Midgard: A Historical Fiction Viking Setting Based On Norse Mythology

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A Historical Fiction Viking Setting based on Norse Mythology

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



• 2021/10/11 - Finished Initial Document

ctionVance, Agnieszka Mordaunt, Arvid Høidahl, ella
peebles, Erik Mclean, Flash Dantz, Gabriel Gheorghe, • 2021/10/14 - Player only version 1
Gigi, Gioele Fazzeri, Jayesh SURYAWANSHI, Joel • 2021/10/26 - Changes after rst playtest
• 2021/11/03 - Added Optional Sailing Rules
Muniz, Johny Goerend, Jonatan Pie, Junior REIS, Kristijan
• 2021/11/07 - Added NPC stat blocks
Arsov, Marek Piwnicki, Michal Matlon, Miguel Gonzalez,
• 2021/11/13 - Changed Favor / Wrath to Luck
Quaidian Wanderer, redcharlie, Rosie Sun, Scott Umstattd, • 2021/11/18 - Rewrote Adventure Ideas
Sandra Seitamaa, Shadman Sakib, Steinar Engeland, Tengyart, • 2021/11/19 - Changes after playtests
Thomas Bonometti, Vadim Sadovski, Valentin Lacoste, • 2021/11/21 - Version 1
Valentin Petkov, veeterzy, Victor B. and Visual Karsa via
unsplash.com Writing, design, editing, and development by Kai Jim Refsnes
Page stain art by Jared Ondricek (/u/flamableconcrete).


any thanks to my wonderful friends that helped me test
and fix errors!
Alex Møller, Arthur Manghi, Barry Haugh, Terry Winter,
Zach Heck


his product was created under license. Genesys and its logo,
and Genesys Foundry and its logo, are trademarks of
Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All Fantasy Flight Games characters and character names, and
the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy
Flight Games. www.FantasyFlightGames.com.
This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight
Games and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Genesys Foundry.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by
Kai Jim Refsnes and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Introduction 4 Chapter 2 - Luck 37
Welcome to Midgard 4 The Luck Economy 38
Roleplaying in the world of historical ction 4 Exchanging Luck 39
What is this book, how do I use it? 4 Tracking Luck 40
What is the Midgard setting? 4
What will I nd in this book? 5 Chapter 3 - Equipment and Vehicles 41
What living in Midgard looks like 6 Weapons 41
Viking Adventures 8 Armor 43
Gear 44
Chapter 1 - Character Creation 9 Ships and Vehicles 46
Steps for Creating Characters 9 Animals and Gear 48
Step 1: Determine Background 12
Step 2: Select a Character Archetype 13 Chapter 4 - Vikingr & Travels 49
Step 3: Select a Career 13 Vikings - Scandinavia 49
Berserkr: Warrior 14 Brittan 49
Filungar: Builder 15 Ireland 50
Lagmann: Negotiator 16 West Francia 50
Oppdagr: Explorer 17 Rus 50
Skald: Storyteller / Spy 18 Vinland 50
Seidr: Seer 19 Miklagard 50
Thegn: Leader 20
Vikingr: Raider 21 Chapter 5 - Adversaries 51
New Skills for Midgard 22
New Talents for Midgard 25 Chapter 6 - The Game Master 62
Step 6: Determine Motivation and Luck 30 Playing the Gods 62
God: Odin 32 Optional Rule - Seafaring 63
God: Frøya 33 Seafaring Skill Challenges 63
God: Tor 34 Seafaring Weather Chart 64
God: Baldr 35 Seafaring Spending Dice Results 65
God: Heimldallr 36 Seafaring Random Encounters 67
God: Loke 36 Example Play: Seafaring 68
Adventure Ideas 70
Index 73

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Midgard is a sourcebook—or expansion—for the Genesys

our native place of Midgard is a beautiful but rough place
to live. The shores are stony, the hills, even more so. Core Rulebook. That means you'll need a copy of the Core
Rulebook as well as this book to play a game set in Midgard. It
But hard places breeds hard people, and the Vikings looked can also use parts of the Heroic abilities rules from the Realms
beyond their shores for riches. Vikings were known as capable of Terrinoth setting book, so if you want to use those, you
fighters, sailors, and traders. Some said they were mad, should have that book as well.
monsters, or unnaturally gifted.
You'll also need some Genesys Roleplaying Dice. You can pick
Maybe they were right. Things always seemed to go a little bit up a pack from your local game store or
better with the favor of the gods. www.fantasyflightgames.com, or by downloading the Genesys
Dice App onto your Android or iOS device.
ROLEPLAYING IN THE WORLD OF Midgard and the tales of the Edda Sagas serve as a backdrop for
the stories you'll tell using the Genesys game. It is a detailed
MIDGARD example of the settings found in Part II of the Core Rulebook,
so you'll use the basic rules found in Part I of the Core
Rulebook combined with the rules presented here.

ell met traveller, prepare thyself to set into the fantastical
past. Vikings roam and plunder, succeeding or failing at The rules in Midgard are designed to supersede those in the
the whim of the gods. Genesys Core Rulebook—so whenever there seem to be
This book is a supplement to the Genesys game line that lets contradictions, use the rules in this book.
you use our Narrative Dice System in a world of historical
fiction set based on Norse mythology!
In Midgard, you'll become a part of the feared Vikings!
Helped, or hindered, by the powerful beings of Asgard. Their We go into detail about the Midgard setting throughout this
actions depend on your relationship with them. book. So here, let's just cover the basics.

You can rely on your wits and become a world travelling trader. In Norse mythology, Midgard is the world of men. Of the nine
Lend your arms and make your living as a mercenary. Or set worlds, Midgard separates the world of the gods from the
forward to raid and settle new lands. world of the giants and the darker worlds. And since a world
cannot truly be a world without inhabitants, Odin and his
brothers created man.
Our Midgard is what would be considered fictional history or
mythical past. Meaning that while the origin of the setting was
real, we added some steps from Norse Mythology to make it a
bit more epic.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

The Midgard setting takes place in the Viking era, between 750
and 1050 Common Era. Norse settlements are in an Iron age
technology but were influenced by more technologically OWN HISTORICAL FICTION
advanced civilizations.
Depending on how big the GM wants the world to be, you
can travel to many places. The Vikings had dealings with the Absolutely! Genesys is designed to be a toolkit for you to use to
Franks, through the descendants of Charlemagne, raided the make your own worlds, and that remains our goal with this
English Isles, had contact with the Byzantine Empire in book as well. Midgard can be a valuable tool for building your
Miklagard (Constantinople), met with Chinese and Persian own historical fiction setting instead of using ours.
traders in Rus Kiel and Novgorod, and travelled as far as
Vinland (North America). Specifically, the use of the Luck economy in this book can be
used with most settings that you would prefer to be low-magic,
The Vikings originated from Scandinavia. Specifically but still include powerful mythology.
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
So, that's an overview of the book and how to use it. We wish
you the best of luck trying to survive in Midgard, and we hope
WHAT WILL I FIND IN THIS BOOK? you enjoy your adventures!

We split the Midgard setting book into six chapters. Some of

these will be more useful for the Game Master, while others
will be more useful for players. Let's briefly go through each
Chapter 1: Character Creation: The rules you need to
build a player character. Including character creation rules that
are different from those in the Genesys Core Rulebook, and
new talents and skills your character can use. It also includes
information on the various gods and factions in the setting.
You may even advance your character by adding a misdeed that
your character profited from. But be careful! The gods may
disapprove of your actions.
Chapter 2: Luck: Details the Luck economy based on the
players' relationships with the gods and how it can be
Chapter 3: Weapons and Equipment: The types of items
that your character (and their adversaries) may be using.
Including weapons, armor and gear. It also includes some of
the vehicles you may find in Midgard.
Chapter 4: Vikingr and Travels: The different factions
and locations the players are likely to visit.
Chapter 5: Adversaries: Provides Game Masters with many
non-player character (NPC) adversaries to use in their games.
Chapter 6: The Game Master Several encounters that
Game Masters can take and use for adventures (or even full-
fledged campaigns). In addition, there are some Midgard-
specific GM advice.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



LOOKS LIKE To set out on a raiding expedition (to go Vik-ing), meant

getting together a party of fighters, boats, and competent
sailors. It also required planning and was typically done in the

orse society at the time of the Vikings were split into three
classes, the allfather (Odin) himself structured society to offseason for farming when there was less work to be done at
operate within these classes. home.
• Trell In the mind of the Vikings, raiding was not the same as theft.
• Karl A thief was a despicable, dishonorable man. But raiding was a
• Jarl challenge to a fight, with the victor retaining all of the spoils.
Trell (or thralls) were the lowest ranking class. In our setting, That does not mean that Vikings did not use cunning tactics,
we bend reality to suit our stories. Trells comprised almost a or that they only engaged in "fair" fights. To put it in simple
quarter of the population. In Midgard, trells are indentured terms: It was proper to take something after fighting for it. It
servants. Either because they were captured in a raid or as was dishonorable to simply steal something.
punishment for misbehaving. But in Midgard, trells work their
way to freedom! Trells were servants and workers in the farms
and larger households of the Karls and Jarls.
While raiding a coastal farm, Egill and his men
In the Midgard setting, a captured trell from a raid typically were captured and bound by the farmer and his
had to work for 5 seasons to finish their term of service.
Karls were free men. They had property, like farms, land and
cattle. They worked themselves and used trells to help with
Egill was able to slip his bonds during the night. He
hard and tedious work. Karls were the upper-middle class of
Viking society. and his men grabbed their farmers' treasure and
headed back to their ship. But along the way, Egill
Jarls were the aristocrats. Wealthy, owning estates, and even
realized he was acting like a thief: "This journey is
horses. Trells did most of the daily chores. The Jarls busied
themselves with politics, hunting, sports, and expeditions. terrible and hardly suitable for a warrior. We have
stolen the farmer's money without his knowledge.
We should never allow such shame to befall us."

Vikings mainly were fair-skinned, and the hair color varied So Egill returned to the farm and set it on re. He
between blond, dark and reddish. Most free men had killed the farmer and his family as they tried to
shoulder-length hair and beards, but trells often had short hair. escape the re. He then returned to the ship with
Females also had long hair, with girls often wearing it loose or
braided and married women often wearing it in a bun. But the treasure, this time with pride. Because he had
after generations mixing with trells from all over, anything is fought and won the battle, and the treasure was his
possible. to claim.
The three social classes are recognizable by appearance as well.
Jarls were well groomed with neat hairstyles and expressed their
wealth and status by wearing expensive clothes and well-crafted
jewellery like brooches, belt buckles, necklaces and arm rings.
Karls had similar tastes and hygiene but in a more relaxed and
inexpensive way.
Typical jewellery included ornamented silver brooches, colored
glass beads, and amulets.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


iking women generally had more freedom

than women elsewhere, and for the Midgard
women are considered equal in every


Vikings believed in numerous gods, like:

Odin - one-eyed, raven-flanked god, who cunningly pursues
knowledge throughout the worlds and gifted Midgard the
runic alphabet
Frøya - the beautiful, feathered cloak-clad goddess who rides
to battle to choose among the slain. Keeper of beauty, love, sex,
war, gold and seidr (magic).
Tor - hammer-wielding, humanity-protecting, thunder-god,
who relentlessly fights his foes
Baldr - beautiful and brave, loved by all
Loke - the giantson, the cunning trickster, who brings tragedy
to the gods by engineering the death of the goddess Frigg's
beautiful son Baldr
Heimdallr - the vengeful, mysterious, born of nine mothers,
with golden teeth, can hear the grass grow and possesses a
resounding horn
They believed they had to make offerings to the different gods
to keep them on their side. It was customary to have a
"preferred" god, but also offer sacrifice to other gods,
depending on what you needed help with.
There were no laws against blasphemy or disrespecting the
gods. But one could easily find oneself on the wrong side of an
axe if the wrong people heard you.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


idgard is full of stories, intrigue, adventures and fighting. The Viking longships allowed the Vikings to travel in force,
For this setting, an ordinary citizen in Scandinavia is where others could not. They could navigate the open ocean,
considered tougher and more capable than most other coastal waters, fjords and rivers, and land on most beaches.
people. Using primitive navigation tools, horizon boards, sunstones
and sundials, the Vikings could navigate at sea better than most
The Vikings have been trained and shaped by the harsh other societies at the time.
landscape and come out tougher on the other side. Some live
life as politicians, steering others rather than fighting on their Exploration to new lands, finding new creatures and cultures
own. Other as traders and opportunists. Some may take it can lead to many exciting adventures! Or if it is wealth you
upon themselves to retell the stories of others and be a Skjalg truly seek, use these skills to find rich lands and plunder them.
Many adventures will seek out raids and explore as Vikings, VÆRINGJAR OR OATHMEN
hoping to bring home vast treasures. But all share that
toughness. For are they not blessed by the gods? The Viking's reputations as fighters made them famous
mercenaries. A group of Vikings who gave their word to fight
for someone for money were called Væringjar (men who give
their word, or oath).
Trells are very important for Viking society, where they Vikings fought for the Franks, and as far as Miklagard
function as servants, and laborers, often doing jobs undesirable (Constantinople) for the Byzantine emperor. A campaign as
for others. Trells and questions about their humanity, and the Væringjar could be set almost anywhere in this period, with the
morality of their situation, can be a core theme of adventures Vikings being an elite fighting force.
in Midgard. Though you may wish not to include that in a
campaign, and simply have them be treated more like low paid
workers, with strict workplace rules. Whatever you decide, MYTHOLOGICAL ADVENTURES
being a Trell seeking more freedom by rising against their
masters can be a powerful theme. The guidance of gods can shape many things. While Midgard
is intended to be a low magic setting, the gods are there,
pushing and tempting.
They can take the form of whispered quests, hints of powerful
weapons, or fight beings considered unnatural. The Seids say
you can communicate more directly with the gods if you know
which plants to use. Use the characters relationships to the
gods to help or hinder them.
Gods have different motivations. Some seek to protect the
mortals, and others want to bring about Ragnarok, the end of
the world. Most of them have personal wants or quirks they
would not hesitate to tie mortals to.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



n Midgard, you will play as an extraordinary character,
subject to the whims of the gods. You may have been an STEPS FOR CREATING
average person struggling to get by, a member of the
aristocratic families looking for excitement, or a trained
warrior. Whatever your past, your life is about to become more CHARACTERS

he first thing to do when creating a character is to come up
Your character will be a slightly above-average person in the with a character concept.
lands that produced some of the greatest fighters and explorers
on Earth. Your concept will be the starting blocks for your character and
will inform the choices that follow. Having an idea of what the
You are part of a grand adventure, and if you're lucky, you Midgard setting is all about is helpful, but it is not necessary.
might get rich. And if you should fail, pray that it be in battle
so that you can join your comrades in Valhall! Character creation can be broken down into seven steps, same
as in the Genesys Core Rulebook. Occasionally, these steps are
augmented by the material in Midgard (for example, Step 3 has
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER new careers to choose from, and Step 6 has your character start
building their relationships with the gods).
This book is a supplement to the Genesys Core Rulebook
and lets you play roleplaying games set in the Midgard setting.
In this chapter, we provide all of the rules and information
that, combined with the character creation rules that start on DETERMINE BACKGROUND
page 32 of the Genesys Core Rulebook, you'll need to
build a character for this game. Where does your character come from? Are they a born-and-
bred Norse resident, a trell from a raid with newfound
To build a character, you'll follow the steps outlined here freedom, or a mysterious newcomer?
(which mirror the steps found in the Genesys Core
Rulebook), with the addition of defining your characters' Choosing a background helps define the kind of character you
relationship with the gods. Whether or not you start with any want to play:
relationship with the gods, they will expect you to honor them
with sacrifices and do deeds in their name. That takes place Do you want to dip your toes in the intrigues of politics, fight
during Step 6: Determine Luck. as a berserkr, earning your keep by soothsaying or singing? Or
maybe the sea is your true home.
In either case, having a background in mind helps guide you
through the steps that follow.
More information on backgrounds, as well as some samples,
can be found on page 12.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Once you have an idea of your character's background, the Finally, with character statistics are in place, you can work out
next step is deciding their archetype. In Midgard, archetypes their derived attributes: wound threshold, strain threshold,
are all humans and detailed on Page 35 in the Genesys defence, and soak value.
Core Rulebook.
Information on how to determine these derived attributes and
on how they function in the game can be found on Page 45
STEP 3: of the Genesys Core Rulebook.
With a background and archetype in mind, the next step is to

