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PnM Cheat sheet

Term 2 unit 4
The Dynamics of Manifestation of Pancasila as the State Foundation 
and the Nation's Way of Life

The application of Pancasila from time to time

1. Old Order Period
   a. In the 1945-1950 period, there were attempts to replace Pacasila as the basis of the state
and the nation's way of life.
      1. PKI rebellion in Madiun on 18 September 1948. To establish the Indonesian Soviet
State with a Communist ideology. Led by Muso.
      2. Darul Islam rebellion / Indonesian Islamic Army led by Sekarmaji Marijan
Kartosuwiyo. To replace Pancasila with Islamic law.
   b. In the 1950-1959 period, its application was more directed at the ideology of liberalism
(not having a spirit of consensus, but voting). RMS, PRRI, and Permesta rebellion emerged
who wanted to escape from the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is directed as a liberal
ideology which in fact does not guarantee the stability of government.
   c. 1959-1966 period, the period of guided democracy. There is a moral decline in some
people who no longer live according to the values of Pancasila.
2. The New Order
    At this time, the pure and consistent implementation of Pancasila values was only used as a
political tool of the ruler. The reality is that Pancasila democracy is characterized by a
3. Reformation period
    At this time, the application of Pancasila was faced with the conditions of people's life
which were colored by life and free.
Pancasila Values in Accordance with the Development of the Times 
Open Ideology  Closed ideology 
Open mind system  The closed system of thinking
The values and ideals are not imposed from Tend to impose and retrieve values from
abroad but are extracted and taken from the the ideologies outside of its citizens in
spiritual, moral and cultural wealth of the accordance with the beliefs and ideas of
community itself.  the people 
Basic belief formation is not a group of people, The basis for its formation is the ideals /
but rather the result of deliberation and beliefs of individuals / a group 
agreement of the community itself 
The basis for its formation is the ideals / Created by the state, the ruler of the state
beliefs of individuals / a group which absolutely must be followed by all
citizens of society 
Not only justified, but needed by all members It is only needed by the state ruler to
of society  perpetuate the power
The contents are not operational  Its content consists of concrete and
operational demands that are rigorous 
Continuously developing along with the Closed to new thoughts that develop in
development of aspirations, in realizing their the community 
aspirations to live as a nation in achieving
human dignity 

The position of Pancasila as an Open Ideology

Contains the following values:
a. Basic Value, the five principles of Pancasila.
b. Instrumental values, further elaboration of the values of the Pancasila ideology.
c. Practical Value, the realization of instrumental values in everyday life. 

Structurally, Pancasila has 3 dimensions.

a. The dimension of Idealism emphasizes that the basic values contained in Pancasila
which are systematic, rational, and comprehensive are essentially rooted in the
Pancasila philosophy.
b.  Normative dimension, the values contained in Pancasila need to be described in
c. Reality dimension that an ideology is able to reflect the reality of life that develops in

The characteristics of the Pancasila ideology

1. Not utopian
2. It is not a mere closed doctrine
3. It is not a pragmatic ideology 
The openness of the Pancasila ideology must always pay attention.
a. Dynamic national stability
b. Prevent the development of liberalism
c. The creation of new norms must be through consensus 

The Embodiment of Pancasila Values in Various Lives

1. Politics: Human Rights
2. Democracy: elections, pilkada
3. Law: statutory regulations must not conflict with the values of Pancasila
4. Economy: Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution
5. Socio-culture: hard work, discipline
6. Defense and security: siskamhamrata (security system and universal people's defense).

