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“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

” – John Dewey

VO – Looking for a school to enroll in?

Parent searching school in Google (Where should I enroll my child?)

Parent sees her child playing.

VO - Do you want their skills and abilities to be enhanced?

Parent joined with her child playing.

VO - Are you afraid that they will be more dependent on you? Well, this is your answer
to your problem.

Parent receives a message/notification.

VO - Welcome to, Linangin Elementary School, where every student can develop up
their utmost perfection in order for them to control the natural environment to his best
advantage. This school prepare learners for real and practical life. Be with us, be a
certified Nilinang, a product of Linangin Elementary School!

Short video of school and students

VO - Linangin Elementary School is Public Elementary School located at Porac-

Dinalupihan Rd, San Ramon Dinalupihan, Bataan. Its Mission is “To foster students
approach in character development and provide them with supportive, collaborative,
and engaging education through lifelong learning. Its Vision is “To develop students in
their full potentials and become responsible citizens in the Philippines by providing
them with high quality education in a safe environment through excellent and
innovative approach with relevant and realistic resources in the future”
Grades 1 to 6 are included in Linangin Elementary School. Learners obtain a
certificate of completion after completing the six-year elementary program.


The elementary curriculum provides a variety of learning opportunities for students to

obtain the fundamental knowledge, abilities, values, attitudes, and habits that are
necessary for learning from experience.

Learning Areas

Grade 1 -3 includes the core compulsory subjects which are

1. English

2. Filipino

3. Mathematics

4. Araling Panlipunan

5. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

6. Music, Arts, Physical Education, Health (MAPEH)

7. Mother Tongue – the Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

policy mandates the use of local mother tongues as the language of instruction from
Kindergarten to Year Three (K-3), with the official languages (Filipino and English)
being introduced after grade three.

Meanwhile, Grade 4-6 also includes these core compulsory subjects adding the Science
subject and replacing Mother Tongue in to Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan.

Science may not be taught in Grades 1-3 but it is integrated in the mentioned subjects. It
is believed that Science is all over the curriculum even before it is taught formally as a
separate subject starting in Grade 3.
Classroom Setting

Every classroom is a welcoming environment where students can work toward

specific goals outlined in the class objectives. The teacher must be cheerful, well-
organized, outgoing, self-assured, and caring. They are the ones that set the tone for the
entire class. Furthermore, the classroom element of the curriculum is delivered through
the services of a professional teacher in a variety of physical, real-time, online, and
video settings, rather than through a typical physical setting.

School Facilities

(I’m sorry I don’t have any ideas on this, lol. Is it okay if we just present videos of school
facilities without voiceover or we should put some such as simple description?)

1 – LES is indeed the best choice for your child. Just remember the word BIDA.

B for Boundless Passion.

Our staffs possess a passion for teaching that makes them more enthusiastic and
committed in the classroom. Teaching is a difficult and demanding profession, and it is
possible that instructors' enthusiasm will never fade.

I for Integrated and Innovative

Our school prioritizes the development of self-esteem and independence in its students.
Respect for themselves and others is greatly emphasized. We also promote open-
mindedness among students while also fostering confidence in their abilities to
question, observe, listen, and make well-informed judgments. As an innovative school,
we always allow children to explore their own creative potential. One who has a good
understanding of children and how they learn best, and who is eager to study and try
new techniques that have been found to be beneficial to pupils.

D for Diverse
Everything that distinguishes humans from one another is referred to as diversity. Race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, ability, age, religious
belief, and political conviction are just a few examples. All of these elements influence
how kids (and teachers, and everyone else) interact with the world. "Understanding
that each learner brings distinct experiences, strengths, and ideas to our classroom" is
how we describe diversity in the classroom. "Diversity is the investigation and
integration of various variances in our classroom to enrich learning."

A for Academic Excellence

Every learner has the potential to achieve excellence.

If we want to assist each child reach his or her full intellectual potential, we need to
make sure that our curriculum and activities are excellent for children of all levels.
High-ability students aren't the only ones who can be measured. Every child can
achieve excellence in any subject area, and that excellence serves as a gauge of their
progress and development. We frequently compare a child's former performance to his
or her current performance when assessing academic excellence.

“Dito sa Linangin Elementary School, kayo ang BIDA!”