There are eight careers available to characters in Midgard. Each The key part of Roleplaying Games is deciding how your
one determines the beginning skills for a character. Their character responds to situations, how they deal with dangers,
career and skills are a character's key to interact with Midgard and what drives them to succeed. These should be decided by
and their group. your characters Motivation.
Selecting a career does not lock you into a style of play but can It can be helpful for the GM if your group's characters have
be tailored to suit your character. For instance, the explorer existing relationships before play begins. As general advice,
career might encompass a Viking captain, a man of the start with the assumption that your characters are at least
wilderness, or anything else that benefits from the skills offered friendly with each other. Nobody wants to play a character
by the career. that is sulking in the corner of a tavern for 4 hours every week
(nor does anybody want such a character in their party).
The choices of careers presented in Midgard replace the
choices found in the Genesys Core Rulebook. More How Motivations work and lists of Motivations to choose
information about careers and the skills they provide can be from can be found on Page 46 of the Genesys Core
found on page 13. Rulebook.
In Midgard, the character's relationship with the gods is also
STEP 4: very important. So, your character has the chance to be in debt
to a god to improve your character. The gods do not like it
INVEST EXPERIENCE POINTS when mortals owe them, and you better quickly get on their
good side, or they will compel you to do so. On the other
With your basic character concept in place, the next step is to hand, if the gods favor your character, they can ask for their
invest experience points. Your character's archetype determines help!
how many experience points they have to spend. This step
allows you to round out your character by increasing The gods' favor can be bought by sacrificing or performing
characteristics and skills and adding talents. great deeds in their name. Their favor is forever changeable,
and even if you do not ask the gods for help, they will expect
Information on spending starting experience points can be you to continue buying their favor.
found on Page 44 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. You
can spend these experience points on the skills and talents that This may seem harsh and selfish, but that is the way of the
can be found starting on page 22. gods. And such obligation can make for really memorable
More on Luck and the Luck economy can be found on page

Midgard - A Genesys Setting





The last step is to choose gear and determine appearance and

Appearance and personality are entirely up to you (although
there are helpful guidelines on page 51 of the Genesys Core
Rulebook), but remember that they determine how the rest of
the group and the world see them.
Is the character obsessed with the latest fashions, are they clad
in flashy clothes and accessories, or are they the type who try to
jam as many weapons as possible on their person? Are they a
smartass, a strong silent type, or prone to bad jokes in the face
of adversity? All these things can help bring a character to life,
making a good character more memorable.
Rules for starting gear can be found in the Genesys Core
Rulebook Page 51. When building a character, you start
with 500 silver to spend on personal gear (see Chapter 2:
Weapons and Equipment for more on the types of gear your
character can have) or get the starting gear specified for your
Your character may keep any silver you don't spend. In
addition, after you've finished purchasing starting gear, roll
1d100 (see Page 11 in the Genesys Core Rulebook). Add
the value of the dice roll to any remaining starting funds. This
represents "pocket money" that your character has on hand.
With these seven steps complete, your character is ready to step
into the world of Midgard.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


DETERMINE BACKGROUND Midgard is a violent place, and your character may have been
involved in quite a bit of it. It can be worth considering how
that affected your character.

umans have not changed too much in the last 1000 years.
Greed, stupidity, and hatred are just as common now as
they were then. People might dream of living in Valhalla, While you may come from hardy stock, you should think
but their everyday hopes and ambitions are much like yours. about what living in such a place would do to your psyche.

When creating the background for a character in Midgard, it

can help to choose a person, or personality type from our a TRYING TO GET BY IN A HARSH WORLD

movie, or tv-show as a starting point.

Even in Midgard, not everyone is a warrior. Farmers, traders
To help generate ideas for your character's background, and workers do their best to care for themselves and their
presented below are some examples of backgrounds. families.
To create these kinds of backgrounds, simply consider what
PART OF THE JARLS EXTENDED FAMILY sort of real-world character appeals to you. Are they a stranger
to their city, coming from far away?
Fancy clothes, schooling, and doting parents. Or maybe you
are one of many siblings, having to prove your worth to If they are a trader, maybe they import opium from China, or
become the next Jarl. if they are a struggling skald (bard/actor), maybe they are trying
to break into the lucrative world of being the village shaman.
If you want your character's background to have something to
Once you've chosen one of these character backgrounds or
do with the aristocratic elite, one who has had every chance to
made up a new one for yourself, you can consider how this
make a name for themselves, this is a background to consider.
makes your character perceive the world.


You may be under a masters thumb right now. But you have a
plan! Or maybe you just got your freedom after working for
the Jarls son for 5 long years. Regardless, your free life starts
now! But how did your years in servitude affect your views on
society? Do you look differently at the leaders and famed
warriors of your community?
Will you start a rebellion, or are you happy with being free?
Will you try and stop a viking raid from taking prisoners, or are
you now the one who binds the ropes?


f your new character has a huge backstory, you might feel that a beginner skill set does not match what you had in
mind. Try to keep your backstory simple and develop it through play. Or, if you want an epic backstory, find a
for why they are no longer as capable as they were.
Perhaps they have grown old and sickly. Maybe they suffered a grievous wound? Either way, making sure that your
backstory matches your current skills makes for a more straightforward character to play and react to.
Midgard - A Genesys Setting



he Midgard setting uses its unique careers, which replace
the careers found in the Genesys Core Rulebook. These
careers still function in the same way as those in Genesys,

n Midgard, archetypes are all humans and detailed on Page
35 Genesys Core Rulebook. Below we list the providing a set of eight career skills that your character can
archetypes and give examples of how they would fit in spend experience points on to improve. More on careers and
Midgard: career skills can be found on Page 40 of the Genesys Core


There are eight careers to choose from:
Berserkr (Warrior)
Could be anyone or anything. Well fitted to generalist Filungar (Builder)
characters, who are not terrible at anything. Lagmann (Negotiator)
Oppdagr (Explorer)
Skald (Storyteller)
Theng (Leader)
Represent strong and though characters. A good choice for Vikingr (Raider)
warriors or physically strong and enduring characters.
Before choosing a career, you should consider the skills they
offer and if they match. Each career is quite flexible in the
options it provides, so not all combat characters need to choose
the Berserkr career. However, careers make it easier to focus on
Represent smart people. Characters who want to know more, a specific skillset, so the choice you make is important.
maybe someone trying to be the next soothsayer or an advisor.


At its heart, a career defines what your character does (just like
Characters who are well trained in etiquette or have a silver an archetype defines who your character is). However, these
tongue. careers are deliberately vague so that you have some additional
flexibility in defining your character.
For example, just because your character is a Berserkr, doesn't
mean they're a bloodthirsty wildman. They could also be a
mercenary or part of the guard. Likewise, while a Skald may be
a performer, they could also be a spy or secret assassin. Feel free
to use your imagination and careers as a starting point when
defining your character, not a limiter.


f your GM is OK with it, you can make your own career. Simply choose eight skills to be career skills for your
I character, and write up a short description explaining what your new career is all about.
Just try to make sure that it has a diverse spread of skills. We wouldn't want you to end up feeling like your character
can only participate in one highly specific part of the game.
Midgard - A Genesys Setting


n this setting, we have called the warrior career Berserkr,
after the elite Viking fighters. It is said that the Berserkr U S E F U L TA L E N TS

warriors clad themselves in animal furs to be recognized. So

their friends would know that in the heat of battle, they may
not be able to tell friend from foe, and know to keep their H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Berserkr characters.
Tier 1: Bullrush
Tier 1: Painful Blow
They rushed forwards without armor, were as mad
as dogs or wolves, bit their shields, and were strong Tier 1: Toughened
as bears or wild oxen, and killed people at a blow, Tier 2: Berserk
but neither re nor iron told upon them. This was
called Bersærkergang
Tier 2: Reckless Charge
Tier 3: Shockwave

Not all warriors in Midgard need to follow the way of the

Berserkr, but it can be a useful narrative tool. But you could
also think of this career as a starting point for warriors who are
skilled in any manner of close combat weaponry.
The Berserkr counts the following skills as career skills:
• Brawl
• Coercion
• Discipline
• Melee (Heavy)
• Melee (Light)
• Resilience
• Riding
• Vigilance

Before spending experience during character creation, a

Berserker may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.


Players with a Berserkr character may choose to start with the

following gear instead of spending currency during Step 7 of
character creation:
• A spear and a shield or an axe and shield
or a two-handed axe
• Animal skins armor, or leather armor
• 1 Healing herbs
• 1 Flugesopp
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, a rope, int and iron,
a torch, and a waterskin
• 1d100 silver coins

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


he Filungar are highly regarded in Viking society, and their
work considered holy. As such, they are not just a smith or U S E F U L TA L E N TS

boat builder, but a respected and important member of

A Filungar could spend their lives treading the careful line of
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Filungar characters.

functionality and beauty. The gods watching over their Tier 1: Knack for It
Tier 1: Tumble
A Filungar could adventure as a crucial part of any crew.
Tier 1: Beauty of the Mother
Keeping things battle-ready or searching for new inspiration or
materials. Tier 2: Inventor
The Filungar counts the following skills as career skills: Tier 2: Counteroffer
• Brawl
Tier 3: Natural
• Cool
• Discipline
• Knowledge (Asgard)
• Mechanics
• Operating
• Negotiation
• Vigilance

Before spending experience during character creation, a

Filungar may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.


If you have a Filungar character, you may choose to start with

the following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• A Seax
• Padded armor
• A Filungar kit
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, int and iron,
a torch, and a waterskin
• 200+1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Lagmann is skilled at trading, persuasion and social
intrigue. U S E F U L TA L E N TS

A Lagmann often makes their living making deals for folk,

negotiating trade deals, or representing people at the ting.
Where axes fail, the Lagmann often find an alternate solution.
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Lagmann characters.
Tier 1: Proper Upbringing
A Lagmann could adventure for various reasons, whether to
escape the oppressive climate of court life, to disappear after Tier 1: Beauty of the Mother
some unforgivable deed, to make new deals and to find new
Tier 1: Bought Info
Tier 2: Counteroffer
The Lagmann counts the following skills as career skills:
• Charm
Tier 2: Scathing Tirade
• Cool
Tier 3: Dodge
• Deception
• Knowledge (Navigation)
• Negotiation
• Melee (Light)
• Perception
• Vigilance

Before spending experience during character creation, a

Lagmann may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.


If you have a Lagmann character, you may choose to start with

the following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• A knife
• A ne cloak
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, and a waterskin
• A Sword or a Seax
• 400+1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Before spending experience during character creation, an

OPPDAGR: EXPLORER Oppdagr may choose four of their career skills and gain one
rank in each of them.

he Oppdagr is comfortable in the wild or at sea and can
handle anything it throws at them. Oppagrs are often filled
with wanderlust, a need to see and experience new places.
Being used to challenging environments on land and at sea,
oppdagrs often excel in navigating and are often are pretty U S E F U L TA L E N TS

good with ranged weapons.

Oppdagrs may be scouts, hunters, or people who just need to
see what is over the horizon.
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Oppdagr characters.
Tier 1: Finesse
The Oppdagr counts the following skills as career skills:
Tier 1: Forager
• Coordination
• Deception Tier 1: One with Nature
• Knowledge (Navigation)
• Perception Tier 2: Heightened Awareness
• Ranged
• Operating Tier 2: Nimble Sailor
• Stealth
Tier 3: Animal Companion
• Survival


If you have an Oppdagr character, you may choose to start

with the following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7
of character creation:
• A short bow and full quiver
• Leather armor
• Warm clothing
• 1 Healing herbs
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, a rope, int and iron,
a torch, and a waterskin
• Navigation kit
• 1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Before spending experience during character creation, a Skald

SKALD: STORYTELLER / SPY may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each
of them.

he Skald is most comfortable in a crowd. From the mouths
of Storytellers is where most people got news in Midgard.
They were well-informed, well-spoken, and knew how to
use these skills to stay alive and comfortable.
Skalds could navigate the challenging environments of court U S E F U L TA L E N TS

intrigue and politics, and were often just as skilled in the arts of
stealth and skulduggery.
The Skald counts the following skills as career skills:
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Skald characters.
Tier 1: Clever Retort
• Charm
• Cool Tier 1: Quick Strike
• Deception
• Knowledge (Asgard) Tier 1: Viking
• Perception
• Skulduggery
Tier 2: Lucky Strike
• Stealth
Tier 2: Inspiring Rhetoric
• Streetwise
Tier 3: Backstab


If you have a Skald character, you may choose to start with the
following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• A knife
• Fine cloak
• A ne musical instrument
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, int and iron,
a torch, and a waterskin
• 300+1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

They are naturally, or through training, close to the gods. And

SEIDR: SEER it is believed that they have their special attention. As such,
they were generally respected. But wise individuals may suspect
them of being manipulative for their own good.

eid was a type of magic practiced in Norse society. It was
related to manipulation, telling and the shaping of the The Seidr counts the following skills as career skills:
future (and men). It was somewhat shamanic, involving
• Cool
mushrooms and vision journeys. • Charm
• Deception
Seidr was generally a feminine trait, with sorceresses being
• Discipline
known as Volur. But men practitioners, known as
• Medicine
Seidmenn, were not uncommon. • Knowledge (Asgard)
Seidr was associated primarily with Odin and Frøya. • Perception
• Skulduggery
In this setting, the Seidr do not have magical powers, but
others believe they do (and may believe it themselves). Before spending experience during character creation, a Seidr
may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each
of them.
She had a blue mantle over her, with strings for the
neck, and it was inlaid with gems quite down to the
skirt. On her neck, she had glass beads. On her head
she had a black hood of lambskin, lined with
ermine. A staff she had in her hand, with a knob U S E F U L TA L E N TS

thereon; it was ornamented with brass and inlaid

with gems round about the knob. Around her she
wore a girdle of soft hair, and therein was a large
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Seidr characters.

skin-bag, in which she kept the talismans needful Tier 1: Apothecary

to her in her wisdom Tier 1: Desperate Recovery
Tier 1: Surgeon
Tier 2: Flash of Insight
Tier 2: Well-Travelled
Tier 3: Will of the Gods


If you have a Seidr character, you may choose to start with the
following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• Mantle of the Chosen
• Impressive Sta
• Talisman Pouch (with dried herbs and mushrooms)
• Ritual paints
• A Seax or Knife
• Healing kit
• 100+1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Thegn was a leader of men, both militarily and socially.
Part of the social elite and educated. U S E F U L TA L E N TS

A Thegn was often somewhere in the line of succession to the

local king or jarl. As such, they were expected to know how to
lead from a young age.
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Thegn characters.
Tier 1: Proper Upbringing
There are many different styles of leadership. Do you lead
from the front or the back? Do you study the battlefield in Tier 1: Grace of the Brave
advance or rely on your wits?
Tier 1: Grit
The Thegn counts the following skills as career skills:
Tier 2: Coordinated Assault
• Coercion
• Cool Tier 2: Inspiring Rhetoric
• Discipline
• Leadership
Tier 3: Field Commander
• Melee (Light)
• Negotiation
• Perception
• Vigilance

Before spending experience during character creation, a Thegn

may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each
of them.


If you have a Thegn character, you may choose to start with

the following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• Chain mail armor
• A ne cloak
• A Sword
• 200+1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


he Vikingr excels at fighting and sailing. Moving with
speed and purpose, whether on the battlefield or crossing U S E F U L TA L E N TS

the sea. They are prepared to handle anything in their way.

Vikingr are often filled with a sense of adventure and seek fame
and fortune.
H erebe useful
are a few suggestions for talents that may
for Vikingr characters.
Tier 1: Painful Blow
Vikings are a mix of explorers and warriors and live by a strict
moral code. If you are strong enough to fight for it honorably, Tier 1: Parry
the spoils are yours by right.
Tier 1: Quick Draw
The Vikingr counts the following skills as career skills:
Tier 2: Nimble Sailor
• Coordination
• Knowledge (Navigation) Tier 2: Shield Wall
• Knowledge (Vikingr)
• Melee (Light)
Tier 3: Back-to-Back
• Operating
• Perception
• Ranged
• Survival

Before spending experience during character creation, a

Vikingr may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank
in each of them. STARTING GEAR

If you have a Vikingr character, you may choose to start with

the following gear instead of spending silver during Step 7 of
character creation:
• A short bow and full quiver, or a spear and shield
• Leather armor
• Warm clothing
• 1 Healing herbs
• Traveling gear consisting of a traveling bag,
a bedroll, a rope, int and iron,
a torch, and a waterskin
• 1d100 silver

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


here are three new skills for Midgard. All Knowledge skills,
taking the place of the single Knowledge skill presented in KNOWLEDGE (NAVIGATION)
the Genesys Core Rulebook.

avigation is a character's understanding of how to travel to
KNOWLEDGE (ASGARD) different parts of the world. It covers reading, making
maps, and using tools to navigate. It also includes studies
of other cultures and laws. A character with ranks in

sgard represents a character's knowledge of the gods,
legends, seid, traditions, rituals, and similar matters. It Knowledge (Navigation) can chart a safe course, describe the
includes both well-known folktales, obscure stories and places and cities, and have some understanding of different
secret knowledge, that only seidr should know. cultures.

