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Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Introduction: This rule book starts with an example of play to

show how the game is intended to be run. It then follows rules
creating a character; it is encouraged that first-time players and
readers go ahead and create a character so they can have a
visual idea of how the stats and dice are used in the rules
section that follows.

What you’ll need: All that is needed to play is a pencil, paper,

and some multi-sided dice. These dice range from having 4, 6,
8, 10, 12, and 20 sides. The shorthand for a die is simply a ‘d’
followed by the number of sides; a d20 being a 20-sided die.

For the sake of cohesion, the examples are written with a

fantasy setting in mind.

Written and illustrated by Aiden Buxton 2014, 2023

copyright Lambhide

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Getting Started:
p.00 - Example of Play

Lambhide Rules:
p.01 - Character Creation

p.03 - Rules

p.05 - Weapons, Armor, & Items

p.07 - Powers

p.09 - Additional Rules

p.11 - Narrating the Game

p.13 - Foes

p.16 - LAMBHIDE Base Classes

p.25 - Classic Classes

p.32 - The Ghoul of Tower Crypt

p.52 - A few afterthoughts and some
afterthought rules
Character Sheets:
p.56 - Character sheets to be cut out
and used by players or the

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


LAMBHIDE is a tabletop role-playing game played with a

designated narrator, sometimes referred to as ‘game master’
or ‘dungeon master’, and characters created and acted out by
the other players.
Using the rules provided the game is played with the
narrator weaving a story or adventure and the players acting in
character; the results of the characters’ actions being
determined by the roll of dice. Below is an example of
gameplay using these rules:

Narrator: “On a dark, stormy, night, you have set out to find
and save your beloved dog from the evil ghoul!”
- At this point, the Narrator has prepared a fight against the
ghoul using the character creation rules (p.01) to stat this foe.

Player: “My character, Ameline the hunter, has a talent of

tracking with a bonus of +2. I would like to track the ghoul.”

Narrator: “That will take some keen thinking to find, have

Ameline roll her wit die and add her +2 tracking talent.”
- The Narrator determines it would take mental skill to track the
ghoul and has the player use the die they assigned to their
character’s wit attribute. By referencing the challenge rolls chart
(p.04), the narrator decides the act of tracking will require a fair
amount of focus and determines that the number the player will
need to roll higher than to be 4.

Player: The player has assigned an 8-sided die (d8) to their wit
attribute thus rolling the d8. The die turns up a 3, totaling 5 with
the mentioned talent bonus of +2.

Narrator: “You rolled higher than the 4 needed so your

character successfully finds the ghoul’s trail. You find it’s home,
a graveyard, and catch it just as it prepares to eat your poor
dog! It slouches a mere 15 feet from you. This is a fight, roll your
AGI (agility) die against the ghoul’s AGI die to decide who goes
- The Player rolls the die they assigned to their agility attribute.
They roll higher than the ghoul’s roll.

Player: “I go first! My character uses her bow and shoots at the


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


- This initiates combat. In Lambhide combat, there is an attacker

(high roll) and a defender (low roll) decided by a combat roll. In
this instance, there is a ranged attack. The corresponding
attribute the player chooses to use is their AGI die. They have
assigned a d10 die to this attribute. Ameline rolls a 5. The
Narrator rolls the ghoul’s WIT die, as it can be used in a ranged
combat roll; it turns up a 6. The victor of a combat roll can attack
even if it wasn’t instigated by them. However, since the ghoul has
no ranged attacks, it cannot act.

Narrator: “The ghoul dodges your arrow. It’s attention turns

from your dog to you! It is now the ghoul’s turn and, since it
isn’t close enough to attack you, it moves. With a speed of 20ft,
the ghoul closes the distance between you and it! Now, it is
your turn again.”

Player: “Ameline attacks with her hunting knife!”

- The player rolls another combat roll, this being a melee attack.
Their AGI die turns up with a 3. The ghoul rolled a 6. Since the
ghoul rolled higher it acts as the attacker and Ameline acts as the
defender. As the attacker, the ghoul can add its +2 claw attack to
its 6. As the defender Ameline can add her +1 armor to her 3. This
results in 8 attack vs 4 defense, the 4-point difference is
subtracted as damage to Ameline’s vitality.

Narrator: “Based on how the dice have rolled, the scene

continues like this: Ameline slashes her knife at the ghoul, but
misses by a hair. The ghoul takes this opportunity to rake her
with it’s claws. The ghoul slashes her arm, leaving a numb
stinging feeling in it. It’s the ghoul’s turn again, and it attacks
with another swing of it’s claws.”
- In this combat roll, the ghoul rolls a 2 and Ameline a 6. The
ghoul is on the defense with no bonus and Ameline’s hunting
knife gives her attack a +1. She deals 5 damage (7 – 2).
“You fend off the ghoul, it isn’t defeated yet, but flees
into the graveyard crypt to fight another day! You rescue your
beloved dog and are rewarded a level point for your victory!
That concludes our game for now; to be continued...”

Thus concludes too, the example of play!

Remember, be creative and spontaneous with your
implementation of the LAMBHIDE rule set!

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


In LAMBHIDE each player makes a character by following the

rules below and filling out a character sheet (p.56). If you
would like some inspiration or need a reference, look to the
classes section (p.16) for pre-made character bases.

ATTRIBUTES: Characters are created with 4 attributes that

simulate their abilities within the games narrated world;
STRENGTH (STR): Rolled for physical capabilities.
AGILITY (AGI): Rolled reaction time and reflexes.
WIT (WIT): Rolled when knowledge and foresight are needed.
EGO (EGO): Rolled for social interactions and, in combat, luck.
Using a d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12, assign a die to each attribute to
reflect your imagined character’s abilities. These dice will be
rolled when the corresponding attribute is used within the
narrated world. The sum of the high numbers for these dice
should not exceed 30.
( ! ) If the sum of the high numbers falls short, the remaining
sum can be doubled and written down as level points which
can be spent on the level point chart on the next page. After
assigning attributes these corresponding stats can be filled out:

STATS: Additional details about a character are determined by

their attributes and can be improved as the game progresses.
Vitality (VIT) is equal to the strength die, this is the max
amount only increased through the level point chart. Damage
your character receives is subtracted from vitality; reaching 0
results in death. Vitality is replenished through rest (p.12).
Speed (SPD) is a character’s movement within a turn. This is
derived from the chosen agility die based on the chart below:

AGI Die: d4 d6 d8 d10 d12

Speed: 20ft 25ft 30ft 35ft 40ft

Talents are skills, traits, or trades that add a +1 bonus to when

interacting in the narrated world. Talents can’t heal, defend, or
damage. The number of talents your character starts with is
equal to half the wit die (wit die x 0.5). Come up with your
character’s talents and put them on the character sheet. A
talent’s bonus can be stacked for a higher bonus.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Level points (LVP) are exchanged for character improvements

from the level point chart below. The number of level points
one starts with is equal to a character’s ego die.
Wealth (W) is equal to the ego die x 5. Use this to afford items
you create in the weapons, armor, and items section (p.05).
Powers are magic, super abilities, or enhanced attacks that cost
points from the powers score (PWS) to use. The power score
is equal to a character’s wit die or half their ego die. If your
character has powers, buy each one from the level point chart
below as a “new power” costing 3 level points. To make the
power switch to the powers section (p.07) and turn the desired
power into a usable game mechanic.
( ! ) Characters without powers receive an additional number
of level points equal to their wit or ego die x 1.5 and start with
a power score of 0.
Level Point Chart: Use the acquired level points so far and later
any level points earned in the future to purchase the character
improvements from the chart below:

1 +10 Wealth
2 +1 Talent
Level Point Chartt

3 New Power or +1 Vitality

4 +1 Power Score
5 Luck Die
6 +5ft Speed (max 50ft)
7 Upgrade Attribute Die
(max d12, then +1 bonus)
8 Risen Point (p.09)
9 18Pt. Companion (p.09)
12 24Pt. Companion (p.09)

Voila, character created!

Read how combat works on the next page to understand how
weapons, armor, and items are applied in the game. Then in the
section after, called “weapons, armor, and items” (p.05), equip
them with gear for their journey!

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Lambhide is played primarily with the rolling of characters’

attribute dice. This is either against the attribute dice of
enemies during combat or against a number assigned by the
narrator to a challenge; rolling higher determines success.
Combat consists of rounds and turns. When reacting to a
situation or combat, the order of turns is decided by an AGI die
roll, starting from highest to lowest; if players tie, they can
decide between themselves, and players go before foes in ties.
A round is completed when every participant has had a turn to
perform a single action. These actions range from moving,
attacking, using a power, switching or drawing weapons, or
doing a simple task. Each round lasts 5 seconds in game time.
Combat roll: When a character attempts to attack a target, a
combat roll is made using the available attribute dice based on
the roll type table below:
Roll Type: Melee Ranged Mind
Dice: STR or AGI AGI or WIT WIT or EGO
Melee attacks only reach foes within 5ft, ranged and mind
attacks can reach farther. The attacked opponent chooses from
the same roll type dice options as the attacker. Both roll their
chosen die against the other. The higher roller becomes the
offense while the lower roller becomes the defense.
The defense can add to their roll with bonuses such as
armor, defense powers, and or cover. The offense can add to
their roll with bonuses from weapons, damaging powers, and
or other tactical advantages. The defense total is then
subtracted from the offense total. If the offense is not
completely negated then the remaining sum is kept as damage
dealt, subtracted from the defense’s Vitality.
Additional rules of combat:
- A ‘counter’ is when the target of an attack becomes the
offense. If during a counter the attacker is out of range, the
attack is considered to have missed and the round continues.
- Skipping your turn grants a +1 defense that round.
- Tied combat rolls (same number) do not exchange damage.
- Forfeited turns cannot be acted on and receive a -4 penalty
on their next roll.
- Surprised characters (unaware of their attacker) take a -4 on
their next combat roll.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Challenge rolls: Actions or obstacles that have a chance of

failure can be assigned a number to roll against called a
challenge roll. A challenge roll should have an attribute tied to
it that the character rolls to surpass; such as a wit challenge roll
requiring the character to use their wit die. Talents, powers,
items, or weapon bonuses can be added against a challenge roll
when reasonably applicable. The chart below describes a range
of difficulties:
1-3 4-8 9-14 15-19 19-24 25+
Routine Focused Straining Extreme Legendary Impossible

