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A Genesys Bestiary
Design and Development Cartography
David Morris

Additional Development Production Management

Keith Kappel, Kenneth Morris David Morris

Editing Publisher
Ginny Loveday
Mount Ogden Gaming Company via Genesys Foundry
Proofreading Special thanks to Keith Kappel and Maggie Ritchie
David Morris of the Adventure Writers Academy and Ashley War-
ren of Ashley Warren's RPG Writer Workshop.
Layout and Design
David Morris
Fantasy Flight Games Genesys Foundry

Cover Art
ckybe, grandfailure @Adobe Stock

Interior Art
avtorpainter, Christopher, Erica Guilane-Nachez ,
grandfailure, kuco, Matrioshka @Adobe Stock, Jacob
E Blackmon, Fat Goblin Games, Dean Spencer

Art Direction
David Morris

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Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters and character names, and the
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This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used with
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2019 by David Morris and published under the Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.

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Document Version 1.4.1

Adversary Profiles............................................................4
A Treacherous Ascent......................................................7
The Lost Piper...................................................................9
Mirrors of the Past..........................................................11
Document Change Log..................................................14
W elcome to Monstrum Encyclopedia. I am excited
to present the first of what I desire to be many
contributions to our community. While there are many
Knowledge Checks
Knowledge checks allow characters to know informa-
excelent resources on the web that include a myriad of tion about a type of adversary. Using a knowledge
beasts, monsters, and NPCs, I wanted to share my take check in this way is a Maneuver.
on them with you. I hope that you like this book and The taxonomy of the adversary determines the type
find it useful in challenging your players and inspiring of knowledge skill used and the difficulty of the check.
the narratives you build together. These knowledge skills are examples, and in your game,
you might use some or none of these. A GM might
Adversary Profiles allow the use of the generic Knowledge skill or a Mon-
Profiles are organized to help Game Masters find the ster Lore skill that encompasses all types of adversaries.
information they need. Below are the descriptions of
the categories. Table 0-1 Lore Known
• Name: The name of the adversary is listed, fol- CHECK LORE KNOWN
lowed by its origins, appearance, and general place Behavior, habitat and frequency, and general
in the world. appearance.

• Profile: Lists the adversary’s characteristics, skills, 󲊳󲊳 Taxonomy, social structure, activity cycle, and diet.
talents, abilities, and equipment.
Combat, Soak, Abilities, Equipment, and highest
• Type: Whether the character is a minion, rival, or characteristic
nemesis. Ecology, Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold, defense,
resistances, and vulnerabilities.
• Silhouette: The character's relative size.
• Taxonomy: A categorization of adversaries into A weakness observed in the specific specimen being
󲊵 observed, granting one upgrade to all checks against
groups of similar types. that individual.

• Habitat: The places the adversary likes to live.

• Frequency: How often the adversary is likely to be Table 0-2 Example Skill Required
encountered when in its preferred habitat.
• Social Structure: The size of the groups that the
Mythic 󲊷󲊷󲊷 History
adversary typically exists in.
• Activity Cycle: The time of day that the adversary Primordial 󲊷󲊷 Natural World
Dragons 󲊷󲊷󲊷 Dragons
• Diet: A description of the kind of food the adver-
sary eats. Carnivore, Vegetarian, or Omnivore are Other Worldly 󲊷󲊷󲊷󲊷 Forbidden Lore
common choices.
Undead 󲊷󲊷 Religion
• Combat: Describes how the adversary typically
approaches the battle. Human 󲊷󲊷 History

• Behavior: The adversary’s general attitude, how

and where they live, and relationships to other
• Ecology: The adversary's diet, how their presence
might affect the surrounding area and other organ-
isms. Potential uses of the adversary’s biology if

