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An Earthborne Rangers Supplement for GENESYS

Earthborne Rangers is, at the time of this writing, an upcoming adventure card game (ACG) by Earthborne
Games, a small game company founded and led by a handful of former FFG employees. Like many ACGs,
Earthborne Rangers can be played solo or cooperatively, and allows players to weave a unique narrative and story
of their characters (their Rangers) overcoming the various challenges presented to them in the cards as they
explore the setting and story designed by Earthborne Games. Unique among ACGs is that Earthborne Rangers
is designed to be an “open world” to be explored by the players as they navigate the Valley (where Earthborne
Rangers takes place).
However, no matter how open the world is, it is still constrained by the mechanical limitations of being
a card game, adventure or otherwise. And that’s why I’ve put together this fan supplement, Trailsetters. Few
things offer as much freedom to explore and create stories in a setting as the tabletop RPG. If Earthborne Games
ever comes out with their own ttRPG product, I imagine I will take this down. Until then (or if they request it),
I hope this allows fans of the game and setting to explore the Valley and beyond.
This all ultimately means that I am not going to drop much, if any, setting description or lore into this
document. The assumption is that you are already familiar with the setting. In case you are not already
acquainted with Earthborne Rangers (which...I did you even find this then?), the setting takes place
thousands of years in the future and can pretty easily be described as solarpunk in nature and theming. Long
ago, humanity, at the edge of calamity, managed to finally get its shit together thanks to the mysterious Guide.
Enormous generational projects ensued so that humanity could avert utter catastrophe, at the end of which the
Ancestors sequestered themselves into scattered arcologies to allow the works to heal the Earth and enable
sustainable habitability for their descendants an age and an era beyond them. Quite a bit ago, multiple
generations at least, humanity finally left the arcologies and now enjoys the fruits of these fraught labors and
The Valley exists in a tiny slice of this new and mysterious world. Within the Valley, the Rangers strive
to maintain peace, security, and harmony from their base in Lone Tree Station. It is assumed that the PCs are all
Rangers, but they may also be Valley residents without necessitating much, if any, change to the archetypes,
careers, and other mechanical elements described herein. For example, Shapers typically train in the
Floating Tower atop Blind Peak, but very rarely join the Rangers. Rather, they usually descend the peak to
find their own haven of hermitude, but occasionally may be drawn out into the greater endeavors of the
communities of the Valley.
Trailsetters makes use of, and reference to, content found in the GENESYS Core Rulebook (CRB),
Expanded Players Guide (EPG), Shadow of the Beanstalk (SOTB), Secrets of the Crucible (SOTC), and
Realms of Terrinoth (ROT), which are all first party GENESYS products by EDGE Studio. In addition,
Zynnythryx’s Guide to Magic (ZGtM) is referenced for a substantial portion of Trailsetters’ magic system
(Shaping). ZGtM is a Foundry Community Content product by Scott Zumwalt, available on the Foundry
storefront of DriveThruRPG.
This document may be updated from time to time. Of course, the PDF version will not have the most
up to date progress, but if you wish to comment on or view the most current draft, it can be found at

● suffer an amount of strain damage equal
to current Discord whenever they

Optional Mechanic — ●
perform a traversal;
may suffer an amount of strain equal to
current Discord as a result of spending

Favors (SotB) from the results of a

Shaping skill check;
Shadow of the Beanstalk (SotB) provides a ● add for every three Discord to any
system for non-monetary exchanges—that is, Survival, Charm, Negotiation, or
Favors. The Favors system is a great fit for Leadership skill checks; and
Trailsetters, albeit requiring some small amount
of re-flavoring. While it is not necessary to ● add for every five Discord to any
integrate into Trailsetters game, it is highly Coercion skill checks.
recommended. In the world:
Some talents and items refer to Favors. If ● things becomes more chaotic as Discord
you are not using Favors in your game, feel free to increases and relationships between
ignore them. communities become more fraught;
● survival, even with allies, becomes more
challenging and internal politics and

New Mechanic — social events become more difficult

within communities at four Discord and

Discord ● predators’ instinct to hoard through lean

times overtakes them at six Discord and
above, and predators become more
Discord represents fraying of the stability and active and aggressive;
harmony of the local environment by means of a ● prey feels under extreme pressure and
tracker. The local environment encompasses otherwise docile creatures now behave
quite a bit, from ecosystems and geology to infra- extremely aggressively at seven Discord
and intra-community politics. Discord starts at and above; and
0, where everything is copacetic and operating in ● the land itself seems to be in tumult as
harmony, and ranges to 10, where the world or at severe storms become normal weather
least this corner of it has descended into and all communities are likely to be at
complete chaos with conflict between immense risk at nine Discord and above.
communities, ecosystems spiraling down
catastrophic feedback loops, and perhaps even
the land itself in tumult. Increasing Discord
There are multiple things that increase Discord.
Effects of Discord Discord increases when:
● the PCs defeat an appropriate adversary
Discord affects the game in various ways—both (always including wildlife and other
directly upon the PCs and also upon the context humans, but may also include artificial
in which the PCs operate. constructs where the GM deems
PCs: appropriate) by inflicting wounds, rather
than strain;

● the PCs flee from, rather than resolve, an (see New Mechanic—Endeavors below);
encounter; ● a PC completes an Endeavor to
● the GM spends in an appropriate specifically soothe Discord (see New
context, such as during a Traversal (see Mechanic—Endeavors below); and
New Mechanic—Traversal below); ● the PCs each spend a respective story
● an encounter calls for it by design; and point in turn to cumulatively soothe 1
● the GM spends two story points to (this may occur during structured or
increase Discord. unstructured time, but the story point
When Discord increases through the above may not be used for on a check at
means, it increases by one. As usual, if it would the same time).
make sense to increase Discord by more, the GM
may do so and by an amount that is
appropriate in the given context. This
is a totally off-label fan product, so
the FFG police actually don’t have any
jurisdiction here if you break The

Decreasing Discord
Discord can be soothed in a few
different ways, and soothe is a
keyword to look out for in the abilities
of adversaries, encounter mechanics,
and some talents unique or
customized to the setting. Soothe
means to reduce Discord by the
indicated amounts. For example, if
resolving an encounter soothes 4,
then Discord reduces by four when
the encounter is resolved, to a
minimum of zero. Discord can never
go below zero.
Discord decreases when:
● the PCs resolve an encounter
that results in an appropriate
amount of soothing by
● a PC spends in an
appropriate context, such as
during a Traversal (see New
Mechanic—Traversal below);
● a PC completes any Endeavor,
thus soothing 1 automatically

New Mechanic — other relevant factors should add as the GM
sees fit. Of course, story point spends and the like
can also be applied as usual.

Traversal Traversal Results Spenders

Earthborne Rangers’ setting is sparsely ● A piece of gear suffers

one step of damage.
populated and lush with wildlife, rife with
● The PCs encounter a prey
ancient technologies and ruins, and full of adversary (behavior
hazards. Scene locations in this setting should be dependent upon
configured as nodes in a graph, and traversing Discord).
between nodes is a short mechanic that ● The weather takes an
highlights the nature of the Valley and larger inclement turn and
world of Earthborne Rangers. remains so for the
entirety of the next scene.
An example node map (in fact, the
● The PCs encounter a
official map freely provided by Earthborne predator adversary
Games in the Earthborne Rangers demo kit) is (behavior dependent
provided above. As this map is provided free in upon Discord).
the demo kit, I’m comfortable putting it here as ● Suffer one wound.
well, but this may be rendered more abstractly or ● Lose a piece of gear
removed entirely if Earthborne Games has a entirely.
problem with it. ● The weather takes a
severe turn and NPCs at
To traverse between nodes, at least one
the next location will
PC will need to roll a Survival check, coupled to a need assistance in
characteristic of their choice. Each of the other bunkering down for the
PCs, up to six total, must also make checks, but coming storm.
may use any skill of their choice that makes sense ● The PCs encounter an
in the context. Note, Traversals provide a lot aggressive or dangerous
more leeway to players to recouple skills to piece of technology
(adversary or encounter).
different characteristics if it can be adequately
● Increase Discord by 1.
justified. The players should provide a narrative
● You run into an old
basis for each of their checks. If you have seven or enemy.
more players, some should simply sit the roll out. ● Suffer a random Critical
Also, the GM in such a situation is clearly Injury.
beast-moding it and can do whatever the hell ● Any inclement weather
they want with their 25 players or whatever. calms down and is no
The GM sets the difficulty of the checks longer inclement.
based on context. For example, both distance and ● You feel inspired and may
environmental difficulty should be considered. apply to your next
Endeavor check.
Furthermore, for every two Discord, apply to ● Find a useful component
the checks. This is in addition to any applied for crafting a piece of
to the Survival checks as a result of Discord (see gear.
● Find a critical component
Effects of Discord above). Finally, inclement
for crafting a powerful
weather, night time, amount of moonlight, and piece of gear.

● Find some minor, albeit spanning. Rather, Endeavors include activities
useful, gear. like adjusting cultivation practices to ensure
● Survey the land as you sustainability, clearing out infected foliage,
travel and gain a tweaking the balance of predators and prey to
permanent for stave off an ecological inflection point, and
Traversals to the targeted various other activities.
location. Endeavors operate similarly to clocks of
● Soothe 1. Blades in the Dark fame. That is to say, they are
● Count another PC’s failed basically asynchronous skill challenges. Checks
check as a success for
for Endeavors should occur “in between”
purposes of the traversal.
adventures, when the PCs have time to take care
If at least as many checks succeed as the of normal life stuff. PCs can have as many
number that fail, the traversal is a success and Endeavors active as they want, but can only roll
the PCs arrive at their destination. If the traversal to make progress on one at a time.
fails, the GM should decide whether the PCs First, the player must select an Endeavor.
arrive at a different, albeit incorrect, node or get The table below includes some ideas for
turned in circles and end up back where they Endeavors, but is not by any means exhaustive.
began (or had to retrace their steps back to their Endeavors are always focused on the health and
start). stability of the Valley (or local ecosystem) and
Regardless of success or failure, each PC the various residing communities.
suffers strain damage equal to current Discord. As The GM then sets the scale of the
this is strain damage, it is accordingly reduced by Endeavor, typically between 3 and 12. An
each PC’s respective Soak. A side results spend Endeavor’s scale determines how many
table is provided here, but it should be successful checks it requires to complete—and
understood that this is for inspiration only and is accordingly also informs how much time it takes.
not an exhaustive list by any means. Normal side At this point, the GM should also get an idea for
result spends may also be applied when the how many and what kind of resources the
context makes sense. Endeavor is going to require. In some cases, PCs
may be required to retrieve certain items or bring
about certain conditions to attempt an Endeavor

New Mechanic — check. For example, installing a water

accumulator might require a specialized piece of
technology only offered by another community.

