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General Certificate of Compliance (GCC)

To whom it may concern:

[X] The product listed below is in compliance with the Flammable Fabrics Act and is exempt from testing
under CPSC regulation section 1610.37(d):
(1) Plain surface fabrics, regardless of fiber content, weighing 2.6 ounces per square yard
or more; and
(2) All fabrics, both plain surface and raised-fiber surface, regardless of weight, made
entirely from any of the following fibers or entirely from combination of the following fibers:
acrylic, modacrylic, nylon, olefin, polyester, wool.

[] This is to certify that the product listed below has been tested in accordance (and found to be in
compliance) with the CPSC 16 CFR 1610 Flammable Fabrics Act.

Manufacturer Importer
Youngone (CEPZ) LTD. Work in Progress Textilhandels GmbH
Plot No. 11-16, Sector 02, Hegenheimer Str. 16
Chittagong Export Processing Zone DE - 79576 Weil am Rhein
Bangladesh GERMANY
Telephone: Telephone: +49 7621 966 6

Style#: Nimbus Pullover

PO#: 16PO05187
Description: 100 % Nylon
Testing Facility: exempt from testing
Date tested: exempt from testing
Report#: exempt from testing

Contact information for person maintaining test results:

Didier Lavoignet
Telephone: +41 61 206 87 69

Bank: BW-Bank / LBBW-Bank (in USD) Bank: Commerzbank AG Responsables: Local court: Freiburg HRB 412212
Acc. No: 7482102251 Acc. No: 6 713 580 02 Edwin Faeh VAT-No.: DE160705175
Code: 60050101 Code: 680 800 30 Willem Kampert TAX No.: 11088/10621
Salomee Faeh-Meister Tax Office : Lörrach
IBAN: DE26 6005 0101 7482 1022 51 IBAN: DE71 6808 0030 0671 3580 02

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