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The disparity in Social Classes during contemporary times

Karl Marx once said, “the social class structure of the time was set up to allow the wealthy to
control all elements of production and to become wealthier off the labor of the working class.” In
today’s society, individuals are classified into classes; the fortunate and the impoverished. It can
be found in several forms such as group, community, and country. An industry is made up of the
upper and lower classes, and both parties benefit from it yet don’t receive an equal wage value; a
business prospers with the support of its employees, but the businessman receives 80% of the
profit. In most instances, people in the lower-class categories provide labor to the upper class;
they do so by working on their premises. The irreversible truth is that there will always be a
discrepancy between these social classes which exists and has influenced many lives, particularly
those of the lower class whose deprived of the fortuity that only the upper class could attain.
Power is the reason for social diversity; with power, one could be superior among people and
influence their followers. Karl Marx's concept is not limited to the business industry; it is
applicable to all types of power, i.e., a matter that must be addressed and understood. The court
and criminal justice system, for example, in the Philippines, where justice is unequally
distributed between the wealthy and poor. The country's judicial system mainly benefits the
wealthy and powerful. If it belongs to the privileged few, the high and mighty Filipinos, expect
no case to be filed against it, or if one is filed, it will just go down the drain and be easily covered
up. Meanwhile. Many Filipinos are unable to obtain justice because they are impoverished and
cannot afford legal services. Even if they did have access to a public attorney, who was supposed
to represent the poorest of the poor, public lawyers are understaffed and have a large backlog of
cases. As a result, the poor do not file cases since they know they cannot afford a lawyer and that
their case would take years to be resolved. The sources of these injustices are numerous:
inefficient and corrupt politicians, attorneys, prosecutors, and judges not only have the benefit of
controlling the law and system, but they are also harming the lives of people who seek impartial
justice. This also applies to the Philippines, which was under Martial Law from 1972 to 1981
under the dictatorial reign of President Ferdinand Marcos, a period recognized as the nation's
tragic instability. It is where various crimes occurred, and many voices were silenced; these
events must be remembered because they are a part of our history; they serve as a wake-up call
to our modern times; and it is an abominable realization that the poor Filipinos who were under
his authority were severely given a place where it's not safe for them to speak up or else they will
disappear. Back then, the wealthy were the ones who were secure, while others whose lives were
in danger were oppressed, and the media did nothing since it was suppressed. This serves as a
reminder that similar events remain to happen, but the difference is that people now are more
outspoken than ever before, the oppressed are now heard, and the system is gradually improving
with the support of very well politicians. In contrast, not everyone from the highest rungs of
society is a bad person; they often utilize their riches for good, which the poor may benefit from.
Marxism is about more than simply socioeconomic classes; it is about the role of status and
power in controlling and changing the course of one's life. Marx also classified them into groups
whereas Bourgeoisie and Proletariat fulfill the role of social relationships by rank or position,
their relationship is often in conflict and in contradictory interests associated with it which is
evident in our times. Everyone belongs to a certain class which is defined by one’s lifestyle and
privileges despite it, no one should abuse their power and harm someone lower just to get their
desires. Social class differences create competition among different members in the society.
Individuals within the lowest social class always work hard to maneuver their way to the next
level. Individuals within the highest social classes have a feeling of having made it in life.

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