Re-rolling challenge rolls: A character who fails a challenge roll

is considered worn to the particular task for an in-game hour;
therefore if the same character attempts the same challenge
roll, they are cost 1 vitality point in exertion.
Fatal: When a roll results in the highest or lowest number, it is
called a fatal and receives a bonus or penalty. There are two
types of Fatals:
- Fatal strike is a +1 bonus added to a character’s combat roll
only if they’ve rolled the highest number on their die.
- Fatal gaffe is a -1 penalty added to a character’s combat roll
only if they’ve rolled the lowest number on their die.
Optionally, fatals can be included on challenge rolls depending
on whether the narrator and players want to raise the stakes.
Death: Once a character’s vitality is lethally reduced to 0 they
are considered on the ‘verge of death’, a state where they
default 1 on all rolls and have a speed of 5ft. For every turn
after, the character rolls all four of their attribute dice, keeping
any dice that land on their minimum value. If two minimum dice
are collected they die but have one final turn to move, attack,
or use powers; any healing done on this turn is considered null
and void. A character is on the verge of death until healed at
least 1 point of vitality or provided aid by another character
who can succeed in a wit challenge roll higher than 4,
stabilizing them at 0 vitality. (Optional: Deadly Death Rules
Earning level points is done through defeating foes as well as
trading 25 wealth for 1 level point at the start or end of a game.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Equipment: Characters can be outfitted with

weapons, armor, and items that can be
purchased with wealth. Reference the
weapons, armor, and items chart on the next
page. Determining by row, derive an item’s
bonus, cost, and potential penalties affecting
the agility attribute, fatal gaffes (FG) (p.05),
powers, or speed (spd). Weapons and armor
with a bonus of 2 or less do not have penalties.
Bonus 0 weapons or armor instead receive
either a +2 FS bonus or +2 FG negation instead.
Weapons have their bonus added to the offense of
combat rolls. There are also different weapon types and
different ways to wield a weapon. Armor has its bonus added
to the defense of combat rolls; armor also defends against
damaging powers.

Power channels are items held in a hand or worn in the place of

armor that helps channel powers. The bonus does not damage
or defend but, instead negates a used powers power score cost
to a minimum of 1. The cost of power channel items is double
the normal cost listed next to the item’s bonus.

Recovery items are items that restore points of vitality or the

power score. They cost 2w (2 wealth) for each point they can
recover. The amount of vitality or power score points stored in
the item are permanently used as they are consumed.

Talent items: Alternatively an item or tool can have it’s bonus

tied to a talent, such as a hikers pack item granting a +1 to a
climbing talent (Costing 25w). Objects or tools that do not give
a bonus to rolls but that have a value or use to a player’s
character should be allowed and priced by the narrator and,
when creatively used, occasionally granted a bonus.

Proper outfitting: A character is limited to how much gear they

can wear and wield. It is assumed that a character has two
arms, therefore are able to hold an item in each hand or one
item held by both hands. Armor is considered to be an outfit in
it’s entirety, that means only one armor bonus can be equipped
at a time and only increased by a held shield or a power effect.
Any amount of talent items or power items can be worn as long
as the narrator approves. The total carry weight capabilities of
a character is at the narrator’s discretion, but 10lbs x the
strength die would be the reasonable max load a character
could travel with without hurting themselves.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

Weapons, Armor, & Items Chart:
Bonus Cost
+0 5w +2 FS or +2 FG
+1 25w Weapon Armor or Shield
+2 50w Penalty Penalty
+3 75w -1 FG -1 AGI -1 P
+4 100w -2 FG -1 AGI -1 P -1 FG
+5 125w -3 FG -1 AGI -1 P -2 FG -5ft spd
+6 150w -4 FG -2 AGI -2 P -3 FG -5ft spd
+7 175w -5 FG -2 AGI -2P -4FG -5ft spd
+8 200w -6 FG -2 AGI -2 P -5 FG -10ft spd

Weapon types: Weapons must be classified as either melee,

reach, or ranged. Melee and reach weapons use the melee roll
type (p.03). Ranged weapons use the ranged roll type (p.03).
This classification determines how they are used in combat:

Melee weapons can only attack targets within 5ft. Melee and
reach weapons, if thrown as a ranged weapon, incur a -1
combat roll penalty for every 10ft thrown.

Reach weapons have a range of 10ft. When at a full 5ft apart

from their target, reach weapons can add their bonus to the
combat roll itself. Reach weapons have a fatal gaffe penalty
equal to the bonus.

Ranged weapons have a natural range limit of 30ft; every 10ft

aimed beyond incurs a -1 combat roll penalty. Ranged weapons
can have their range limit increased by increments of 10ft if a
character has a dedicated ‘weapon range talent’. Range-
intended weapons lose their bonus in melee roll type combat.

Two Handed wielding of a weapon adds a +2 fatal strike bonus
(+2 FS) and +2 defense on a fatal gaffe (abbreviated as +2 FG).

Dual wielding: With a second weapon, you must roll an

additional combat roll against the foe’s first combat roll, adding
or taking damage as you would any other combat roll. Fatal
strikes do not apply to dual wielding.

Shields work the same as armor, adding a defense bonus while

incurring the same armor penalties.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers are super abilities, magic, or enhanced attacks. When

creating a power first decide if the function is to damage, heal,
buff or debuff, transform, or any other singular ability
approved by the narrator (note that alongside the power).
Then decide which combat roll type (p.03) applies to the
power; melee, ranged, or mind. Melee powers cannot have a
range beyond 5ft, range powers have a base range of 30ft but
can be blocked by obstructions and cannot effect foes 5ft in
front of the user, while mind powers are not blocked by
obstructions and manifest at the targeted point. When using a
power, a power score point is spent for every additional:

✷ +1 bonus added to the power (Powers are +0 by default)

✷ 10ft beyond the base 5ft reach (ranged type base is 30ft)
✷ Affected foe or 5ft of area beyond the base foe or 5ft area
These additions must be decided before the power’s
use. Power points used are spent regardless of its success or
failure. The power score replenishes 1 point per hour of rest,
but not at the same time as vitality.

Power functions: Powers must have a well defined function

which use of may slightly vary depending on what the narrator
and other players consider fair and achievable. Common power
functions are listed on the next page, they are recommended
examples to pick from when first playing Lambhide. If a desired
power doesn’t seem to fit the common functions or any
additional rules (p.09), a game mechanic to emulate the power
can be improvised with the narrator’s approval.

Practical powers: When using a power outside of combat, it

can be tested against a challenge roll. A failed roll still costs
from the power score.

Power items: To create a power item, draw the effects from

the level points chart. Every level point the item uses increases
the base value by 30 wealth. Fatal strike and fatal guard bonus
increases cost 60 wealth. Weapon or armor power increases
cost 120 wealth but do not incur penalties; weapon and armor
bonuses can be added to non-combat items as well. A base +1
armor costing 25 wealth enchanted with +3 armor would cost a
total of 385 wealth (25 + (120 × 3)). Power items given a power
score can act as an additional reserve for the user that can be
recharged by spending 2 wealth per point recharged.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Common power functions:

Damage powers work like weapon damage with the
bonus added to the offense of a combat roll. When targeting
multiple foes, they must roll against the result of the same
combat roll with the shared bonus applying on each offense.
Healing powers are simply a transfer of power score
points to a character’s vitality. This does not cost points to use
however it does cost points for increasing the range.
Buffs and debuffs respectively add or subtract their
bonus from either, vitality, a challenge roll, or both offense and
defense rolls; the bonus applies on a successful combat roll, but
damage from roll difference does not. Power score points can
be spent to increase the duration by 5 seconds per point; the
bonus being applied each turn. Prolonged debuffs can be
resisted with a succeeded re-rolling of the combat roll.
Transformation: When using a power to transform or
shape-shift into another being or object, take the sum of the
transforming subjects current vitality and double the used
power score points to then use the total as a means of creating
their new form via character creation, said total replacing the
attribute limit of 30; follow through the process to make the
transformed being’s differing abilities using talents and level
points. Wealth is not retained but weapons and armor worn by
the transformed being can be carried over and renamed to
represent natural abilities such as claws or fire breath, or
powers reworked to do the same.
A subject willingly transformed can hold their shape for
as long as they like. When a transformed character reverts to
their original form any vitality lost is subtracted from the
character’s, and the power score used also subtracted. While
transformed, if vitality is reduced to 0, the character is forced
to revert to their original form.
Transforming a foe takes a combat roll in which they
add their current vitality to the combat roll itself to contest it,
and if successful it lasts for as many turns determined at the
attempt costing from the users power score a point per turn.
Power created traps: Effects or powers that create a
trap have their bonus used as a ‘damaging challenge roll’
(p.10). Their duration lasts until the used power score points
are regained or the trap is triggered.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Luck die: A luck die can be chosen from the level point chart
and be spent allowing a character to use a d20 in place of any
roll of their choice or a d10 to replace a previously failed roll.