Asgard is a specialized knowledge of the type that common

folk would know about but generally consider impractical. YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL

A character with ranks in Knowledge (Asgard) can recall IF...

relevant details from ancient legends, recognize rare religious

• Your character wants to sail across the sea
icons, and even identify and try to decipher signs from the
• Your character wants to draw a map of their travels
• Your character needs to advise their companions on how to act in
foregin city


• Your character tries to determine what kind of sacri ce would
please a speci c god
• Your character wants to recall information about Valhall. This
• Your character wants to recall a story of the gods
would require the Knowledge (Asgard) skill
• Your character needs to decide if the gods are currently working
• Your character needs to set a camp or deal with the other practical
against them
matters of traversing the wilderness. That would use Survival
• Your character tries to gure out the best place to buy illegal goods
in a new city. They would use Streetwise for that


• Your character tries to create a medallion honoring Odin. This

would require the use of Mechanics.
• Your character attempts to read a map. That would use Knowledge
• Your character wants to chart a safe course through a dark forest.
That would use Survival.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


ife as a Viking offers perils and challenges. They are
expected to run toward the danger and fear nothing.
However, experienced travellers know that not all danger is
best tackled head-on. The Knowledge (Vikingr) skill represents
practical experience, as well as tales from fellow raiders about
new lands, enemy tactics and other threats while going on
For some, it is an instinct; for others, experience. That
watchtower may represent a challenge, but... what is it



• Your character tries to gure out if the place you beached your ship
is a good place to raid.
• Your character attempts to nd the safest course across to a ship
that just rammed your ship.
• Your character is attempting to plan, and pack for a lengthy raid.



• Your character wants to gure out if your action would please Tor,
or Odin. That would use Knowledge (Asgard).
• Your character tries to dodge from their rowing position as their
ship is rammed by an enemy ship. Coordination is the appropriate
skill for this situation.
• Your character is trying to nd the best course to land on a nearby
beach, surrounded by reefs. That would use Knowledge

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Athletics Brawn General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 58)

Brawl Brawn Combat Genesys Core Rulebook (page 67)

Charm Presence Social Genesys Core Rulebook (page 54)

Coercion Willpower Social Genesys Core Rulebook (page 55)

Cool Presence General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 59)

Coordination Agility General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 59)

Deception Cunning Social Genesys Core Rulebook (page 56)

Discipline Willpower General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 60)

Knowledge (Asgard) Intellect Knowledge Midgard

Knowledge (Navigation) Intellect Knowledge Midgard

Knowledge (Vikingr) Intellect Knowledge Midgard

Leadership Presence Social Genesys Core Rulebook (page 56)

Mechanics Intellect General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 60)

Medicine Intellect General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 61)

Melee (Heavy) Brawn Combat Genesys Core Rulebook (page 68)

Melee (Light) Brawn Combat Genesys Core Rulebook (page 68)

Negotiation Presence Social Genesys Core Rulebook (page 56)

Operating Intellect General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 62)

Perception Cunning General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 62)

Ranged Agility Combat Genesys Core Rulebook (page 68)

Resilience Brawn General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 63)

Riding Agility General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 63)

Skulduggery Cunning General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 64)

Stealth Agility General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 64)

Streetwise Cunning General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 65)

Survival Cunning General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 65)

Vigilance Willpower General Genesys Core Rulebook (page 65)

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive When you take this talent, your character gains Ranged,
Ranked: No Operating, or Coordination as a career skill. In addition,
once per session, your character may ask for the aid of Baldr
When you take this talent, your character gains Charm, without spending Luck Points.
Negotiation or Medicine as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may ask for the aid of Frøya This talent is a Luck talent. If you select this talent, you may
without spending Luck Points. not select any of the other Luck talents.
This talent is a Luck talent. If you select this talent, you may
not select any of the other Luck talents. STRENGTH OF THE HAMMER

Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive When you take this talent, your character gains Brawl, Melee
Ranked: No (Light), or Melee (Heavy) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may ask for the aid of Tor without
When you take this talent, your character gains Deception, spending Luck Points.
Streetwise, or Skulduggery as a career skill. In addition,
once per session, your character may ask for the aid of Loke This talent is a Luck talent. If you select this talent, you may
without spending Luck Points. not select any of the other Luck talents.
This talent is a Luck talent. If you select this talent, you may
not select any of the other Luck talents. TIER 2


Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Knowledge If you have this talent, your character may use Agility instead
(Asgard), Knowledge (Navigation), or Knowledge of Intellect when making Operating checks for ships.
(Vikingr) as a career skill. In addition, once per session, your
character may ask for the aid of Odin without spending Luck
This talent is a Luck talent. If you select this talent, you may
not select any of the other Luck talents.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Tier: 2
Activation: Maneuver
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
While within short distance of one or more allies, your Activation: Passive
character may perform the Shield Wall maneuver. Making a Ranked: No
shield wall moves you and your allies to engaged range with
each other. This costs your character 1 strain per ally. Giving Requires "Will of the Gods". You do not need to spend the
you and your engaged allies +1 defense per ally currently night with the person in question, an important personal
holding a shield. Any allies moving out of the shield wall must belonging or a part of them is enough. The other person does
spend a maneuver to disengage. not suffer the strain and can have the benefit of a nights rest.



Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Tier: 5
When you take this talent, your character gains a combat skill Activation: Passive
of your choosing as a career skill. In addition, you can choose Ranked: No
one god; you immediately get +10 reputation with. Requires "Will of the Gods (Improved)". Instead of seeing the
relationship with a single god, you can see the persons'
TIER 3 realtionships with all the gods.



Tier: 3 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No

By spending the night in a trance, alone or with another Requires "Will of the Gods (Improved)". You can decide to
person, you gain the ability to see your or the other persons' have the other person suffer horrible nightmares, waking up
relationship with a specific god. As part of this ritual, the exhausted and feverish. They will suffer 4 strain, and you will
specific relationship can be changed with sacrifices or suffer 2 strain.
promises. The characters involved in this do not benefit from a
nights rest, and suffer 2 strain each.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Animal Companion 3 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 77)

Apothecary 1 Passive Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Back-to-Back 4 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Backstab 3 Active (Action) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 89)

Beauty of the Mother 1 Passive No Midgard

Berserk 2 Active (Maneuver) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 75)

Block 2 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Terrinoth (page 87)

Body Guard 3 Active (Maneuver) Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Bought Info 1 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 72)

Bullrush 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Bulwark 2 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 87)

Can't We Talk About This? 4 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Cavalier 3 Active (Maneuver) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Challenge! 1 Active (Maneuver) Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Clever Retort 1 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Coordinated Assault 2 Active (Maneuver) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 75)

Counterattack 3 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Countero er 2 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 75)

Crushing Blow 5 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Cunning of the Trickster 1 Passive No Midgard

Deadeye 4 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Death Rage 4 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Dedication 5 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 81)

Defensive 4 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 80)

Defensive Stance 2 Active (Maneuver) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 75)

Desperate Recovery 1 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Dirty Tricks 2 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Dodge 3 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 78)

Dual Strike 3 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Dual Wielder 2 Active (Maneuver) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 76)

Duelist 1 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Durable 1 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Eagle Eyes 3 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 78)

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Easy Prey 3 Active (Maneuver) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Enduring 4 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 80)

Exploit 2 Active (Incidental) Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Field Commander 3 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 78)

Field Commander (Improved) 4 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 80)

Finesse 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Flash of Insight 2 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Forager 1 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Grace of the Brave 1 Passive No Midgard

Grapple 2 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Grit 1 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Hamstring Shot 1 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Heightened Awareness 2 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 76)

Heroic Recovery 2 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Heroic Will 3 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Hunter 2 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Impaling Strike 2 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 88)

Inspiring Rhetoric 2 Active (Action) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 76)

Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) 3 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 78)

Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) 4 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 80)

Inventor 2 Active (Incidental) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 76)

Jump Up 1 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Knack for It 1 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 73)

Know Somebody 1 Active (Incidental) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Knowledge of the Allfather 1 Passive No Midgard

Let's Ride 1 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Let's Talk This Over 5 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Lucky Strike 2 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 76)

Master 5 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 81)

Natural 3 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Nimble Sailor 2 Passive No Midgard

One with Nature 1 Passive No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Painful Blow 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Painkiller Specialization 3 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Parry 1 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Parry (Improved) 3 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Precise Archery 3 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Precision 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Pressure Point 3 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Proper Upbringing 1 Active (Incidental) Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Quick Draw 1 Active (Incidental) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Quick Strike 1 Passive Yes Genesys Core Rulebook (page 74)

Rapid Archery 3 Active (Maneuver) No Genesys Core Rulebook (page 79)

Reckless Charge 2 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 89)

Retribution! 5 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Shield Slam 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 84)

Shield Wall 2 Active (Maneuver) No Midgard

Shockwave 3 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 90)

Strength of the Hammer 1 Passive No Midgard

Tavern Brawler 1 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 87)

Threaten 2 Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Yes Realms of Terrinoth (page 89)

Tumble 1 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 87)

Unrelenting 4 Active (Incidental) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Venom Soaked Blade 4 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Viking 2 Passive No Midgard

Well-Travelled 2 Passive No Realms of Terrinoth (page 89)

Whirlwind 5 Active (Action) No Realms of Terrinoth (page 91)

Will of the Gods 3 Active No Midgard

Will of the Gods (Improved) 4 Passive No Midgard

Will of the Gods (Supreme) 5 Passive No Midgard

Wrath of the Gods 5 Active No Midgard

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

You may (but you don't have to) choose to have angered a god
STEP 6: DETERMINE during this step. Through acting in bad faith, stealing, or
taking advantage of others, your character has gotten off to a
good start in Midgard.
Depending on the severity of your misdeed, your character gets
to start the game with some additional XP or silver worth of

he way your character act influences how the gods view
them. We call this the Luck economy. This is a way of gear. These are added to your character's total starting XP or
tracking if a god favors your character, is angry with them, your total starting silver and can be spent before the game
or is somewhere in between. begins. Those additions are listed here:
• Minor Misdeed: Your character may start with an additional 100
If a god favors your character, you can spend that favor (Luck
silver of gear
Points), asking for help. A character can gain Luck Points by • Serious Misdeed: Your character may start with an additional 500
performing sacrifice, rituals, or accomplishing great deeds in silver of gear or an additional 10 starting XP
the name of a god. • Major Misdeed: Your character may start with an additional 1,500
silver of gear or an additional 20 starting XP
Your character probably has a relationship with the gods, even
if they are not aware of it. It is the GM's job to track these Your character seems to have gotten away with whatever it was
relationships, and the players do not know what their current you did, and nobody knows! Talk to the GM about what you
relationships are (unless they have the Will of the Gods did, and you can decide together how severe it was.
talent, and perform the ritual) with the different gods.
However, even though you might have gotten away with your
We go into the Luck economy in more detail, starting on page misdeed, the gods know what you did! The GM will secretly
36. write down the starting relationship you have with a god they
think is suitable.
A player should generally have a vague idea of their current
relationship with a god based on their actions. For example, a At the start of the game, the god may not yet be angry, but
character is headed out for a long trip, and want to ask a god your GM can use that as a plot hook, something to get their
for nice sailing weather. So he sacrifices a large ram. Depending campaign rolling or tie it to an unresolved bit of your
on the situation, and the GM, this could end up something character's backstory.
like this:
• Neutral relationship with Tor
• Sacri ce a ram to Tor. A substantial sacri ce: +10 Luck Points with
• Head out on their journey and are surprised to see a storm on the
• Ask Tor to help them circumvent the storm. Tor helps them,
spending 10 Luck Points
• Arrives safe at their destination, again with a neutral relationship
with Tor

However, the gods are fickle, and any mistakes can be grave.
Considering the following situation:
• Neutral relationship with Tor
• Sacri ce a ram, but not knowing the gods, they sacri ce to Odin. A
substantial sacri ce: +10 Luck Points with Odin
• Tor is jealous and angered, feeling slighted. -10 Luck Points with
• They head out on their journey and are surprised to see a storm on
the horizon
• They ask Odin to help them circumvent the storm. Making Tor
even angrier, and the storm gets even bigger
• Odin cannot help, as this is not his domain
• The character is now trapped in a terrible storm

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


In a world where gods exist, survival often relies on knowing Gods in Midgard represent the individual "persons" of the
about the gods or people that can help with that. It is normal gods. Each god has goals and motivation. And while the gods
for the people of Midgard to cultivate their relationships with may be friendly with each other in Valhall, the gods may
all the gods. But their knowledge of the gods comes from actively sabotage each other.
stories of Skalds or their parents. Or the interpretations of the
Seid. These stories are not always "true", and the people telling For example, Loke, the giantson, may be friendly with Tor to
them might have their own agendas. Characters with a high his face. But secretly plotting the end of the world (Ragnarok).
Knowledge (Asgard) skill might know more than most. But The following pages cover the principal gods of the Midgard
ultimately, it is up to the GM to decide the true nature of the setting.


In Genesys, we refer to a generic "currency" when talking

about how much things cost. In Midgard, that currency is the
Silver penningar (or pennies). It was an easy way to carry
currency around, and coins could be cut into smaller amounts.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


din is the king of the gods and is associated with wisdom,
healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, Odin am I. Called the wish granter, Enemy of
victory, sorcery, poetry, battle frenzy, and the runic the Wolf, Chieftain, Spearman, Father of Songs,
alphabet. The Ancient One, The Found, Spear Master,
Hanged One, Chain breaker, Battle Wolf, One
He was the husband of the goddess Frig. Eyed, Iron Mask, God of Runes, The Fleeting,
Twice Blind, Wielder of Gungnir, The Warrior,
Odin fathered many sons, most famously the gods Tor and Battle Friend!
Baldr. He is known by hundreds of names.


Odin appears as one-eyed and long-bearded, wielding a spear

named Gungnir. Or in disguise, wearing a cloak and a broad
His animal familiars often accompany him. The wolves Geri
and Freki, the ravens Hugin and Munin (who bring him Odin helped create the world by slaying the Ymir and gave life
information from all over Midgard). He rides the eight-legged to the first two humans, Ask and Embla. He gave mankind
steed Sleipnir across the sky and into the underworld. runic writing and the art of poetry. The Yule holiday is
dedicated to him.

MOTIVATIONS Odin oversees Valhalla, where he receives those who die in

battle. He appears as a leader of the Wild Hunt, a ghostly
Odin is obsessed with knowledge, willing to risk everything for procession of the dead through the winter sky.
it. He sacrificed his eye for it. To gain secret knowledge, he
When in doubt, Odin consults the disembodied, embalmed
hanged himself from the great tree Yggdrasildr, where he
head of the wise Mimir, who foretells the doom of Ragnarok.
stayed dead for 9 days and nights.
Odin can see everything as far as his followers have spread. FAVORED OF ODIN

Through his ravens, he can learn what the characters know. LUCK
Odin despises willful ignorance, and while he admires courage,
he disapproves of rushing into danger without any knowledge. Blessed +30
The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities: "All the
Facts", "Foretelling", "Miraculous Recovery",

For one check, the character can increase his Cunning,

Lucky +20
Willpower, or Intelligence by 1

Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a check involving

+10 Cunning, Willpower, or Intelligence

Odin is annoyed with the character. Letting the character

know with small hints, like a raven defecating in their food. If
the character asks a favor of Odin at this state. It will
automatically decrease their reputation by 10, and he will not
do the favor. And perhaps do the opposite.

Unlucky -20 If it suits his own goals, Odin will try to hinder the character

Odin will go out of his way to hinder the character. Being

Cursed -30
particularly petty even.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


røya is associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, Frøya loves beauty, gold and the Seid most of all.
and seid. She is one of the most powerful gods, rivaling
Odin. She is also an expert negotiator, calling out anyone Frøya despises lies, deceit and falsehoods.
acting in bad faith or speaking half-truths.


