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NAME:Shinta wahyuningrum
NIM: 22120059
• An advertisement with an image on the internet with a visual format
such as an image or video with the aim of advertising a product or
• (Sebuah iklan dengan gambar di internet dengan format visual
seperti gambar atau video dengan tujuan mengiklankan suatu
produk atau jasa.)
• Display advertising is usually placed on relevant third-party websites
in the form of advertising banners, images, and text.
• (Iklan bergambar biasanya ditempatkan di situs web pihak ketiga
yang relevan dalam bentuk spanduk, gambar, dan teks iklan)

Display ads have the purpose of making an offer or introducing an item/service by highlighting the
visual side so that many people are interested to buy the product or service sold.
(Iklan bergambar memiliki tujuan untuk membuat penawaran atau memperkenalkan suatu
barang/layanan dengan menyoroti sisi visual sehingga banyak orang yang tertarik untuk membeli
produk atau layanan yang dijual)
Square Display Ads
Square display ads are a type of display advertisement that is
usually boxy or has a design ratio of 1:1. Generally, this type
Horizontal Display Ads
Horizontal display ads are a type of display ad that extends to
the right and left (widen to the side). This type of
of display ad is used as posters, social media pamphlets, advertisement is easy to find on the highway with outdoor
leaflets and the like. advertising media.

Vertical Display Ads

In addition to the square type, display ads also have a
vertical shape (upperpendic). With its shape extending
upwards, these ads generally take up wider space or space
than square display ads. Vertical display ads will usually
be easily found in print media such as newspapers and
Example of Display
Shopee installs display advertising simply.
There they emphasize more on cashback to
attract visitors to click on the ad.

Shopee memasang display advertising

dengan sederhana. Di situ mereka lebih
menekankan kepada cashback agar
menarik perhatian pengunjung untuk
mengklik iklan tersebut.
Example of Display
Ads This example of a food display ad highlights the
image side of fried chicken which is so tempting.
The use of text on the left side is only limited to the
complement that there is another promo using the
promo code listed.

Contoh iklan food display ini menyoroti sisi gambar

ayam goreng yang begitu menggoda. Penggunaan
teks di sebelah kiri hanya terbatas pada pelengkap
bahwa ada promo lain menggunakan kode promo
yang tercantum.
• From some of the above explanation, so it can be concluded that the meaning of
display ads are ads that are not limited to space and prioritize display. The look here
accentuates more on the non-verbal side such as illustrations, graphics, and
attractive images. Meanwhile, the text is usually a complement in order to get attract
the attention of consumers.

• Dari beberapa penjelasan di atas, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa arti

iklan bergambar adalah iklan yang tidak terbatas pada ruang dan
memprioritaskan tampilan. Tampilan di sini lebih menonjolkan sisi non-
verbal seperti ilustrasi, grafik, dan gambar yang menarik. Sementara itu,
teks biasanya menjadi pelengkap untuk menarik perhatian konsumen.

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