Endeavors Each individual Endeavor check requires

the GM to set its corresponding difficulty based
on the current context of the game. Factors will
Rangers are committed to protecting the security usually include how the PC is trying to advance
of the entire Valley, both now and into the future the Endeavor, current Discord, availability of
for generations yet to come. This means engaging materials, familiarity of the PC with various
in large community-based projects, inspired by aspects of the check they are attempting, etc. It is
the generational projects of the Ancestors long impossible to provide any real bright line rules
ago. These are called Endeavors and may be for determining the difficulty, but this is a perfect
progressed in between adventures (effectively, opportunity for the GM and players to discuss
these are downtime activities). and flesh out the fiction as they tackle various
Though inspired by the Ancestors’ considerations.
projects, Endeavors are not quite as temporally

Finally, the player attempts the check.
Other players may assist to provide benefits as
per normal assistance rules. However, if a player Type Scale Notes
assists on an Endeavor, they cannot attempt to
Soothe 3-9 This Endeavor soothes an
progress their own Endeavor at this time or assist
Discord amount equal to the scale
on yet another Endeavor.
of the Endeavor. May entail
Completing an Endeavor will always
balancing an ecosystem,
soothe at least 1. In addition, the corresponding
adjusting local practices,
PC should be awarded an amount of XP
and so on.
corresponding to the scale of the Endeavor and
Community 3-12 Community projects can
how fraught it was to fully complete it. A good
Project range from something as
baseline is 2 XP per scale (i.e., a scale 3 Endeavor
small as assisting in a crop
would award 6 XP, but if a string of bad luck
harvest, to building out a
made the Endeavor take an exceptionally long
bridge, to implementing
time, you might elect to award 7 or 8 XP instead).
technological wonders, and
Moreover, Endeavors should and will have
more. Special materials are
various other effects upon completing them that
often needed to advance
are entirely dependent upon the particular
this Endeavor.
Endeavor and the current state of things. An
Study the 3-6 This type of Endeavor
Endeavor to soothe Discord will soothe more
Ancients typically comprises
than the base of 1 that all Endeavors soothe, an
studying legends, folklores,
Endeavor to build a communications platform
and histories, both oral and
for a newly settled community will improve the
recorded, to discern
PC’s relationship with that community and that
information about the
community’s relationships with other
Ancients’ culture(s) and
communities, and so on. This is a place where the
thus the evolution of
players and GM can be creative, both narratively
modern societies.
and mechanically.
Tinkering 5-12 While this can result in
The GM should understand that the
creating gadgets and gear
Endeavor mechanics are loose guidelines. Where
for individual use, this
appropriate, these rules may be tweaked and
Endeavor is usually
adjusted, and this is intended behavior. For
directed towards creating
example, it may very well be the case that a
new technological
certain Endeavor does not make sense to attempt
implements to help a
to progress at a given time, so the player may be
community. Special
unable to do anything on it. Likewise, it may be
materials or information is
not just reasonable but expected within the
often needed to advance
fiction that multiple progress checks be made on
this Endeavor.
an Endeavor. That is also fine and expected. The
Trailsetting 6-10 It is no easy task to find
key to the Endeavors is that they further bond
relatively stable trails
the PCs to the communities and environments
between communities, but
around them.
it certainly is necessary.
This type of Endeavor
includes study and
contemplation to review

existing maps and records, ● Exceptional Tinkerer: Once per session,
but also active exploration may spend a Story Point to repair a piece
and surveying. of equipment one step.
Teach the 3-5 Rangers regularly provide
Next survival lessons to the
Generation communities’ youths. This
Endeavor is satisfying both
to the students and the
instructors. The
communities certainly Conciliators are dedicated to helping the
appreciate it as well. communities of the Valley, aiding anyone in need
in matters great and small. They have a natural
aptitude for mediating and gravitate to being

Archetypes protectors. Conciliators usually share a deep

connection with other Valley Dwellers, having
spent many years in their company.
Borrowing from the ACG, archetypes here are
divided into Specialty and Aspect. Your Specialty Starting XP: 90 XP
gives you special mechanics and a suggested Abilities:
talent pyramid through tier 5, as well as ● Guardian: Once per session, as an
determining the amount of XP you have for action, may suffer 2 strain and spend a
character creation. Aspects define a PC’s attitude Story Point to automatically strain out a
and approach to life, determining the wildlife adversary as if they had
characteristic array you start with and your base succeeded a Commune check. The
Wounds and Strain Thresholds. adversary is incapacitated as if they
suffered strain over their Strain
● Voice of the Elders: When passing a
Specialties are based on the specialties of the for any reason, may suffer 1 strain to
Earthborne Rangers ACG.
instead pass a .

Part engineer, part visionary artist, artificers are
master craftspeople dedicated to the pursuit of
knowledge. Students of the technology of the Explorer
past, artificers are also innovators, forging the
The people of the Valley are natural explorers,
path with experimental technologies of the
but some have an affinity and aptitude for
current age.
exploration that makes them truly experts of the
Starting XP: 95 XP wilds. The Valley cannot keep secrets from
Abilities: explorers for long and they spend many years
● Masterful Engineer: Once per traversing the uncharted wilderness in search of
encounter, may ready and activate a resources both natural and otherwise for the
piece of equipment as an incidental. people of the Valley. Explorers are adept at

charting new paths and overcoming any obstacle Aspects
set before them.
Even though the term is borrowed from the
Starting XP: 100 XP Earthborne Rangers ACG, Aspects are only
Abilities: vaguely inspired by the mechanic therein as well
● Undaunted Seeker: Gain on any as the Personality cards of the ACG. Where an
navigation or Traversal related checks aspect gives you a free rank in a skill, you still
made in the wild (e.g., Survival, cannot increase that skill beyond two ranks
Athletics, Stealth, etc.). during character creation, as usual.
● Peerless Pathfinder: When performing
strain recovery rolls, may spend to Astute
recover 1 strain.
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 4 2 2 2
WT: 8 + Br ST: 10 + Wi
Shapers have walked the perilous stair to the
monastery at the top of Blind Peak where,
through decades of study and practice in the Balanced
Floating Tower, they have learned to focus their
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
intent and alter reality through the use of a
conduit, a wonder of modern technology, 2 4 2 2 2 2
inoperable by any but the most disciplined and
WT: 9 + Br ST: 9 + Wi
self-aware. Shapers use the Shaping skill to
perform marvelous feats bordering on magic. Use
of the Shaping skill requires a special type of Bold
equipment called a conduit. Without it, shapers
cannot access their strange abilities. Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

4 2 2 2 2 2
Starting XP: 85 XP
Abilities: WT: 10 + Br ST: 8 + Wi
● Adherent of the First Ideal: When an
ally would suffer wounds for any reason,
may suffer 2 strain and spend a Story Compassionate
Point as an out-of-turn incidental to
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
cause the ally to instead suffer no
wounds (any Critical Injuries or strain 3 2 2 2 2 3
still applies as normal).
WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi
● Prodigy of the Floating Tower: Once
per session, may spend a Story Point to Start with a free rank in Commune.
perform a Shaping check without
suffering strain cost. This check also
receives .

Shapers also start with Shaping as a career skill

and one rank in Shaping for free.

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Determined 2 3 2 2 3 2

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

3 2 2 2 3 2 Start with a free rank in Leadership.
WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

Start with a free rank in Resilience. Perceptive

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Engaging 2 2 2 4 2 2

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence WT: 8 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

2 2 2 2 2 4

WT: 9 + Br ST: 9 + Wi Persuasive

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Insightful 2 2 2 2 3 3
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi
2 2 2 3 2 3
Start with a free rank in Charm.
WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

Start with a free rank in Knowledge (History). Thorough

Inventive Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 2 3 3 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 3 3 2 2 WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi Start with a free rank in Discipline.

Start with a free rank in Technology.

Meticulous Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 3 2 2 3
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 2 3 3 2 WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi

WT: 10 + Br ST: 10 + Wi Start with a free rank in Knowledge

Start with a free rank in Cartography.

Versatile Artisan
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence The Valley’s artisans are responsible for crafting
2 3 2 3 2 3 tools and mastering their construction. They
handcraft items for their communities and teach
WT: 9 + Br ST: 9 + Wi others how to do the same. An apprenticeship
with a master artisan can sometimes last up to
Start with a free rank in Cool
twenty years. Artisans often go on to become
artificers as they turn their attention toward
Vigilant experimenting with new technology, but many
also go on to to pursue other interests, where
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence they craft tools of their trade unequaled by their
2 2 2 2 4 2 peers.
Artisans start with the following career
WT: 8 + Br ST: 10 + Wi skills, from which you may select four in which to
have a free rank before spending starting XP:
Discipline, Cool, Driving or Operating,

Careers Knowledge (Science), Mechanics, Negotiation,

Perception, Technology.

Careers are based on the backgrounds of the

Earthborne Rangers ACG. However, as usual, Forager
careers are more suggestions than anything else.
The Valley’s foragers are responsible for
Players are free to modify careers by swapping
gathering food for their communities, returning
skills out for other skills of the same type, or
with harvests of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms,
creating altogether custom careers by selecting 8
herbs, spices, and any other delicious plant life
career skills while applying the following
they can find.
standard rules:
Foragers are naturally curious, so many
● 4 General skills to start and for the 4
become explorers, scouting and trailblazing the
remaining skills:
rarely trodden wilderness. Others find
○ At least 1 Social or Combat skill; unexplored wilderness of a different kind,
○ No more than 3 Combat skills; braving an entirely new discipline. As
○ No more than 3 Social skills; cornerstones of their communities, foragers live
○ No more than 3 Knowledge in a liminal position between the wilderness and
skills; and civilization, and are often at home in both—or
○ No more than 2 General skills. neither, in some cases.
Notably, none of the provided careers Foragers start with the following career
include combat skills. Trailsetters emphasizes skills, from which you may select four in which to
using non-violent means to resolve problems and have a free rank before spending starting XP:
so it is not recommended to include combat skills Athletics, Commune, Charm or Deception,
in starting career skills. Knowledge (Community), Medicine,
Skulduggery, Survival, Stealth or Resilience.