Frøya wears a cloak of falcon feathers and is the owner of the Blessed +30
The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities:
necklace Brisingamen. "Foretelling", "In uential"

For one check, the character can increase their Willpower or

She rides a chariot pulled by two cats, accompanied by the boar Lucky +20
Presence by 1
Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a check involving
+10 Willpower or Presence

Frøya is annoyed with the character. Letting the character

know with small hints, like all women starting arguments
with them. If the character asks a favor of Frøya in this state.
When Loke, in the halls of the Ægir, accused It will automatically decrease their reputation by 10, and she
will not do the favor. And perhaps do the opposite.
each of the female gods of unfaithfulness, Frøya
stood and stared him down. She told Loke that Unlucky -20 If it suits her own goals, Frøya will try to hinder the character
he was insane. And that her friend Frigg knows
the fate of everyone, though she does not tell it. Frøya will go out of her way to hinder the character. Being
Cursed -30
particularly petty even.
Loki tells Frøya to be silent, and says that he
knows all about her—that Frøya has taken each
of the gods in the hall as her lovers. Frøya objects
and calls out Loke as a liar, that he can leave as
he has rightfully incurred the anger of all the
Loke then tells Frøya to be silent and that she is
a malicious witch who sits astride her own
brother. As Frøya moves towards Loke with
murder in her eyes, the other gods interject,
pushing Loke out. They call out that there is no
harm for a woman to have a lover other than her
husband. They shout that Loki is a pervert who
has born children himself.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


or is the strongest of the gods and wielder of the magical Tor is generally described as big, strong and with fierce eyes.
hammer Mjølnir. He is associated with lightning, thunder, With red hair and a red beard.
storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, and the
protection of mankind. FAVORED OF TOR

The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities: "Hard to
Blessed +30
Tor is obsessed with battle and victory. He is destined to lead Kill", "Unbowed", "Unleash"
the forces of Odin in the battle of Ragnarok.
For one check, the character can increase his Brawn or Agility
Lucky +20
Tor wants great battles and deeds done in his name. by 1

Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a check involving

Tor despises cowards and disapproves of victory through +10 Brawl or Agility
Tor is annoyed with the character. Letting the character
know with small hints, like storm clouds appearing on the
Unfortunate horizon (or a very close lightning strike). If the character asks
-10 a favor of Tor at this state. It will automatically decrease their
reputation by 10, and he will not do the favor. And perhaps
do the opposite.
When Tor went fishing with the giant Hymir,
Unlucky -20 If it suits his own goals, Tor will try to hinder the character
he ripped the head of the biggest of the giant's
bulls to use for bait and hook. Tor rowed far, Tor will go out of his way to hinder the character. Being
Cursed -30
further than Hymir had ever been. Hymir grew particularly petty even.
scared "because," he reminded Tor,
"Jormungand, the monstrous sea serpent that
encircles the world, lurks below these wild
At last, Tor felt he had gone far enough and cast
his line in the water. After a little while, Tor felt
a great yank on his line. As he pulled in the rope,
a violent rumbling shook the boat and whipped
the waves into a frenzy. The giant grew pale
with terror, but Tor persisted. His feet were
planted with such force that the planks gave way
at the bottom of the boat, and water began
pouring in.
When the serpent's head, with the bulls head in
his venom-dripping mouth, at last, came up
above the water, Tor reached for his hammer to
finish the job. At this moment, Hymir
panicked and cut the line. The howling snake
slunk back down into the ocean. Tor, enraged at
having missed this opportunity to end his
greatest foe, heaved Hymir overboard.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


aldr was the most loved of all gods. Beautiful beyond Baldr loves brave, graceful, just and good things. He loves
words and filled with such kindness that all loved him. He sailing and the crafting of beautiful things.
is associated with courage, beauty, charm, sailing and
grace. Baldr despises ugliness of the soul.

Baldr had the greatest ship ever built, Hringhorni, and there is FAVORED OF BALDR
no place more beautiful than his hall, Breidablik.
Baldr is known primarily for the story of his death. But the POINTS POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCE
lives of the gods is strange as they are both alive and not. The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities:
Blessed +30
"Connected", "In uential", "Paragon",

For one check, the character can increase his Agility or

Lucky +20
Presence by 1

Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a check involving

+10 Agility, or Presence
Baldr had a dream of his own death. So his
mother Frigg traveled to every part of the world Baldr is annoyed with the character. Letting the character
and asked all things to promise to never hurt know with small hints, like catching a glimpse of an ugly
Baldr. And so loved was Baldr that all asked, Unfortunate re ection of themselves. If the character asks a favor of Baldr
vowed to never hurt Baldr. All except one, a new -10 at this state. It will automatically decrease their reputation by
plant. It was thin and weak, and called mistletoe. 10, and he will not do the favor. And perhaps do the
Frigg dared not ask this new thing for such a
powerful oath. Unlucky -20 If it suits his own goals, Baldr will try to hinder the character

When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, Cursed -30

Baldr will go out of his way to hinder the character. Being
he made a magical spear from this plant. He particularly petty even.
hurried to the place where the gods were now
indulging in their new pastime. Throwing
things at Baldr. Whatever axes, spears and
swords they threw, would keep their oath and
fall to the ground without harming him. Loki
gave the spear to the blind god Hodr, who then
killed his brother with it.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


eimdallr is the god of keen senses. He stands, watching for oke is the son of a giant and a goddess, making him stand
the end of the world, where he is fated to fight and die apart from the rest of the gods. He is the father of Hel, the
together with his ancient enemy, Loke. wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jormungandr.
Heimdallr had golden teeth, and always appear with his sword Loke gave birth to Odin's horse Sleipnir. He is cunning,
and grand horn, which he uses to warn of danger. deceptive and loves pranks and mischief.


Heimdallr is ever watchful for danger and lies. He guards the Loke is a trickster god. He will try to trick characters and
gods and watches the world of men. encourage them to trick others. Loke will try to bring about
Ragnarok, as is his destiny.
The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities: "All the
Blessed +30
Facts", "Fortelling", "Sixth Sense", The Character has access to the Heroic Abilities:
Blessed +30
"Connected", "In uential"
For one check, the character can increase add an ability dice
Lucky +20
for checks involving seeing or hearing For one check, the character can increase his Cunning or
Lucky +20
Presence by 1
Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a for checks involving
+10 seeing or hearing Fortunate The character can add 2 boost dice to a for checks involving
+10 Cunning or Presence
Heimdallr is annoyed with the character. Letting the
character know with small hints, like obscuring view with Loke is annoyed with the character. Letting the character
Unfortunate fog, or dark clouds. If the character asks a favor of Heimdallr know with small hints, like having people lie to them for no
-10 at this state. It will automatically decrease their reputation by Unfortunate
apparent reason. If the character asks a favor of Loke at this
10, and he will not do the favor. And perhaps do the -10
state. It will automatically decrease their reputation by 10,
opposite. and he will not do the favor. And perhaps do the opposite.

If it suits his own goals, Heimdallr will try to hinder the Unlucky -20 If it suits his own goals, Loke will try to hinder the character
Unlucky -20
Loke will go out of his way to hinder the character. Being
Heimdallr will go out of his way to hinder the character. Cursed -30
Cursed -30 particularly petty even.
Being particularly petty even.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



hile Midgard day-to-day runs on silver and bravery,
tipping the scales is Luck. Surviving daily life when SACRIFICES AND BLOT
adventuring may very well depend on how the gods view
your character.

he sacrificial rituals ranged from small offerings of
For many people, prayers, stories, omens and tributes to the weapons, tools or jewellery thrown in lakes to large blot
gods are part of daily life. Trying to figure out the will of the (blood) sacrifices.
gods drives people to actions they may not normally consider.
This is tracked mechanically by the GM, and is referred to as Blots were large communal sacrifices, where a king or powerful
the Luck economy. man supplied the animals, or each visitor brought their own
Asking for favors from the gods allows people to get what they
need to survive when they are desperate. Many different animals were sacrificed, horses were considered
a very good sacrifice. The blood from animals was collected in
In exchange, the gods expect the people to give them their due. bowls, and twigs were used to spatter the blood on altars, walls
And their motivations figure into what they expect or would and participants.
accept as tribute.
The meat was then cooked and then eaten by all in attendance.
It was boiled in cauldrons that hung over a fire in the middle of
the hall. Full cups of beer were carried around the fire, and the
Seid blessed the meat and the cups.
Toasts were then made. The first was in honor of Odin, "the
king of victory". Afterwards, the cups were emptied with a
personal pledge to undertake great exploits, in battle, for
There were four fixed blot sacrifices a year. At winter solstice,
spring equinox, summer solstice and autumn equinox. If a
crisis arose, they would also hold additional blot sacrifices.

The Arabic traveller al-Tartuchi describes how the

Viking town of Hedeby celebrated the winter

"They celebrate a festival, at which all come to

worship the god and to eat and drink. The one who
slaughters a sacri cial animal erects stakes at the
entrance to his farmyard and puts the sacri cial
animal on them. This is so that people know that he
is sacri cing in honour of his god."

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Tor parting the clouds making it easier to navigate
Loke causing a distraction to cover a deception

he Luck economy is, at its core, an exchange economy. The Frøya causing someone telling a lie to show a tell
core game mechanic of this economy is that a character can Baldr strengthening the ship, making it easier to steer
exchange a favor for luck points with that specific god. Tor lending his strength to a character in a crucial moment
Cost-wise, each favor that would grant a mechanical benefit Odin granting a player access to hidden knowledge with a vision
similar to what is described on the page detailing the god will Baldr lending his courage to your voice during a speech
cost 5 Luck Points with that god. If the player is asking for Frøya lending her beauty, helping you convince someone
something else, the GM can decide the cost. And the GM can Tor pushing someone on the brink of death back up
always decide that a favor asked or granted upsets other gods. Odin healing someone that should be dead
Frøya guiding someone with visions leading to treasure
At the start of each session, subtract 1 Luck Point of each Baldr changing the wheels of fate by changing a dice face
god for each player. This represents the general lack of
continual interest the gods show the mortals.
Good luck falls into three categories: Fortunate, Lucky, and
Blessed. Asking for help usually cost 5 luck points unless
the GM decides that it should cost more. But a player can be
granted different things, based on how many luck points they
have with that specific god.
Fortunate is typically when a character is within -9 or more
luck points. The help doesn't take too much effort or
resources. Mechanically these are favors that could grantbb ,
or remove bb to a single roll.
Lucky is typically when a character is within +11 or more
luck points. The help is more serious and represents an aspect
of a god guiding your action. Mechanically, these are favors
that could grant an increase to a base stat for a single roll.
Blessed is typically when a character is within +30 or more
luck points. The help is usually only available to the truly
blessed by the gods. We have chosen to represent these by
giving the character access to some of the Heroic Abilities
from Realms of Terrinoth (pages 74 to 80). When
activating one of these heroic abilities, it generally costs the
player 5 Luck Points. And the player can ask for the base
ability + 1 improvement. The Story point cost remains the
If the player asks for help not covered by (or fitting the
mechanical benefits), the GM should set the cost.
The type of help one character could ask are nearly endless. So,
instead of trying to list them all, we came up with a table of
reasonable examples. But most
Also, keep in mind that each god comes with their own
domain and motivation. The help they are able to provide
should reflect that.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


sking for help is simple, and it generally doesn't require a
check. It's simply a matter of saying, "I ask Tor to guide my
hand in this feat of strength"
However, sometimes your character may try to get a favor for a
sacrifice. Or try to mitigate the cost with a ritual. Seids are
experts in these things, but it generally takes time and may have
other costs.



et's say your character has no relationship with Odin but
wants help healing your loved one. You might ask for
something you know you have no business asking. You
could try to make a large sacrifice or promise or even ask a Seid
to help you (they might have their own price as well).
In that case, you can make a check. It would generally be a
social check, depending on how you do it. The base difficulty
would be formidable ( dddd ) but could be offset with
If your character succeeds, they could be granted a boon they
should not usually have access to. If they fail, the consequences
could be dire.
Your GM may spend hhh or d to have your character also
anger the god. Not only does your character fail to achieve the
boon, but the god decides that they need to be taught a lesson
in knowing their place!


he next page has a printable table the GM could use to
track relationships between the gods and players.










Midgard - A Genesys Setting



his chapter covers some weapons (melee and ranged),
armor, and gear (weather protection to navigational tools) MACE
used in Midgard. The rest of the chapter includes some An iron rod with a heavy iron head on one end and a leather-
simple attachments and profiles of common ships and vehicles wrapped grip on the other. These simple weapons could
in Midgard. These use the optional vehicle rules found on deliver crushing blows.
Page 220 of the Genesys Core Rulebook.

WEAPONS A long knife, more useful in a battle than a simple knife.

Vikings often used these as a backup weapon if their spears

his section includes weapons your characters may find in
Midgard. Most are made by Norse smiths, but there are
also weapons found in the hands of warriors from other SHIELD

places. Vikings used round, wooden shields, enforced with an iron

center. Shields can deflect arrows, blades and be used as a
Unless otherwise stated in its rules, a thrown weapon's base weapon. The Vikings used shields tactically to protect their
damage equals the user's Brawn plus the listed damage allies with a shield wall.

MELEE WEAPONS Spears are the most common weapon among Vikings. Perfect
for fighting in thigh formations while protected behind a
These are weapons designed to be used in close combat. shield wall. They mostly used light spears that could be thrown
as well: (Ranged; Damage +2; Critical 4; Range
AXE [Short]; Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 1). But some
warriors preferred the reach of the longer two-handed spears.
Viking axes were crafted for battle. With a sharp and heavy
bladed head, it can be a particularly vicious weapon. Properly
balanced axes could be thrown with the following weapon
profile: (Ranged; Damage +2; Critical 3; Range Easy to make and effective as defensive weapons. Seids often
[Short]; Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 1, Vicious 1). used heavy ornamented staffs as a symbol of their station. But
they could also be used in battle if needed.
A two-handed axe is just an axe with a longer shaft and larger
head. It can only be wielded by the strongest warriors but SWORDS
could kill both man and horse in a single cleave.
Longswords made for nobility in Francia or on the British Isles
are strong and of excellent quality. Very rare and sought after
by Vikings.
Knives cover all small knives with small sharp blades. It is a
utilitarian weapon that can be used to stab or slash. If the knife Scimitars are thin, short, curved blades. Popular amongst the
is balanced, it can be used as a throwing weapon with the guards of Miklagar
following profile: (Ranged; Damage +1; Critical 3;
Range [Short]; Limited Ammo 1). Viking swords were crafted to be used one-handed, with a
short handle. These swords were mainly ornamental and
symbols of leadership. Viking swords were inferior compared
to swords from some other cultures.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Axe Melee (Light) +3 3 Engaged 2 150 1 Vicious 1

Two-handed axe Melee (Heavy) +4 3 Engaged 4 300 4 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious 1

Knife Melee (Light) +1 3 Engaged 1 25 1

Mace Melee (Light) +3 4 Engaged 2 75 1

Seax Melee (Light) +2 3 Engaged 1 60 1 Accurate 1

Defensive 1, De ection 1,
Shield Melee (Light) +0 6 Engaged 1 80 1
Inaccurate 1, Knockdown

Defensive 2, De ection 2,
Shield, Large Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 2 160 2
Inaccurate 2, Knockdown

Spear Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 90 1 Accurate 1, Defensive 1

Two-handed Spear Melee (Heavy) +3 3 Engaged 3 110 2 Accurate 1

Sta Melee (Heavy) +2 4 Engaged 2 40 0 Defensive 1

Impressive Sta Melee (Heavy) +1 4 Engaged 2 100 6 Defensive 2

Longsword Melee (Light) +3 2 Engaged 1 800 8 Defensive 1, Superior

Scimitar Melee (Light) +3 2 Engaged 1 300 6 Defensive 1

Viking Sword Melee (Light) +3 2 Engaged 1 200 2 Defensive 1, Inferior

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


RANGED A miracle from Miklagard, its magic said to have been

whispered to the emperor himself by an angel in a dream. One
of the most closely guarded secrets of the Byzantine empire, no
outsiders had access to this.
Bows are found in some form in most cultures. We only
differentiate between short and longbows. In the hands of a Greek Fire, was a thick, sticky liquid that could burn atop
skilled archer, it can be a deadly weapon, and they are some of water. Heavy containers made of pottery with a small lit fuze
the few ranged weapons of this time. could be thrown, and the Greek Fire would spread quickly.
And large cylinders could be mounted to ships and spray the
SLING substance out.
A simple weapon. A piece of leather and a length for rope, When the Vikings first encountered this in Miklagard, they
hurling a rock. threw themselves from their ships, in full armor. Drowning,
rather than being burned alive.



