Calendula (Pot Marigolds) : Kristil Marie E. Chavez BN3A

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Kristil Marie E. Chavez BN3A

Calendula officinalis/Pot marigolds have vibrant
orange flowers which bloom in late summer and
early autumn. It belongs to the same family as
daisies, chrysanthemums, and ragweed. It is a short-
CONSTITUENTS lived aromatic herbaceous perennial, growing to 80
cm (31 in) tall, with sparsely branched lax or erect
Flavonoids, carotenes, saponin, resin, and volatile stems. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 5–17 cm
oils are among the chemical constituents of (2–7 in) long, hairy on both sides, and with margins
calendula. The volatile oil content causes entirely or occasionally waved or weakly toothed.
diaphoresis and a localized increase in blood
circulation. The resin content is responsible for DISTRIBUTION
the topical application's antimicrobial and
antiinflammatory properties. This is an annual plant that thrives in almost any
soil but can typically be found in Europe,
RESEARCH Western Asia, and the United States.

Scientific research conducted on calendula, both

alone and in combination formulas, for treating USES AND PARTS USED
numerous health conditions. Calendula has Calendula has been shown to help wounds heal
nourishing benefits for the skin and is used faster, possibly by increasing blood flow and
topically for treating wounds due to its soothing oxygen to the affected area, which helps the body
and antimicrobial properties. It may also be grow new tissue. It is also used to improve skin
beneficial for gingivitis, radiation mucositis, vaginal hydration and firmness. The dried petals of the
candidiasis, episiotomy healing, chronic prostatitis, calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments,
diaper dermatitis, leg ulcers (venous and and washes to treat burns, bruises, and cuts, as
neuropathic), and radiation dermatitis. It has well as the minor infections they cause. Calendula
SCIENTIFIC NAME antiinflammatory, cytotoxic, and antitumor also has been shown to help prevent dermatitis or
Calendula officinalis properties. skin inflammation in people with breast cancer
COMMON NAME OTHER INFORMATION during radiation therapy.
Pot marigold
Taken internally as a tea or tincture, calendula can be
ENGLISH NAME used to treat digestive issues, such as REFERENCES:
Mary's gold or Scotch marigold gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as an American Botany Council. (n.d.). Calendula. CALENDULA01-15-2020 -
american botanical council.
adjunct therapy for peptic ulcers, to stimulate the
lymphatic system, and as an emmenagogue.
Calendula officinalis. Calendula officinalis - an overview | ScienceDirect
Calendula flowers can be added to stews, soups, Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from
pizza, and salads, and included in herbal teas. dentistry/calendula-officinalis

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