Risen point: Chosen from the level point chart, a risen point
allows a character to miraculously survive death and revive. A
character revived by a risen point rolls their strength die to
determine how much vitality they regain after use.

Companions: Companions are player controlled allies that

accompany a character. Make a companion using character
creation (p.01) with the attribute limit being the 18pts or 24pts
listed. Companions do not earn their own level points after
creation; instead a player’s character can use their own level
points on their companion.

Riding & mounts: Mounts are companions or vehicles that can

be ridden for extra movement. For every rider on the mount,
there is a -10ft penalty to its speed. When a mount moves on its
own turn it takes the rider(s) with it. Any talent bonus of the
main rider relating to the control of a mount can be used by the
mount on their turn for fitting actions. Damage taken by the
mount acts as a challenge roll to dismount the rider(s). If
dismounted, the rider forfeits (p.03) their next turn. Mounts
that cannot operate or act independently without a rider
receive additional level points equal to the wit or ego die x 1.5.

Assistance & help: If a situation grants room for a character to

assist another, they can add their own roll with a -2 penalty.
This roll stacks as others provide aid, however the penalty
doubles with each additional character. In combat a character
can forfeit their weapon or armor bonus to another character’s
offense or defense combat roll respectively; losing that given
weapon or armor bonus on their next combat roll.

Halting: If a target attempts to move through a potential

attacker’s range or flee, the attacker can forfeit (p.03) their
next turn to ‘halt’ them. Do a combat roll, if the attacker rolls
higher the target’s movement is stopped and damage
calculated, if the target rolls higher they can continue their
movement and also act on the turn that the attacker forfeited.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Damaging challenge rolls such as environmental hazards or fall

damage can be determined by a challenge roll (corresponding
to the severity of the effect or fall height) treated as a combat
roll, thus subtracting the player’s roll from the challenge roll
number and the remaining sum, if any, counts as damage.

Cover & combat obstruction: Cover can be treated as an armor

bonus decided by the narrator. As for when a character
obscures a targeted foe during a ranged attack, should the
combat roll fall below the foe’s roll, any characters in between
must succeed the combat roll or be hit.

Non lethal attacks or powers are encouraged to be allowed at

a character’s will, such as knocking out a foe with the blunt hilt
of a sword. The same damage bonus of the weapon is applied
however when the target’s vitality reaches 0 they are
considered unconscious as opposed to dead.
Some powers, such as one that makes its target fall
asleep can subtract a character’s vitality without their knowing,
allowing for a combat roll where if the target counters, they are
alerted or awaken and instantly regain their vitality.

Moving, restraining, or controlling a character or foe prompts

a combat roll. If the target is on the defense, they add their
current vitality and the offense adds any applicable bonus. If
the target’s total is lower, they do not take damage from the
combat roll but instead are either made to forfeit (p.03) their
next turn, moved up to 10ft, or (if controlled by a power)
forced to make a specified single action.
When controlled, the die used for the forced action can
be contested by the target’s roll of the same die, but with a -4
penalty. Being controlled to self damage, the damage can be
derived from the difference of the two rolls (-4 included).

Flight allows one to travel in the air and hover in position at

their will. 5ft of flight speed costs 10 level points to increase or
gain, or at character creation 5ft of flight exchanged for 10ft of
ground speed. The total flight speed also represents the
maximum height that can be reached, flying above this incurs 1
point of damage from exertion every 5sec/turn above said
point. A good place to note this ability is in the talents and
powers section with the flight speed beside it.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Narrating Lambhide is like writing a play except the actors, or

players in this case, can change the course of the narrative. All
that is needed is paper and dice! Start with deciding the setting
and what sort of game your players expect; will it be medieval,
futuristic, modern, will it follow politics and war, a simple quest
after some loot, or maybe a complex mystery with twists and
turns. Once the narrator and players know what sort of game
they want, have the players create their characters (p.01) while
the narrator prepares the adventure!

When running a game the narrator should consider including 3

elements to keep the players engaged and entertained;
challenges, choices, and conclusions.

Challenges are what keep the dice rolling and keep the players
engaged in the story or adventure. Challenges can include
combat, challenge rolls, and role-play focused social conflict. It
is recommended to have one or two challenges planned for
every hour of game-play. Create foes (p.13) and or challenge
rolls (p.04) for these ‘challenges’.
Consider using grid paper or a tiled play-mat to help
illustrate the combat for players when including a combat
challenge. When using a grid, scale a single square to 5ft.
When creating foes avoid giving them too much vitality
as anything more than double their strength die can make
combat feel tedious; unless the narrator is confident in their
ability to maintain engagement with the players.

Choices make role playing games special and stand out from
ordinary games. As the narrator you want to make the players
feel like their input matters to the story. This doesn’t have to
come at the cost of your plans being ruined, only redirected. Or
even better, the story will write itself based on the players
actions. To make choices more appealing to players include
rewards for each choice, have the choices involve the player’s
character’s backstory, or have the choices affect any
acquainted non-player characters that the players befriend.
Most importantly show the players you paid attention
to their inputs as the game plays out. Within the same game
session have something change or result due to the player’s
actions. Choices add depth and life to your setting. This can all
lead into… Conclusions!

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Conclusions are what makes a game worth playing and a story

worth following. This is the pay off, do the players find treasure
at the end of the dungeon, do they have a parade in their honor
after saving a town, or at least do they ride off into the sunset
having learned some wisdom or felt an emotion brought about
through the game? Have an idea of what you want your players
to leave your game with and aim for it.
Try to incorporate the players’ choices they made by
having the results play into the story’s finale. Have the
challenges mean something by having the narrated world be
changed thanks to the blood, sweat, and tears of the players’
characters. Most of all, have fun and leave the table having
made some good memories. Good luck!

Level points are another aspect of giving the players progress.

Ordinarily level points are earned from defeating foe and
dividing the doubled tier among the players. It is also
recommended to reward level points after events or moments
in the game that were made exciting or were clever thanks to
the players. Try to evenly bestow level points and reward them
consistently enough that the players feel like their characters
are growing at least a little each session.

Reasonable talent and power use is at the narrator’s discretion.

A character who wants to use their talent or power for an
action that seems very mismatched will need to articulate a
strong argument for its use that the other players and narrator
agree is reasonable. As the narrator, it is your responsibility to
find opportunities for challenge rolls that pertain to the talents
of your player’s characters and to allow what you think will be
most fun and fair.

Resting is a means of regaining vitality and power scores. Rest

is considered a moment of time where a character can sit or lay
down without interruption from foes or environmental
hazards. It is recommended that the narrator has a surprise foe
prepared for when the players rest somewhere unsafe and
have them each roll a d20 when they do. If a number equal or
less than the number of hours desired to rest is rolled, spring
the surprise challenge on them. If you include this rule, it is only
fair to warn your players beforehand that there are risks to
resting in unsafe areas.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Foes, characters, and monsters are made

Tier LVP
using character creation and after are
considered to have 0 level points (LVP). 1: 0-10
Added level points after that base can be
counted and used to measure what level 2: 11-20
point ‘tier’ the character or foe falls into. Any 3: 21-35
overflowing attribute total at creation is 4: 36-60
doubled and counted towards tier measuring.
5: 61-80
A single character will be challenged by
one foe equal to their own tier. Thus two tier 1 6: 81-100
players will barely survive two tier 1 enemies 7: 101-120
or one 2nd tier enemy. An enemy that is tier 5
8: 121-140
will be a deadly challenge to four players that
are tier 1, likely defeating them. Consult the 9: 141-160
chart on the right to measure and decide 10: 161-180
what tier enemies your players can handle 11: 181-200
and strengthen them with level points at your
digression. ect. --
To reward level points, double the tier
of the foe and divide it among the players to
the tenth decimal rounded up so it can be
evenly distributed.

Example foes are featured on the next two pages. They are all
made using the same Character creation rules as player
characters. Their attacks are drawn and creatively named from
the weapons, armor, and items (p.05) and powers (p.07)
sections with unused wealth being discarded. Otherwise it is
encouraged to create your own.

Foe Stats Table Key:

STR - Strength T - Talent
AGI - Agility P - Power
WIT - Wit RT - Range Talent
EGO - Ego M - Melee Roll Type
VIT - Vitality R - Range Roll Type
SPD - Speed MI - Mind Roll Type
PWS - Power Score A - Armor
Risen - Risen Point AS - Shield
Luck - Luck Die FS Fatal Strike
LVPT - Level Point Total FG Fatal Gaffe


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Scaly Primate (Tier 1 – using no additional level points)

This foe is weak to mind combat rolls but can use a power to
deal more damage.
Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 8 STR d8 Climbing +1 T
SPD 30ft AGI d8 Burrow +1 T
PWS 7 WIT d4 Rage M P
Risen 0 EGO d4 Bite +1 M
Luck 0 Tier 1 Scales +2 FG A
Rage: Use power to buff oneself before entering combat.

Porcelain Gargoyle (Tier 3 – using 33 additional level points)

This foe is easily defeated but can catch the players by surprise
with its disguise talent to deal a great amount of damage. It can
also resurrect itself once with its risen point.
Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 4 STR d4 Disguise as statue +10 T
SPD 40ft AGI d12+2 (Recognized upon attack)
PWS 0 WIT d4
Risen 1 EGO d10 Glass Fist +6 M -4 FG
Luck 0 Tier 3 Shard Throw +4 R
Risen Point This foe can reconstruct itself with a risen point.