The Valley’s shepherds tend the flocks of
ironwool sheep that roam the grassy hills near The following skills are used in Trailsetters.
the village of Meadow. The shepherding tradition
among the Valley Dwellers is long and storied.
Skills for Trailsetters
Long before they settled the Valley, they tended
ironwool sheep. Skill Char Type Source
Years spent in solitude provides one with
Athletics Brawn GeneralCRB, p. 58
a considerable amount of time to contemplate
Brawl Brawn Combat CRB, p. 67
the nature of existence. As such, regardless of
Cartography Intellect GeneralPage 12
their chosen path, shepherds have considered all
options, and thus apply themselves fully to their Charm Presence Social CRB, p. 54
chosen discipline. Coercion Willpower Social CRB, p. 55
Shepherds start with the following Commune Presence GeneralPage 12
career skills, from which you may select four in Cool Presence GeneralCRB, p. 59
which to have a free rank before spending Coordination Agility GeneralCRB, p. 59
starting XP: Deception Cunning Social CRB, p. 56
Coercion or Leadership, Commune, Cool, Discipline Willpower GeneralCRB, p. 60
Coordination, Knowledge (Community), Driving Agility GeneralCRB, p. 60;
Riding, Survival, Vigilance. page 13
Knowledge Intellect KnowledgePage 13
Traveler Knowledge Intellect KnowledgePage 13
The Valley’s travelers are typically responsible for (History)
transporting goods and materials between Knowledge Intellect KnowledgePage 14
villages and for disseminating important (Science)
information to those they encounter. Most Valley Leadership Presence Social CRB, p. 56
Dwellers don’t travel far beyond their home Mechanics Intellect General CRB, p. 60
village, so it’s the travelers who help the wider Medicine Intellect General CRB, p. 61
community remain connected. Melee Brawn Combat CRB, p. 67
Given their often social nature, some Negotiation Presence Social CRB, p. 56
travelers are drawn toward the life of a Operating Intellect General CRB, p. 62
conciliator. Many others become explorers, or Perception Cunning General CRB, p. 62
even shapers, wandering new paths of both Ranged Agility Combat CRB, p. 68
conspicuousness and experience. Resilience Brawn General CRB, p. 63
Travelers start with the following career Riding Presence General CRB, p. 63
skills, from which you may select four in which to
Skulduggery Cunning General CRB, p. 64
have a free rank before spending starting XP:
Stealth Agility General CRB, p. 64
Athletics, Cartography, Charm or Coercion,
Survival Cunning General CRB, p. 65
Cool, Coordination, Knowledge (History),
Vigilance Willpower General CRB, p. 65
Mechanics or Medicine or Technology,

New Skill — Cartography (Intellect) or it may simply represent a moment of
meditation as a character focuses deeply on the
Mapping and cataloging the wilds are important sounds, tactile sensations, scents, and other
tasks set before the Rangers. Moreover, in the sensations of the wilds. In communities,
lush and living ecosystems of the Valley, communing may cover hours of engaging in
maintaining maps and catalogs require very ceremony and celebration, or simply partaking in
active attention. Cartography encompasses day-to-day life with locals over the course of an
studying materials and performing surveys to extended period of time.
update or create altogether new maps and Within structured play, a character may
catalogs. Cartography can be used to supplement attempt to commune with an adversary as an
the various active travel skills, such as Survival, action by suffering 1 strain and rolling a
Driving, and Riding, but does not in and of itself Commune opposed by Discipline check. The
replace these skills. difficulty of the check is upgraded once for every
Your character should use this skill if... two Discord. On a success, the targeted adversary
suffers 1 strain and an additional strain for each
● Your character attempts to chart a route
between two locations. net . Additionally, may be spent to
● Your character wants to know how to discern one of the adversary’s motivations, if
prepare for local wildlife and appropriate and regardless of success.
environments. In narrative play, Commune may be
● Your character wants to use an existing rolled in the wilds to gain on appropriate
map to locate a specific location or orient subsequent checks in the wilds, such as Survival,
themselves. Cartography, Perception, etc.). The GM should
Your character should not use this skill if... decide an appropriate difficulty, taking into
● Your character is attempting to find food account Discord, time of day, weather, and
various other reasonable elements.
or water in the wilderness—that would
In settlements and other inhabited areas,
be Survival.
Commune can be used to gain insight into the
● Your character tries to recall historical
local community and even build a stronger
information about a ruin—that would
connection with the locals. Again, the GM should
be Knowledge (History).
determine an appropriate difficulty for the check,
● Your character tries to move through an
taking into account Discord, amount of time
environment or move between
being dedicated to the check, the PC’s
locations—that would be Survival,
relationship with the community, and any other
Driving, or Riding, as appropriate.
factors that may be relevant. Success on this
check may provide the character with important
New Skill — Commune (Presence) information and rumors, persistent or
Communing can be most intuitively described as for rolls or anything else the GM deems
“vibing” with your surroundings and others. appropriate.
When a character communes, they either deeply When it makes sense, players may spend
connect with another being or with their from a Commune roll to reduce Discord by 1.
environment. Commune is used in different ways
in structured and narrative play. In the wilds, this
Your character should use this skill if...
can consist of having a deep moment of ● Your character attempts to calm down
connection with wildlife or even other travelers, agitated wild animals.

● Your character enters a new community Your character should use this skill if...
and wants to get to know the locals
● Your character tries to determine the
● Your character tries to take a moment
right person in a village to go to about an
while traveling between communities to
get a sense of the lay of the land and its
● Your character tries to research to
remember an agreement or established
Your character should not use this skill if... relationship between multiple groups.
● Your character is attempting to get a ● Your character is trying to link a
better deal in negotiating a trade—that particular practice to a particular
would be Negotiation. community or remember a community’s
● Your character is attempting any check particular practice.
that can better be described as a social
interaction—that would be a Social Your character should not use this skill if...
Skills check of some sort. ● Your character tries to remember a piece
● Your character tries to tame an animal or of lore or historical fact regarding a
navigate the wilds—that would be group of people—that would be
Survival. Knowledge (History).
● Your character is trying to convince a
Driving (Agility) local authority of something—that
would be a Social Skill check, although it
Although driving is a standard skill, it bears may benefit from a successful
mentioning that vehicles are not particularly Knowledge (Community) check.
common in Trailsetters. At the very least, it is not ● Your character is trying to understand a
usual for each and every individual to have piece of technology possessed by a
personal access to their own vehicle. Accordingly, village—that would be Knowledge
Drive covers a large range of vehicles, ranging (Science), though in an appropriate
from gliders, to crawlers, to personal watercraft. context it could also be Technology
Large vehicles with more complex controls, such and/or Mechanics checks.
as ships for water or air, still utilize Operating.
Controlling a mounted steed, on the other hand,
still uses the Riding skill. New Skill — Knowledge
New Skill — Knowledge The history of the Valley, much less the far future
(Community)(Intellect) world, is vast and has many gaps. Some people
commit their time and minds to studying that
While the residents of the Valley mostly share an history. Collating from disparate stories and
origin, there are many different communities, tales, and trying to tease out what is true and
villages, and cooperative endeavors sprinkled what is legend.
throughout the area. They are, for the most part, Your character should use this skill if...
peaceful and cooperative with each other, but
many have adapted their own customs and ● Your character attempts to recollect an
quirks. It takes aptitude and a keen social mind old folktale describing the origins of a
to know all their ins and outs. particular group of people in the Valley.

● Your character tries to recount the ● Your character is trying to activate a
history of settlement in an area. piece of uncovered technology—that
● Your character tries to determine would be Technology, though
whether there has been use or mention Knowledge (Science) may be a useful
before of a piece of technology which check to gain an advantage on the
they have just discovered Technology check.
Your character should not use this skill if... ● Your character attempts to dress a
wound or repair a piece of gear—that
● Your character tries to navigate a would be Medicine or Mechanics,
village’s local laws—that would be respectively.
Knowledge (Community).
● Your character tries to understand a
piece of technology—that would be New Skill — Shaping (Magic)(Intellect)
Knowledge (Science) or Technology.
Although this setting is science fiction solarpunk,
● Your character attempts to connect with
the trope of magical technology is still firmly
a local community—that would be
present. Shapers are able, with training, to
manifest their will upon the fabric of reality by
means of some sort of fantastical technology.
New Skill — Knowledge Regardless of the technological underpinnings,
Shaping is mechanically represented here using
(Science)(Intellect) the GENESYS magic system.
Science covers a broad range of topics, from There is only one “magic” skill and that
botany to biology to more metaphysical domains skill is Shaping. A character must have and be
and beyond. A good rule of thumb is that able to activate a conduit of some sort to make a
Knowledge (Science) checks helps determine the Shaping check, whether the check is to cast a
“why” of things’ workings while other spell or otherwise. Otherwise, Shaping operates
Knowledge Skills or various General Skills are just like normal magic—the skill provides access
used for the “how” portion. to various spells, which each have various effects,
casting a spell inflicts 2 strain upon the caster
Your character should use this skill if... after all results have been resolved, and an
● Your character is seeking to understand escalated side results spend table is in effect.
the purpose of an uncovered lab deep in The Shaping skill may be used to cast the
an arcology. following spells:
● Your character tries to understand the ● Area (ZGtM)
complex ecological relations within a ● Augment (CRB)
local ecosystem. ● Barrier (CRB)
● Your character is trying to discern a ● Curse (CRB)
creature’s behaviors through extended ● Mask (EPG)
observation. ● Move (ZGtM)
Your character should not use this skill if... ● Predict (EPG)
● Your character is trying to discern a ● Utility (CRB)
creature’s behaviors as it is actively Spells marked CRB may be found in the Core
attempting to eat them—that would be Rulebook, EPG may be found in the Expanded
Survival. Players Guide, and ZGtM may be found in

