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Assignment (AM328) Page 1 of 3

Subject: Project Management in Aviation
Course Code: AM328 (Section B)
Institute of Aviation Studies (IAS)
University of Management & Technology (UMT)

Due: 19 Apr 2023 till 0945 Total Marks: 25 Taeget CLO: 3 Domain & Level: C4

General Instructions:
1. You will work in a group of 8 to 10 students. It is the responsibility of each student to be the part of a
group. Individual assignments will not be entertained.
2. Marking will be on group basis.
3. The submission will be in printed form.

You need to select a school or department in UMT. Make sure that no two groups should opt for the same
department/school. Use the following link to make your selection. Only one member of your group is
required to fill this form. This form used the choice eliminator that means if one group has selected IAS then
this choice will no longer be available for rest of the groups:

General instructions for the project:

1. You need to go to the faculty offices of your selected school/institute. Recover the scrapped file folders
that the students (of previous semester) used to submit their assignments to faculty. These file folders are
usually the ones that students did not collect from the resource person or he/she couldn’t find time to giv
back to students.
2. Make a box of reasonable size that can be placed or hanged outside the department. Mark this box
appropriate so the purpose of this box shall be clear to students.
3. Put all these file folders into this box to be available for students to reuse free of cost.
4. You are not allowed to spend any money on this project. Everything should be recycled or re-used.
Remember the purpose it to incorporate sustainability into project management.

Your report should cover the following:

1. Analyze how is your project sustainable while highlighting the cost and environmental benefits? You
may use facts and figures to support your claim.
2. Analyze all internal/external stakeholders that may affect your project.
3. Take pictures while implementing your project and add at least 6 pictures at the end of your report as a
Structure of Report

1. Use Times New Roman 12 font size with double line spacing and justify left side.
2. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
3. Page numbers should be on top right.
4. Running head should be on the top left.
5. Main heading should be in the middle.
Assignment (AM328) Page 2 of 3

6. Subheading 1 should be left justified.

7. Rubric for marking is attached in Appendix I. You must attach this rubric at the end of your assignment.
8. For layout of the cover page, see Appendix II.

Appendix - I

Rubric for Assignment

Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Dimensions Score
(0-1 points) (2-3 points) (4-5 points)
Provides an adequate Provides an engaging
Fails to provide an overview overview, a general overview, thoroughly defines
and define the scope of the explanation on the scope of the scope of the work, and
work. Fails to give any sense the work, and gives a gives a clear sense of
of purpose. reasonable sense of purpose. purpose.
Main concepts and ideas are
Confused about assignment visible but not always logical Ideas and concepts are
Concepts, and relevant concepts. Lack and/or too broad. Support for logical and work together as
Reasoning of support for main points. main points is given but not a unified whole. Main points
Illogical presentation of always sufficient and/or are supported with specific
ideas. focused. evidence.

All necessary analysis and/or

Analysis and/or sources of Sufficient information and/or sources of information are
Soundness, information are either not analysis is given but results clearly stated. All results and
Relevance clearly specified, or not are not always credible, references are valid, reliable,
reliable, and/or not relevant reliable, and/or relevant to the specific and relevant to the
to the assignment. assignment. assignment.
Most of the directions are
followed and most parts of
Directions are not followed the assignment are addressed. Followed all directions and
and/or work is incomplete Work covers most of the responded to all parts of the
Completeness and does not address one or stated scope and is assignment. Work is self-
more of the points necessary reasonably contained and complete with
to treat the given topic. self-contained and respect to the stated scope.
Ideas are unrefined and/or
Some ideas display capability Content clearly displays
fail to demonstrate
Originality of independent and critical evidence of independent
independent and critical
thinking or perspective. and critical thinking.
Total Marks
Assignment (AM328) Page 3 of 3

Appendix - II

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