Starved Fire Dragon (Tier 6 – using 100 additional level points)

Dragons are legendary, if this one in particular is a weakling,
then you dread the thought of one at its full strength. This foe
can fly and will use that to its advantage. Only once it’s spent its
ranged fire breath will it be forced to attack on the ground.
Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 15 STR d12 Spotting Intruders +3 T
SPD 15ft AGI d10 Smelling Gold +4 T
PWS 16 WIT d12 Flight 30ft speed
Risen 0 EGO d10 Fire Breath R P
Luck 0 Tier 6 Claws +2 M
Scales +3 A
Fire Breath: Deal damage to any targets with a spray of fire
breath, bonus and extra targets costing from the power score.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Simple Die Foes:

Simple Die Foes or Characters are made using 1 die to represent
all their attributes for the sake of simplicity with a few Talents
or Attacks to specialize them. D4 foes amount to Tier 0.2 at
their base while d6 amount to Tier 0.5; neither d4 or d6 foes
receive level points from being below the character creations
attribute limit. Tier 0.2 and 0.5 foes are great starting
challenges for tier 1 characters. Unused wealth is discarded.

Tiny Reptilian Goblinoid (Tier 0.2)

This scheming creature will place traps around its nested area.
VIT 4 Dice D4 Talents, Powers, & Items
SPD 20ft Stealing from pockets +2 T
PWS 4 Tier 0.2 Rusted Dagger +1 M
Poison Traps MI P
Poison traps: Place power created traps (p.08) to harm prey.

Chilling Specter (Tier 0.5)

This specter scares away intruders from its haunted lair. Those
who refuse are chilled by it’s icy grasp.
VIT 7 Dice D6 Talents, Powers, & Items
SPD 25ft Frightening Face +3 T
PWS 6 Tier 0.5 Brittle Sword +1 M
Ethereal Body +2 FG A
Icy Touch M P
Icy Touch: Freeze and restrain targets; reference moving,
restraining, or controlling (p.10).

Horned Wolf (Tier 2)

VIT 10 Dice D10 Talents, Powers, & Items
SPD 35ft Seek Prey +5 T
PWS 11 Tier 2 Horn Beam R P
Howl MI P
Jagged Teeth +2 M
Horn Beam: Blast one or more targets for damage.
Howl: Ally or self receives a buff (p.08) to rolls or offense and
defense for up to 5 turns.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


This next section includes some starting builds for
Characters. These are made using the same Character Creation
chart at the beginning. Feel free to alter or rename aspects of
the classes to fit your Character should you go this route.

LAMBHIDE BASE CLASSES are seven classes that attempt to

make use of the various additional game mechanics listed in the
additional rules section (p.09). These seven consist of the
Slayer, Avid-ee, Know-er, Grandee, Devotee, Rider, and the

LAMBHIDE CLASSIC CLASSES are five simple classes that are

reminiscent of classic fantasy Characters and archetypes. These
are great starting points for those familiar with other common
table-top role-playing games or would prefer more simple
straight forward Character start. These five consist of the
Knight, Archer, Thief, Cleric, and the Wizard.

Class Builds Table Key:

STR - Strength T - Talent
AGI - Agility P - Power
WIT - Wit RT - Range Talent
EGO - Ego M - Melee Roll Type
VIT - Vitality R - Ranged Roll Type
SPD - Speed MI - Mind Roll Type
PWS - Power Score A - Armor
Risen - Risen Point AS - Shield
Luck - Luck Die FS - Fatal Strike
LVP - Level Points FG - Fatal Gaffe
TH - Two-Handed use
DW - Dual Wielding
RW - Reach Weapon
PC - Power Channel


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Slayer, Avid-ee, Know-er, Grandee, Devotee, Rider, & Eerie


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Weapon & STR focused class:
The slayer is an individual dedicated to a simple cause
that can be achieved with one tool, a weapon that they keep by
their side at all times. Slayer’s slay and blood sprays; their
dedicated cause might be money, fame, revenge, or anything
simple or straight forward, but at the end slaying solves it.
- This class is combat focused. The slayer carries a beloved
weapon, so think hard on what it should be, and even name it.
This example slayer’s weapon is wielded two-handed in this
case thus negating some fatal gaffe points and increasing the
fatal strike (don’t forget to add the base fatal strike bonus). It is
recommended that higher dice are used on the strength
attribute for max damage and vitality.

SLAYER Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 12 STR d12 Spotting Foes +1 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Intimidating Stature +2 T
PWS 4 WIT d4 Mighty Cleave M P
Risen 0 EGO d6 Slayer’s Blade +3 M TH -1FG
Luck 0 (Two handed = +2 FS +2 FG)
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 Lamb Hide Garb +2FG A
Mighty Cleave: Hit multiple adjacent foes in one turn, adding the
power bonus to your damage instead of your weapon bonus. This
costs the power bonus, then 1 power point per additional foe

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Range, talent & AGI focused class:
Avid-ee’s are masters over particular talents, sports, or
trades. This avid nature sets them apart from others to their
benefit and make them dependable companions when their
skill set comes in need.
- This is a talent focused class intended for players who want a
character with diverse but honed talents with significant
bonuses. This includes a ranged weapon with a ranged talent to
increase beyond the base range of 20ft. With a ranged weapon
it’s recommended to place the highest die in agility attribute.

AVID-EE Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d6 Archery +10ft RT
SPD 35ft AGI d10 Rapport with animals +2 T
PWS 0 WIT d8 Nimble Balance +2 T
Risen 0 EGO d6 Juggling and catching +1 T
Luck 0 Reading foe’s abilities +1 T
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 Survival in Nature +1 T

Sportsman Bow +2 R
2x Artists Knives +1 M DW
Avidee’s tunic +2 FG A
Fishing Pole +1 T


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers & WIT focused class:
A know-er is contemplative of how all things work. This
leads them to understanding how to manipulate the world and
elements around them through powers of the mind, spoken
word, ancient text or channeling tools. They often dedicate
their lives to seeking a specific knowledge that will grant them
fulfillment of the hungry mind… if even possible.
- Being a powers based class, a power score of at least 8 is
recommended and that higher dice are used for wit or ego

KNOW-ER Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d4 Learned History +2 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Appeal to Ethics +2 T
PWS 12 WIT d12 Understand Devices +2T
Risen 0 EGO d4 Mind Dart MI P
Luck 0 Lift Matter MI P
Wealth 10 LVP 0/0 Engraved-Shield +1 A
Robes +2FG A

Mind Dart: Conjure a dart of energy from your mind to blast your
foes with. Use the power score for damage and spend additional
power score points for increased range and more targets.
Lift Matter: Lift objects or foes using your Power. Reference the
challenge chart for lifting heavy inanimate objects, treat objects
thrown at foes as thrown melee weapons with a bonus assigned
by the narrator based on the objects size. Use moving,
restraining, or controlling rules for moving foes (p.10).

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Wealth, companion, & EGO focused class:
The grandee is the leader and life of any party, their
wealth or charm wooing all. If there is a problem the grandee
has a possession or worldly answer. This influence attracts both
friends and enemies, thus the grandee has attracted a
companion acting as a personal body-guard. The grandee has it
all but for them it’s not enough, they seek more…
- Being a wealth based class, higher dice should be used for the
ego attribute, which also will better afford the companion. The
grandee also has a luck die (p.09) to manifest their good

GRANDEE Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 8 STR d8 Bartering +2 T
SPD 20ft AGI d4 Earning Trust +1 T
PWS 0 WIT d6 Short Cutlass +1 M
Risen 0 EGO d12 Noble-Shield +2 A
Luck 1 Ornate Breastplate +1 A
Wealth 50 LVP 0/0 Crossbow +1 R

COMPANION Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 10 STR d10 Placing Trust +1 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Awareness +1 T
PWS 4 WIT d4 Mend Wound M P
Risen 0 EGO d4
Luck 0 Broadsword +2 M
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 Iron Shield +2 FG

Mend Wound: Heal 1 point of vitality, spend power score to have
this effect persist additional turns without your focus.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers, Buffs, & Debuffs focused class:
The Devotee has but one focused light in their life that
they draw strength from, this being a deity, an ideology, a
family member, a lover, or even an abstract concept. Their
powers are drawn from thoughts and prayers surrounding this
‘focus’, sometimes this power is contagious.
- Being a powers based class, a Power Score of at least 8 is
recommended before starting this class. This class has a power
channel item that can negate a power’s cost by 1 point.

DEVOTEE Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 7 STR d6 Assisting Others +1 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Convincing Speech +2 T
PWS 5 WIT d4 Praise MI P
Risen 0 EGO d10 Spite MI P
Luck 0 Sooth MI P
Wealth 20 LVP 0/0 Spear +1 RW (-1 FG)
Devoted Effigy +1 PC
Zealot Cloth +2 FG A

Praise: Bless an allies roll to be increased by the power’s bonus.
Spend power score to increase the duration of this bonus.
Spite: Curse a foes roll to be decreased by the power’s bonus.
Spend power score to increase the duration of this bonus.
Sooth: Heal vitality, spend power score to increase range to assist
allies from afar, or multiple allies and self.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Talent & mount focused class:
The rider values their mount as an equal and gains a
connection like no other. Rider and mount can understand any
communication one conveys to the other through their bond.
- Being a mount based class, a higher dice is recommended for
the ego attribute. This will afford the companion (mount).
Reference the rules for mounts (p.09). The rider can give
assistance (p.09) to lend their defense bonuses to the mount.