Zynnythryx’s Guide to Magic, available on the Your character should use this skill if...
Any effects that are limited to particular ● Your character wants to activate a device
magic skills, such as Divine Health, Reflection, uncovered in an archeological arcology
Doom, etc., cannot be utilized with Shaping skill site.
(but certain conduits may make these effects ● Your character tries to repair a piece of
available). Where a spell or effect calls for a damaged equipment salvaged from an
Knowledge skill, use Knowledge (Science). ancient installation.
● Your character activates a piece of
Your character should use this skill if... technological equipment, as described
● Your character wants to raise materials by the respective equipment profile.
into the perfect configuration for a Your character should not use this skill if...
● Your character wants to obfuscate their ● Your character wants to repair a vehicle
own or their allies’ presence. built by a river-dwelling
● Your character wants to stifle an community—that would be Mechanics.
adversary or otherwise debilitate them. ● Your character seeks to understand how
to build a new device based on a
Your character should not use this skill if... salvaged piece of technology—that
● Your character tries to throw a fireball at would be Knowledge (Science).
an enemy—Shaping, while donned in ● Your character tries to determine the
mystic vestments and fantastical, is not intended purpose of a particular piece of
actually magic. technology—that would be Knowledge
● Your character attempts to use an (History).
antediluvian piece of technology—that
would be Technology.
● Your character wants to heal their own
or an ally’s wounds—Shaping is not Talents
magic and Medicine should be used to
perform healing. The table below lists all the talents available in
Trailsetters. New and modified talents are
described subsequently.
New Skill — Technology (Intellect)
Both ruins and robust and still functioning Talents for Trailsetters
technologies from eras long past dot the Talent Tier Activation Source
landscape. These technologies vary quite a bit,
but they almost universally share the quality of Bullrush 1 Active RoT, p. 84
being fantastically effective and deeply arcane. It (Incidental)
takes years of study and more than a little bit of Challenge! 1 Active RoT, p. 84
natural aptitude to really utilize and understand (Maneuver)
many of these technologies. Use Technology to Clever Retort 1 Active CRB, p. 73
interact with equipment (as described by the (Incidental,
respective equipment) or with environmental Out Of Turn)
elements such as power generators, predator Close 1 Active SotC, p. 74
aversion fences, or even more esoteric Combatant (Incidental)

Desperate 1 Passive CRB, p. 73 Steed and 1 Passive Page 19
Recovery Spirit
Delver 1 Passive Page 18 Surgeon 1 Passive CRB, p. 74
Durable 1 Passive CRB, p. 73 Swift 1 Passive CRB, p. 75
Fearsome 1 Passive SotC, p. 74 Talk Shop 1 Active SotC, p. 78
Finesse 1 Active RoT, p. 84 (Incidental)
(Incidental) Toughened 1 Passive CRB, p. 77
Forager 1 Passive CRB, p. 73 Tumble 1 Active RoT, p. 87
Former 1 Passive Page 19 (Incidental)
Instructor Well 1 Passive SotC, p. 78
Grit 1 Passive CRB, p. 73 Organized
Hamstring 1 Active CRB, p. 73 Village 1 Passive Page 19
Shot (Action) Regular
Hand on the 1 Active SotB, p. 45 Adventurous 2 Passive Page 19
Throttle (Incidental) Anthem 2 Active SotC, p. 78
Hard Headed 1 Active SotC, p. 74 (Maneuver)
(Action) Block 2 Active RoT, p. 87
Jump Up 1 Active CRB, p. 73 (Incidental,
(Incidental) Out Of Turn)
Knack for It 1 Passive CRB, p. 73 Blood and 2 Active Page 19
Know 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Sweat (Incidental)
Somebody (Incidental) Brilliant 2 Active EPG, p. 95
Let’s Ride 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Casting (Incidental)
(Incidental) Coordinated 2 Active CRB, p. 75
One with 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Assault (Maneuver)
Nature (Incidental) Counteroffer 2 Active CRB, p. 75
Parry 1 Active CRB, p. 74 (Action)
(Incidental, Daring 2 Active CRB, p. 75
Out Of Turn) Aviator (Incidental)
Political Mind 1 Active Page 19 Defensive 2 Active CRB, p. 75
(Incidental) Stance (Maneuver)
Precision 1 Active RoT, p. 84 Determined 2 Active SotB, p. 48
(Incidental) Driver (Incidental)
Quick Draw 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Distraction! 2 Active SotC, p. 78
(Incidental) (Action)
Quick Strike 1 Passive CRB, p. 74 Encouraging 2 Active RoT, p. 88
Rapid 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Song (Action)
Reaction (Incidental, Exploit 2 Active RoT, p. 88
Out Of Turn) (Incidental)
Resourceful 1 Passive SotB, p. 45 Flash of 2 Passive RoT, p. 88
Mechanic Insight
Second Wind 1 Active CRB, p. 74 Flavor 2 Active SotC, p. 79;
(Incidental) Sensation (Action) Page 19
Generalist 2 Passive Page 20

Gentle Touch 2 Active Page 20 Bloodhound 3 Active SotC, p. 81
(Incidental) (Incidental)
Grapple 2 Active RoT, p. 88 Bodyguard 3 Active RoT, p. 90
(Incidental) (Maneuver)
Heightened 2 Passive CRB, p. 76 Born in the 3 Active SotC, p. 81
Awareness Saddle (Incidental)
Implacable 2 Passive SotC, p. 79 Breaking 3 Active SotC, p. 81;
Inspiring 2 Active CRB, p. 76 Bread (Action) page 20
Rhetoric (Action) Contingency 3 Active SotC, p. 81
Inventor 2 Active CRB, p. 76 Plan (Incidental)
(Incidental) Daredevil 3 Passive SotC, pp. 82;
Know-It-All 2 Active SotC, p. 79 page 20
(Incidental) Dodge 3 Active CRB, p. 78
Natural 2 Active Page 20 (Incidental,
Medicines (Action) Out Of Turn)
Parkour! 2 Active SotB, p. 49 Dramatic 3 Active SotC, p. 82
(Maneuver) Entrance (Incidental,
Patch Up 2 Active SotC, p. 79 Out Of Turn)
(Incidental) Dumb Luck 3 Active SotB, p. 49
Probing 2 Passive SotB, p. 49 (Incidental)
Question Elusive 3 Active SotC, p. 82
Quick Fix 2 Active SotB, p. 49 (Incidental,
(Maneuver) Out Of Turn)
Scathing 2 Active CRB, p. 77 Externalized 3 Active Page 20
Tirade (Action) Failure (Incidental,
Sharp Tongue 2 Passive SotC, p. 79 Out Of Turn)
Side Step 2 Active CRB, p. 77 Field 3 Active CRB, p. 78
(Maneuver) Commander (Action)
Theorist 2 Passive Page 20 Full Throttle 3 Active CRB, p. 78
Threaten 2 Active RoT, p. 89 (Action)
(Incidental, Hard Boiled 3 Active SotB, p. 50
Out Of Turn) (Incidental)
Tickets to the 2 Active SotC, p. 80; Inspiring Cry 3 Active SotC, p. 83
Gun Show (Incidental) page 20 (Maneuver)
A History of 3 Passive Page 20 Inspiring 3 Passive CRB, p. 78
Violence Rhetoric
Animal 3 Passive CRB, p. 77 (Improved)
Companion Laugh It Off 3 Active SotB, p. 50
Anthem 3 Passive SotC, p. 81 (Incidental,
(Improved) Out Of Turn)
Applied 3 Active SotB, p. 49 Master of 3 Active EPG, p. 77
Research (Incidental) Illusion (Incidental)
Bad Habit 3 Active SotB, p. 49 Natural 3 Active CRB, p. 79
(Maneuver) (Incidental)

Nimble 3 Active SotB, p. 50 Quick Witted 4 Active SotB, p. 51
(Incidental) (Incidental,
Pressure 3 Active RoT, p. 90 Out Of Turn)
Point (Incidental) Scathing 4 Active CRB, p. 81
Scathing 3 Passive CRB, p. 79 Tirade (Incidental)
Tirade (Supreme)
(Improved) Stunned 4 Active SotC, p. 84
Sociable 3 Passive Page 21 Silence (Incidental)
Sun Baked 3 Active Page 21 Wilderness 4 Active Page 21
(Incidental) Combatant (Incidental,
Tag and 3 Passive SotC, p. 83 Out Of Turn)
Release Worldbreaker 4 Passive Page 21
Takedown 3 Active SotB, p. 51 You Owe Me 4 Active SotB, p. 52
(Action) One (Incidental)
You Owe Me 3 Active SotB, p. 51 (Improved)
One (Incidental) Beastmaster 5 Passive SotC, p. 84
Back-to-Back 4 Passive RoT, p. 91 Dedication 5 Passive CRB, p. 81
Can’t We Talk 4 Active CRB, p. 79 Dramatic 5 Active SotC, p. 84
About This? (Action) Entrance (Incidental,
Conduit 4 Active RoT, p. 91 (Supreme) Out Of Turn)
(Incidental) Indomitable 5 Active CRB, p. 81
Defensive 4 Passive CRB, p. 80 (Incidental,
Dramatic 4 Active SotC, p. 83 Out Of Turn)
Entrance (Incidental, Let’s Talk 5 Active RoT, p. 91;
(Improved) Out Of Turn) This Over (Incidental, page 22
Dramatic 4 Active SotC, p. 83; Out Of Turn)
Escape (Incidental) page 21 Master 5 Active CRB, p. 81
Elementary 4 Active SotB, p. 51; (Incidental)
(Action) page 21 Ruinous 5 Active CRB, p. 81
Enduring 4 Passive CRB, p. 80 Repartee (Action)
Field 4 Passive CRB, p. 80 Sharp Tongue 5 Passive SotC, p. 84
Commander (Improved)
How 4 Active CRB, p. 80;
Convenient! (Action) page 21
Tier 1
Ingenious 4 Active SotC, p. 84
Solution (Incidental) Delver
Inspiring 4 Active CRB, p. 80
Rhetoric (Incidental) Tier: 1
(Supreme) Activation: Passive
Masterful 4 Active EPG, p. 97 Ranked: Yes
Casting (Incidental) After your character makes a Perception,
Parkour! 4 Active SotB, p. 51 Vigilance, or Knowledge (History) check to
(Improved) (Incidental) notice, identify, or avoid a threat in a cavern,
ruin, or similar location, your character cancels a

number of uncanceled no greater than your Tier 2
character’s ranks in Delver.

Former Instructor
Tier: 2
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Athletics and Technology are now career skills for
When you take this talent, your character gains your character.
one Knowledge skill (of your choice) as a career
skill. In addition, once per session, your character
may collect a small favor from a member of a Blood and Sweat
community’s leadership or the Floating Tower,
Tier: 2
even if they do not owe your character a favor.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Political Mind Before your character makes a Shaping skill
check, they may suffer a number of wounds to
Tier: 1
use this talent to add an equal number of to
Activation: Active (Incidental)
the check. The number cannot exceed your
Ranked: Yes
character’s ranks in Blood and Sweat. For every
After your character makes a Charm check, they
may suffer 1 strain to use this talent to cancel added this way, increase Discord by 1.
equal to your character’s ranks in Political
Mind. Survival Medicine
Tier: 2
Steed and Spirit Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1
Before making a Medicine check, your character
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No may use this talent to add equal to their
The Riding skill is now coupled to Presence ranks in Survival Medicine to the results. After
instead of Agility. the check is resolved, the target suffers 2 strain
for each rank your character has in Survival
Village Regular
Tier: 1 Flavor Sensation
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Your character gains Knowledge (Community) or Activation: Active (Action)
Negotiation as a career skill. In addition, once per Ranked: No
session, your character may collect a small favor Use Knowledge (Community) instead of Knowledge
from any member of a single community (chosen (Culture).
when you take this talent), even if they do not
owe your character a favor.

