A Disease of The Body or Mind: Illness

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 illness

a disease of the body or mind

He died at home after a long illness.

 Sore throat
a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful, especially when
you swallow
She has a sore throat and a temperature.

 Headache
a pain you feel inside your head:
He's got a headache and a slight fever.

 Temperature
the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body:
The doctor examined him and took his temperature

 stomach ache
pain in your stomach:
I ate too much and got a terrible stomach ache.

 earache
pain in the inner part of the ear
a patient with an earache came to the hospital
 toothache
pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth
I have a toothache from eating too many sweets

 hay fever
an illness like a cold, caused by pollen:
I suffer from hay fever and, as a result, am asthmatic.

 dizzy
feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are
not able to balance and may fall over:
Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-

 burn
to be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire or extreme heat, or
to cause this to happen:
He was badly burned in the blaze.

 bruise
an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but
is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something:
His arms and back were covered in bruises.
 sprained ankle
Injury that occurs when the ankle rotates, bends, or flexes unnaturally.
she sprained her ankle running

 pulled muscle
Stretching or tearing of a muscle or tissue that connects the muscle to the bone (tendon).
by not stretching before training, you will be pulled muscle

 pain
a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness:
Her symptoms included abdominal pain and vomiting.

 plaster
a medicated or protective dressing as of cloth or plastic spread with a
usually medicated substance.
Kevin fractured his foot and was put in plaster.

 bendage
a long, narrow piece of cloth that is tied around an injury or
a part of someone's body that has been hurt
sprained his foot and was put in a bandage

 pain killer
a drug or a medicine for relieving pain.
has a headache and has taken a pain killer

 antihistamines
a type of drug that is used
to treat medical conditions caused by
an extreme reaction to particular substances:

I took an antihistamine for my runny nose.

 cought
Having or suffering from cough.
maria coughs because she is sick

 inhaler
a small device you use to breathe in particular medicines
my brother has asthma and uses an inhaler.

 cattle
a group of animals that includes cows, buffalo, and bison, that are
often kept for their milk or meat:
my sister feeds the cattle every day

 shelter
(a building designed to give) protection from bad weather, danger, or attack:
The trees provided some shelter from the rain.

 fuel
a substance that is used to provide heat or power, usually by
being burned:
Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.

 sunburnt
a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you
have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun
A long day at the beach gave him a bad sunburn.

 dehydrated
not having the normal amount of water in your body so that
you feel ill or weak
I went to the desert and I got dehydrated by the sun

 a baby minder
a person who is paid to look after other people's babies or very
young children.
my siblings are cared for by a baby minder

 toddler
a young child, especially one who is learning or
has recently learned to walk
The baby is now a toddler and is very active.

 first aid
 basic medical treatment that is given to someone
as soon as possible after they have been hurt in
an accident or suddenly become ill:
I learned first aid at school

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