RIDER Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 10 STR d10 Riding +2 T
SPD 20ft AGI d4 Archery +10ft RT
PWS 0 WIT d6 Steel Lance +1 RW (-1 FG)
Risen 0 EGO d8 Sturdy Shield +2 A
Luck 0 Rider’s Bow +1 R
Wealth 5 LVP 0/0 Healing Bandages (5 VIT)
(Recovery item, p.05)

MOUNT Companion Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d4 Jumping +2 T
SPD 45ft AGI d12
PWS 0 WIT d4 Padded Horse Armor +2 A
Risen 0 EGO d4
Luck 0
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers & transformation focused class:
The eerie are strange and enigmatic. They are said to
take many forms while also integrating into society. Despite
this unsettling power to change shape they are known to be
harmless... at least most of the time.
- Being a powers based class, a power score of at least 8 is
recommended before starting this class. Assign the biggest die
to either wit or ego. Their malform power is used for
transformation (p.08). Be warned, this class is intended for
players who enjoy character creation and have their forms
prepared for quick game access. It is easy to die if an eerie does
not mind how much vitality is lost outside their malform shape.

EERIE Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d6 Disguise +2 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Ventriloquism +1 T
PWS 8 WIT d6 Malform MI P
Risen 0 EGO d10
Luck 0 Leather Coat +2 A
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 (Renamed in other forms)

EERIE malform powers transformation example

Forest Fay Wolf – (Power Score Cost: 7 | Assumed Vitality: 6)

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d6 AGI d6 Claws +3 M
SPD 30ft WIT d4 EGO d4 Scent Tracking +3 T
PWS 0 Thick fur hide +2 A

Sparrow – (Power Score Cost: 6 | Assumed Vitality: 6)

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 4 STR d4 AGI d6 Foraging +2 T
SPD 5ft WIT d4 EGO d4 Flight 15ft (ref p.10)
PWS 0 Nimble speed +2 A


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Knight, Archer, Thief, Cleric, & Wizard


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Sword and shield melee combat class:
The knight is a symbol for heroism. They fight for a noble
cause, seeking to help those in need and serve as an instrument
of justice.
- Being a melee based class, it is recommended to place higher
dice in the strength or agility attributes. Level points are used
for wealth to afford armor and weapons; this example uses a
reach weapon, although exchanging it for a simple sword can
make playing this class all the more straightforward. A knight is
also known to have a blessing from a higher power, this takes
the form of a luck die.

KNIGHT Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 11 STR d10 Detecting Deception +2 T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Gaining Trust +1 T
PWS 0 WIT d6
Risen 0 EGO d8 Halberd +2 RW (-2 FG)
Luck 1 Steel Shield +2 A
Wealth 10 LVP 0/0 Plate Armor +2 A


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Ranged and movement combat class:
The archer is renowned for their skill to dispatch foes
from a distance. They are keen hunters and a better ally.
- Being a ranged based class, agility or wit are recommended to
be the higher die. Use level points to increase the range of their
bow and speed for evading foes.

ARCHER Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 8 STR d8 Archery +20ft RT
SPD 35ft AGI d10 Tracking +1 T
PWS 6 WIT d6 Volley of arrows R P
Risen 0 EGO d6 Long-Bow +2 R
Luck 0 Dirk +2FS M
Wealth 10 LVP 0/0 Chain-mail Shirt +2 FG A

Volley of arrows: Shoot multiple foes with arrows, costing 1
power score per foe and 1 power score to increase the range.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Agility and stealth talents focused class:
The thief's best friend is the shadows. They are clever,
deceitful, and agile. Although appearing as roguish cur, they
abide by a thieves code that keeps them in line.
- Being a talent based class for thieving related talents, a wit die
of at least 6 is recommended starting this class. The biggest die
should be the agility attribute.

THIEF Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 6 STR d6 Lock-picking +3 T
SPD 40ft AGI d12 Sneaking +2 T
PWS 0 WIT d8 Pick-pocketing +3 T
Risen 0 EGO d4 Dagger +1 M
Luck 0 Throwing Knife +1 R
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 Dark Leather Armor +1 A
Thief's Cloak +1 Sneaking


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers & melee combat focused class:
Clerics are warriors with a divine blessing granting them
power. With strength, charisma, and a holy cause they are
feared and avoided by evil beings.
- Being a powers and melee based class, a power score of at
least 8 is recommended as is a strength die 8 or higher.

CLERIC Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 10 STR d10 Sense evil +2 T
SPD 20ft AGI d4 Aiding others +1 T
PWS 10 WIT d6 Blessing of Health MI P
Risen 0 EGO d10 Burning Word MI P
Luck 0 Sacred Mace +1 M
Wealth 15 LVP 0/0 Silver Shield +1 A
Holy Breast-plate +2FG A

Blessing of Health: Heal allies or one’s self with power score
Burning Word: Scorn your foes with a spiritual chant that burns
their skin. Deal damage equal to the set bonus to one or multiple
foes, near or far.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Powers, Transformation, & Non-lethal focused class:
Few achieve the renown of a wizard. They are most
recognized by their prestigious robes and tomes of spells.
Although age, years of study, and the draining effect of magic
leaves their body feeble. Fortunately brave allies are usually
quick and willing to defend a wizard at all costs… usually...
- Being a powers based class, a power score of at least 8 is
recommended before starting this class. The biggest die is also
suggested to be assigned to wit. The base form has five powers
by trading talents and power score points. It uses its power
channel item, the ‘tattered tome’, to negate the cost of
powers. These powers/spells can be used in creative manners
as long as approved by the narrator and not abused in the eyes
of fellow players.

WIZARD Starter Example

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 4 STR d4 Impress with powers +3T
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Identifying powers +2T
PWS 10 WIT d10 Fire Missile MI P
Risen 0 EGO d6 Freezing Sheet MI P
Luck 0 Magic Armor MI P
Wealth 0 LVP 0/0 Slumbering Song MI P
Tattered Tome +1 PC


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Fire Missile: Send hurtling missiles of flame at your foes! Deal
damage equal to the allocated bonus to one or multiple foes,
near or far. (damage p.08)

Freezing sheet: Create a sheet of ice over the place of impact.

Foes stepping into or standing in the affected area receive a
penalty on their rolls equal to the power’s bonus. Foes hit directly
are debuffed by the bonus. Ice melts in 5 seconds. The spells
duration and area affected can be increased with power score
points. (debuff p.08)

Magic Armor: Form a protective shield around self, ally, or area.

This shield adds an armor bonus equal to the powers bonus (acts
as a buff). The spells range, duration, and area spanned can be
increased with power score points. (buff p.08)

Slumbering Song: Send a quiet lullaby only audible to the target

and lull them to sleep. (Non lethal attacks or powers p.10).

Alternate powers to start with or gain later:

Illusion: Create an illusion within a 5x5ft space for 5 seconds. Can
be used to distract or even converse. The spells range, duration,
and area spanned can be increased with power score points. The
powers roll and bonus can be used as a challenge roll number to
determine its target’s gullibility in believing the illusion.

Acidic Spray: Spray foe(s) with an acid that melts them. Acts as a
debuff (p.08) affecting vitality with a bonus and number of turns
set at the time of the powers use.

Abode: This spell creates a shelter within 5x5ft out of the nearby
usable elements with a cover bonus (p.10) equal to the invested
power bonus. This lasts until the power score points spent on it
are regained. Additional 5x5ft shelters can be added, costing an
additional power score point.

Stitch: Sew and mend thin material, wounded flesh included. This
works as a heal power (p.08), for each vitality point regained a
power point is spent. If approved by the narrator, this can repair
materials like cloth and rope.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)



A violent storm spites you with sheets of icy rain and

thunderous threats of lightning, the only promise of shelter is
the claw scared walls of a towering stone crypt. This crypt
happens to be your destination. Weapons drawn, you step

This is a short 1-2 hour introductory ‘dungeon-crawling’ quest

for characters between 0-10 total level points. Designed to
teach early players how the LAMBHIDE rule set plays.
Frequently reference the rules as needed.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)



p.34 - Explains the goal of the
adventure and details the
game flow.

p.36 - Describes the challenges,
maps, and events of the
adventure for the Narrator to

p.44 - How to wrap up the game and
conclude the adventure.

NPCs (Non-Player-Characters)
p.45 - Lists the Character stats for all
the NPCs featured in this

p.50 - Lists the various treasures
available throughout the

Narrator notes
p.51 - Additional thoughts and
suggestions for running the
game and how to address
certain challenges that may


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


This starter adventure's setting is intentionally vague as to fit

the world and narratives of your choosing, whether that be
your own, another Lambhide setting, or one adapted from
another outside source. Feel free to add story elements and
any creative liberties that inspire you. A great amount of
directions and instructions for using the Lambhide rule set are
included, assuming this is a group's first experience with the
game. Despite this, it is still recommended for the narrator to
read through this in its entirety to best prepare the game.

The Goal: The goal of this adventure is the rescue of a hunter

named Ameline and her dog as well as defeating the ghoul that
took them captive. Although this seems like a straightforward
narrative the players might derail the story in surprising ways,
in these situations it is recommended to adjust and try your
best to fulfill these new narrative directions as the narrator
while making attempts to redirect things to the ultimate goal in
order to provide a resolution to the session.

General semantics: Throughout this adventure two types of

challenge rolls are present. These challenge rolls will be
abbreviated with the attribute needed to be rolled beside it. A
challenge roll of 6 versus a strength die will appear as "STR-CR
6". Challenge rolls that can result in damage to the character
will appear as "STR-DMG 6", the vitality lost being equal to the
difference between the challenge roll number and what the
player rolled. Depending on the solutions players come up with
for these challenges, the number to roll or attribute die to use
can change at the narrator’s approval.