Generalist Tickets to the Gun Show
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out Of Turn)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When you take this talent, select two General Tickets to the Gun Show may only be used against
Skills that are not currently career skills for your wildlife and creatures.
character. They are now career skills for your
character. Repeat this effect for every rank taken
in Generalist. Tier 3

Gentle Touch A History of Violence

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
A number of times per session equal to your When you take this talent, select a Combat Skill
ranks in Gentle Touch, when your character or an that is not currently a career skill for your
ally would otherwise cause Discord to increase, character. It is now a career skill for your
you may spend a Story Point to not increase character. For each rank taken in A History of
Discord. Violence beyond the first, you may select up to
two Combat Skills.

Natural Medicines
Breaking Bread
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Action)
While in the wilderness, your character may Ranked: No
Use Knowledge (Community) instead of Knowledge
make an Average ( ) Survival check. This (Culture).
check adds for every 2 Discord. On success,
craft one healing salve (painkiller) for each rank Daredevil
your character has inNatural Medicines.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Theorist Ranked: No
Replace Piloting with Driving.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Externalized Failure
When you take this talent, select up to two
Knowledge Skills that are not currently career Tier: 3
skills for your character. They are now career Activation: Active (Incidental, Out Of Turn)
skills for your character. Ranked: Yes
When your character would suffer strain for any
reason, you may instead ignore an amount of

strain by increasing Discord the same amount up Elementary
to the number of ranks you have in Externalized
Failure. Your character may only use this talent a Tier: 4
number of times each session equal to the Activation: Active (Action)
number of ranks you have in Externalized Ranked: No
Failure. Rather than “at a crime scene,” Elementary may be
used at the site of any event that was the result, or
caused an increase, of Discord.
Tier: 3 How Convenient!
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Tier: 4
When you take this talent, select two Social Skills Activation: Active (Action)
that are not currently career skills for your Ranked: No
character. They are now career skills for your
character. Repeat this effect for every rank taken How Convenient! may be used to make a Hard (
in Sociable.
) Technology check instead of Mechanics.
The check used should correlate with the type of
Sun Baked device being targeted.

Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Wilderness Combatant
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
When your character makes a check to recover
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out Of Turn)
strain at the end of an encounter (as described on
Ranked: No
page 117 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook), your
When your character is targeted by a combat
character may make an Easy ( ) Commune check while in a wilderness environment, you
check instead of Discipline or Cool. If your may spend one Story Point to use this talent
before the dice pool is rolled. If you do so, your
character does so, they heal 1 strain per and
character's opponent removes all added to
soothe 1 per . the check, and instead adds an equal number of
to the results.
Tier 4
Dramatic Escape
Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No This talent can be only taken by a character of the
Dramatic Escape also increases Discord by 1. Shaper specialty. When you take this talent, your
character gains access to the Attack spell through
the Shaping skill. When casting an Attack spell,

than the standard 50 credits of the CRB). Healing
uncanceled may be spent to increase
salves are useful and commonplace so it can be
Discord by 1.
helpful to think of items in terms of how many
healing salves they could be traded for (i.e.,
Tier 5 divide by 75). Finally, if you are utilizing the
optional favor economy rules, a small favor is
worth a couple healing salves, a normal favor a
Let’s Talk This Over few days’ supply (e.g., half a dozen or so), and a
big favor might inch towards weeks or months of
Tier: 5 healing salves for someone active across the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out Of Turn) Valley.
Ranked: No
In addition, when a combat encounter against one or
Equipment for Trailsetters
more wildlife creatures is about to begin, the
Name Type Price Encum. Rarity
character may make a Daunting (
) Commune check for the same effect as described in Adaptable Gear 750 1 5
Realms of Terrinoth. Multitool
Ar Tel’s Vaulting Gear 1000 2 10
Dramatic Escape Boundary Consu 150 1 3
Sensor mable
Tier: 4
Camoweave Armor 500 1 7
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Carbonforged Gear 300 2 3
Dramatic Escape also increases Discord by 1.
Carbonforged Gear 300 1 4

New Equipment
Dayhowler Gear 450 0 6
Energized Armor 650 2 7
The table below lists some of the equipment that Hiking Greaves
is available in Trailsetters. Much equipment that Field Journal Gear 100 1 2
is available in the official resources (CRB, EPG, Ferinodex Gear 900 1 8
RoT, SotB, SotC, etc.) and beyond are appropriate Functional Gear 500 2 3
to use in Trailsetters with minimum, if any, Replica
modification. Gauzeblade Weapon 850 0 7
Healing Salve Gear 75 0 1
A comment on prices. These are intended
Hydrolens Gear 500 1 5
to serve as an abstraction. While it isn’t yet clear
what the typical currency is in the Valley or the
rest of the world of Earthborne Rangers, or if Infusion Gear 800 1 6
there even is one, the prices simply set the Canteen
relative value of things and are still usable in a Intention Gear 600 1 7
bartering economy. Translator
Ironwool Boots Armor 400 1 4
A painkiller in this setting, called a Loose-leaf Tea Gear 150 3 3
healing salve, is worth about 75 credits (rather Kit

Meditation Gear 90 1 2 Adaptable Multitool
Memlev Gear 800 2 7 The adaptable multitool is, well, adaptable. You
Trekking Poles may spend a maneuver to switch it between its
Memorill Gear 800 1 4 various functions, which are listed below:
Nidocyte Gear 250 1 5
Sentinel Gain on Survival checks. This configuration
Novice Lens Gear 1200 4 7 of the adaptable multitool provides for brush
Orlin Hiking Weapon 800 1 6 cutting functionality.
Orlin Thumper Weapon 900 1 7
Paratrepsis Gear 225 0 4 Gain on Athletics checks. This configuration
Whistle of the adaptable multitool combines suction
Phonoscopic Gear 325 1 7 threads and a pick-like structure that is perfectly
Headset suited for climbing, anchoring, and other feats of
Pocketed Belt Gear 225 1 3 athleticism.
Multichannel Recorder
Puffercrawler Consu 200 0 4
Spores mable Gain on Cartography checks. In the
Ranger Badge Gear - 0 10 multichannel recorder configuration, the
Reverb Locket Gear 475 0 9 adaptable multitool operates in both receiver and
Rod of the Conduit 800 1 6 transmitter mode to probe the environment
Clouds around it. Moreover, those with ranks in
Scepter of Conduit 800 1 6 Technology can use this configuration and a bit
Harmony of elbow grease to communicate over radio
Sil’s Sketchbook Gear 1000 1 10 frequencies with other transmitters in the area
Spiderpad Gear 375 1 5 (community communications, personal
Gloves communications devices, other adaptable
Staff of the Conduit 800 2 6 multitools, etc.).
Wanderer Defense Configuration
Stave of the Sun Conduit 800 2 7 The adaptable multitool can be switched into a
Static Sifter Gear 300 1 3 last ditch defensive configuration, providing a
Trail Markers Consu 100 1 2 weapon with the below profile.
Trail Mix Consu 50 1 0
mable Skills Damage Critical Range Special
Tranquilisnare Weapon 1100 2 8
Translocator Gear 1600 2 9 Melee +2 3 Engaged Stun 2
Universal Power Gear 175 1 6
Wrist-mounted Weapon 650 1 6
Ar Tel’s Vaulting Rod
Darter Ar Tel built this vaulting rod himself and it has
been a mainstay in his travels around the Valley.
The vaulting rod is used to leap over obstacles,

though it could just as easily be used to traverse a opposed by Discipline check. If successful, the
chasm or push a raft along. Additionally, it makes user may spend a maneuver to force the animal
a decent fishing rod. to make a move maneuver of their choice.
A character with Ar Tel’s Vaulting Rod equipped
may move to a location up to medium distance
away with a single move maneuver. If by a body
Carbonforged Trowel
of water, Ar Tel’s Vaulting Rod may be used to As a carbonforged implement, this trowel is
exceptionally resistant to corrosion and general
make an Easy ( ) Survival check. Your
wear and tear. In addition to often being “the
character catches one fish for each uncanceled
right tool for the job,” the carbonforged trowel
confers a to digging- and plant-related
checks made by the wielder.
Boundary Sensor
Boundary sensors utilize little understood Dayhowler
technology from an age ago. A character using a
In an encounter, a character that currently
boundary sensor gains on all navigation possesses a dayhowler may spend a maneuver to
related checks (e.g., Survival, Driving, Riding, add a charge to it. As an out-of-turn incidental,
etc.) for the rest of the encounter or next few the charged dayhowler can be depleted to
hours, whichever makes sense given the context. disorient a number of adversaries equal to the
number of charges added to the dayhowler for
the same number of rounds. Depleting the
Camoweave Cloak dayhowler does not destroy it, but does damage
By twisting the clasp, the surface of the it one step. The dayhowler loses all unused
camoweave cloak can be triggered to adopt the charges at the end of the encounter.
surrounding environment’s patterns and colors.
This equipment grants the wearer 2 Range Energized Hiking Greaves
Defense. In addition, the wearer may spend a
maneuver to activate the camoweave cloak to A blend of advanced technology and handcrafted
provisioning, energized hiking greaves allow
gain on Stealth checks for the remainder
users to push past exhaustion and even add a
of the encounter or next few hours, whichever
little pep in their step. Energized hiking greaves
makes sense given the context. Once activated,
the camoweave cloak cannot be activated again provide +1 melee defense and on Athletics
until repowered with a Universal Power Cell. checks. As a maneuver, a character wearing
energized hiking greaves may deplete their
charge to recover half their current strain. Once
Carbonforged Cable depleted, a universal power cell or some other
This cable is composed of a material that power source must be found and an Average (
seemingly does not degrade or corrode, yet is still
) Technology check must be succeeded
flexible enough to be used as either a tether or a
in order to recharge them. This check consumes
lead. This functions similarly to standard rope
the universal power cell, or an equivalent
insofar that it is often “the right tool for the job.”
amount of energy.
In addition, users may attempt to lasso a wild
animal as an action by making a Commune