Encounters Everfull Book of Adversaries
I have included a number of sample encounters in this I will update this product regularly to add new crea-
guide. The encounters are designed to highlight the tures and NPCs and their encounters. As I add more
abilities and behaviors of each adversary. content, I will also increase the price.
• The Set Up. The encounters include a description So get in early, because after you purchase, you will
of the potential avenues by which to get your party get all the updates at no additional cost!
• A skill challenge. Tests of the character's skills
will come up often in encounters. Traversing the If you have any feedback, issues, or questions you can
rocky face of a mountain, fighting against a power- reach me at:
ful current, or trekking through scorching deserts • Twitter @mountogdengc
examples of these tests. • Discord David Morris (MOGC)#6853
• Encounter. This section describes the interaction • email at
with the particular adversary that is outlined in the
current section of the guide. Many times these will
be set as combat encounters, but they can also be
social situations.
• Rewards. Treasure! This section describes the
valuable items the adversary has or in some cases
may reward or trade the characters.
• Moving Ahead. How to move on from the encoun-
ter to continue your main story line, or how to add
a twist to the end of the encounter.
• Tables. Useful to help you determine setback and
boost opportunities and also uses for advantages,
threats, despair, and triumph for checks made dur-
ing the encounter.
Most encounters are limited to one page, with the
Medusa encounter being an exception. You can usually
find the encounters on the page following the adver-
sary that they are designed for.
Changing out the adversary for any encounter con-
tained in this guide is simple and allows for them to
be used in almost any adventure. I hope that you find
them to be helpful as you build your own encounters

Advantages and Triumph Suggestions

Though these are typically in the player's hands
to adjudicate, I find it helpful to have suggestions
ready in case people suffer decision paralysis.
This can also help you control things a little more,
so that a cool event you have set up isn't derailed–
just make sure the players feel good about the
effect of their rolls. MONSTRUM ENCYCLOPEDIA 5
C himera originated when alchemists found them-
selves unimpressed by the natural creatures around
them. Convinced of their own alchemical skills they set
Type: Rival
Silhouette: 2
out to create a veritable menagerie of beast. Their arro- Habitat: Mountains
gance however cost them and those around them dearly Frequency: Rare
when they lost control of the monsters they had created Social Structure: Solitary
and fell prey to the savagery that confinement had bred Activity Cycle: Day
into the chimera. Diet: Omnivore
Chimera have the head and legs of a lion and a
mountain goat, bat wings, and a snake for a tail. Known
to attack travelers in mountains, chimera will venture Chimera are vicious combatants and have several
miles from their lofty perches to hunt prey. There have tools at their disposal. Not only is the bite of their
been reports of them leaving bodies in their wake lion’s head vicious, but its roar can unsettle their prey
without feeding, perhaps indicating malice towards to the point that they are too frightened to even run.
humans. When the chimera has stalked its target to short
range, it charges with its goat head to knock the prey
Chimera [Rival] to the ground.
3 2 1 3 2 1 As if they weren’t dangerous enough, chimeras have
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE a snake tail and use it to disable more dangerous foes
through its deadly venom.
4 12 1 1 Behavior
Skills: Brawl 2, Discipline 1, Stealth 2, Vigilance 1. Chimera are territorial and become anxious when
Talents: None. other predators enter their realms. They become
Abilities: increasingly aggressive when hungry or when
protecting their young.
• Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat
checks targeting this character by 1) While they are solitary beasts, chimera seek out
mates once a year in the spring. They have a gestation
• Airborne (can fly; see page 100 of the Genesys Core
period of 110 days and the young set off on their own
at 6-8 weeks old.
• Maul (add 󲊸󲊸 to Brawl checks against prone or
immobilized targets) Ecology
• Lion's roar (a melee attack against the chimera that After escaping into the wild, the chimera followed
results in 󲊱󲊱 causes the target to add 󲊸 to all their instincts to find suitable homes. Following the
skill checks for the rest of the encounter, on a 󲊲, instincts of their goat
the character is immobilized and staggered during head, most chose
their next turn) to live in the high
mountains. They tend
• Venom (the target must make a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷)
to make their shelters
Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or in caves or among
suffer 4 additional wounds). the trees growing in
Equipment: parts of the mountain
• Fang, horn, and venom (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical ranges.
3; Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Venom).

A Treacherous Ascent
W hile the party is traveling through a mountain
pass, they find that the road has been washed out
forcing them to make a choice–turn back and go around
Table 1-1 Mountaineering Modifiers
the mountains or practice their mountaineering skills.
+󲊸 Fog is present