Layout: Each area/room in this adventure is labeled with a

number correlating to a section in the following pages that
describes the rooms contents. Each section will start with a
description that can be read to the players with key points of
interest in bold. Said points of interest are elaborated on
further down the section for when players interact with said
points. Occasionally the narrator will have to flip to other pages
to reference NPCs and treasure descriptions as they come up.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

Adventure prep: The tools a character has at their disposal is
often just as important as their weapons. Before starting the
adventure, offer your player’s the chance to purchase any of
the below items with any wealth they have;

Item Cost Description

Torch 1w Can be held or placed to light a room.
Rope 4w 20ft of rope, might fray after several uses.
Red Vial 10w This stimulant can restore 5 vitality points,
(1 point per sip) before discarding.
White Vial 4w This stimulant can restore 2 power score
points (1 point per sip) before discarding.
Old Key 5w Has a tower symbol resembling the crypt.
Hireling 25w Hire a swordsman to help clear the crypt.

Hireling: The hireling in this adventure is a simple swordsman.

Details of this character can be found in the NPCs section
(p.45). Two things to disclose to the players however include; if
wounded to below half their vitality the hireling will quit and
flee, and if this hireling makes it to the end of the adventure
they will expect a 30% cut rounded up of the final amount of
wealth collected.

Luck die: This is an adventure intended for 2-4 characters, for

every missing character below 4 allow 1 Luck Die shared
between the group.

Darkness is a challenge for the adventuring characters. Rooms

that are too dark to see will have it mentioned at the start of
their description, in which the narrator should stop and ask the
players if they wish to brave the dark or if they want to figure
out a light source. If a player suggests using magic to light this
room, it costs a power score point but the room can be lit until
the character rests and regains the used power score point.

Resting: When player’s rest, have them each roll a d20 against
the number of hours planned to rest. If rolled below, have a
wandering boar NPC (p.46) attack them.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Begin the adventure as such…

Piercing through the night’s storm, moon light beams directly

upon the entrance of a towering stone crypt with claw scarred
walls. Days ago a local hunter and her dog disappeared while
chasing a vile beast into the crypt. A poster promising 60 coins
(wealth) to whoever finds them is clenched in your hands as you
descend the cobble stairs of the crypt…

If called into question, the 60 coin reward will be divided

among the players. The map below illustrates the Tower Crypt.
Each room has a number matching a description on the
following pages. Describe the rooms as players explore each
respective area. Grid-paper or a tiled mat is recommended for
drawing out the rooms for the players to place miniatures for
the sake of better visualizing the game. A smaller print of the
map will be featured on each page. The players follow the stairs
down into room 1; the stairs being the only entrance and exit to
this crypt.


Each square is 5 x 5ft


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Statue busts of knights line the cobble walls as if guarding the

crypt; they are large, each the size of a boulder, and wearing
various headdresses. Two torches beside the entrance seem to
have been burning for a few days and have a few more hours left
in them; they light the entire room, casting flickering shadows.
Splintered coffins litter the floor and aged skeletal
remains adorned in rusted armaments are splayed on the floor.
Two separate doors (left: room 3, right: room 2) are on the East
wall, the right door is blocked by a toppled statue.
With weapons drawn, your feet touch the gravel floor
and you hear a haunting moan speak, "Run… run… or you too
will become its pawn." A strange red gelatinous substance
manifests on the skeletons, dragging them up to a fighting
stance and shambling towards you with weapons raised.

This is the first Challenge of the game. Each player will roll an
AGI die to determine their turn order. Introduce, 15ft away
from the stairs, a Battle-Fallen Skeleton NPC to the room, then
for every player introduce an additional Battle-Fallen Skeleton.
Roll an AGI die for each of the NPC’s or a single AGI die for the
NPC group to determine their placement in the turn order. As
the Narrator, run combat playing on behalf of the Battle-Fallen
Skeletons using the provided Character stats below. Future
NPC character stats will be found in the NPCs portion (p.45).
Reference the LAMBHIDE rules as needed.

VIT 6 STR d6 Talents, Powers, & Items
SPD 25ft AGI d6 Rusted Blade +1 M
PWS -- WIT d6 Rusty Shield +1 A
TIER 0.5 EGO d6 1 Wealth


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

This is just an introduction to combat so it’s fine to take it slow
and reference the rules each step of the way. If the players are
close to losing by sheer bad luck, encourage them to flee and
rest outside the crypt to then return to the fight replenished.

After defeating the Battle-Fallen Skeletons reward each player

with level points by adding the tier amount of each foe,
doubling it, and then divide it to the tenth decimal among the
players. The next narration can be read or ad-lib your own if
confident; the point of it being to wrap up the challenge. After
that, encourage the players to continue exploring.

The cursed Battle-Fallen Skeletons’ bones clatter to the floor and

the red goo that had taken them dissipates. You suspect that a
great evil was manipulating them. As the bones settle on the
ground you hear the same voice from a skull say one thing before
going silent, “Thank you.”

In the first description both doors available in the room have

the rooms they lead to included in accompanying parentheses
for when the players are ready to progress, however the right
door is blocked by a toppled statue which was in bold. Bold
items will have additional details included after the description.

Toppled statue: A knight’s bust is crumbled over on its

side blocking the door to room 2. To move this obstruction a
STR-CR (strength challenge roll) of 8 is needed to be surpassed.
Players can assist each other in moving this statue (reference
‘assistance’ p.09). Encourage and allow the players to come up
with creative alternatives to moving the statue and adjust the
challenge roll number accordingly.
Red goo: This red goo is a substance excreted by the
ghoul that allows it to control the undead. It will dissipate even
if grabbed by a character. A WIT-CR of 8 can deduce this
information, unless the players figure it out on their own.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


This chamber is an especially cold embalming room deduced by

the rusted embalming tools scattered on the floor. Three dusty
tables hug the wall on the South side; two of the tables are laid
with mummified corpses. An ornate cup rests on a desk against
the West wall. The room is barely illuminated by a dimming torch
in the North East corner of the room next to another body, living
and appearing to be wounded; their head is hung obscuring their
identity. A small 5ft wide chasm with a 10ft drop separates the
wounded figure from the rest of the room. A door leads East
(room 5), one North (room 4), and one West (room 1).

The West door is blocked by a toppled statue on the other side

in room 1, it cannot be opened unless the statue is moved. The
East doors latch and handle has scratch marks around it. The
door is locked but can be opened with the “old key” available
at the start (p.35); the key can be purchased, if not already, by
returning to the crypt entrance. It can be bashed open (STR-
DMG 6) or lock-picked (AGI-CR 6).

Ornate cup: The desk is littered with useless clutter and

dust, however a cup of valuables, likely removed from the
dead, sits in the center. Reference “Cup of the Dead” in
treasures (p.50). Be clear on who is investigating the cup in
order to play out the following:
Characters in the room need to make an AGI or WIT-CR
of 8 to notice red goo collecting and about to drip from the
ceiling on the character at the desk. If the character below
notices or is warned, they make an AGI-CR 6 to avoid a drop of
the red goo. Contact with the goo will cause the character to
lose control of their body to the Ghoul’s influence (Moving,
Restraining, Stunning, or Controlling p.10). They must make a
mind type combat roll with their current vitality added against
12 and surpass it, else be forced to melee or range attack with
their weapon at the nearest character. This can be contested
by the target of the control who can roll the same die and if
rolling higher can resist the Ghoul’s influence. Since this
involves player on player damage make sure to explain that the
controlled player seems to be acting against their will and this
control ends after the single attack.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

(The red goo dripping upon its victim.)

Identity: The body in the North East corner is Ameline

the hunter, who is wounded and unconscious. She will need to
be shaken awake, yelling will not stir her. Reference her
character description in the NPCs section (p.45).
Chasm: This gap is rocky and leads to a small drain
ravine. A small amount of debris at the bottom is all that is left
from a former bridge. To jump across is an AGI-CR of 3. Falling
in is a landing AGI-DMG against 4, anything below is taken as
damage. Climbing out is a STR-CR against 4.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


It is dark, too dark to see without a light source. Chilled air with a
musky smell hits your face. Uneven cobble flooring meets your
feet at the doorway. Cobwebs clutter the support beams above.
Moss grows on the corner of a Bookshelf against the farthest
East wall. To the South (room 1) and North (room 4) the rotted
wood doors loosely hang by their hinges.

Dark: Without a light source, all rolls that would involve

the need for sight receive a -4 penalty (combat rolls included).
Bookshelf: The wood backboard of the bookshelf is
aged and cracked. Establish which character is reading from the
bookshelf. Yellowed journals and poems regarding the dead
are scattered on the shelves, seemingly rummaged through by
someone with no respect for the sentimental texts. Most are
unreadable but a bit of information can be gleaned.
A journal of a mortician named Julius S. admits to
stealing from the dead and growing monstrously obsessed
with finding a particular coffin that belonged to a heroic noble,
and founder of the land, who was buried with their
possessions; the entries of Julius become more obsessive then
gibberish towards the end, although a page is ripped out at the
very end. An anonymous note of philosophy reads, "Behind
aged knowledge is not only clever wisdom, but also the secret
to wealth." The dustiest book is an academic study of a bats
ability to traverse the dark.
Behind the bookshelf is a hidden room taking WIT-CR 4
to notice should one search the room, or immediately notice if
one is already suspicious of a secret behind the bookshelf. After
pushing the bookshelf, a hidden room contains a stone coffin. A
STR-CR 6 can remove the lid revealing the “Secret Coffin”
treasure that can be viewed in the treasures section (p.50).


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


It’s pitch black, making the echo of

each step all the more poignant. A
round ceiling amplifies sound so
that even softly mourning could be
heard by all. Chairs are partially set
up and some knocked over for an
audience that never showed to give
a final farewell to an open casket
sitting at the front East of the
room. A door leads South (room 2),
one door East (room 5), and a
hallway steering West leads to
another door (room 3).