Field Journal replica. On a , the targeted item is destroyed
in the attempt.
Rangers often spend a moment recounting their
day, travels and challenges, before sleeping for
the night. Gain on Cartography checks.
In its inactive state, a gauzeblade looks like a
Ferinodex mere bolt of crinkly cloth. However, with just a
small amount of training, users can learn to flick
A “smart” book, a sensor extends and telescopes the gauzeblade in just such a way that it triggers
out from its spine when activated. The sensor the thing to stiffen into a razor-sharp knife. In its
will scan any fauna within a short range and active state, a gauzeblade has the weapon profile
information will write itself upon the otherwise below.
blank pages of the book detailing the creature’s
biology and behaviors. Gain on Survival Skills Damage Critical Range Special
checks involving animals. May spend a maneuver
to scan an adversary in short range by making a Melee +4 3 Engaged Pierce 3
Coordination opposed by Athletics check. On
success, identify weaknesses in the target’s
Healing Salve
physiology or behaviors, conferring to
combat checks made against it by anyone who Either due to engineering or simply a fortuitous
learns this information for the remainder of the happenstance of evolution, the various flora in
encounter. the wilderness exhibit useful medicinal
properties. With a bit of skill, people can put
together a soothing balm to take advantage of
Functional Replica this fact.
Healing salves work similarly to
Through careful study, a skilled artisan can often
standard painkillers for the most part; however, a
craft a replica of a piece of technology that will at
healing salve starts off by healing only 3 wounds
least work in a pinch. This item is a kit of various
and using a fourth healing salve in a day has no
components that may be used to create a
further effect.
functional replica of another item.
If you have access to a piece of
technology or craftsmanship, you may make a Hydrolens Goggles
Hard ( ) Technology check adding Hydrolens goggles use moisture from the air and
a number of times equal to half the rarity of tightly tuned charge field to create stereo lenses
the targeted item. On a successful check, you for clarified viewing. When a user looks through
craft a functional replica of the item that operates working hydrolens goggles, they are presented
exactly as the targeted item does, but only once with a contrast enhanced, light enhanced, and
or for one encounter, whichever is appropriate color enhanced view. Hydrolens goggles add
based on the item. Uncancelled may be on all Perception checks and can hold up to 3
spent to add an additional use to the functional charges. A charge may be spent to set the
hydrolens goggles into active enhancement
mode, conferring an additional on

Perception checks as well as Vigilance for the might normally be. If a character wearing
remainder of the encounter or a short amount of ironwool boots successfully makes a Survival
time. Universal power cells or the equivalent may check, they always recover 1 strain without
be used to recharge hydrolens goggles.
spending (up to the GM’s discretion in order
to avoid abuse). In addition, ironwool boots
Infusion Canteen provide +1 armor as wearers’ increased agility
makes them more difficult to hit.
Normally just a portable vessel for water,
infusion canteens can be activated to energize
the next few sips taken from them. As a Loose-leaf Tea Kit
maneuver, a character may spend a charge on an
A nice cup of floral tea is a customary
infusion canteen to negate the next voluntarily
mid-afternoon pick-me-up in the Valley. If a
taken strain cost, such as to use an ability, talent,
character with a loose-leaf tea kit has access to
or make a Shaping check. Infusion canteens can
hold up to 3 charges and require universal power water, they may make an Average ( )
cells or the equivalent to recharge. Survival check. On success, they scrounge up
some local flora and concoct a pleasant melody of
Intention Translator tea that both soothes and invigorates if drank
within the next hour, recovering strain equal to 1
Intention translators subtly interact with the
plus the number of uncancelled . A loose-leaf
slight electric field of wearers’ brains to amplify
tea kit can generally make only two servings of
intent via a variety of different physical
mechanisms. This effect is often mislabeled as a
“psychic” amplifier, even though such
phenomena are at best questionable and the Meditation Pillow
intention translator nevertheless operates on
entirely different principles. A character may Quiet meditation helps soothe the soul, recenter
spend a maneuver to activate a worn intention the mind, and calm any nerves. It’s still really
translator. Activated, the intention translator tough on your butt if you don’t have proper
seating in the woods, though. A character with a
grants on Charm, Leadership, and meditation pillow may make a Commune check,
Commune skill checks while also inflicting the difficulty of which is equal to half the current
on Negotiation and Deception skill checks made Discord, rounded up. For each uncancelled ,
by the wearer. that character recovers a strain. A good
meditation session can take anywhere from 15
Ironwool Boots minutes to a couple hours.

Ironwool boots have a durable internal lining

made of ironwool that is nevertheless incredibly
Memlev Trekking Poles
comfortable and form fitting. Some rangers Memlev trekking poles can be activated to
prefer to keep their ironwool boots on, even provide a small amount of buoyancy that adds up
when lounging, swearing that it is more quite dramatically over time. When not
comfortable than just letting their feet free in the activated, they are still quite useful hiking poles.
fresh air. They also have a good bit of spring to
them, making wearers more spry than they Survival checks related to traversal gain .

When a character activates memlev trekking enables a Shaping skill check to pay for some of
poles, they may recouple their next Survival or its own cost.
Athletics checks related to traversing the
environment to either Intellect or Cunning, and
Orlin Hiking Stave
both gain . Memlev trekking poles can hold
up to 3 charges and must be recharged with a Orln hiking staves are relatively simple, but very
universal power cell or the equivalent. effective and durable. Gain on any Survival
checks related to traversal. In addition, an orlin
Memorill Sketchpad hiking stave may be used as a fairly effective
weapon with the profile below.
Memorill sketchpads feel and look like paper
parchment in a dual scroll. However, a few quick
Skills Damage Critical Range Special
swipes allows users to save image or text and
reload new of the same. Effectively, memorill Melee +2 4 Engaged Concussive 1,
sketchpads allow for unlimited sketches and Knockdown
notes without needing an accompanying amount
of actual paper. Every time a user who has a
memorill sketchpad makes a successful Traversal Orlin Thumper
check of any sort, they may add a charge to their
memorill sketchpad. As an incidental, a character Orlin thumpers can be activated to send out
may expend any number of charges on a shockwaves of kinetic energy. Activating an orlin
memorill sketchpad to add that same number of thumper takes an action and expends a charge.
Orlin thumpers can hold up to 3 charges and
to a Cartography check. must be recharged with a universal power cell or
the equivalent. Orlin thumpers have the weapon
Nidocyte Sentinel profile below.

Nidocyte sentinels are small ceramic devices that

Skills Damage Critical Range Special
are worn along the waist. If they detect danger,
they send a pulse of energy up to wearers’ chests. Ranged 7 5 Short Blast 3,
Disorient 3,
Gain on Vigilance checks.
Stun Damage

Novice Lens
Paratrepsis Whistle
Novice lenses are bulky contraptions that are
commonly used by less experienced shapers. A Whistles and lures are a common tool for rangers
character may spend two maneuvers to pull a seeking to avoid animals in the wild. As a
novice lens out of their bags and set it up, maneuver, a character can use a paratrepsis
benefiting any character within short range of it. whistle to district and mildly lull creatures
Once set up, pay the strain cost of Shaping skill within long range. Affected creatures add to
checks as follows: 1 strain is paid before resolving Perception and Vigilance checks for a short while
the roll results, and 1 strain is paid after resolving or until the end of the encounter, whichever is
the roll results as usual. In effect, the novice lens appropriate.

Phonoscopic Headset Ranger Badge
Phonoscopic headsets merge audio and optical A symbol of the rangers of Lone Tree Station, this
signals to transmit an enhanced view of a badge lends significant authority to its bearer
surrounding environment directly into a user’s when they deal with the various communities
brain via electromagnetic interactions. The and people of the Valley. A character visibly
sensation is often described as “really weird.” A
donning this badge gains on all Social Skills
character may activate a worn phonoscopic
checks that target human community members
headset as an Out-Of-Turn Incidental. When the
of the Valley.
phonoscopic headset is activated, that character
adds to the next Perception, Vigilance, or
Cartography check. Phonoscopic headsets come
Reverb Locket
with a single charge and must be recharged with Reverb lockets constantly hum at a very low
a universal power cell or the equivalent. frequency that is barely detectable by wearers.
However, they are also constantly encoding
Pocketed Belt Pouch events in their surrounding environment into
their hummed frequency. When a particularly
Pockets are great! Way better than backpacks. impactful event is encoded, a reverb locket’s
Even those weird rangers who are obsessed with usually gentle tune can sometimes be felt in full
backpacks have to admit it. The pocketed belt force upon their chest. Once per encounter and as
pouch increases a user’s Encumbrance Threshold a maneuver, a character wearing a reverb locket
by 3 and adds 0 encumbrance when worn. can expend a charge to replicate the effect of a
single talent previously used by themselves or an
ally in the current encounter (regardless of
Puffercrawler Spores whether the talent is limited to once per
Puffercrawlers are encounter or once per session). Reverb lockets
predatory fungus can hold up to 2 chargers and must be recharged
that typically reside with a universal power cell or the equivalent.
in the lower forest
canopy and descend Rod of the Clouds (Conduit)(implement)
long sticky tendrils
down to the forest Rods of the clouds are especially configured to
floor to snatch up predictive shaping. As a conduit, a rod of the
unwary prey. clouds enables use of the Shaping skill to cast
Puffercrawl spores are known for being spells.
extremely volatile and able to overwhelm organic
material they come in contact with rapidly.
Damage Bonus Spell
Puffercrawler spores may be applied to a weapon
and lasts for the remainder of the encounter or +1 Predict
the next, as appropriate. The affected weapon + on Predict spells;
takes on a mycelium sheen and its damage is may add one of the Scry
reduced by 2 but it gains the Stun Damage and or Additional Questions
Pierce 2 qualities. Enemies struck by the weapon effect for free
sprout rapidly spreading fungal bulbs.

Scepter of Harmony (Conduit)(Implement) Staff of the Wanderer
Scepters of harmony thrum with a silent song (Conduit)(Implement)
that was built into them upon creation. As a
Staffs of the wanderer are attuned to the soil and
conduit, a scepter of harmony enables use of the
earth. As a conduit, a staff of the wanderer
Shaping skill to cast spells.
enables use of the Shaping skill to cast spells.