Bow Ranged 7 3 Medium 2 275 2 Unwieldy 2

Longbow Ranged 8 3 Long 3 450 4 Unwieldy 3

Blast 5, Burn 10, Cumbersome 3,

Greek Fire Grenade Ranged 8 2 Short 2 - -
Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 1

Blast 10, Burn 10, Cumbersome 5,

Greek Fire Launcher Ranged 10 2 Medium 5 - -
Limited Ammo 4, Prepare 2

Sling Ranged 4 4 Medium 0 20 0 Disorient 2, Prepare 1


Heavy furs, from large animals, sometimes with the head and
claws attached. It gives some protection, but the main purpose

his section covers the most common types of armor to be
found in Midgard. is to scare adversaries. Add an automatic a to Coercion
checks and an automatic h to Charm checks.
There are a lot of different kinds of armors, and styles,
depending on the different cultures. They may look different HEAVY ROBES
but are similar enough in function to be classified as the Loose, heavy robes do not protect against piercing and
following. bludgeoning damage but makes it harder to hit a person

Boiled leather is relatively inexpensive and offers good
Thousands of small interconnected rings make up a suit of protection.
chainmail. It is heavy but offers good protection against
attacks. For most people, it is too expensive, but it is popular
among the higher classes.
Thick, layers and layers of cloth. The thick padding offers
Chainmail is restrictive and noisy, so your character adds b to some protection against blows and cold weather.
Stealth checks they make while wearing it.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Animal Skins Armor 0 +1 2 85 5

Chainmail 1 +1 2 400 5

Heavy Robes 1 0 1 45 0

Leather 0 +1 2 50 3

Padded 0 +1 2 35 2

The Seids gathers herbs and mixes them into a paste that can
be rubbed on wounds or ingested to numb pain. The herbs are
BLANKET consumed, and the character heals 5 wounds (this works as
A good, thick blanket can be just what you need to get a good painkillers in the Genesys Core Rulebook, page 116).
night of sleep.

FANCY CAPE A collection of torn cloth, bone needle, thread, and various
Light, colorful, and expensive. Show your position by herbs. I guess it will have to do.
flaunting riches in their face. Wearing a fancy cape removes a
setback from social checks. While worn, a cape encumbrance is HEAVY FURS

0. Winter clothing made from fur and wool. Perfect for staying
warm. Wearing Heavy Furs, you can remove bb from cold
FILUNGAR KIT weather. While worn, the heavy furs encumbrance is 1.
A builder is only as good as his tools. The Filungar toolkit can
include a heavy adze, broad axe, wooden mallets and wedges. LUR (SIGNAL HORN)
Other tools like small anvils, files, snips, awls, drills, gouges, A trumpet-like instrument made from wood or a horn. Split
draw-knife, other knives, chisels, small bow saws with antler lengthwise and hollowed, the two halves banded back together
handles, and sharpening stones. Enough to make repairs and with willow bands of different lengths. When blowing it, a
make simple things. character can make a recognizable sound up to Extreme

With a bit of time and kindling, you can use this to start a fire. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT

A finely crafted musical instrument. It could be a harp, or a

Red mushrooms with white spots. Can have hallucinogenic
effects. Often used by berserkrs when in battle. When ingested
in battle, make a hard ( ) resilience check. If the check is A combination of a Sunstone, Sundial and a Horizon board
successful, you can upgrade Discipline checks, made to resist allowed the Vikings to navigate pretty accurately one the
fear, and Coercion once until the end of the scene or northern hemisphere.
encounter. If you succeed with aaa or a t, you can
increase your Brawn by 1 instead. In the case of failure, the
character adds b equal to f, for rounds equal to h

Dried or salted fish, meat, berries or whatever can be used as

(minimum 1).
reliable food over a longer period.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

A simple cloth bag to carry supplies can be carried over one
A mix of ashes and dyes, used for body paint for religious shoulder, keeping both hands free. Good storage space for
rituals traveling on foot. While wearing a Traveling bag, your
character increases their encumbrance threshold by four.

A length of rope made from fibers, about medium range. WAGON

A wagon that could be hitched to a beast of burden. Holding

TALISMAN POUCH up to 50 encumbrances. Makes moving goods much easier.
A skin bag containing small bones, stones, and dried herbs and
mushrooms. Can be used to perform rituals. WATERSKIN

Made from bladders of beasts. Holding enough water for 1

TORCH person, 1 day. 2 days if rationed.
A simple light source that provides light for about an hour. A
lit can torch remove b due to darkness from checks within



Blanket 1 15 1 Midgard

Fancy Cape 1 90 4 Midgard

Filungar Kit 3 300 4 Midgard

Flint and Iron 0 10 2 Midgard

Flugesopp 0 5 2 Midgard

Healing Herbs 0 50 6 Midgard

Healing Kit 0 100 6 Midgard

Heavy Furs 3 100 3 Midgard

Lur (Signal Horn) 1 5 1 Midgard

Musical Instrument 2 250 6 Midgard

Navigational Kit 3 350 6 Midgard

Rations (1 day) 0 2 0 Midgard

Ritual Paints 0 20 5 Midgard

Rope 1 5 1 Midgard

Talisman Pouch 1 100 6 Midgard

Torches 1 1 0 Midgard

Travelling Bag +4 50 3 Midgard

Wagon - 200 1 Midgard

Waterskin 1 5 1 Midgard

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

The smallest ship that could be considered a longship. A Karvi
had 6 to 16 rowing positions. These ships were used for fishing
VIKING SHIPS and trade but could be used for raiding as well. Karvi ships
were not proportionately as wide as the larger longships.
Long, narrow and light, with a shallow-draft hull. The Viking
longships were graceful, designed for speed and versatility. The The largest Karvi ships were approximately 23 meters long
shallow draft could navigate in waters only a meter deep and with (16 rowing positions).
make landings on any beach. It was light enough to be carried
by the crew over dry patches or difficult terrain. ARMOR DEFENSE

0 1
3 3 1
The symmetrical bow and stern of the ships allowed for quick SILHOUETTE MAX SPEED HANDLING

reversing of direction without turning around. That, and the 10 8

high bow and stern made them particularly effective in the
rougher and often ice-filled North Sea seas. Control Skill: Operating
Complement: 17 crew
The ships were fitted to allow for rowers along the length of Passenger Capacity: 16
the ship. Not wasting space with benches, the crew sat on Consumables: 1 week
chests (containing personal property). Later, more advanced Encumbrance Capacity: 30
versions had a sail on a single mast. But that was after they built Price/Rarity: 3,000/3
the ships with keels, strengthening the bows enough to allow Weapons: None
for a proper mast.
While the rest of Europe was still basically using the same KNARR MERCHANT LONGSHIP
galleys used 1500 years earlier. The longships could handle
rougher weather and were much faster. The average speed of The knarr could handle more cargo and be operated by smaller
Viking ships varied but lay in the range of 5–10 knots. The crews than the other longships.
maximum speed under favorable conditions was around 15 An knarr was about 16 meters long and 5 meters wide. It could
knots. carry up to 24 tons. They were used to transport trading
The construction of the longships was not standardized, and goods, like wool, timber, wheat, furs, walrus ivory, honey,
building materials varied depending on what types of wood weapons, armor and livestock. It could carry a crew of around
were available. Other details also changed depending on the 25. Knarr ships had less rower seats and were mostly
local navigational needs. dependent on sail power to move.

It is also important to note that almost half of the cost of ARMOR DEFENSE

building a ship is the cost of creating the sail. 0 0

3 3 0
Ships were often communally. Farmers could vikingr (raid) SILHOUETTE MAX SPEED HANDLING
18 16
when there was little to be done at the farm.
Control Skill: Operating
Longships were great at troop transport, but they were not Complement: 7 crew
warships. Although, they could be tied together to form a Passenger Capacity: 18
stable platform for battles against sea-facing fortifications. Consumables: 1 week
Encumbrance Capacity: 200
The oars did not use rowlocks or thole pins but holes cut Price/Rarity: 6,000/5
below the gunwale line. To keep seawater out, oar holes were Weapons: None
sealed with wooden disks from the inside when the oars were
not in use.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


The snekkja was usually the smallest longship used in raiding. ARMOR DEFENSE

It had at least 20 rowing placements. An average snekkja was 0 0

17 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. It could carry a crew of 3 2 -1
18 16
Snekkjas were one of the most common types of ship. Control Skill: Operating
Complement: 31 crew
Passenger Capacity: 10
0 0
3 3 0 Consumables: 2 week
HT THRESHOLD SS THRESHOLD Encumbrance Capacity: 20
18 16 Price/Rarity: 4,000/5
Control Skill: Operating Weapons: None
Complement: 21 crew
Passenger Capacity: 20
Consumables: 1 week
Encumbrance Capacity: 50 ARMOR DEFENSE

Price/Rarity: 9,000/5 1 0
4 2 -2
30 20

SKEID LONGSHIP Control Skill: Operating

These ships were larger raiding ships, with more than 30 Complement: 61 crew
rowing positions. These were the largest longships. An average Passenger Capacity: 30
skeid was 30 meters. The largest known ship was about 37 Consumables: 2 week
meters. Encumbrance Capacity: 40
Price/Rarity: 20,000/5
Weapons: Ram. When the galley deliberately collides with
1 0 another ship (see page 222 of the Genesys Core Rulebook), the
4 3 -1 other ship suffers 8 damage to its hull trauma threshold and
adds +40 to the Critical Hit result it suffers. The galley reduces
30 20
the results of the Critical Hit it suffers by –20.
Control Skill: Operating
Complement: 32 crew
Passenger Capacity: 30
Consumables: 1 week
Encumbrance Capacity: 80
Price/Rarity: 15,000/5
Weapons: None

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



A horse trained for war. Can use their hooves to attack.


4 2 1 1 1 1
Large horses, mules, or oxen. Used to pulling wagons and


4 7 0 0
4 2 1 1 1 1
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Discipline 2, Resilience 3, Survival
4 7 0 0 Abilities: Encumbrance capacity 13, Silhouette 2
Equipment: Hooves (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
Skills: Athletics, Resilience [Engaged]; Knockdown)
Abilities: Encumbrance capacity 15, Silhouette 2


Beast of Burden – 200 1
Able to carry riders over distances. Normally horses, but a Horse – 400 2
Riding check is required to maintain control in stressful
situations. War Horse – 1,500 6

4 3 1 1 1 1


4 5 0 0
Skills: Athletics, Resilience
Abilities: Encumbrance capacity 12, Silhouette 2

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



Close to Kaupang was Skiringssal, a sacred area centered on a

lake north of Tjølling. Several kings were buried here, and
important, annual sacrifice were made at Skiringssal. These
sacrifices were said to be attended by the whole population of

efore the 8th century, most of the Viking raids were Viken.
conducted around the coast of Norway, Sweden and
Denmark. Vikings raided farmsteads and small villages,
and it was not until the expansion of travels around the 8th SPORTS
century that Norse society started to prosper.
Sports that involved weapons training and developing combat
skills were popular and encouraged by Viking leaders.
Popular games included:
Åros - (Århus) Denmark • Spear throwing
Åros was situated on the northern shores of a fjord by the • Wrestling (Glima)
• Fist ghting
mouth of the river. It became a trade hub due to its position
• Stone lifting
intersecting the sea routes and its access to the fertile
• Running and jumping
countryside of Denmark. It was primarily linked to trade from • Jumping from oar to oar on the outside of a moving ship.
Norway. It was connected to the close-by shipbuilding yard • Diving
called Snekkeeng, east of the Brabrand Lake • Long-distance swimming
• Dunking contest (two swimmers try to dunk one another)
The early town was fortified with defensive earthen ramparts
and was later improved like the defence structures found at
Viking ring fortresses elsewhere. Åros became an important BRITTAN
military centre. Several noble families had their homes there.

Near Åros was Odinsholt (Odin's wood), a place of ritual iking raids began in England. After the first attack on the
sacrifices, where men and animals were hung from the trees as monastery at Lindisfarne in 793, the Vikings continued
a sacrifice to the gods. targeting monasteries and churches. They were not
heavily defended and had valuable portable objects.
Ribe - Denmark
The Vikings met some resistance. For example, in 840,
Kaupang - Norway Kaupang was founded in the 780s and Æthelwulf of Wessex gathered an army at Somerset. But was
abandoned in the early 10th century for unknown reasons. It defeated, after 35 Viking ships had landed in the area.
may have been the first urban settlement of significance in
Norway. It was situated on a beach by Viksfjord (Larvik) and The sons of the legendary Viking chief Ragnar Lodbrok
was an important royal seat in the 8th and 9th centuries. invaded the Kingdom of East Anglia, and in 867 they captured
York. King Ælla of Northumbria (who had captured and
Kaupang was a trade center with about 1,000 inhabitants. The killed Ragnar Lodbrok) attempted to retake the city. He was
settlement had diverse craft production and extensive trade unsuccessful and executed by Blood Eagle as punishment for
with foreign countries. Trading mainly iron, soapstone and Ragnar's murder.
By the late 9th century, the Vikings had taken control of most
of England.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Having settled Aldeigja (Ladoga) in the 750s, Swedish

IRELAND colonists played an important role in forming the Rus'
In Russian historiography, two cities are used to describe the
n 795, Vikings raided the church on Lambeg Island. At this
time, Ireland had no actual towns, but there were beginnings of the country: Kiev and Novgorod. Both became
settlements and farms near monasteries. These monasteries important trade hubs for trading between the eastern and
were community centers and safe storage places for the farms western countries.
around. This made them perfect targets for the Viking raids.
After years of raids, Vikings also started to settle in Ireland. VINLAND
They made settlements that would grow into the cities we now
know as Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Wexford and Limerick.

t is said that Leif Ericsson accidentally discovered a new land
Eventually, these settlements turned into trading centers. when traveling from Norway back to Greenland. From
Dublin served as a base for trade routes between Scandinavia, where he returned with a rich bounty of berries, wheat and
England, Ireland and Europe. timber.
Later expeditions to find the land had little success, but
WEST FRANCIA Thorfinn, an Icelander, sailed west with 40 men or more.
They established a settlement on the shore of a seaside lake,
protected by barrier islands and connected to the open ocean

est Francia emerged after the death of Charlemagne's son by a river that was navigable by ships only at high tide.
and covers much of what we today call France.
The settlement was known as Håp (hope), and the land
The first Viking attack up the river Seine took place in 820, abounded with berries and wheat. The explorers remained
and endless Viking raids on the kingdom would mark the next there in peace for almost a year until they saw nine hide boats
100 years. Including the Viking siege of Paris in 885. Clashes one morning. Local people (later called Skrælings by the
between the West Franks and the Vikings were frequent and Vikings) examined the Norse ships and departed in peace.
brutal. The speed of travel of the Vikings up the Seine meant Later a much larger flotilla of boats arrived, and trade
that they could strike almost anywhere, and it was very commenced. One day, an incident scared the native traders,
difficult for the Franks to defend. and they stayed away for three weeks.
This eventually led to the establishment of Normandy, which After which, the Skrælings (named for the way they screamed
was granted to the Norseman Rollo and his men following when they attacked) attacked in force, but the explorers
their unsuccessful siege at Chartres in 911 in exchange for an managed to survive with only minor casualties. The explorers
oath of fealty to King Charles the Simple. retreated inland to a defensive position and subsequently
abandoned their southern camp and sailed back home. Killing
Rollo agreed to defend the territory from other Vikings and
five natives they encountered on the way, lying asleep in hide
that he and his men would convert to Christianity.
Depending on when your campaign takes place, you could run
into the Franks or Norse trained settlers and defenders. But MIKLAGARD
regardless, West Francia was a popular destination for raids.

onstantinople was called Miklagard by the Vikings, which
RUS means the great city. This city was on a scale the Vikings
had never seen before.

he Rus are speculated to have been a mix of Slavic and east-
The Varangian Guard was an elite unit of the Byzantine Army,
faring Norse settlers from Sweden. Who were settling,
serving as personal bodyguards to the Byzantine emperors.
raiding and trading along the river routes between the
The Varangian Guard was made up mainly of Vikings. As they
Baltic and the Black Seas from around the 8th to 11th
lacked local loyalties, they could be counted on to suppress
The Vikings understood loyalty, but the politics of a grand,
new city may have been confusing to many of them.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Backstab: May target an unaware target with a combat check

hese are some adversaries that are likely to be encountered
in Midgard. They include humans, animals, and mythical using a Melee: Light weapon and the Skulduggery skill instead
creatures that would only be encountered in dreams or in of the Melee: Light skill. If successful, the attack deals +2
trance. damage per s, instead of +1.
Precision Strikes: Use Cunning in place of Brawn for Brawl
ADVISOR (NEMESIS) and Melee: Light checks.