Pitch black: Without a light source, all rolls that would

involve the need for sight receive a -4 penalty on all rolls.
Ceiling: The ceiling is painted with intricate weaving tree
branches to attempt to instill a sense of peace, however the
fake foliage above is clung to by a series of undead chittering
bats (3 for each character). Red goo taints these creatures,
they stand guard for the ghoul and will attack the players when
possible, even in the dark.
Casket: Inside the open casket is a mummified body
draped in cloth. A plaque reads, “The ‘Good Merchant’ rests as
well as he traded”. Three plates lie at the base of the casket
with a price-tagged item each. The items are placed left to right
starting with a set of fancy boots (+1 ‘charm others’ talent)
priced at 20 coin, then a vial of a silvery liquid (upon drinking, +1
to defense rolls for 25 seconds) priced at 20 coin, last a vial with
a fiery plasma like substance in it costing 25w (This is a ‘fire vial’
that deals 2 points of fire damage for 10 seconds where spilled).
These items can be identified one at a time with a WIT-CR of 4.
If these items are stolen and not paid for, the ‘Good
Merchant’ will rise from the casket as a vengeful spirit NPC and
attack the shoplifter(s) until the item is returned.
Door: The East door’s latch and handle has scratch
marks around it. The door is locked, but can be opened with
the ‘old key’; the key can be purchased, if not already, by
returning to the crypt entrance (p.35). Alternatively it can be
bashed open (STR-DMG 6) or lock-picked (AGI-CR 6).

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


A particularly foul stench pollutes the air. Desecrated bones

among rummaged coffins are shoved aside against the walls. The
unsteady trickle of water emanates from a sudden chasm falling
into a drain ravine. South of the ravine next to the door is a stack
of coffins tall enough to hide behind. The farthest North wall has
been pummeled and kn0cked down, cobble stones litter the floor
and dirt is exposed; a hole burrows further into the North.
Standing in front of the burrow is a terrible creature, the ghoul.
The ghoul stands tall, vaguely resembling a human with a
faded leather belt and satchel clung to its waist, but its body
corrupted and twisted enough to fill even the merciful with
disgust. Its gray cracked skin flakes at the edges and sharp
tattered ears twitch to every noise. Its sunken bloodshot eyes
shimmer in the dark. Most notably it’s jutted razor sharp teeth
wet with drool as the scent of flesh fills its nostrils. A single
chilling phrase stifles from its thin lips, “Fresh flesh...”.

Chasm: This gap is significantly worn and slippery. It falls

into a small drain ravine filled with bones. To jump across is an
AGI-CR of 5. Falling in is a landing AGI-DMG against 5, anything
below is taken as damage. Climbing out is a STR-CR against 4.
Hide behind: The coffins here provide +4 cover, a bonus
that applies to attempts to hide behind the coffins or to
defense from ranged attacks.
Hole burrows: The burrow is too small for the ghoul. A
constant scratching can be heard from within. After defeating
the ghoul, this is where Shy-Dog will back out from digging with
a latch attached to a dragged out decorated coffin in her
mouth. This coffin is particularly elegant, even with the aged
painted wood, you can tell it once belonged to someone noble.
Shy-Dog will turn around and seem surprised then
hostile towards the players. But, with the ghoul slayed, the red
goo on Shy-Dog dissolves and she is free of its control. She will
jump and lovingly lick the nearest player as a thank you. Shy-
Dog, if needed, can be referenced in the NPCs section (p.45).
The decorated coffin is a treasure (p.50) and its contents
can be taken without consequence. The conclusions section
can be read if the players are done exploring.
Ghoul: This is the final challenge of the adventure. The
ghoul will be difficult to defeat and the players should be

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

encouraged to come up with a plan of attack or retreat if need
be. The ghoul will be aware of the characters if they smash
down the locked doors to enter the room. Otherwise it will be
sifting through some of the scattered coffins.
In the fight with the ghoul, try to use its spit attack as
soon as possible. Also if the fight seems to be going poorly, and
if Ameline has been discovered already, she might attempt to
aid with her bow.
This fight is intended for 4 fresh characters. Even with
luck dice this can be a deadly unfair challenge for two
characters; encourage retreat if it seems to not be going well
for the players. They can always rest outside the crypt, and in
that case have the ghoul regain vitality equal to the number of
hours passed, then place it somewhere else in the crypt to keep
the players on their toes.
With the ghouls defeat, review the “hole burrow”
description and follow with the conclusion section below:


Hopefully the player’s characters have survived. Allow them lick

their wounds and further explore the crypt if they like. If
Ameline and Shy-Dog are rescued, congratulate the players and
have the hunter and her dog express their gratitude to the
player’s characters for saving their lives.
This is the point in the game where celebration is
needed. Divvy up the treasure between players (and the
hireling if present). Describe to them receiving the reward
money from grateful locals. Finally ask the players how they
liked the game and what sort of adventures they might want to
play in the future, as this is an opportunity as the narrator to
encourage some ideas for where to take the story of the
characters next.
Hopefully things turned out for the best and no sad
endings met, unless that was what was intended. If everyone at
the table had a good time then the adventure was a success.

Thank you for playing!


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

Here are the listed NPCs (Non-player characters). When facing
multiple foes, write down and track their vitality separately.

Ameline the hunter

Ameline is a fair skinned, blond haired, local hunter of average
height (5ft), recognized by her Saint Bernard canine
companion, named Shy-Dog.
After a fight with the ghoul, Ameline thought she had
sent it running. She was about to tend to her wounds when she
saw Shy-Dog acting odd and then noticed a strange red goo
that the ghoul had spat on her dog. Suddenly, paying no heed
to her commands to stay, Shy-Dog sprinted into the crypt.
Ameline tried to follow but she was too worn out from her
wounds and passed out until awakened by the players.
Ameline will not want to leave without Shy-Dog but also
does not have the strength to help in a fight without being
healed to at least 5 vitality.

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items

VIT 2/6 STR d6 Tracking +2
SPD 40ft AGI d8
PWS 0 WIT d4 Hunter’s Bow +2 R
Risen 1 EGO d6 Camping Knife +1 M
Luck 0 Tier 1 Forest Cloak +1 Hiding T

Shy-Dog is a reddish brown Saint Bernard who is a loyal
companion to Ameline the hunter. Shy-Dog became possessed
by the ghouls mind controlling red goo spit and lured into its
crypt where Shy-Dog is forced to dig for a coffin, reachable by
digging through the crypts wall.

VIT 6 STR d6 Talents, Powers, & Items

SPD 30ft AGI d8 Fetch +2 T
PWS -- WIT d4 Bite +1 M
TIER 1 EGO d6 Barrel of Medicine (4 VIT)
(Recovery item ref p.05)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

The hireling is a stone faced dark man with only a sword, metal
cuirass, and crimson red cloak. Our of respect he asks that he
does not need a name other than, “Hired-hand” or “Sell-
sword”. He expects a cut of the final treasure, however if his
vitality is reduced to below half, he will quit and leave. He is
brief and to the point, acting independently but willing to stand
back, listen, and take orders from the players. Should the
players strike him down, he will use a risen point to get a
second wind and attempt to flee.

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items

VIT 10 STR d8 Fleeing +3 T
SPD 40ft AGI d8 Bartering +1 T
PWS 0 WIT d6 10 Wealth
Risen 1 EGO d6 Iron Sword +1 M TH
Luck 0 Tier 1 Dented Cuirass +1 A

Undead Chittering Bats

Not even the creatures of the crypt can find peace while the
ghoul is around. Controlled by the ghoul’s red spit, these bats
are able to see in the dark and seek to harm those near the last
room of the crypt.

VIT 4 Dice d4 Talents, Powers, & Items

SPD 0ft Has no penalties in the dark.
PWS -- Tier 0.2 Bite +1 FS +1 FG M | Flight 15ft

Wandering Boar
As a surprise encounter during rests, a wandering boar that has
fallen victim to the ghoul’s control will attack the intruders.

VIT 5 Dice d4 Talents, Powers, & Items

SPD 20ft Dirty Tusks +1 M
PWS 5 Tier 0.2


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

(A disturbed vengeful spirit rising from its coffin.)

Vengeful Spirit
This manifestation of vengeance appears when the dead is
wronged by a morally accountable individual. They appear as a
glowing red transparent humanoid shape with only a twisted
angered snarl being a distinguishable feature. Their wispy form
can be swiped away by worldly physical weapons, but by then
their haunting wails for vengeance could have already
destroyed one’s mental state. Returning stolen items or
righting the spirit can cause it to leave.

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items

VIT 5 STR d4 Scary Presence +3 T
SPD 0ft AGI d4 Haunting Wail MI P
PWS 10 WIT d4 Flight 15ft
Risen 0 EGO d10 Ghostly Form + 4 A
Luck 0 Tier 1 (-1 FS -1 P -1 FG)
Haunting Wail: Send out a horrifying wail that will mentally scar
those targeted. Use power score points to damage as many
targets as possible.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

(The ghoul.)