Skill Test +󲊸 Snow and ice present

To make their way over the mountain, the characters
must attempt a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷) Athletics check and +󲊸 High winds

suffer 2 strain. On a failure, the character suffers 2 +󲊸󲊸 Climbing at night (without night vision of some kind)
additional strain and the party suffers 4 strain divided
among them as they help their comrade (allow the +󲊸󲊸 Using appropriate climbing gear
party to distribute the 4 strain as they see fit). Upgrade Very hard and shear cliff face
Table 1-1 Mountaineering Modifiers has suggested
Upgrade Jagged outcropping make falls more deadly
changes to the Athletics check. A character may use a
story point and spend the coin to say they had pur-
chased climbing gear at their last available opportunity. Table 1-2 Mountaineering Results
Use Table 1-2 Mountaineering Results to deter- DICE SYMBOLS EFFECT
mine the results of the test.
󲊱 Suffer 2 additional strain
󲊱󲊱 Chimera attacks party mid-climb
At a point during their ascent, a chimera attacks the
party. The attack happens while they are on steady foot- 󲊱󲊱󲊱 The active character takes a medium range fall
(short with climbing gear) and suffers a critical
ing, unless they generated 󲊱󲊱 on the Athletics check or 󲊲 injury
or the players are looking for an additional challenge.
The active character finds a safe and dry place
See Table 1-3 Attacked Mid-Climb for suggestions 󲊴󲊴 where the party can rest. This takes affect after
on spending 󲊱,󲊴,󲊲, and 󲊵 during the fight. resolving any negative results

Rewards 󲊴󲊴󲊴 Party is able to avoid chimera entirely

or 󲊵
Inside the chimera's lair, remains of past victims and
their equipment are folded into the nest. There are 400
coins, a backpack, bedroll, 100-foot length of rope, an Table 1-3 Attacked Mid-Climb
axe, and 3 opals worth 200 coin each.
The rest of the equipment is destroyed beyond use,
1) The active character losses their footing and
but might be used for kindling or makeshift bandages must spend their next maneuver recovering or
in a pinch. 󲊱󲊱
2) The active character drops their weapon down
the mountain.
Moving Ahead
󲊱󲊱󲊱 The active character takes a medium range fall
Once the party has defeated, driven off, or escaped the (short with climbing gear) and suffers a critical
chimera, they are free to carry on with the journey. or 󲊲 injury.

If you wish to continue further with this encounter, The ground supporting the character and any
climbing equipment fails, sending the character for
options include a cave leading farther into the moun- 󲊲󲊲 a long range fall and they suffer the Temporarily
tains off of the chimera's lair or the chimera's nest being Disabled critical injury.
full of cubs. There are many ways that the party could
The active character's position adds 󲊸󲊸 to their
handle these options or you are free to create your own. 󲊴󲊴 next attack or skill check.

The active character is able to use the environment

󲊴󲊴󲊴 to their advantage to throw the chimera off balance
or 󲊵 and send it for a short fall before it can regain its
footing or flight.

R eports of restless and wandering spirits are common
in all lands. Are they a manifestation of powerful
emotional states or the twisted, vengeful remains of our
• Incorporeal (ghosts are able to pass through solid
objects. They can move vertically and horizontally
with equal ease. Ghosts can only be harmed by
loved ones? I for one, hope to never find out. cold iron, holy water, magic weapons, and spells.
Ghosts take many forms. Spirits of anger, mourn- They can choose to become visible or invisible as
ing, fear, sadness, and loss. These creatures are trapped. an incidental action)
Though some part of who they were in life remains, the • Undead (ghosts do not eat, sleep, or breath. They
impression of their strongest emotions at death takes a are not subject to disease, poison, or toxin. Some
dominant hold. critical affects may not apply to them and are
A ghost cannot be vanquished by simple spells or ignored
steel. Such things can force them to dissipate for a short Equipment:
time until they recover their energy. There is no way • Feel my Pain (Divine; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
to predict how long that may take for any individual [Short]; Breach, Disorient 3, Stun)
spirit. Optional Equipment:
Ghosts are especially story-driven adversaries. • Telekinesis [1] (Divine; Damage 4; Critical 4;
Though you can use them as just another encounter, Range [Short]; Auto-fire, Telekinetic)
they work best when they have a tragic story to tell. By • Battle of Wills [2] (Divine; Damage 4; Critical 4;
piecing the puzzle together of the circumstances sur- Range [Engaged]; Breach, Possession, Stun Dam-
rounding their deaths, the players can become attached age)
to the ghost tale. There are often angry or hurt people
attached to a ghost story as well, some that may try and • Banshee Wail [2] (Divine; Damage 6; Critical 4;
hinder or even kill the characters. Range [Short]; Blast, Breach, Terror)
Ghosts choose two options from the Optional Equip- • Drain Life [1] (Divine; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
ment list. Some of the options count as two choices. [Short]; Rejuvenating, Vicious)
• Horrifying visage [1](Divine; Damage 4; Critical 4;
Ghost (Rival) Range [Short]; Blast, Breach, Horror)
Optional Equipment Abilities:
1 2 2 2 4 3
• Possession (the target must make a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷)
Discipline check as an out-of-turn incidental.
If the character fails the GM takes control of the
4 12 2 2 character's turn. The character may attempt the
Skills: Cool 2, Discipline 3, Divine 2, Resilience 3, Vig- check again on each of their turns during combat.
ilance 2. When out of combat, the character can attempt
Talents: the check if the ghost makes them do something
against their character's beliefs. Another character
• Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat
can attempt a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷) Social Skill check to
checks targeting this character by 1) shake the character out of the possession. The GM
Abilities: should not kill the character or make them per-
• Silhouette 1 form actions that destroy the fun.)
• Cursed to Wander (ghosts cannot be destroyed • Terror (the target must make a Hard (󲊻󲊷󲊷) Dis-
through normal means. Once they reach their cipline check as an out-of-turn incidental. If the
wound threshold, a ghost must rest before mani- character fails and generates 󲊱 they are staggered,
festing in the world. If the attack that exceeded with 󲊱󲊱 they are staggered and immobilized,
their wound threshold generated no 󲊴 or 󲊳, the and on a 󲊲 the character is unconscious. These
ghost returns within moments. If the attack gener- effects last for a number of rounds equal to the
ated 󲊴 it can return sometime in the next scene, attack's Terror rating)
󲊴󲊴 can return in the next scene, or 󲊵 can return • Horror (the target must make a Average (󲊻󲊷)
the following day) Discipline check as an out-of-turn incidental. If