Damage Bonus Spell

Damage Bonus Spell
+1 Augment
+ on Augment +2 Area
+ on Area spells;
spells; gain access to the
may add the Reverse
Divine Health spell
spell effect for free
effect; reduce the cost of
adding the Additional
Target spell effect to
Stave of the Sun
Staves of the sun gather light into their bulbous
head and redirect its energy into fueling a
Sil’s Sketchbook wielding shaper’s abilities. In addition to the
implement profile below, a stave of the sun can
Sil has extensively traveled throughout the be made to luminesce, providing bountiful light
Valley. For much of those travels, he kept his in even the darkest environment and removing
handy paper sketchbook. A character in
up to associated with darkness. As a
possession of this item gains on all conduit, a stave of the sun enables use of the
Cartography and Survival checks. In addition, Shaping skill to cast spells.
once per session, the player may spend a story
point to have their character check Sil’s
Damage Bonus Spell
sketchbook for detailed notes on a particular
Valley fauna and use the information therein to +1 Mask
either avoid a targeted wildlife creature entirely + on Mask spells;
or chase it out of an encounter. may add the Mirror
Image spell effect for
free; reduce the cost of
Spiderpad Gloves adding the Invisibility
Spiderpad gloves have a mixed method gripping spell effect to
apparatus woven into their palms. Wearers gain
on all Athletics checks, and an additional
Static Sifter
on Athletics checks involving climbing.
Static sifters are crucial for life in the Valley and a
single one is generally able to feed a small group,
or family, of people with gathered produce from
the wilds. A character in possession of this item
gains on Survival checks. In addition, a static

sifter can be used to gather ingredients for
Skills Damage Critical Range Special
creating healing salves, trail mixes, loose-leaf tea,
or other small meals. Ranged 2 5 Short Stun
Trail Markers Thrum (see
A pack of trail markers are a common piece of
equipment for rangers and other travelers. When
tossed into the air, a trail marker will gently pull Translocator
itself towards a nearby limb or outcropping,
upon hitting which it will adhere and begin to Translocators use a technology long forgotten at
pulse with a distinct and noticeable, albeit this point, if it was ever widely known at all.
unintrusive, color coded light corresponding to Users of a translocator may cast the Move spell
its particular trail. If trail markers have been laid using Technology rather than Shaping. Each use
out between two locations previously, characters depletes a charge from the translocator.
making a Traversal between locations may Translocators may hold up 3 charges and must be
reduce the difficulty of any and all associated recharged by a universal power cell or equivalent.
checks once. As the Valley’s ecosystem is very
active, trail markers do not typically last longer
than a single Traversal (unless appropriate side Universal Power Cells
results are spent or other extenuating Universal power cells adapt themselves to an
circumstances). incredible number of interfaces and thus are the
standard method used to recharge depleted
Trail Mix technological items in the Valley. A universal
power cell typically holds only enough power to
This delicious medley is a staple of the Rangers. recover a single charge on an item before it itself
Consuming trail mix causes a character to has to be recharged. Universal power cells can be
recover 2 strain. A character may benefit from recharged at power generation sites or
this effect only two times in a single day. equivalent. They are a staple technology in the
Valley and it isn’t uncommon to come across
abandoned universal power cells out in the wilds
Tranquilisnare or in ruins, sometimes still carrying a forgotten
Tranquilisnares are more than mere nets. Small charge.
nodes distributed throughout the net produce a
thrumming sensation in the mesh that mimics Wrist-mounted Darter
the feeling of a mother cuddling her young. If a
creature has been ensnared by a tranquilisnare, it There are not many standard weapons in the
suffers increasing strain each round the Valley; however, the wrist-mounted darter is one
tranquilisnare has been applied, starting at 1 of them. It is as its name implies: a dart thrower
(and increasing to 2, then 3, and so on). The that is mounted on the wrist. A belt of darts
tranquilisnare uses the weapon profile below. wraps around the wrist and feeds ammunition to
the darter, which otherwise uses standard
tension mechanics to throw darts a substantial
distance at a deadly speed. The wrist-mounted
darter uses the weapon profile below.

Skills Damage Critical Range Special ● Prey.
● Silhouette 0: The difficulty of an
Ranged 6 4 Medium Auto-Fire attack made against a character 2 or
more silhouettes larger than the
attacker is decreased by 1. The

Adversaries difficulty of an attack made against a

character 2 or more silhouettes
smaller than the attacker is increased
Many flora and fauna are familiar; however, just by 1.
as many are new and alien, either due to natural
adaptation or intentional genetic engineering Weapons
projects by the Ancients. The profiles below are ● Snapping beaks: Brawl; Damage +4;
for some of these strange new creatures—and a Critical 4; Range [engaged]; Disorient 1
few people you might just come across as well.
In general, most natural creature profiles
from the official resources (CRB, EPG, RoT, SotB, Carnivorous Naiad (Rival)
SotC, etc.) and beyond are appropriate to use in
Trailsetters. No one knows why this shallow water seaweed
might have been engineered to be a carnivorous
predator, but it is highly unlikely such a plant
Agitated Meadowlarks (Minion) could have evolved naturally. Nevertheless,
carnivorous naiads are typically found in shallow
Small and common birds that are typically found
waters along lake shores. Once they find
in flocks, meadowlarks’ sounds are deeply
purchase on prey, they constrict tighter and
unsettling when they enter an agitated state.
tighter, dragging the unfortunate victim below
Moreover, the song of agitated meadowlarks has
the waves and close to their root system. The
been known to drive other wildlife into a frenzy.
more the victim struggles, the more the
C: 2, S: 1, G: 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence carnivorous naiad constricts, so the key to
extricating oneself from it is to remain calm and
1 3 1 1 1 1
move very carefully and in a controlled manner.
Soak: 1 WT: 2 Def.
M/R 2/2 C: 4, S: 1, G: 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
Skills (Group Only) 3 1 1 2 1 1
Brawl, Perception, Vigilance
Soak: 3 WT: 10 Def.
Abilities M/R 0/0
● Cacophonous Fright: If another Skills
creature is incapacitated while
Brawl 3, Stealth 2
agitated meadowlarks are still active,
agitated meadowlarks flees and Abilities
Discord increases by an amount equal
● Constrict: Carnivorous naiads may
to the number of surviving minions in
spend a maneuver to pull a target into
the minion group.
engaged range if that target is
● Flyer: This creature can fly.
currently ensnared.

C: 6, S: 1, G: 2
● Dissonant: If this creature is Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
incapacitated by wounds damage, do
not increase Discord. 4 2 1 2 1 1
● Drowner: If a carnivorous naiad has Soak: 7 WT: 13 Def.
inflicted ensnare on a target that is M/R 1/1
still ensnared and in engaged range, it
may spend an action to attempt a Skills
Brawl opposed to Athletics check to Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Perception 2, Survival 3,
drag the target below the water’s VIgilance 1
surface. On success, the target is
submerged and immediately begins to Abilities
suffocate (see GENESYS Core ● Adversary 2
Rulebook, p. 112). The target continues ● Mechanical: This adversary does not
to suffocate until they are no longer need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can
ensnared. survive in a vacuum and underwater.
● Grabby: If a carnivorous naiad lands They are immune to poisons and
an attack on a target that is currently toxins.
● Silhouette 2
afflicted with ensnare, can be
spent to extend the duration of Weapons
ensnare by one additional round. ● Caustic spray: Ranged; Damage 9;
● Immobile: Cannot spend maneuvers Critical 3; Range [short]; Blast 3, Burn
to move. 3
● Predator. ● Thrashing appendage: Brawl;
Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [engaged];
● Frond-teeth: Brawl; Damage +2; Knockdown, may spend to
Critical 2; Range [engaged]; Vicious 1 knock all other character engaged
● Grasping vines: Brawl; Damage +2; with the target prone
Critical 5; Range [short]; Ensnare 3

Circling Irix (Rival)

Caustic Mulcher (Rival) Irixes will track creatures that they think are
Caustic mulchers are a strange phenomenon, at likely to die soon for days at a time, tending to
once both totally foreign to the natural attract more irixes the longer they track their
environment and at this point a cornerstone of quarry. However, at a certain point, they are
local ecosystems. Caustic mulchers are an likely to run out of patience and hasten a
engineered melding of organics and machine creature’s demise on their own—at which they
and, while the specifics of their original are not particularly incapable. With four wings
construction and even continued existence and a razor-sharp beak, a circling irix will break
remain a mystery, it is clear that caustic mulchers formation and swoop down at startling speeds to
are the result of some long forgotten project by rend flesh and steel with its snapping jaws before
the Ancients or someone else. swiftly returning to the skies. As they push a
creature to exhaustion, an irix’s attacks become
all the more devastating.

C: 4, S: 1, G: 2 ● Cloudhive: May spend from
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence PC rolls to recover, or add if it would
3 2 1 2 1 1 put cloudhive swarm above threshold,

Soak: 6 WT: 11 Def. 3 wounds. May spend to declare a

M/R 2/0 nearby cloudhive, which generates a
new cloudhive swarm adversary every
Skills round. This adversary adds a NPC slot
Brawl 3 to the end of the initiative tracker.
● Pollinators: If a cloudhive swarm is
Abilities incapacitated by wound damage
● Flyer: This creature can fly. (rather than strain), Discord increases
● Swoop Attack: After making a Brawl by an additional point.
combat check, can move from engaged ● Silhouette 2
to short range of the target as an ● Swarm: Halve the damage dealt to the
incidental. swarm before applying Soak unless
● Vulturine: If the target of an attack is the weapon has the Blast or Burn
at more than half their strain or quality, regardless of whether or not
wounds threshold, this adversary that quality is activated.
gains an additional on the attack ● Venomous: Targets who are wounded
action. by a cloudhive swarm must make a

Weapons Hard ( ) Resilience check

as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 4
● Beak: Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3;
strain, and must check again on their
Range [engaged]; Sunder, Vicious 2
next turn if the check generates .

Cloudhive Swarm (Rival) Weapons

● Stingers: Brawl; Damage 1; Critical 4;
Cloudhive bees are an integral part of the Valley Range [engaged]; Sunder, Pierce 3
ecosystem, ensuring thorough pollination of the
myriad flora found in the region. However, they
are quite territorial and have a venomous sting. Dozing Bearsloth (Rival)
C: 4, S: 1, G: 1 Bearsloths are solitary creatures that sleepily
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence lumber through the wilderness in search of food,
1 3 1 1 1 1 be it plant or meat, and a nice branch to snooze
in. As a result of their penchant for dozing in tree
Soak: 1 WT: 25 Def. branches, they often ambush prey simply as the
M/R 0/0
opportunity arises and by dropping down upon
Skills their unsuspecting prey’s head from the canopy
Brawl 1, Coordination 2 above.