This foul abomination was once human, a man named Julius S.
He desired to find the riches buried with the body of a heroic
noble and to do so turned to grave robbing and impersonating
a mortician. His greed and disregard for the dead turned him
into the monster he ultimately is found as.
Upon his defeat he has a crumpled page in a leather
pouch from the journal of Julius found on the bookshelf in
room 3. It reads in crazed scribbled handwriting, “So close… so
close… I know the noble’s body… is on the other side of… the
North wall… now to dig...”.
The ghoul will come at the players with everything it's
got. If needs be, it will attempt to jump over the drain chasm in
its lair (room 5) having to beat the same AGI-CR 5 to cross. It is
recommended to use it’s “red spit” power as soon as the fight
starts if possible, aiming for the character with the least vitality;
this will attempt to control the character and cause them to
attack another or damage themselves.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

Stats Attributes Talents, Powers, & Items
VIT 20 STR d8 Finding Flesh +1 T
SPD 40ft AGI d12 No Fear +2T
PWS 8 WIT d6 Red Spit R P
Risen 0 EGO d4
Luck 0 Tier 4 Grimy Claws +2 M
Leathery Skin +2 A

Red spit: The ghoul can spew red mind controlling bile at a
target. This is a ranged power that uses the controlling rules
(p.10), therefore the combat roll will be the ghoul’s AGI against
the players AGI or WIT, if the ghoul is on the offense it adds the
power bonus to its roll against the target’s with their current VIT
(vitality) added. If still a success, the target is controlled for
however many additional turns the power score was spent but
will have chances to resist by using the same die used in the
action that the ghoul forces them to perform but with a -4
penalty, if they roll higher it is resisted. When using this power,
consider spending more than half the power score on the bonus
to help guarantee a control.

Fighting the ghoul with two or less players will be considerably

difficult. In this case, reduce the ghoul’s power score by 4
points. And with only one player, remove the ghoul’s ‘leathery
skin’ and ‘grimy claws’ bonuses.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


This section features treasures, items, and their descriptions

found throughout the adventure. Some descriptions will
involve additional challenges or foes. The treasures are in
chronological order to how they appear throughout the pages.

Cup of the dead: Several jewels, rings, and a necklace

amounting to 18 wealth is piled in this cup. A silver leg bracelet
gives a +1 balancing talent (identified with a WIT-CR 3) can also
be found but with no resale value.

Secret coffin: Any characters within 10ft of the coffin upon

opening must make an AGI-DMG against 5 to cover their
mouths as a barely visible but potent poisonous gas erupts and
clears out. If any of the players prior to opening mention their
character braces for a smell, they automatically succeed the
challenge roll. Inside the coffin, 5 wealth in the form of coins
are placed around the deceased’s head. The deceased also
holds a shield (+2 A) painted with white intertwining flowers.
Stealing the shield will summon a vengeful spirit (found in the
NPCs section).

Decorated coffin: This coffin was once painted white with a

mural on its side of a brave noble protecting his people. Upon
opening the coffin it is discovered that there is no body inside
at all. Only a stash of treasure. Painted on the bottom of the
inside is a message, “For those willing to explore and discover, I
leave my wealth. May you have many adventures as have I.”
The treasure stash consists of a silver and a copper
statues of knights (silver worth 5w and the copper 3w), a
nobles ring with a crest depicting a loyal dog (worth 8w), and a
silver goblet (4w) with the engraving, “Drink, sing, then sleep.”
The goblet is not magical. These items can be sold for a
combined total of 20 wealth. Last, a glowing steel dagger (+3
Fatal Strike) worth 65 wealth. The sheath it sits in is a bright
and fancy color of red.

Reward for completion: The reward gathered and advertised

on a poster for the completion of this quest is 60 wealth to be
divided among the players.


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Game transparency: As an introductory adventure to

Lambhide, and to some tabletop role-playing games itself, it is
perfectly okay to suggest actions and explain the reasons or
behind the scene elements of the written adventure. Often
understanding how the game flows from the narrator’s
perspective can help players understand that it is up to them to
explore and experiment with the environments provided.
A fun way to raise the stakes of the game is to be
transparent as to what number a character needs to roll to
succeed. If a player knows the odds are slim or maybe in their
favor, it makes it all the better when the unlikely does happen.
Plus nothing beats the seconds of anticipation as a die tumbles
on a table to determine a character’s life or death.
As for sharing or illustrating the map, that is up to the
narrator. Sometimes drawing the rooms as they appear adds a
sense of exploration and mystery, however having an outline of
the map and exploring room by room can give a strong feeling
of productive accomplishment as the vague area is revealed
piece by piece.

Game halting deaths: Lambhide characters are realistic in the

sense that death can happen to anyone if the dice deem so.
Luckily character creation is fast and there are plenty of pre-
made character examples in the form of classes. Death is simply
a part of the game... that is if the narrator and players want it
to be.
There is nothing wrong with starting over, calling the
characters unconscious until saved by secondary characters, or
simply and discretely fudging a roll in the players favor as the
narrator. What is important is that the experience you want
from the game is achieved and everyone at the table has fun.
This is a great introduction, whether the adventure ends
prematurely with underwhelming deaths or in a spectacular
victory, because once it is wrapped up it can be discussed with
the players as to what went well and what did not.
Remember that criticisms are not against the narrator
but the game and the dice. As a narrator, acknowledge these
and apply them the best you can to the next adventure as long
as it doesn’t sacrifice your own fun. Good luck and may your
adventures be many!

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Thank you: Lambhide has been a personal project for years.

The point of it was to create a quick pick up and play system
that utilized more than one die throughout the game while still
feeling as if it had depth.
Rules like Lambhide can only be a tool for players. The
real fun of the game comes from the spontaneity and creativity
of its players. Don’t let the rules dictate what you can or can’t
do if it conflicts with the table’s fun.
If you appreciate and empathize with the amount of
work that can go into a project like this, please support and buy
this book if you have not already. Any support this project gets
will inspire more adventure and setting focused material to be
added down the line. After this section there are a few
afterthought rules and changes I’ve personally used to alter the
game’s difficulty at times, they just might be a fit at your table.
If you are reading this, I greatly appreciate the time
you’ve taken to look at Lambhide and I hope it can be a fun
system for you and your fellow players. Thank you!


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Easier ‘heroic’ play: There isn’t a set and stone way to play,
although Lambhide combat is designed to be quick and deadly.
This can be upsetting to some players who are used to more
modern tabletop role-playing games that make death a rare
and difficult state to reach. This ease of play isn’t a bad thing as
a part of the experience is getting attached to long running
characters. If this sounds like something your players would
expect from Lambhide, my recommended solution is to simply
double the vitality of player characters.

(Warning: these next rules are particularly graphic and can be

unsavory to some players’ tastes.)

Deadly death rules: As for those who desire raised stakes and
deadlier consequences, there is a table on the next page
detailing a set of ‘Deadly Death Rules’. Deadly death rules add a
semi-permanent injury that occurs when reaching 0 vitality. This
means that even if a character survives death, they have a scar
or crippling wound that sticks with them. This is all for the sake
of immersion and challenge. And there is no shame in retiring a
character who has a disabling battle wound to prove they
fought and adventured as much as any could.
Consider vitality to be a character’s measure of luck or
stamina, as in a character can lose vitality without necessarily
being hurt. However when something does drop them to 0
vitality, that something is the one time they do get slashed,
crushed, shot, fried, or whatever deadly misfortune strikes
them. This is when they receive a ‘fatal wound’. A fatal wound
is crippling or dismembering, and always permanent;
conventional healing and even powers cannot fix it. Prosthesis
(in the form of talent or power items) and powers can be used
to try to compensate for the wound though.
When put on the ‘Verge of Death’ (p.04), have the
character roll a d20, incurring the matching fatal wound effect
on the next page. For wounded areas that there are two of, roll
a d6 (5-6 indicating left, 3-4 indicating right, and 1-2 meaning
both). It is up to the narrator to discuss the specifics of the
wound with the player while adhering to the table, such as the
wounds exact placement or appearance and how the character
will react and be affected by it.

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

Penalties are applicable to challenge rolls, turn order, and
offense and defense sums, not combat rolls. Additional
damage at 0 vitality means instant death. A risen point, used at
the time a fatal wound is gained, can revoke the wound.
20 Traumatic Scar: -1 EGO & +2 Intimidation talent
Sleepless nights, only 1 vitality regained per 2hrs of rest.
19 Toes: -2 FG & -1 to climbing & balancing challenge rolls
18 Fingers: -2 FS & -1 to climbing & balancing challenge rolls
17 Foot: -2 AGI & -10ft speed (per foot)
16 Hand: Items cannot be held in the lost hand. -1 STR & AGI
15 Leg: -4 AGI & -20ft speed (per leg)
14 Arm: Items cannot be held in the lost limb. -3 STR & AGI
13 Intestines: After resting, roll against STR-DMG(4)** from
constipation. -3 to social based talents for bad gas.
12 ‘Nether-regions’: After resting, roll against STR-DMG(5)**
from urethral stricture.
11 Ptsd: -8 FG & -8 penalties on forfeited (p.03) turns
10 Ear: -1 when rolling turn order & -8 when surprised (p.03).
9 Nose: -1 EGO & default 1 on rolls involving smell.
8 Mouth: -1 EGO & -4 on rolls involving speaking.
7 Lung: -2 max vitality, -1 STR & AGI & -10ft speed.
6 Heart: After combat or resting, roll a d20. A 1 induces a
heart attack reducing vitality to 0 and any fatal wounds
resulting being the effect of a triggered stroke.
5 Eye: -3 to all rolls that use sight, including combat rolls. -6
if both eyes are lost.
4 Harsh Concussion: -3 WIT & -1 EGO
3 Personality damage: -3 EGO & -1 WIT
2 Throat: Roll against a STR-DMG(6)** every next turn to
not bleed out until a WIT-CR(10)* tends the wound.
1 Extra Wound: Roll until you have two wounds.

* “Attribute”-CR(#): Regular challenge roll against the

number in parenthesis. (p.04)
** “Attribute”-DMG(#): Damaging challenge roll against
the number in parenthesis. (p.10)

Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)


Cédric Lecante (Order #38046920)

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