the character fails and generates 󲊱 they are disori- Many ghosts attack by launching loose items at their
ented, with 󲊱󲊱 they are staggered, and on a 󲊲 targets with their Telekineses ability. They can also
the character is staggered and immobilized. These cause others to share in their emotional pain. Few
effects last for a number of rounds equal to the sights are as disturbing as the look on someone’s face
attack's Horror rating) who has died from fear.
• Rejuvenating (the ghost recovers wounds equal to Behavior
the wounds the target suffers)
Many ghosts will play out the last moments of their life,
Taxonomy unaware or uncaring of anyone who may be watching.
Type: Rival They seek release from their curse, but cannot focus
Silhouette: 1 or keep many memories outside of their passion. One
Habitat: Any thing they all have in common is the propensity to
Frequency: Rare react in unpredictable ways.
Social Structure: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Night Ecology
Diet: — Ghosts can take on many shapes. While most are
more or less human looking, a ghost can be an animal,
Combat an orb of light or darkness, or even an object. A ghost
Passions drive ghosts without the compassion or can haunt a house and, in some rare cases, be a ghost.
empathy they may have held in life. Like a young child, Some scholars believe that ectoplasm can form the
ghosts cannot control their outbursts and the conse- basis of potions or salves that confer invisibility, the
quences are deadly. ability to pass through solid objects, or to travel to the
spirit world.

The Lost Piper

S ome people like to take up music. As a hobby, pro-
fession, or passion. Most people like music. But in
a small and remote village, it united the community in
The piper's ghost will attack anyone who climbs down
their hatred of the bagpipe. But murder doesn’t always the well. The ghost has the Banshee Wail equipment. If
solve all your problems. The nightly serenade of an they search the bottom of the well, the characters can
unskilled bagpipe recital has haunted the village ever find the piper's bagpipes. Possessing the bagpipes grants
since. that character an upgrade to all checks they make against
the ghost.
A local lord needs someone to investigate the villages
poor food production, or a scholar hires them to col- Rewards
lect ectoplasm from the ghost. The gruff, but grateful villagers will offer the characters
Skill Test a horse and a cart full of common goods and foodstuff
in return for helping them get a much-needed night's
The community is very close-knit and share in the rest.
guilt over the piper’s murder. Their guilt–not the
piper's–is what holds the young musician to this Moving Ahead
world. The difficulty of social skill checks is upgraded Putting the piper's spirit to rest in one of two ways. The
by one in general and by two if a stranger starts asking characters can uncover who was responsible for the
about the piper. murder and convince them to confront the spirit. The
Anyone who sleeps in the village must make a Hard other way is much harder.
(󲊷󲊷󲊷) Discipline check to get any rest through the The villager's guilt holds the spirit to this world.
terrible concert that is held each night. The villagers Removing that guilt will free the spirit. Killing the vil-
themselves are all tired, cranky, and on the brink of lagers is one solution–though that may create an entire
insanity. village of spirits. The party can also work to convince
the village to let go of their guilt.