A person very close to whoever is in charge. Do they have their Quick Draw: Once per round on your character's turn, they
best interest at heart or their own plans? Regardless, they have may use this talent to draw or holster an easily accessible
the ear of the leader. weapon or item as an incidental.
2 1 2 2 4 3
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Poisoner: As an incidental, may apply poison to all weapons.
A character wounded by a poisoned weapon must make a




0 0 Hard ( ddd ) Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental

or suffer 4 additional wounds, and must check again on their
next turn if the check generates d.
Skills: Cool (3), Deception (3), Discipline (3), Perception (2),
Vigilance (2) Vanish: After performing a check, may spend a a a or t
to hide from all other characters in the encounter.
Talents: Second Wind 3: Once per encounter, may recover
3 Strain as an incidental. Equipment:

Abilities: Sir. Please...: Once per encounter, may suffer 2 Concealing cloaks, and disguises
strain as an out-of-turn incidental during an ally's turn; the ally Bow: Ranged; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium];
loses a maneuver and either heals 6 strain or may reroll a fear Unwieldy 2
check they just failed.
Scimitar: Melee: Light; Damage 7; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1
Daggers (ranged): Ranged; Damage 4; Critical 2; Range
A face in the crowd. Movement in the shadows. It could be the [Short]; Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 3
last thing you see before you leave Midgard.
Daggers (melee): Melee: Light; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
2 4 3 4 2 2 [Engaged]; Accurate 1


2 12 14 4 3

Skills: Cool (2), Coordination (3), Deception (3), Medicine

(2), Melee: Light (2), Perception (2), Ranged (2), Skulduggery
(3), Stealth (4), Vigilance (3)
Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character once.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


The leader of this place. They are competent but have a
The largest predator in Scandinavia (and Vinland). Not reputation among the locals.
something you want to antagonize.
2 2 3 3 3 4




5 21 0 0

Skills: Charm (2), Cool (2), Deception (2), Knowledge (2),

Skills: Athletics (4), Brawl (3), Coercion (3), Perception (2), Negotiation (2), Vigilance (1)
Resilience (2), Survival (4) Talents: Natural: Once per session, use this talent to reroll
Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat any one Negotiation or Skulduggery check.
check targeting this character once.
Abilities: Local Politics: Once per session, may choose one
Abilities: Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made character operating in their area of influence (community,
against a character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is precinct, or county, for example); until the end of the session,
decreased by 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a the target must upgrade the difficulty of any social skill checks
character 2 or more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is they make to interact with inhabitants of this area once.
increased by 1.
Equipment: Bite: Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range ELEPHANT (NEMESIS)
[Engaged]; Ensnare 1, Pierce 3
A huge creature, with polished, sharpended, tusks. Once it gets
Claws: Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; moving, you do not want to stand in its way. It can be used as a
Concussive 1, Knockdown mount, if trained.

5 1 1 1 2 3

Fighters dressed in animal furs, heads, and little else. Screaming SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD S. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE

7 30 18 0 0
and biting their shields, they charge into battle. Fighting
whoever they can engage.
Skills: Athletics (1), Brawl (2), Discipline (2), Survival (2),
3 2 1 2 2 1
Vigilance (3)

SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE Abilities: Encumbrance Capacity 30

3 5 0 0
Silhouette 3: The difficulty of an attack made against a
character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is decreased by
Skills (group only): Brawl, Melee: Light, Resilience, 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a character 2 or
Survival more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is increased by 1.

Abilities: A Good Death: As an incidental, at the start of its Toss: After making a combat check, this creature may spend
turn a minion group of berserkers that is engaged with an t to move the target up to short range, inflict 4 strain, and
enemy may remove a member of its group as a casualty to add knock the target prone.
+6 damage to the minion group's attack in that turn.
Equipment: Tusks and trampling feet: Skill: Brawl;
Berserkrgang: Once per encounter, the group can ingest Damage: 10; Critical: 4; Range: [Engaged]; Knockdown
Flugesopp as an incidental.
Equipment: 2 Hand Axes: Melee: Light; Damage 6;
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


The best of the best. Protecting their charge with everything This Seid moves with strange grace through the battlefield,
they got. Perhaps there is a reason no one has killed this person helping anyone who needs it. They are singing and calling out
yet. strange names, but who cares, as long as their helping.

4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2


4 16 12 2 1 2 11 0 0

Skills: Athletics (1), Cool (1), Discipline (3), Melee (3), Skills: Athletics (3), Cool (3), Discipline (2), Medicine (2),
Ranged (3), Vigilance (3) Melee (2), Ranged (1)
Talents: Body Guard 2 Once per round, your character Talents: Combat Medicine 2: Before making a Medicine
may suffer a number of strain no greater than their ranks in check, your character may use this talent to add s equal to
Body Guard to use this talent. Choose one ally engaged with their ranks in Combat Medicine to the results. After the check
your character; until the end of your character's next turn, is resolved, the target suffers 2 strain for each rank your
upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks targeting that ally a character has in Combat Medicine.
number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Painkiller Specialization 2: When your character uses
Rapid Reaction 2 Your character may suffer a number of painkillers (or their equivalent, depending on the setting), the
strain to use this talent to add an equal number of s to a target heals one additional wound per rank of Painkiller
Vigilance or Cool check they make to determine Initiative Specialization. The sixth painkiller and beyond each day still
order. The number may not exceed your character's ranks in has no effect.
Rapid Reaction.
Equipment: 2 Healing herbs, Healers kit
Equipment: Longsword: Melee: Light; Damage 7; Critical
2; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Superior Impressive Staff: Melee: Heavy; Damage 3; Critical 4;
Range [Engaged]; Defensive 2
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown

FENRIS CULTISTS (MINION) "You want that fixed? You came to the right place."

Clad in gray furs and moving with animalistic rhythm. Are 3 3 3 1 2 1



3 2 1 2 1 1 3 12 0 0


3 6 0 0 Skills: Athletics (1), Computers (3), Knowledge (1),

Mechanics (3), Negotiation (2), Perception (3)

Skills (group only): Brawl, Perception, Vigilance Abilities: Many Hands Make Light the Load: If this
character provides assistance when another character makes a
Abilities: Wolf Rage: A cultist or group of cultists that has Mechanics check to repair a vehicle, increase the hull trauma or
taken damage reduces the Critical rating of its attacks to 1 system strain repaired by 2; if the check is being made to repair
a Critical Hit, reduce the difficulty of the check by 1, to a
Equipment: Clawed Katars: Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1
minimum of ; this is in addition to the other benefits of
Equipment: Filungar Kit

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made against a

character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is decreased by
GENERAL (NEMESIS) 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a character 2 or
more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is increased by 1.
The man with the plan. Leader of men, with battle experience
that few can match. Fearsome 3 When an opponent becomes engaged with your
character during a combat encounter, the opponent must
2 2 3 3 3 4 make a fear check (see page 243 of the Genesys Core
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Rulebook). The difficulty of the fear check is equal to your
character's ranks in Fearsome
2 16 16 1 1 Equipment: Huge Club: Melee: Heavy; Damage: 10;
Critical: 2; Range: [Engaged]; Cumbersome 5, Inaccurate 1,
Knockdown, Vicious 2
Skills: Coercion (4), Cool (2), Knowledge (3), Leadership (5),
Melee (1), Ranged (1)
Talents: Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character twice.
In the mountain forests of Scandinavia, the wolves are one of
Coordinated Assault 4: Once per turn, your character may the apex predators. They hunt in packs, and can be very
use this talent to have a number of allies engaged with your territorial. In times where food is scarce, especially during the
character equal to your ranks in Leadership add :adv to all winter, they have been known to hunt near humans.
combat checks they make until the end of your character's next
turn. The range of this talent increases by one band per rank of 2 3 1 3 2 1


Abilities: Strategic Coordination: Once per encounter, 7 18 0 1
may make a :daunting: Leadership check; if successful, until
the end of the encounter, all allies in the encounter may
perform an additional move maneuver on their turn without Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Survival
downgrading their action or suffering strain—but they still
may only perform two maneuvers during their turn. Abilities: Pack Tactics: When this creature's minion group
consists of at least two minions and is engaged with a target,
Equipment: Uniform they can spend a maneuver to prevent the target from
Ceremonial Sword: Melee: Light; Damage: 5; Critical: 2; disengaging from the minion group until the end of their next
Range: [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Inferior turn and to add a a to their next combat check against that

Equipment: Bite: Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Knockdown, Vicious 1
A mythical creature, only encountered while in a trance or
Related to the gods, and yet often their enemy. This creature
towers above you and moves with slow purpose.

5 2 1 2 2 2


8 33 29 0 0

Skills: Athletics (2), Brawl (2)

Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character once.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


"Oh, thank the gods! Someone that can actually help. I don't From the grass plains, beyond the lands of the Rus. These
even care what's in that. I will drink it gladly" formidable warriors are formidable. Their skill with their bows,
and the speed they move at with their horses, make them a very
1 2 3 2 2 3 dangerous foe.




3 16 0 0
Skills: Cool (1), Discipline (2), Knowledge (3), Medicine (4),
Negotiation (1), Perception (1)
Skills: Athletics (2), Cool (3), Melee (1), Perception (3),
Talents: Surgeon 2: When your character makes a Medicine Ranged (3), Stealth (3), Survival (4)
check to heal wounds, the target heals one additional wound
per rank of Surgeon. Talents: Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character twice.
Abilities: Time to Heal: If this character is caring for a
character who is benefiting from natural rest, the resting Hamstring Shot: Once per round, your character may use
character heals 2 wounds each night and decreases the this talent to perform a ranged combat check against one non-
difficulty of any Resilience checks they make to heal Critical vehicle target within range of the weapon used. If the check is
Injuries by 1, to a minimum of . d successful, halve the damage inflicted by the attack (before
reducing damage by the target's soak). The target is
Equipment: Healer's garb, Healing kit. immobilized until the end of its next turn.
Heightened Awareness: Allies within short range of your
HOLY KNIGHT (RIVAL) character add b
to their Perception and Vigilance checks.

This warrior is not like the others. They are trained and fight
Allies engaged with your character add instead.bb
with purpose. As you watch their fine weapon cut through Equipment: Bow: Ranged; Damage: 7; Critical: 3; Range:
your brethren, you feel the urge to sully their fine armor with Medium; Accurate 1, Unwieldy 3
their own blood.
Scimitar: Melee: Light; Damage 7; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1
3 3 2 1 3 3
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
6 13 2 1

Skills: Discipline (2), Knowledge: Culture (2), Melee (3),

Perception (1), Vigilance (2)
Talents: Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character twice.
Abilities: Smithing Blow: After making a combat check,
may spend a a to add 3 damage to one hit of the attack.
Equipment: Knightly armor: 1 defense, +3 soak
Blessed blade: Melee: Light; Damage: 7; Critical: 3; Range:
[Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 1, Superior
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Abilities: Flattery Gets You Everywhere: If this character

knows an opponents Strength Motivation, when this
KNIGHT (RIVAL) character inflicts strain on the opponent, the opponent suffers
3 additional strain.
Trained and well equipped. These warriors are part of the elite.
Nice Guy: After targeting this character with a Coercion or
3 2 2 2 3 3 Deception check, if the check generated uncancelled h,
double the amount of :threat: generated.
Equipment: Colorful but tasteful clothing
5 16 4 3
Hidden blade: Melee: Light; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Accurate 1
Skills: Athletics (2), Discipline (2), Leadership (1), Melee:
Light (3), Resilience (2), Riding (3), Vigilance (2)
Talents: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character once. A mythical creature, only encountered while in a trance or
Equipment: Plate Armor: +2 soak, +1 defense., War dreams.
Mount An impossibly giant snake. It must be a spawn of the
Lance: Melee: Light; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Midgardsorm, the snake holding the world in place.
A lance can only be used while mounted and can only be used 4 2 1 2 2 1
to attack immediately after performing a maneuver to engage BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE


4 14 0 0
Large Shield Melee: Light; Damage 4; Critical 5; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Inaccurate 2,
Knockdown Skills: Brawl (3), Resilience (2), Stealth (2)
Sword: Melee: Light; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Abilities: Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made
Defensive 1 against a character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is
decreased by 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a
character 2 or more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is
MASTER SKALD (NEMESIS) increased by 1.
In control of the room, all eyes on them, when they want to. Equipment: Jaws: Brawl; Damage: 6; Critical: 2; Range:
Surprisingly inconspicuous when they don't. I hope they are [Engaged]; Vicious 2
on your side in this argument.
Constricting coils: Brawl; Damage: 10; Critical: 3; Range:
2 2 3 2 3 5
[Engaged]; Ensnare 4, Stun 4


5 10 19 0 0

Skills: Charm (5), Cool (4), Knowledge: Society (3),

Leadership (3), Negotiation (4), Vigilance (2)
Talents: Laugh It Off: When your character is targeted by a
social check that they may use this talent to spend h h h or
d to reduce any strain the check inflicts by a number equal to
their ranks in Charm. If they do, the character who targeted
them suffers an amount of strain equal to the amount of strain

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


If you haven't seen one, whatever you are imagining, it is Well trained and part of the nobility. This knight stands and
bigger. Keep away. fights for his people.

4 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 4 3


4 14 0 0 5 15 2 1

Skills: Athletics (2), Brawl (1), Vigilance (2) Skills: Athletics (2), Discipline (2), Melee: Light (3),
Resilience (2), Survival (1)
Abilities: Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made
against a character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is Abilities: Defender of the Just: A noble knight adds s h
decreased by 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a to any combat checks they make.
character 2 or more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is
increased by 1. Equipment: Gilded plate armor (+2 soak, +1 defense)

Sure Footed: Moose suffer no penalties when moving Family Sword: Melee (Light); Damage: 6; Critical: 2; Range:
through difficult terrain [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Superior

Equipment: Antlers and Hooves: Brawl; Damage: 7;

Critical: 5; Range: [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Knockdown OXEN (RIVAL)

A beast of burden... with large horns.


4 2 1 1 1 1
In Vinland, one of the apex predators. They hunt alone and BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
can be very territorial. When food is scarce, especially during SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE
the winter, they have been known to hunt near humans. 4 20 0 0

3 4 1 3 2 2
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Skills: Athletics (3), Brawl (1), Coercion (2), Resilience (3)

3 16 2 2 Talents: Bullrush: When making a Brawl, Melee: Heavy, or

Melee: Light combat check after using a maneuver to engage a
target, may spend a a a or t to knock the target prone
Skills: Athletics (3), Brawl (3), Cool (3), Coordination (2), and move them up to one range band away from this character
Perception (2), Stealth (2)
Abilities: Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made
Abilities: Ambush Predator: When attacking a target that against a character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is
has not yet acted during the current encounter, this creature decreased by 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a
adds bb to its combat checks. character 2 or more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is
increased by 1.
Pounce: Once per turn, while at short range this creature may
perform a move maneuver to engage a target as an incidental. Equipment: Horns: Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 4
Equipment: Claws and Fangs: Brawl; Damage 6; Critical
2; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 3

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Odin? Is that your eyes? News, songs, and stories.

1 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 2


1 4 0 1 2 12 0 0

Skills: Athletics (2), Brawl (2), Perception (3), Vigilance (3) Skills: Cool (2), Coordination (2), Deception (2), Melee:
Light (2), Skulduggery (3), Stealth (3)
Abilities: Flyer: This creature can fly.
Equipment: Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage: 3; Critical: 3;
Silhouette 0: The difficulty of an attack made against a Range: [Engaged]; Accurate 1
character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is decreased by
1. The difficulty of an attack made against a character 2 or
more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is increased by 1. SKOGAMANN (MINION)

Equipment: Claws and Beak: Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 3; An outcast from Norse society. Whatever their crime, it was
Range [engaged]; Vicious 1 severe enough to keep them from being a part of civilized
3 2 1 2 2 1
A thief, raider, from the sea or land. These are not vikings, but BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE

another type of raider. SOAK VALUE W. THRESHOLD M/R DEFENSE

3 5 0 0
3 2 2 2 2 2


Skills (group only): Cool, Melee: Light, Ranged
3 5 1 0 Equipment: Axe: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1
Skills (group only): Brawl, Cool, Coordination, Melee:
Talents: Quick Draw: Once per round on your character's
turn, they may use this talent to draw or holster an easily
accessible weapon or item as an incidental. Quick Draw also
reduces a weapon's Prepare rating by one, to a minimum of
Equipment: Scimitar: Melee (Light); Damage: 6; Critical: 2;
Range: [Engaged]; Defensive 1

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Sometimes Skogamann band together, usually under a For good or bad, the leader of this town.
particularly persuasive or aggressive leader.
2 2 3 4 3 3



5 14 1 1

Skills: Charm (3), Coercion (3), Deception (3), Leadership

Skills: Athletics (2), Brawl (2), Coercion (2), Coordination (3), Melee (2), Negotiation (3), Perception (2)
(3), Discipline (2), Melee (2), Ranged (2)
Talents: Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
Abilities: Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of any check targeting this character twice.
combat check targeting this character once.
Ruinous Repartee: Once per encounter, your character
Momentum: If this character performed a move maneuver, may use this talent to make an opposed Charm or Coercion
they add 3 to the damage of one hit of any successful Brawl or versus Discipline check targeting one character within medium
Melee combat checks they make during the same turn. range (or within earshot). If successful, the target suffers strain
equal to twice your character's Presence, plus one additional
Equipment: Padded Armor: +1 soak strain per s. Your character heals strain equal to the strain
Axe: Melee: Light; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; inflicted. If incapacitated due to this talent, the target could flee
Vicious 1 the scene in shame, collapse in a dejected heap, or throw
themself at your character in fury, depending on your GM and
Bow: Ranged; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; the nature of your character's witty barbs.
Unwieldy 2
Abilities: For the Town!: Once per round when targeted
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 5; Range [Engaged]; by a combat check, may choose one ally within short range,
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 2, Knockdown and the attack then targets that character instead of the town

SKRAELING ARCHER (MINION) Equipment: Fine clothing

Ceremonial Sword: Melee (Light); Damage: 5; Critical: 2;
"In Vinland, after we encountered the locals, there was Range: [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Inferior
screaming in the nights. It kept everyone on their toes, and we
had many restless nights. The first strike came from the
shadows, and their aim is true." TRELL (MINION)

3 3 2 3 2 2 A worker of low social status.