PnM Unit 5 Gr. 9 Term 2

4 Main Principles in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution
Whereas in fact Independence is the right of all nations and therefore colonialism in the
world must be abolished, because it is not in accordance with humanism and justice.
And the struggle for the Indonesian independence movement has arrived at a happy time of
safely delivering the Indonesian people to the front gates of the independence of the
Indonesian State, which is independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.
With the blessing of the grace of Allah the Almighty and motivated by a noble desire, so that
a free national life, the Indonesian people hereby declare their independence.
Then rather than that to form an Indonesian State Government which protects the entire
Indonesian nation and all the blood of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate the
nation's life, and participate in implementing world order based on independence, eternal
peace and social justice, the National Independence of Indonesia was compiled. in an
Indonesian Constitution, which is formed in a composition of the Republic of Indonesia with
people's sovereignty based on the One Godhead, just and civilized Humanity, Indonesian
Unity and Society led by wisdom in Deliberation / Representation, and with realizing a social
justice for all Indonesian people .
A. The Essence of the Principles of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia.
The preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia consists of four
paragraphs. Each paragraph in the opening has a special meaning when viewed from its
Apart from having a very deep meaning, the Preamble to the Basic Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Year 1945 also contains main points of view. These points of thought contain main
ideas that describe the mystical atmosphere of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia. These principles embody the ideals of law that govern the basic laws of the
country, both written and unwritten. The main points of thought are as follows:
1. First premise: The state protects the entire Indonesian nation and all Indonesian blood on
the basis of unity (the main idea of unity). This premise affirms that in the Preamble the
unified state was accepted. The state that protects and covers the entire nation and all its
territories. Thus the state overcomes all kinds of group ideology, individualistic
ideology. The state, according to the meaning of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia, wants unity. In other words, state administrators and every citizen are
obliged to prioritize the interests of the state over those of groups or individuals. This
principle is the translation of the third principle of Pancasila.
2. Second principle: The state wants to realize social justice for all Indonesian people (the
main idea of social justice). This premise puts a goal or aspiration to be achieved in the
Preamble, and is a causal -finalist (cause of purpose), so that it can determine the path and
rules that must be implemented in the Basic Law to arrive at that goal with the capital of
unity. . This is the main idea of social justice which is based on the awareness that humans
have rights and obligations in community life. This principle is the elaboration of the five
principles of Pancasila.
3. Third principle: State sovereignty of the people, based on democracy and deliberation /
representation (the main idea of people's sovereignty). This premise contains a logical
consequence that the state system formed in the Constitution must be based on the
sovereignty of the people and deliberation / representation. This flow is in accordance with
the nature of Indonesian society, which always puts forward the principle of deliberation to
reach a consensus in solving a problem. This is the main idea of people's sovereignty, which
states that sovereignty is in the hands of the people and is exercised according to the
Constitution. This premise is the basis of state politics. This principle is the elaboration of the
four principles of Pancasila.
4. Fourth principle of thought: The state is based on the One Godhead, according to the basis
of just and civilized humanity (divine thought). This premise contains a logical consequence
that the Basic Law must contain contents that oblige the government and other state
administrators to maintain noble human character. This confirms that the main idea of the
Almighty Godhead contains the meaning of taqwa to God Almighty, and that just and
civilized humanitarian principles contain the meaning of upholding human dignity or noble
human values. This fourth principle of thought is the moral basis of the state which in essence
is an explanation of the first and second principles of Pancasila.
B. The Significance of Principles in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia .
If we pay attention to the four points above, it appears that the main ideas of the Preamble to
the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia are the emanation of the
values of Pancasila.
Then the explanation of the 1945 State Law of the Republic of Indonesia affirms that “These
points of thought include the mystic atmosphere of the Indonesian Constitution. These main
ideas embody the ideals of law (Reichsidee) which controls the basic laws of the country,
both written law (Basic Law) and unwritten law. The Basic Law creates these points of
thought in its articles. “In this sense, it can be concluded that the main ideas contained in the
Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia are the highest source of law
in Indonesia.
C. A Positive Attitude towards the Principles of Thought in the Preamble of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
Maintaining the main ideas in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia is not only done without changing them. However, what is no less important is
realizing the main ideas in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia in the life of society, nation and state. Every state institution, community
institution, and every citizen is obliged to fight for these main ideas to become a reality. Try
to discuss how the efforts to realize the main ideas in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution
of the Republic of Indonesia in various environments.


The integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
A. The Struggle to Defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
In 1946, the Dutch unilaterally returned to Indonesia on behalf of the rightful ruler
because they succeeded in defeating Japan who had previously taken over the power
of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) from the Netherlands. Faced with this kind of
situation, the spirit of the revolution for independence had to be provoked
physically, which resulted in Indonesia having just returned to Indonesian
independence. The struggle to defend independence went through several important
episodes that combined the time between 1945-1949.
1. Physical Struggle to Defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
After it was proclaimed on 17 August 1945, the reference to the integrity of the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was the arrival of the Dutch to
Indonesia. The Dutch, as one of the Allied members who won World War II, declared
their right to Indonesia because they previously colonized Indonesia. They found that
they formed the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA) by joining the Allied
Forces Netherland East Indies (AFNEI).
The following are some of the physical struggles against to the Dutch to defend
a. Battle of Surabaya on 10 November 1945        
The fighting in Surabaya was preceded by the arrival or landing of brigade 29 from
the 23rd Indian division under the leadership of Brigadier Mallaby on October 25,
1945. However, his arrival resulted in riots with youths due to the Allied
distraction. On October 27, 1945 the youth of Surabaya succeeded in destroying the
Allied power. The battle was led by Bung Tomo and even almost destroyed it, then to
resolve the incident negotiations were held, but at the time of the negotiations the
Jembatan Merah incident, Brigadier Mallaby was killed.
On November 9, 1945, the Allied troops issued an ultimatum in which gun owners
surrendered weapons to the Allies until November 10 at 06.00. the people of Surabaya
ignored the ultimatum. As a result, the war broke out in Surabaya on 10 November
1945, the youth of Surabaya fought back by forming an orderly organization under the
command of Sungkono. Bung Tomo, through the Radio Rebellion, stirred up the spirit
of resistance from the Surabaya Youth to never give up on the invaders, for example
the slogan of the Revolution "freedom or death". This battle was the most devastating
battle that claimed 15,000 victims, the 10 November incident was commemorated as
Heroes' Day by all Indonesians.

b. Resistance to Dutch Military Aggression      
The Dutch always tried to control Indonesia in various ways. Various negotiations
that are carried out are often violated for various reasons. In order to control the entire
territory of Indonesia, the Dutch launched military aggression twice. Military
Aggression I was carried out on July 21, 1947, by controlling areas controlled by the
Republic of Indonesia in Sumatra, West Java, Central Java and East Java. Indonesia
complained about this Military Aggression to the international community, and
finally, under pressure from the UN resolution, a ceasefire was reached . 
Military aggression II was carried out again on 19 December 1948 which began with
the attack on Yogyakarta, the capital of Indonesia at that time, as well as the arrest of
Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Sjahrir and several other figures. The fall of the nation's
capital led to the formation of the Emergency Government of the Republic of
Indonesia in Sumatra, led by Sjafruddin Prawiranegara. After Yogyakarta was
controlled by the Dutch, the Indonesian resistance changed its strategy by means of
guerrilla warfare. One of the results of the guerrilla war was the general attack on
March 1, 1949, led by General Sudirman. This attack had an impact on the
international community regarding the existence of the Republic of Indonesia.

General Sudirman led the resistance against Dutch military aggression .

