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Name:___jamie b_____________

Refusal Skills Notes

1. Make a _____

a. Sometimes humor is the best way to _respomd________ to a situation, as

it can _lighten________ a serious mood.

b. It can also divert___________ attention away from you and __onto ______
something else

2. Giva a ___reason______ why it’s a bad _idea_______

a. Backing up your _refusal __________ skill___________ with evidence gives it

more power!

3. Make an __exuse____________

a. Maybe you have something else to do that will interfere?

b. Maybe you have somewhere else to be at the same time?

c. Whatever it is _stick_________ to it!

4. JUST SAY NO _plainley______ and _firmly_______

a. In some situations just saying no without a lot of arguing___________ and

__expaining________ is the best response

b. Just make sure your no _____ is a strong and determined one

5. Suggest an alternate __activity______________

a. Lots of kids end up doing stuff because they lack other options, they are

b. By thinking of something better to do you’re offering everyone a

_out____, you just might be surprised who might take you up on it.

6. Ignore the __suggestion________________

a. Pretend you didn’t hear_________ it and change the topic_______ to

something else.

b. Act like you don’t think the idea was even worth _disscusing

7. __repeat_______________________ yourself if necessary

a. Sometimes it takes more than once________ on more than one

b. Just because someone asks you more than _once___________, doesn’t
mean you have to cave

8. ___leave________________ the situation

a. If you don’t like where things are headed you can take off

b. It might seem risky___________, but with you leading the way other kids
who really don’t want to do it either just may __follow________________ you

9. THANKS, but no ___thanks_________________

a. You can be polite, but you still aren’t ___intrested ___________________

b. It just isn’t something you’re into

10. The ____power_____________ of ____numbers_________________

a. Make a pact with your friends to stick to your ___guns_________

b. Often knowing that your friends will back you up can help you feel
more __comfortable _________________________ being assertive

c. Sometimes _we_______ feels stronger than _i_____

Leave the situation

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