● Flyer: This creature can fly.

C: 4, S: 1, G: 2 C: 1, S: 1, G: 4
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

4 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1

Soak: 5 WT: 12 Def. Soak: 1 WT: 3 Def.

M/R 0/0 M/R 1/1

Skills Skills
Brawl 3, Cool 2, Perception 3, Stealth 4, (Group only) Brawl, Coordination, Deception,
Survival 3, Vigilance 3 Skulduggery, Stealth, Survival, Vigilance

Abilities Abilities
● Adversary 1 ● Grab and Dash: Once a minion group
● Driven Mad: At Discord 4, Adversary of kleptic raccoons has stolen two
increases to 2; at Discord 8, Adversary pieces of gear, they will attempt to
increases to 3. flee. If kleptic raccoons are at long
● Mossy Fur: While in a forest range from any other character, they
environment, and if it has not yet may exit the encounter as an
moved, dozing bearsloths gain on
● Prey
Stealth checks and any characters
● Shifty Little Things: Characters
attempting to detect the dozing
targeting kleptic raccoons with a skill
bearsloth suffers on
check suffer for each range band
corresponding Perception and
they are away from kleptic raccoons
Vigilance checks.
beyond Short.
● Predator
● Sticky Paws: As an action, kleptic
Weapons raccoons may attempt to steal a piece
of gear from a character with whom
● Razor claws: Brawl; Damage +4;
they are engaged by making a
Critical 2; Range [engaged]; Vicious 3
Coordination opposed by Vigilance
● Trunk-like arms: Brawl; Damage +5;
Critical 4; Range [engaged];
Concussive 1, Knockdown Weapons
● Teeth and claws: Brawl; Damage +2;
Critical 3; Range [engaged]; Vicious 1
Kleptic Raccoon (Minion)
Kleptic raccoons are what their name implies—a
small species of some sort of fox-raccoon hybrid Pouncing Atrox (Rival)
that is known for thieving. They are not typically
Atroxes fill a similar niche to mountain lions in
dangerous, but very frustrating to deal with
ages past and are likely either an evolutionary
when they snatch some shiny gear off an
descendant of the creatures or an engineering
unsuspecting ranger before dashing back into the
project based on them that has mostly
supplanted mountain lions. They are typically
ambush predators and will track a group of prey

for miles as they wait for one to split off from the
pack for even just a moment.
Brawl 3, Coordination 3, Perception 4,
C: 3, S: 1, G: 1
Resilience 3, Survival 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
3 3 1 2 1 1
● Adversary 1
Soak: 3 WT: 10 Def. ● Endurance Hunter: If the target of a
M/R 2/0 wolhund’s attack action is above half
their strain threshold, the wolhund
Skills gains +2 damage to their attack.
Brawl 3, Coordination 3, Perception 4, Stealth ● Pack Fighter: If this adversary makes
3, Survival 2 a successful combat check, the next
ally making a combat check against
the same target during the same
● Maul: Add to Brawl checks round adds to the results.
against prone or immobilized targets. ● Packmates: If a wolhund has been in a
● Pounce: As a maneuver, a pouncing combat encounter for three rounds, it
atrox may enter engaged with a target may summon another prowling
at medium range. This maneuver must wolhund as an incidental. When this
be followed by an attack action. For additional wolhund enters the
purposes of Quiet Killer, the maneuver encounter, add a new NPC slot to the
does not make the target aware of the end of the initiative order. This
pouncing atrox. additional wolhund cannot act until
● Predator the next round.
● Quiet Killer: May use Stealth instead ● Predator
of Brawl when making combat checks
against unaware targets. Weapons
● Bite: Brawl; Damage +3; Critical 3;
Range [engaged]; Knockdown, Vicious
● Razor claws: Brawl; Damage +4; 1
Critical 2; Range [engaged]; Vicious 3

Quiet (Nemesis)
Prowling Wolhund (Rival)
Quiet, a bearded lynx, is a legendary predator in
Wolhunds are pack animals that commonly the Valley. Though she is rumored to be a
scout for prey individually. If you see one maneater, this is merely a tall tale. In reality,
wolhund on the prowl, chances are that more are Quiet has taken to hunting other predators and,
on the way. if there are other predators in a combat
C: 5, S: 1, G: 1 encounter with her, she will divert to killing
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence those other predators before returning to kill any
human prey.
4 2 1 2 1 1

Soak: 4 WT: 17 Def.

M/R 0/0

C: 8, S: 1, G: 3 C: 2, S: 1, G: 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1

Soak: 4 WT: 26 Def. Soak: 1 WT: 3 Def.

ST: 11 M/R 0/0 M/R 1/1

Skills Skills
Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Coordination 3, (Group only) Brawl, Survival, Vigilance
Perception 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Vigilance 4
Abilities ● Predator
● Adversary 2 ● Prey
● Unexpected Attack: If this character ● Stampede: For every three minions in
has not been yet been identified as a
this minion group, add to any
threat, they use Stealth to determine
Brawl checks.
● Relentless: After making a successful Weapons
combat check against a target, add
● Teeth and claws: Brawl; Damage +2;
to the next combat check this Critical 3; Range [engaged]; Vicious 1
adversary makes against the same
● Predator Sitka Buck (Rival)
Weapons Sitka bucks are usually very passive, albeit
● Claws and fangs: Brawl; Damage +6; territorial around other bucks. They are more
Critical 3; Range [engaged]; Pierce 2 likely to respond to passersby with silent
disregard while munching some foliage than
aggression or threat. However, if a doe is nearby,
bucks become highly aggressive towards
Romping Lutrinal (Minion) trespassers or even other bucks.
Lutrinals are highly social creatures, typically
found by shallow streams and riverbeds. C: 4, S: 1, G: 1
Lutrinals are hardly ever a threat on an Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

individual basis. They are quite small animals. 4 2 2 1 1 1

However, when they come together as a group,
they’ve been known to surprise new rangers with Soak: 4 WT: 17 Def.
M/R 0/0
a frenetic ferocity. Nevertheless, they rarely cause
lasting damage to creatures as large as humans, Skills
and will usually just leave a few deep scratches Brawl 1, Survival 4, Vigilance 4
and bite marks before diving into a nearby blue
kelpweed forest, in which they are near Abilities
impossible to track. ● Adversary 1
● Bestial Rage: Once this character has
taken wounds damage, reduce the
Critical rating of its attacks to 1.

● Grappling Antlers: This character
● Strength in Numbers: Adds to
may take the Grapple incidental. Until
combat checks when there are at least
the start of this character’s next turn,
two other friendly nemeses, rivals, or
enemies must spend two maneuvers
minion groups engaged in the
to disengage.
● Prey encounter. Add to combat checks
when there are no other friendly
Weapons nemeses, rivals, or minion groups
● Thundering hooves: Brawl; Damage engaged in the encounter.
+5; Critical 4; Range [engaged];
Concussive 1, Knockdown Weapons
● Clomping hooves: Brawl; Damage +2;
Critical 4; Range [engaged]; Disorient
Sitka Doe (Rival) 2

Sitka does are much like the bucks in that they

are typically passive herbivores. Whereas bucks Small Adipodal Crab (Minion)
tend to be solitary, does often travel in small
herds of three to five does and perhaps, but not Adipodal crabs are small crabs common to the
necessarily, a single buck that meanders in and streams and tributaries of the Valley. They are
out of the herd. surprisingly curious for a crustacean and will
occasionally follow travelers around as they
C: 4, S: 1, G: 1 wander nearby the running waters the adipodal
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence crabs call home. If one crab is following, it
3 2 2 1 1 1 increases the likelihood of a second crab, and two
crabs increase the likelihood of a third crab, and
Soak: 3 WT: 12 Def. so on. It isn’t uncommon for small swarms of the
M/R 0/0 things to follow behind rangers patrolling along
Skills the waterways, filling the air with soft clicks and
Brawl 1, Survival 4, Vigilance 4
Adipodal crabs have a unique
Abilities metabolism and their hard shells absorb
● Ecologically Integral: If this sunlight, converting it into electricity internally
adversary is incapacitated by wounds which is then converted into fat tissues beneath
damage, increase Discord by an the crustaceans’ shells. These charged fatty
additional 2 points in addition to what deposits can be used very similarly to a universal
it would otherwise be increased by. power cell by one with sufficient skill. As an
action, a character may attempt to charge a
● Pack Fighter: If this adversary makes
device by means of a cooperative adipodal crab by
a successful combat check, the next
ally making a combat check against making a Hard ( ) Mechanics check
the same target during the same
round adds to the results. or a Daunting ( ) Medicine
● Prey check.

C: 5, S: 1, G: 2 combat encounters and structured social
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence encounters with them are likely to be rare, so
2 4 2 4 2 2 they may or may not ever be statted out. For now,
they are just placeholders.
Soak: 4 WT: 10 Def.
M/R 0/0

Ar Tel, Angler (Rival)
(Group only) Athletics, Brawl, Survival,

Abilities Ben Amon, Swift Pilot (Nemesis)

● Charged Blood: Enemies who are
wounded by this creature must
succeed a Hard () Resilience check as
an Out-Of-Turn Incidental or suffer 4 Calypsa, Ranger Mentor (Nemesis)
additional strain, add a to their
next combat check, and must make
the check again on their next turn if
Elder Murtok Gral (Nemesis)
the check generates .
● Pack Tactics: When this creature's
minion group consists of at least two
minions and is engaged with a target,
they can spend a maneuver to prevent
Hy Pimpot, Chef (Rival)
the target from disengaging from the
minion group until the end of their
next turn and to add to their Kordo, Ranger Veteran (Nemesis)
next combat check against that target.
● Pretty Darned Cute: When an
opponent targets this character with a
combat check, they suffer 2 strain.
● Prey
Lunn, Outpost Tender (Rival)
● Little snappers: Brawl; Damage +2;
Critical 3; Range [engaged]; Vicious 1 Oura Vos, Traveler (Rival)

Named NPCs Quisi Vos, Rascal (Rival)

The following list of adversaries are named
characters from the ACG that it would make
sense to encounter in a game of Trailsetters.
However, they are not really expected to ever be

Ren Kobo, Merchant (Nemesis)

Sil Belai, Artist (Rival)

Spirit Speaker Nal (Nemesis)

Vira, Lake Guide (rival)


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