c. Guerrilla War      
The Indonesian nation's resistance also used a guerrilla war strategy, namely
warfare by moving from one place to another. From time to time attacking various
positions of the Dutch army both on the streets and at their headquarters. One of
the guerrilla wars was led by General Soedirman. He was guerrilla from outside
the city of Yogyakarta for eight months, taken approximately 1000 km in the areas
of Central Java and East Java. Not infrequently, Sudirman had to be stretched or
carried because he was seriously ill. After moving from several villages,
Sudirman's group returned to Yogyakarta on July 10, 1949.
2. The Struggle to Defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through
  Apart from physical struggle, the nation's heroes also struggle through
diplomacy. This struggle through diplomacy was carried out through various
negotiations, especially with the Netherlands. The goal is one so that the Netherlands
recognizes Indonesia's sovereignty as an independent country and has the same
position as other countries that were already independent. The following are some of
the negotiations carried out by Indonesia with the Netherlands during the
independence revolution.
a. Linggarjati Agreement
The Linggarjati Negotiation is a negotiation between Indonesia and the Netherlands in
Linggarjati, West Java on November 10-15, 1946 which resulted in an agreement
regarding the status of Indonesian independence. The results of these negotiations
were signed at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta on November 15, 1946 and legally
signed by the two countries on March 25, 1947.
Indonesia was represented by Sutan Syahrir, the Netherlands was represented by a
team called the General Commission and led by Wim Schermerhorn with members
HJ van Mook, and Lord Killearn from England acted as mediator in this
negotiation. The results of the negotiations consisted of 17 articles which, among
others, contained:
1) The Netherlands recognizes de facto the territory of the Republic of Indonesia,
namely Java, Sumatra and Madura.
2) The Netherlands must leave the territory of the Republic of Indonesia by January 1,
3) The Netherlands and Indonesia Agree to form the Republic of the United States of
Indonesia (RIS)
4) In the form of RIS, Indonesia must join the Commonwealth / Commonwealth of
Indonesia-Netherlands with the crown of the Netherlands as head of the Union.
b. Renville Agreement
The Renville Agreement was taken from the name of the warship belonging to the
United States which was used as a venue for negotiations between the Indonesian
government and the Dutch, and the Three Nations Commission (United States,
Belgium and Australia) as the intermediary. In the negotiations, the Indonesian
delegation was chaired by Prime Minister Amir Syarifuddin and the Dutch placed an
Indonesian named Abdulkadir Wijoyoatmojo as the head of the delegation. The
placement of Abdulkadir Wijoyoatmojo was a strategy of the Dutch by stating that the
dispute that occurred between Indonesia and the Netherlands was a domestic problem
in Indonesia and not an international problem requiring intervention from other
I the Renville Agreement are as follows.
1) The Netherlands remains sovereign until the formation of the Republic of the
United States of Indonesia (RIS).
2) The Republic of Indonesia has an equal position in the Dutch Indonesian Union.
3) Before the United Republic of Indonesia was formed, the Netherlands could hand
over its powers to the provisional federal government.
c. The Roem Royen Talk
The bright spot in the conflict resolution dispute between Indonesia and the
Netherlands is visible. This is because both parties are willing to come to the
negotiating table. The success of bringing the Indonesia-Netherlands issue to the
negotiating table cannot be separated from the initiative of the UN commission for
Indonesia. On April 4 April 1949 negotiations were held in Jakarta under the
leadership of Merle Cochran, a member of the commission from the United
States. The delegation of the Republic of Indonesia was led by Mr. Mohammad
Roem . And the Netherlands is led by Dr. HJ Van Royen.
After the completion of the Roem Royen negotiations, on July 1, 1949, the
government of the Republic of Indonesia officially returned to Yogyakarta. This
was followed by the arrival of the leaders of the Republic of Indonesia from the
guerrilla field. The Commander-in-Chief, General Sudirman returned to
Yogyakarta on 10 July 1949. After the Republic of Indonesia government returned
to Yogyakarta, on 1 3 July 1949 a cabinet meeting was held. During this
session Syafruddin Prawiranegara returned the mandate to vice president Moh
Hatta. During the session it was also decided that Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
was appointed as minister of defense and concurrently security coordinator.

B. Current Threats to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

Threats are every business and activity, both from within the country and abroad,
which are deemed to endanger the sovereignty of the state, the territorial integrity
of the country and the safety of the entire nation. Threats to the nation and state of
Indonesia consist of military threats and non-military threats. Military threats are
threats that use organized armed force which is considered to have the capability
of endangering the sovereignty of the state, the territorial integrity of the country
and the safety of the entire nation. Military threats can take the form of
aggression, territorial violations, espionage, and sabotage, acts of armed terror,
rebellion and civil war. Meanwhile, non-military or non-military
threats have different characteristics from military threats, namely that they are
not physical in nature and do not look like military threats. Non-military threats
take the form of threats to ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, defense and
C. National Spirit in Maintaining and Filling the Independence of the
Republic of Indonesia
The national spirit is a commitment and motivation that plays a strong role in the
stage of the struggle to fill and defend independence with the development of all
1. Meaning of Nationalism and Patriotism
a. Meaning of Nationalism
In everyday life you may experience the following events:
1) Rejoice when Indonesian athletes have succeeded in presenting gold medals at various
world-class sports championships     
2) Offended when they saw the red and white flag burned by demonstrators during one of
the demonstrations in Australia.     
There are two things we must do to foster Indonesian nationalism, namely:
1) Developing equality among the ethnic groups of the inhabitants of the archipelago
2) Developing an attitude of tolerance
Apart from the two things above, we must also avoid the following four things:
1) Ethnicity, namely the attitude that considers one's own ethnic group to be the
best. The result will always be to prioritize one's own ethnic group and ignore the
interests of other ethnic groups.
2) Chauvinism, which is an attitude that only gives priority to one's own nation and
undermines other nations
3) Extremism, namely a tough stance to defend one's position in various ways, even
though it violates the basic provisions of the state
4) Provincialism, namely the attitude that always struggles with the interests of the
province (region) itself without considering the larger interests of the nation.  
b. The Meaning of Patriotism
P atriotisme an attitude willing to sacrifice everything for the glory of the homeland,
nation and state.
While the characteristics of patriotism include:
1) Love the motherland
2) Willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and state
3) Place the unity, integrity and safety of the nation and state above personal and
group interests.
4 ) Do not know snatching. 

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