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Rebelling Is Not the Key

In almost a hundred years that we have been friends, I have prepared almost a million
pieces of advice for you. I believe that as your friend, it is my responsibility to help you
with the problems you are facing. As a friend, I want to give advice for the decisions you
make, especially if I know you are the one who is counting on it.

The first reason, why you shouldn't try to rebel against your parents is that it won't solve
your problem, and it will only make your problem worse. Why? Because you will only
worry your parents with what you did. Don't be selfish, and think about why they can't
support your education anymore. You are at the right age for such things so you should
not depend on your parents they are not always there for you.

The second reason is that even if you rebel, there is nothing they can do because they
also struggle to earn enough money to finance your education. One more thing, your
parents are not getting any younger, they are getting old, and their bodies are getting
weaker, then you want to rebel, you didn't think about how hard they are working to
educate you, then that is what you will do.

Finally, it is particularly important for you to know that all rebellious youth do not end
well. It's great that you want to become a medical doctor, but because of the one test
that was given to you, you came up with something that you don't know the outcome
or if it will create a solution.

In conclusion, rebellion is not the answer to fix your financial problems. If you are really
determined to study, there are many ways, and not rebelling. For example, looking for
sideline work or applying for scholarships, there are many solutions that have
satisfactory results. You must learn how to support yourself and not always rely on your
parents because they can't give you forever or they won't be by your side forever.
Friend, I know you can do it!

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