G reat and terrible is the curse that befell the medusa.
Priests say that a once beautiful woman was cursed
by the gods for the sin of existing. Sages say those sto-
Type: Rival
Silhouette: 1
ries are nonsense, and that it must be nothing more than Habitat: Caves, Ruins
mere legend or, perhaps, if such a thing exists the "curse" Frequency: Rare
of the medusa must be due to some alchemical experi- Social Structure: Solitary
ment gone wrong. Activity Cycle: Night
Some books depict medusa as having a snakes body Diet: Carnivore
and tail in place of legs, others tell that a medusa is a
picturesque version of beauty–whatever that means to
the people who told the story. But all the stories have Medusa are cunning stalkers, who take advantage of
one aspect in common, that the medusa has a head their ability to evade detection to get the perfect shot
covered insnakes in place of hair. with their bows.
When engaging more dangerous foes, medusa use
Medusa [Rival] hit and run tactics to wear down enemies until they fall
victim to the eyes of stone ability.
2 3 2 3 2 2 As a last ditch defense, medusa rely on their snake
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE hair to fight off close ranged attackers.
3 13 1 1
Medusa are haunted creatures, regardless of their true
Skills: Brawl 2, Discipline 1, Ranged 2, Stealth 2, Vigi- origin. They seek solitude in the forgotten places of
lance 1. the world. Often, their lairs are difficult to approach
Talents: None. and would-be invaders are worn out from the journey,
Abilities: making them easy pickings.
• Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat Ecology
checks targeting this character by 1)
Some alchemists believe that the blood of a medusa can
• Venom (the target must make a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷) be used to cure many ailments when properly prepared,
Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or including restoring someone who has been turned to
suffer 4 unsoakable strain) stone back to flesh.
• Petrification (the target must make a Hard
(󲊻󲊷󲊷) Resilience check as an out-of-turn inci-
dental or suffer 4 unsoakable strain. If this causes a
character to reach their Strain Threshold, they are
turned to stone. On a 󲊲 the character is turned to
stone regardless of their current strain)
• A melee attacker that generates 󲊱󲊱 is affected by
Venom. If the attacker generates 󲊲, they instead
are affected by Petrification.
• Poisoned arrows (Ranged; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Range [Long]; Venom)
• Eyes of stone (Ranged; Damage 6; Critical 5; Range
[Short]; Accurate 2, Petrification, Stun Damage)

Mirrors of the Past
A medusa has taken up residence in a ruined temple
that has sunken. The characters can enter through
a nearby sinkhole rappelling down into a watery cavern.
The medusa ambushes the characters in this room.
The medusa uses hit and run tactics to keep at a range
and separate the characters.
Since we already have a climbing challenge in A The cursed remains of those felled by the medusa's
Treacherous Ascent, we can have each character suf- poison rise as two minion groups of skeletons and
fer 2 strain for the climb and call it good. Alternatively, attack the party as well. There are as many skeletons in
you could have them make a Average (󲊷󲊷) Athletics each group as there are player characters.
The floor of the cavern is medium range from the Skeletons [Minion]
sinkhole entrance. The characters will enter the dun-
geon in Area 1. There are plenty of rooms left that you
2 2 1 3 1 1
can leave empty or populate with your own dressing
and dangers.
3 4 2 1
Skill Test
Skills: (group only): Melee (Light), Perception, Vigi-
Area 2. A statue sits in the middle of this room upon a
dais. The dais is painted with a strange mural, but the
Talents: None.
images don't seem to line up. This room would be a
Abilities: None.
good place to insert an authority figure or god from
your setting that you want to introduce to the players.
• Rusty spear (Melee [Light]; Damage 4, Critical 4;
The statue room is a puzzle. Three concentric discs
Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 1)
in the floor need to be turned until the pictures line up,
and then a pressure plate at the feet of the statue must • Rusty shield (Melee [Light]; Damage 2, Critical 6;
be pressed (perhaps in times past, an acolyte would Range [Engaged ]; Accurate 2, Petrification, Stun
kneel there). Damage)
While the puzzle seems straitforward, it is painted Table 1-4 Gallery of Stone
in such a way that there are several configurations.
Characters that want to solve the puzzle must attempt DICE SYMBOLS EFFECT
a Hard (󲊻󲊷󲊷 ) Knowledge or Skullduggery check. The active character must avoid an assault from the
If you use more specific knowledge skills, choose the 󲊱󲊱 medusa or their minions, suffering 4 unsoakable
most appropriate one for the NPC you decided to use
for the statue. See Table 1-5 Statue Puzzle for check 󲊱󲊱󲊱 The active character is caught in the medusa's gaze
through one of the mirrors and is subject to the
results. or 󲊲 Petrification ability.