3 2 2 2 2 1


3 6 0 0
Skills (group only): Cool, Ranged, Stealth, Perception,
Equipment: Leather and Bone Armor: +1 soak Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Resilience

Bow: Ranged; Damage: 7; Critical: 3; Range: Medium; Equipment: Work clothes

Accurate 1, Unwieldy 3 Fists: Skill: Brawl; Damage 3; Critical: 5; Range: [Engaged];
Disorient 1, Knockdown

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Raiding norsemen. Fighting with spear and shield, at home on A trained fighter.
the sea.
3 2 2 2 2 1



3 6 2 1

Skills (group only): Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee,

Skills (group only): Cool, Brawl, Melee: Light, Operating, Ranged
Equipment: Bow: Skill: Ranged, Damage: 7, Critical: 3,
Abilities: Skilled Sailors: Can use Agility instead of Range: Medium, Unwieldy 2
Intellect for Operating checks.
Short Spear: Melee: Light; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
Equipment: Bow: Skill: Ranged, Damage: 7, Critical: 3, [Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 1
Range: Medium, Unwieldy 2
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
Short Spear: Melee: Light; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
[Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 1
Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged]; WATCHMAN (RIVAL)
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
The lawman of this place. Keeping watch and making sure
everyone is safe. Mostly.

3 2 2 2 2 2
The helpful driver.


2 3 2 2 2 1
4 13 2 1


3 10 1 1 Skills: Discipline (1), Melee: Light (2), Perception (1),

Vigilance (1)
Skills: Brawl (1), Ranged (1), Riding (2), Vigilance (2) Equipment: Leather Armor: +1 soak
Equipment: Padded Armor: +1 soak Short Spear: Melee: Light; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Accurate 1, Defensive 1
Dagger: Skill: Melee (Light); Damage 3, Critical: 2; Range:
[Engaged]; Accurate 1 Shield Melee: Light; Damage 3; Critical 6; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Inaccurate 1, Knockdown

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


A large wolf? A dog. Scary and big. The son of someone important. Probably stuck up, and full of
2 3 1 3 2 2


1 10 0 0

Skills: Athletics (1), Brawl (1), Charm (2), Perception (1),

Survival (1), Vigilance (2) Skills: Charm (2), Coercion (1), Cool (1), Coordination (2),
Knowledge: Society (2)
Abilities: Pack Fighter: If this creature makes a successful
combat check, the next ally making a combat check against the Talents: Proper Upbringing 2: When your character
same target during the same round adds a a to the results. makes a social skill check in polite company (as determined by
your GM), they may suffer a number of strain to use this talent
Equipment: Bite: Skill: Brawl; Damage: 4; Critical: 3; to add an equal number of a to the check. The number may
Range: [Engaged]; Knockdown not exceed your character's ranks in Proper Upbringing.
Abilities: Ill Tell My Parents!: When this character inflicts
YGGDRASIL GUARDIAN (NEMESIS) strain using a social skill check, they inflict 2 additional strain.

A mythical creature, only encountered while in a trance or Equipment: Fine Clothing

Ceremonial Sword: Skill: Melee (Light); Damage: 5;
Guardian of the great tree of life. Large swinging branches. Critical: 2; Range: [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Inferior

5 2 2 2 3 3


6 25 18 0 0

Skills: Cool (2), Discipline (2), Brawl (2), Resilience (3)

Talents: Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of any combat
check targeting this character twice.
Abilities: Silhouette 2: The difficulty of an attack made
against a character 2 silhouettes larger than the attacker is
decreased by 1. The difficulty of an attack made against a
character 2 or more silhouettes smaller than the attacker is
increased by 1.
Sweeping branches: After a successful Brawl or Melee
combat check against a target with a smaller silhouette, may
inflict an additional hit on another valid target, dealing damage
equal to the original hit.
Equipment: Grasping Branches: Skill: Brawl; Damage: 10;
Critical: 4; Range: Short; Knockdown, Prepare 1

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


his section of the book contains helpful advice and tools
for the Game Master of a Midgard Campaign. This ODIN
section will contain spoilers for players. So if you are a Curious and always trying to gather knowledge. With the
player in a Midgard campaign, you should stop reading now! ultimate goal of changing the outcome of Ragnarok.
Secret motivation: Odin wants to gather all of the best
PLAYING THE GODS fighters from Midgard, and have them become Einherjar. A
part of his army for Ragnarok. Odin may help characters
become powerful and famous and then seek to have them join
he GM is responsible for playing the gods. This section
contains some quick tips and suggestions about their him in Valhall, by leading them to a battle they cannot win.
The gods should not take up too much of the game, as too
much of them could feel like the GM controlling the players' Frøya can be an agent of chaos. Fertility, birth, and war are all
choices. associated with her. These are all things that bring change.

However, it is important that the GM keeps count of the Gold offerings, or things of beauty, are always appreciated by
relationships, subtracts 1 from each god, for each player, at the Frøya.
start or end of each session.
Keep giving slight hints if the gods are well pleased or cross, Can be played very straightforward, with little to no cunning.
reminding the player to try to keep the gods happy. He is a protector of humankind and relishes in battle.
Here are some possible personalities, motivations, and traits
that you can keep in mind when trying to figure out how the BALDR

gods react to your players. Appricialts courage and beauty. Both inner and outer. He may
be annoyed with characters acting cowardly or if they steal.


All about seeing clearly, both physically, and seeing through

lies. It can be hard to get on Heimdallrs bad side. But asking
him to do something through a lie, or ignoring him, can make
things difficult.


Loke is the father of monsters and seeks to bring about

Ragnarok. He can try to lead the players on the wrong path,
just to piss off other gods. If the players ignore him, he will try
to lay out hints that will get them into trouble.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Skill challenges are a way to engage the whole group of players
towards a common goal.

Midgard campaign can have a lot of travelling and
exploring. The Genesys Core Rulebook already have
The GM describes the goal and challenges to the players, then
rules for traveling in vehicles, which you can use. You can
secretly sets a number of successes needed to complete the
also handwave travelling over long periods of time, and narrate
challenge. Which the players must reach before a set amount
the journey for your players. But we present these optional
of failed checks occur (in which case they fail).
rules if you want to have seafaring and exploration as a key part
of your campaign. Then the players, one by one, describe how they help the
group complete their goal. As the players explain what they do,
The following rules and tables are based on data and statistics the GM sets the difficulty, and the players roll.
from the North Sea and North Atlantic.
The GM marks down any remaining successes (or if the check
Travelling within the fjords of Scandinavia presents somewhat
failed). As usual, the group spend advantages, threats,
sheltered waters compared to what you face sailing across the
triumphs, and despairs (suggestions on the Dice result tables
open sea. So the true seafaring starts as the characters are
on pages 65 and 66).
leaving the fjords' safety and headed out to the open sea. You
can assume that the players would set out in fair weather, but Even if the Berserkr warrior does not know how to navigate, he
the weather could have changed in the hours spent reaching can frantically row. The Skald can inspire the crew and the
the open sea. Seidr can make an offering to the gods.
For each journey, you start by determining the average length.
You can assume that travelling between the Scandinavian
locations would take 1-2 days under favorable conditions. The number of s needed to pass a skill challenge can wary, as
Below is a table of destinations and a suggested average travel can the number of failed checks. We offer a guideline based on
time from Scandinavia to places beyond. the number of days and players.
Suggested travel times from Scandinavia Number of s needed to pass:
Average travel days at Speed 2 * the number of players.
DESTINATION SPEED 1 SPEED 2 SPEED 3 Number of failed checks needed to fail:
Average travel days at Speed 2.
Orkney Islands 7 4 2

York 8 5 3
Following that logic, shaving a day off the trip with a / t
automatically adds s equal to the number of players.
Wessex 8 5 3
Equally, adding a day to the trip with h / d automatically
Dublin 16 10 6
increases the s needed to pass, equal to the number of players.
Normandy 8 5 3
So a group of 4 travelling to Iceland would be: 20 s needed
Iceland 8 5 3 before 4 failed checks.
Greenland 10 7 5

Vinland 20 14 6

We start each day of travel by rolling on the weather chart on

Page 63, which help us establish the speed and sea conditions.
Optionally, you can also roll on the Encounter table on
Page 67 if you hit round numbers or feel like adding
something extra to the journey.
For shorter trips of 1 or 2 days, I suggest you allow the
navigator and operator of the ship to shine and roll for
navigation and operating each day. And you can use the dice
result tables on pages 65 and 66, depending on what leg
of the journey the group is in. However, when travelling longer
distances, I recommend using our Seafaring skill challenges to
include the whole group!

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



100-99 Clear + b
98-97 Scattered Clouds
No/Light Wind Need rowers to move at speed 1,
96-95 Overcast
Ripples to small Wavelets can make speed 2 in short intervals
94-93 Light Rain +b
92-91 Heavy Rain + b b

90-89 Clear + b

88-87 Scattered Clouds

Need rowers to move at speed 1,
86-85 Overcast Wave height: 1-2m
can make speed 2 in short intervals
Small to moderate waves, some whitecaps
84-83 Light Rain +b
82-81 Heavy Rain + b b

80-77 Clear + b

76-73 Scattered Clouds

Strong Breeze Lowest wind with Sail e ect, Speed 1.
72-69 Overcast Wave height: 3-4m Need rowers to move at speed 2,
Sea: Larger waves, many whitecaps can make speed 3 in short intervals
68-65 Light Rain +b
64-61 Heavy Rain + b b

60-55 Clear + b

54-49 Scattered Clouds Gale

Wave height: 5-7m
48-43 Overcast Can reach speed 3 without rowers
Sea: Edges of crests break into spindrifts
43-38 Light Rain +b +b
37-31 Heavy Rain + b b

30-28 Clear + b

27-25 Scattered Clouds Strong Gale

Wave height: 7-10m
24-22 Overcast Can reach speed 3 without rowers
High waves - Sea Rolls
21-19 Light Rain +b +bb
18-16 Heavy Rain + b b

15-12 Overcast Storm

11-08 Light Rain +b Wave height: 9-16m
Sea: Very high waves with overhanging crests
Can reach speed 3 without rowers

07-04 Heavy Rain + b b All checks upgraded once

03 Overcast Hurricane
02 Light Rain +b Wave height: 16m +.
Sea completely white - Excessive foam
Can reach speed 3 without rowers

01 Heavy Rain + b b All checks upgraded twice

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Spending a, h, t, and d in Navigation

a or t The character adds b to their next Navigation check on this trip
You notice a speci c favorable wind or current that seems to run adjacent to the course you are taking. You memorize its speci cs for future use
a a or t
(permanent for this stretch of travel, max 2 per stretch)

a a a or You navigate particularly well, either remove 20% from your travel time or navigate towards a more speci c target (can only be selected once per
t travel)

t You make a small change to one of your navigation tools, increasing its accuracy. This would be of interest to other sailors/navigators

h or d The route you selected is straining on the ship (1 SS)

You spot land! Something in the distance. After an hour of sailing, it turns out the be a sandbar, make a dangerous driving check to avoid beaching
h h or d
Ship hull is covered in barnacles and sea weed. Reduce speed by 1 until scraped

h h h or
Boat swept into a localized current owing contrary to the intended direction

d A rogue wave crashes into the ship as you are consulting your instruments, one of your tools fall into the sea

d d A large tree, oating but barely breaking the surface, strikes your ship. Su er a +30 critical hit

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Spending a, h, t, and d in Sailing near the coast

a or t Favorable seas, add b to the next check on this trip
a a or t Clear waters. Di culty of all checks is downgraded by one until the end of the characters next turn

a a a or t Safe path. Find a safe path, next operating check is dd

t Safe harbor. Find a safe place within a cove to seek shelter if the weather is rough.

Light fog bank. Add b to checks a ected

h or d
Rigging comes loose

Thick fog bank. Add b b to checks a ected

h h or d
Other stuck ships are visible, some with rotting sails

Wave grounds ship, take 2 SS, and is grounded for 1d6 hours
h h h or d
An iceberg calves or a cli face shears o and tumbles into the water, make a dangerous driving check to avoid collision.

Snapped rigging. Ship cannot attempt Maneuvers until repaired

Debris crashes against ship. Ship takes a critical hit

Rocky shoal. Ship takes a critical hit +30, is now stuck. Will lift o in 1d6 hours
d d
A crew member is hit by an oar and slips into a coma

Spending a, h, t, and d in Sailing on the Open Sea

a or t Favorable seas, add b to the next check on this trip
a a or t Nothing to hit! Di culty of all checks is downgraded by one until the end of the characters next turn

a a a or t Calm stretch of sea, next operating check is dd

t You happen upon something interesting (bene cial to the players)

Someone gets seasick

h or d
A rogue wave crashes upon deck

A whirlpool is suddenly in front of the ship, make a dangerous driving check to avoid

h h or d Rotting food supplies. Can still eat, but maggots in the bread and meat is turning green. Morale is low

Someone is stealing rations from the ship's supplies

A huge patch of seaweed oats by, and a swarm of sea ies infest the ship. Gets into food, wounds, lays eggs everywhere

h h h or d Freshwater has turned. Unless it rains or you reach an island, lose 1d6 Crew wounds each day after 3 days. Everyone dead by 6 days

3 of the Crew su ers from a highly contagious stomach u

d Torn sails. A gust of wind or careless sailors shreds one sail. Reduce speed by 1 until new sails are purchased or made

d d Cracked hull.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting



6 A large bird lands on the ship. Carries an unknown plant in its beak

7 You spot a convoy of merchant ships. They are protected, 2d6 merchant ships protected by 1d4 escort ships

8 A female vikingr on board discovers that she is pregnant

9 You spot a ship that is not moving. The crew seems to be in the middle of an internal battle. Mutiny?

10 An enormous shadow appears under the boat. It follows you for hours. The crew members are starting to get nervous and want to turn back

11 There is a large tree drifting in the sea. Its branches are occupied by birds

12 You spot an empty galley. No sign of the crew, but there is still food in storage

13 You spot a eet of longboat raider ships. 2d4 ships. Could be friendly, or not

14 Large bird nest spotted in tree along shore

15 The water surface is covered in an oily lm

16 Lone albatross. Killing it might bring down a curse on the ship, but it also looks delicious

17 You spot a small shing vessel.

18 A single bird circles your ship overhead, as you move along, it follows

19 You spot a longboat raider ship. Could be friendly, or not

20 You spot a rowboat with 2d6 people. Survivors of a shipwreck. Around 50% might be willing to join you

21 A wooden chest oats alongside the ship, knocking into it

22 A large ock of migratory geese y over the ship

23 You spot a merchant ship, it is damaged and slow

24 You spot a light as the sky darkens. Could be a distant shore, another ship, or a bad omen. The light moves strangely

25 You spot a bloated, dead whale. It stinks for miles around it. There are 3d6 sharks circling

26 A crew member starts shouting prophecies about your journey. They do not react when you talk to them

27 You spot a convoy of merchant ships. 2d6 ships.

28 Whale sighting

29 The wrecked remains of a ship is spotted

30 A stinking, decayed body oats by your ship

31 A crew member plays a prank on someone

32 A ock of gulls land on the rigging and shit everywhere

33 You spot a lone rock covered in gulls

34 You spot a merchant ship

35 A bird ies over your ship, then drops dead, landing in the middle of the ship

36 Large school of sh near the surface, headed straight across the path of the ship

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Bjorn: laughing In character voice: "I think Tor wanted to

relieve you of your fine cloak!" Bjorn will help Egil up,
EXAMPLE PLAY: SEAFARING then fasten the rigging again. Hopefully, we can get our speed
Egil (Tegn), Liv (Oppdagr), Bjorn (Vikingr), and their group
of warriors are sailing a Karvi towards York. We'll assume that d
GM: Easy enough! Give me an Easy ( ) coordination check
they are in a small Karvi, with 6 rowing positions, which to fasten the rigging. But add b for the sail flapping about,
means that they would need 13 people to operate it and another b as the rowers are not quite coordinated yet
comfortably. 2 sets of rowers + 1 helmsman. Assuming they
have adequately prepared, the group has 2 minion groups of 3,
after Egil's little performance. Don't forget the b from the
and 1 minion group of 4, of fellow Vikingr with them on this
journey. Bjorn: 1 success and 4 advantage! Nice! I manage to secure the
Let's (for simplicity) assume that they all have d d c in the GM: marks 1 success Very nice! With the rigging fastened, and
skills relevant for this example.
the sail working, you are again on track, going speed 2. How
The journey would take 5 days going at speed 2, which is very would you like to spend your advantages?
doable in a Karvi.
Bjorn: Could I have done a very good job fastening and
The GM sets the goals at 15 (5 days times 3 players) Successes positioning the sail, catching the wind well?
before 5 failed checks, intending to roll a new day for each
round of checks, or 3 successes (or 2 failed checks). GM: Sounds good to me. You are currently manipulating the
pull of the lines and can catch the wind just right. With the
We start at day 1, and roll a 79 on the weather chart: help of the rowers and the wind, you are now going at speed 3!
Clear + , Strong Breeze. Wave height: 3-4m. Sea: Larger Liv. What are you up to?
waves, many whitecaps. Lowest wind with Sail effect, Speed 1.
Need rowers to move at speed 2, can make speed 3 in short Liv: Well, I want to make sure we are going in the right
intervals direction with all this speed. So I bring up my navigation tools
and use them to see if we are headed in the right direction or
GM: As you leave the safety of the fjords, you can tell that you have to change course.
picked the right day for travel. The sky is clear, but there is a
strong breeze. Enough to move the ship on its own, but to GM: Sounds reasonable. You can assume you were headed on
keep to your current speed of 2, your men will also have to row. the right course as you set out, and the weather has been clear.
There are some waves, but not strong enough to discourage Not much has happened that would throw you too much off
course. As you have your Navigation Tools, make that an Easy
anyone. Because of the clear view and comfortable weather,
you get a for all checks for this day. d
( ) Knowledge (Navigation) check.