Time lapse of seed growing

A single seed can literally change the world. Imagine these seeds as our students.
They will grow with us and will be adored by many. In order for them to grow, we are
responsible to support them all their needs. SOIL, a place for their growth. They need a
safe environment that will surely prevent them from harm during their sprouting stage.
Students at LES feel found to be positively associated toward others, respected, that
their work is meaningful, and that they are good at what they do because they are in a
safe and comfortable environment. SUNLIGHT, or the rays of their needs. This is the
curriculum that constantly adapts to the needs of the students. One of the most critical
aspects of growing seedlings is light. This school promotes an effective curriculum that
presents a measurable strategy and structure for delivering a quality education to
teachers, students, administrators, and community stakeholders. Students must
demonstrate learning outcomes, criteria, and core competencies before progressing to
the next level, according to the curriculum. WATER, the carrier of nutrients that helps
them grow. This is essential for a seed to sprout, and water transports nutrients
throughout the plant as it grows. LES teachers treat students with a cheerful attitude
and supply them their learning needs. They freely disseminate information without
asking anything in return. It is evident that they have a significant impact on human

These seedlings would all thrive in their growing environment if they could
grow in their choice type of soil, with their excellent amount of water and sunlight.
Every student comes to our classes with a unique set of requirements. Individual
learning styles, interests, readiness levels, and skills are some of these requirements.
The best thing LES can do for our students, is to empower them to take charge of their
own learning. This world is evolving, and learners will need to think critically and
creatively in order to handle tomorrow's concerns. Only by providing real learning
chances to our students to develop their own meaning and apply their learning and
understanding to their world can prepare them for their future.


Curriculum should be relevant to students' lives.

-John Dewey

LES intends to deliver the highest quality education possible to its students by utilizing
immersive, participative, and transdisciplinary learning methods to refine children's
academic, social, and emotional skills, with a focus on character development and
sustainability education.

2 – I am a proud to be a Nalinang, a product of LES.

Life is full of uncertainty; we always face struggles and problems to solve. It is
fortunate that our country offers various elementary schools in every community.
Elementary education is the foundation of learning and growth of every individual, it
influences people's lives even after they reach adulthood by fostering smart decision-
making. I can proudly say that when I entered Linangin Elementary School, they taught
me to be realist rather than idealist. They let us experience the happiness we deserve. In
my Science class, we always do experiments. For example, instead of watching series of
videos on how cells function, we have Science Laboratory with complete equipment.
This is where I learned how to use a microscope. This is where I started to dream of
becoming a part of the medicine field. Isn’t it overwhelming if we started to have a
dream of being a servant of this society? LES always remind us that we should serve
our country and proudly say that we are a product of Linangin Elementary School.
Even after I graduated in elementary, I still continue to possess what I have learned in

“I am now happy and can proudly say that I more than a successful individual
because of LES”

It is indeed that LES is a realist and progressivist school. They also help me to improve
my 21st century skills. These 21st-century skills are now more essential than ever to
students. They not only create a foundation for successful classroom learning, but they
also ensure that children can succeed in a world where change is constant and learning
never stops. They are also extremely important to the growth of our country. What are
you waiting for? Be a Nalinang, enroll now in LES dahil dito, kayo ang BIDA.

VO – What is 21st Century Learning Skills?

The term "21st-century skills" refers to a set of basic qualities that supporters feel
schools should teach to help kids flourish in today's society, such as cooperation, digital
literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

21st-century skills are divided into three categories; Learning Skill, Literacy
Skills, and Life Skills.

Learning Skills consists of 4C’s. First is Critical Thinking. Students that have
strong Critical Thinking Skills allows them to reflect on and comprehend their own
perspectives. Based on personal observation and knowledge, this skill assists a student
in figuring out how to make sense of the world. Second, Creativity. When students are
focused on a creative goal, they become more engaged in their studies and more
motivated to gain the skills required to achieve it. Third, Collaborative. Schools such as
LES that promotes collaborative learning has been found to improve students'
confidence and self-esteem while also developing higher-level thinking skills. Lastly,
Communication. LES pursue to improve their students’ communication skills because
learning and practicing communication skills can help students deal with professional
and social issues in the future.