The active character is caught between a rock and

The rest of Area 2 info is on the next page so that 󲊲󲊲 about to become the hard place. With no where to
you have the medusa and skeleton near each escape, the character is turned to stone.

other to reduce page flipping during combat. The active character or another character of their
󲊴󲊴 choice is able to make their next attack against the
medusa without risk
󲊴󲊴󲊴 The active character tricks the medusa into
Area 3. This room is a gallery of those who have suc- catching her own gaze in a mirror and she must
cumbed to the medusa's gaze–soldiers, adventurers, or 󲊵 check against her own Petrification ability.

and scholars in poses of anger, horror, or surprise.

varying of the statues hold mirrors of varying shapes
and sizes.
How can the players get two despair?
Though the medusa only has Adversary 1, you can
spend a Story Point to upgrade the difficulty.

Table 1-5 Statue Puzzle Animated Statue [Rival]
The active character has activated a trap! BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE


2) Toxic Gas 6 17 1 1
󲊱󲊱󲊱 The gods are not amused and send a column of fire Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Discipline 1, Perception,
that fills the room causing everyone inside to suffer
or 󲊲 10 damage. Or maybe it was just a trap. Vigilance 1. .
Talents: None.
The statue in the room animates and attacks the • Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat
󲊲󲊲 characters.
checks targeting this character by 1)
The active characters receives a blessing and moves Abilities: None.
󲊴󲊴 one Story point from the Game Master's pool to Equipment:
the players' pool.
• Stone fists or weapon (Brawl; Damage 6, Critical
The active character is favored by the gods. They
are 1) given a one time bonus of 5 xp. Once this
3; Range [Engaged]; Breach, Concussive 1, Disori-
󲊴󲊴󲊴 reward is earned, no other character can claim it; ent 3)
or 󲊵 or 2) are protected from the petrification ability of
the medusa. Rewards
Area 2. If the characters successfully solve the puzzle,
the statue's base opens to reveal a small cache of trea-
The traps weaken the characters, making them
sure including a jade ring worth 200 coins, a silver
more succeptible to the medusa's Petrification
bracelet set with gems worth 300 coins, and two rose
ability. Adding a long trek through a desert or
quartz worth 25 coin each.
other wilderness will ramp up the challenge.
Area 4. Behind a secret door, the medusa's sleeping
chambers contains two black pearls worth 200 coins
Poison Darts each, a diamond ring worth 1,000 coins, and a fine
bronze sword ( Melee (Light); Damage +3; Critical 2;
Trigger: Generating threats while solving the puzzle. Range [Engaged]; Conflagration 3, Defensive 1, Pierce
Effects: 2).
• Venom (Damage 4; Range [Short]; the target must
make a Average (󲊷󲊷) Resilience check as an out-
of-turn incidental or suffer 4 unsoakable strain) Conflagration
Toxic Gas Conflagration weapons can erupt into flames caus-
Trigger: Generating threats while solving the puzzle. ing a target to suffer additional wounds. When
Effects: flaming is activated, the weapon deals additional
damage equal to its rating.
• Venom (Everyone within [Short] range must make
a Hard (󲊷󲊷󲊷) Resilience check as an out-of-
turn incidental or suffer 4 unsoakable strain)
Moving Ahead
Area 4. The medusa's room is a typical bed chamber for
someone of noble birth. A lone statue kneels with its
hands outstretched as if to give an offering. This could
be the medusa's mate or that of another. This would be
a good place to have a diary the characters can find—
hinting at the statues identity.

Document Change Log
Update 11-26-2019
Add “For use with the Genesys roleplaying system” to
product description
Update subtitle to “A Genesys Bestiary”
Add Ghost
Add The Lost Piper


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