Egil: Nice! Egil will call out for the rowers to take heart and b
Liv: Adding the from the weather... aaaaand.. 2 successes
keep a comfortable pace, as they are expected to keep going for and an advantage! Could I spend that advantage to have a clear
a while. In character voice: "It is a beautiful day for path in my head? Making the next navigation check we need to
sailing, my friends! It is surely an omen that our raids make easier?
will be bountiful!"
GM: Perfect! You are speeding along at speed 3, making great
GM: Ok. That sounds like a Leadership check. The men time! The rest of the day pass, as you all take your place in the
know this is a part of raiding, but they do not have to like it. rowing positions, and the good weather holds up. The crew is
Make it an average ( dd b
) check, but add a , since you are in good spirits as the first day passes.
not taking part in the physical labor yourself at this point. Now the group has 3 successes, and 1 failed check. As the ship
Egil: grumble, grumble I guess that is fair, and I am adding the spent most of the day at speed 3, we can assume they gained 2
b for the weather! Rolls dice Oh no! A wash, with h h days travel at speed 2, gaining them another 3 successes
automatically! We roll weather conditions for the next day.
GM: marks 1 failed check down for the skill challenge No
sooner than you say that, a strong gust of wind catches you off
balance. As you try to steady yourself, you grab the rigging, and
it comes loose! The sail now flaps uselessly, and your speed
drops to 1, even with the rowers. The rowers laugh, then
grumble as they brace themselves. As you not only failed to
inspire them, but you made their work harder. You feel your
chins redden as one of the rowers makes a sly remark about
windbags and sails.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

53: Scattered Clouds - Gale with Wave height: 5-7m Sea: Edges GM: The next morning, the skies open up with heavy rain.
of crests break into spindrifts, giving them b to all checks. The gale from yesterday is still going, and it is challenging to
Can reach speed 3 without rowers work. With the spray from the sea and the heavy rain, it feels
like being in a carwash, alternating with freezing salt and
GM: The following day, you awake, now properly out at the freshwater. But you feel good about your progress so far. As
open sea. There are scattered clouds, and the wind has picked long as you are headed the right way, you should be nearing
up to Gale. The waves are higher, and the spindrift from the your target.
tops spray you, endlessly, repeatedly. Giving you a b to all
Liv: Taking cover beneath a tarp and only poking out when I
checks performed in these conditions. But the good news is
that with this wind, you can reach speed 3 without rowers. have to. I find my navigational tools and try to figure out
Which is probably a good thing, as they all seem preoccupied where the hell we are. I ask Odin to help me gain clarity.
with holding on and trying to stay dry... who is up first?
GM: Give me a Knowledge (Navigation) check. It is an
Bjorn: Seems to me like we could use someone strong at the average check, and you have 3 setbacks from the rain and spray.
steering oar. Will someone assist me by keeping a lookout? But you can feel a sudden inspiration as you look over at your
tools. You have a good idea of where to start, and you can add a
Egil: I will be your eyes! Can I make a perception check to green die to this check.
keep watch from the front of the boat?
Liv: And I had a boost from my last Navigation check!
GM: Ship. But yes. You can see pretty well, whenever the spray C'mooon.. Don't let me down Odin! HAH! 2 Successes and a
is not directly in your face. Make it an average check, adding Triumph!... and a threat.
the setback from the spray and waves.
GM: smiling You lose yourself in navigation for a while,
Egil: 1 Success, 1 advantage. Oh yeah. The dice are back on my calling out course corrections to the helmsman. You hear the
team! Can I use that advantage to pass a boost to the next ship creak under the strain of the tough navigation. The ship
player, as I give them warning at whatever could be incoming? takes 1 system strain. But just as you realize exactly where you
are, you hear the call from one of the rowers. "Land! Land!
GM: Of course! Well done. marks the success Bjorn, are you Thanks be to Odin! We made it!" How would you like to
ready for that Operating check? It will be an average check, spend your triumph?
with a boost from Egil, and a setback from the spray.
All: Cheering!
Bjorn: Alright. "Baldr, guide my hand!"
GM: Was that in character? If so... looks over the favor
tracking you can feel something almost steadying your arm as
you struggle against the strong waves. You can add 2 additional
boost dice to your roll.
Bjorn: Even better! 1 Successes, and 4! advantages.. all of that
advantage came from the boost dice! I have an idea, could we
catch a current or something. Like Egil pointing out
something, and I feel whatever guide my hand towards it?
Maybe giving us extra speed?
GM: Sounds like a plan to me. Liv? Are you comfortable with
us fast-forwarding to the following day, then you can take the
first slot? Or did you have something for specifically right
Liv: I'm ok with that. Let's go!
Now the group has 8 successes, and 1 failed check. With speed
staying at 3 we can give them 3 more successes, and another 3
(a day of travel) for the current. With 14 successes, they are at
the cusp of reaching their goal. Let's give Liv a chance to shine
as we roll for the weather conditions for the day, and they are
nearing the coast of their destination.
35: Heavy Rain + bb - Gale with Wave height: 5-7m Sea:
Edges of crests break into spindrifts, giving them bto all
checks. Can reach speed 3 without rowers.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

The Assassin (sent from a rival in the royal family in Asia) will
ADVENTURE IDEAS follow the characters and attack with their team of warriors at
an opportune moment.
If they return the princess to the royal family, they would ask to
be delivered to Constantinople (Miklagard). The characters
can either receive a reward or start their own trade negotiations.
There is a rumor that outside Novgorod, the Grand Prince They would then travel down the Volga to the Black Sea,
Oleg of the Rus keeps a princess locked up. Not a princess of crossing that to get to Miklagard.
the Rus empire, but a bargaining tool to keep opium flowing
through Novgorod from the far east. The players may be here TWIST
because they are hired by the agents of the princesses father, to
stop the flow of opium to Scandinavia, to weaken the Rus "Baomu" is the actual princess. The emperor was fooled and
emperor, strengthen their position, or for some other reason assumed that "Baomu" was a bodyguard and advisor in
entirely. disguise. When handing off the princess in Miklagard, if the
characters have not figured out who the princess is, there will
Regardless, you have learned that the princess is kept in the likely be complications. "Baomu" will ask to be present in the
solitary tower by the mighty river Volga. You have the location. negotiation. She reasons that she can prove that the princess is
safe. If the negotiations are going poorly, the emissary from the
GOALS royal family might try to break the negotiations and take
Help the princess escape her imprisonment, and deliver her to Baomu with them. Or even go so far as to kill the "princess"
whoever can help you fulfil your goals. and offer a pittance of what was promised.

The princess is in a tower on a beach, at the edge of the water
of the river Volga. There are clear views for hundreds of meters, Emperor Basil II Porphyrogenitus (the Bulgar Slayer) hires the
except for a rock outcropping, forming a natural bridge from characters as part of his elite guard, the Varangian Guard.
the cliffs towards the tower. The bridge is heavily guarded by
the elite fighters and archers of the Rus emperor. The tower Today, you are protecting the Emperor as he meets an
itself is challenging to scale from the bottom, but the real ambassador from the Persian empire in secret.
challenge is that the characters would be exposed, trying to
You are meeting in a deep valley with a series of choke points
make their way to the tower's base.
and labyrinth tunnels east of Miklagard. Easily defendable by a
The princess sits alone in a silken pillow fort, a small knife in couple of men against an army if needed. There is only one
one hand and stuffed woollen monkey in the other. She has a way in and out, and you have secured the western entrance,
fierce look on her face and shouts in a language you do not where you have a more significant force of men. You assume
understand. your Persian counterpart has done the same at the eastern end.

The princess will not follow them unless they bring "Baomu", GOALS
her trusted caretaker, for the trip. "Baomu" is being kept as a
Keep the Emperor safe?
"guest" in Novgorod. She is serving as an advisor and go-
between for moving along the negotiation.

The city of Novgorod is a bustling trade hub. During the day, You are surprised by a sudden increase in sounds, and you see
the gates are open, but guarded. Some of those passing in the valley in front of you a huge creature (a war elephant),
through are stopped and the guards will inspect them. Others starting to pick up speed and barreling towards you. Two men
seem to be able to pass straight through. There seems to be a in black clothing are sitting on its back, and 16 men are
larger number of guards here today. "Baomu" is being followed following closely behind.
by a Khazar spy, and an Assassin from Asia.
The meeting was supposed to be highly confidential, but the
The Rus, realizing that Baomu is missing, closes the gates, and Emperor suspects the Persians would not attack without
blockades the harbor with their galleys. They will try to stop having support in the Byzantine court. Back at the court, the
the characters and follow them either up or down the Volga. players can try and figure out what happened or question any
The Spy lets their Khazar masters know that the princess is on
the move. A small force of elite Khazar horse riders will risk an
incursion into Rus territory to capture the princess. They
know who the princess is.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

The advisor will approach one of the characters (if any of the On the other side of the cave tunnel, there is a clearing and a
characters has a connection to Loke, they will come to them), shallow pond. In the middle of the pond, there is a large tree.
when they are alone. If no one has, they will approach anyone High up in the tree is the item you seek. When they near the
who could be persuaded to take a bribe. tree, under the influence of the trance, they feel like the
Yggdrasil Guardian (see page 61) attacks them. In reality, the
The advisor will offer an outlandish sum of money, or ground is marshy and drags them under, and the branches of
something precious, to the character if they help make sure the tree are rotten and will fall on them.
that the Emperor will be vulnerable. The character does not
have to fight or do anything but allow for an opportunity (like A group of wolves hunt around here. They get +2 defence as
taking a night shift and leaving their post, removing the regular the characters are under the trance.
food taster for the Emperor).
If the player tries to back out or lie to the advisor, his guards
will try to stop them and knock them out. The advisor will try The magical item is retrieved (or not), and the character grows
to poison them. closer in their relationship with the god. Describe the thing as
unique and easy to recognize. It can grant bonuses that could
be explained as gaining confidence or causing awe of the
people who see or hear about it.
Does the character agree to help kill the Emperor? Are they
captured and locked away? Do they lie and say yes, then set a
trap for the advisor? SKOGAMANN ATTACK ON VILLAGE

Either way, this part will lay the groundwork for a big battle. The characters are headed towards Skiringssal from Kaupang
The advisor has his army of assassins on loan from the Persians. for the spring equinox. Herding 2 large oxen, 1 ram, and 4
The Emperor has his elite guard. sheep. A sizable part of the Blot has been entrusted to your
The characters need to prepare, chase leads etc. party.
You have travelled this path many times. You know that there is
a good place for resting around the bend, where the path goes
parallel with a river for a short while.
One of the characters are very lucky and well-liked by the gods. You have been travelling for 4 hours, and everyone could do
A suitable god tries to arrange for a reward in the form of a with a rest.
"magic" item. But the characters need to enter the spirit realm
to get it. If the characters drink from the river, secretly roll a vigilance
check using the best stat of the group. The ram reacts if they
They are granted a vision of a small valley, where a Sami try to lead it to the water.
community are gathered. They are the key to finding the item.

GOAL dcc
After an hour, any players who drank from the water needs to
make a resilience check. If they fail, they have been
poisoned. Everyone starts hearing strange sounds from the
Retrieve a "magic" item
woods (like monkeys or hyenas). If they are poisoned, they
hear the sounds close, all around them.

A Sami shaman knows how to enter the spirit realm. But he The players are headed into a Skogamann ambush and will be
does not like the characters. Other members of the tribe might shot at from the bushes. If the skogamanns meet strong
know as well. resistance, they will flee. But they will try to steal the livestock.
Going into the spirit realm entails going into a sacred trance When arriving in Skiringssal, they are well taken care of. The
state and entering a holy cave. Seids helping anyone injured. They are informed that the
attacks are nothing new, and Skiringssal has been isolated the
The cave is home to cast out members of the Sami tribe, large, last couple of days. With the spring equinox coming up, they
grotesque and feral. Under the influence of the trance, they are are worried about the people coming to join it. The elder Seid
genuinely monstrous. says the attacks are due to the influence of the Jotun giants on a
group of Skogamenn nearby. They claim they are jealous of
Getting through the cave requires a skill challenge to navigate,
the gods of Asgard and want to disrupt the celebration. They
climb, and squeeze through paths.
will try to enlist the players are their champions to combat
these powers.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting


Get everything to the Blot, and make sure the celebration goes
off as planned.


The Seid wants to lead the characters in a spirit vision to find

out where the camp of the ravagers is. With a spirit vision, the
characters will find the herbs they need to withstand the
poison of the Skogamanns. Deep in the forest, and under the
effect of the herbs and drugs of the Seid, they will encounter
dark groups of spirits and Fenris (actually wolves and a large
bear) himself. The beasts are adversary +2, +1 defence when
the characters are under the effect of the ritual.
The characters either find the camp of the skogamann or are
attacked when trying. If they find the skogamann camp by
following a fleeing attacker, the camp will be ready for them. If
they manage to find tracks to follow without being attacked,
they can surprise the camp.
As they near the skogamann camp, they walk into a thick wall
of smoke or mist. It clouds your mind as well as dull your
senses. If the character has found the herbs they need, they
should be able to resist the effects.
There are twice as many Skogamann as players, and a large
leader, painted in blue paints, wielding a large two-handed axe.


The skogamann camp are worshippers of Fenris, and Loke.

They claim to have been promised places of power if they can
disrupt the blot. Loke is heavily invested in this, and will not
take kindly to characters disrupting his plans.

Midgard - A Genesys Setting

Archetypes 13 Magic 19
B Mjølnir 34
Backgrounds 12 Miklagard 50
Baldr 35 Mimir 32
Berserkr 14 Misdeeds 30
Blot 37 Munin 32
Breidablik 35 O
Brisingamen 33 Odin 32
Brittan 49 Odinsholt 49
C Oppdagr 17
Careers 13 R
Constantinople 50 Religion 7
E Reputation 38
Equality 7 Ribe 49
F Rus 50
Favors 38 S
Fenrir 36 Sacri ce 37, 39
Filungar 15, 44 Seafaring 63
Flugesopp 44 Skald 18
Francia 50 Sleipnir 32
Freki 32 Seax 41
Frøya 33 Seidmenn 19
G Seidr 19
Galley 47 Sikringssal 49
Geri 32 Silver 31
Gungnir 32 Skeid Longship 47
H Snekkeeng 49
Heimdallr 36 Snekkja Longship 47
Hel 36 Sundial 44
Hildisvini 33 Sunstone 44
Horizon Board 44 T
Hringhorni 35 Tor 34
Hugin 32 Trell 6
Hymir 34 Theft 6
J Thegn 20
Jarl 6 V
Jormungandr 36 Vikingr 6, 21
K Vinland 50
Karl 6 Volur 19
Karvi Longship 46 W
Kaupang 49 Weather Chart 64
Knarr Longship 46 West Francia 50
Lagmann 16 Yggdrasildr 32
Loke 36 Yule 32
Longship 46 Å
Åros 49

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