Literacy Skills or the IMT, Information, Media and Technology. This is where
pupils are taught to enhance their ability distinguish facts, publication sources, and the
technology that supports them. There is a huge influence on identifying reliable sources
and factual information in order to distinguish it from the disinformation that exists on
the Internet.

Life Skills, or the FLIPS. We teach students to develop their Flexibility,

Leadership, Initiative, Productivity and Social Skills. These skills examine unique
factors of a student's daily life. These are concerned with both personal and professional

Why we need to pay attention in improving every student’s 21 st Century Learning


Being a school that promotes the realism and progressivism philosophy, these
skills are Tools for Real-World Problem-Solving. We believe that problem-solving is a
vital skill in and of itself, but the ability to apply problem-solving skills to real-world
challenges and settings is much more significant. Students must be able to leave your
classroom, enter the workforce, have and raise children, negotiate relationships, detect
when they are being exploited, handle workplace conflicts, and so on without you
supporting their hands.
How do we maintain to practice 21st Century Learning Skills in classroom?

Today's elementary pupils have spent their entire lives immersed in various
areas of knowledge. LES develop critical learning and innovation skills, build
information, media, and technology skills in context, and advance life and career skills
by using a multimedia approach to learning core subject. The school maintains a strong
focus on core content in every subject. Exploring topic while creating real, media-rich
projects allows students to build deeper knowledge and link what they learn in class to
the world outside of it.

LES Logo

VO – Are you now convinced to enroll your child to our school? If yes, let us
convince you more.

Virtual Meeting with Parents:

1: Have you enrolled your child?

2: Not yet.

3: You should consider Linangin Elementary School. My child will be on his Grade
6 this school year.

1: May I know what’s great in this school?

2: Everything. That’s it. As a father, I want my child to be future ready and to let
him experience enjoy his elementary years.

1: Where is this school located?

3: Just meters away from us, LES is located at at Porac-Dinalupihan Rd, San Ramon
Dinalupihan, Bataan, near Bataan Peninsula Medical Center.

2: If you want more information about the school visit their official Facebook Page
and website just search www.LESDinalupihan/ if you want your
child to secure his future.
1: Thank you for this information. I just clicked the link and they have this
electronic brochure with full of information. This is a big help, thank you so much!

“As parent, LES never fails to amaze me”

Parent 2:

My child graduated here in Linangin Elementary School and I am very grateful

that we've enrolled him in this school because he has become a responsible young boy.
So, we thought that this school has honed him and developed him in his true and full
potential, not just academically but also emotionally. He's been capable of doing things
he's never done before and now he knows how to decide on things properly. So this
school taught my child a lot and we're happy that his not just book smart, but also street
smart. For the 6 years he's been in this school, he has experienced a lot of things
especially those extra-curricular where he was able to show his potential in sports.

Another thing is that this school promotes holistic approach in education so, my
child became more independent and innovative in his own creativity. That's why if you
want to enroll your child, I highly recommend this Linangin Elementary School.

Parent 3:

I choose this School because of the short distance and because it just 5 meters
away from our home I can easily pick up my daughter. another thing is that this school
offers a great opportunity for my kids to learn and grow as individuals and they can be
responsible as well with this school. I can see that the environment in the school is a safe
environment so I’m really secured with their safety.

Like every child each school is unique so I choose this Linangin Elementary
School to enroll my daughter because I fully trusted in what the school offers. also, I
think that their mission and vision are a lined with my children's interest and needs.
Another thing is that the school teaches not only purely academic but more in holistic
approach of education making my child develop her full potential.

Commercial: Data about education of the Philippines

LES promotes progressivism and realism to let students participate actively.
Every pupil interacts with one another and learn social skills including cooperation and
tolerance for differing viewpoints. They also handle difficulties in the classroom that are
similar to those they would face in their daily lives.

4 – Experience is the best teacher!

Education should be a continuous process of growth rather than only a preparation for

Behind every successful Nalinang is a school that let provides students great
curriculum design and evaluation. LES supports The Tyler Model by Ralph Tyler. Tyler
considered that learning ought to be relevant to the student and his community, that it
should be presented through properly designed and arranged learning experiences, and
that learning should be evaluated not only to see what students are learning, but also to
determine what curricular revisions might be needed.

Teachers of LES

1. Eunisse

2. Kimberly

3. Analyn

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