: A Review" by P.

K. Jain and M. P. Kaushik in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2018)

"Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Microgrids" by D. Jain and D. P. Kothari in IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2017)

"Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: A Review of the State-of-the-Art" by A. K. Al-Begain

and M. R. Iqbal in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2013)

"Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Stand-Alone Applications" by J. M. Carrasco and J.

A. Pombo in Renewable Energy (2016)

"Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Electrification" by C. K. Tiwari and S. K.

Bhatnagar in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016)

APPENDIX B: Table of Constraints

Corrosion Noise Visual Overheating Availa Cost Max Wind Integration Safety Illiteracy
problems impact bility speed with the and and
grid security poverty

Regular X X X X

Protective X X
coatings or
sealants to

blades( sound
absorbing foam)

Smart operation X X

Ventilated, X X
and lockable

Small and X X X

Storage X X
Capacity 500 AH
& 12V

Consultation and X X

Hybrid system X

Minimum 2 X
suppliers for

Wind turbine X
with adjustable
hub direction

APPENDIX D: Project Plan (Gantt)


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