Laughed Cheerfully

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Laughed Cheerfully

On a sunny morning, the birds began to sing, the wind accompanied the chirping,
adding to the melodious strains of the beautiful weather that morning. Neighbours who
carry out their activities as usual, starting from those who are preparing to make a living,
there are also the figures of mothers who cannot be separated from the noise of
lecturing their children and the chaos of small children who start their morning with
laughter and joy. play together. Unknowingly, there was a figure watching the little
children. Her eyes were filled with tears, a small smile on her lips seemed to adorn her
sweet face, even the look on her face seemed to have a story or stories implied in the
thickets of her mind. Every neighbour in the complex knows him, Nadin,
Sunday is the day Nadin always looks forward to. For Nadin, Sunday is her
independence day as a bank worker, because on that day she can rest and enjoy things
that she might not do on other days. Early in the morning Nadin woke up from sleep,
finished some homework, and cleaned up, then she made a cup of coffee and drank it
on a chair on the terrace of her house to add another delicious aroma of coffee on a
sunny Sunday morning. Nadin read the newspaper in her hands, saw that the rumors of
cases that were happening in this country seemed endless. The laughter of a child
playing near Nadin's house seemed to steal Nadin's attention. Nadin turned her shady
eyes to the children. When she saw the little children, it was as if she was brought back
to the time when she was little. What an unforgettable memory, she thought.
Nadin Aira, is a girl who is brave, tough, doesn't give up and likes to be friends
with boys, because for her, boys' games are more fun than girls. She did not like to
dress like a girl who always wore a small skirt or a dress decorated with beautiful lace.
She prefers wearing T-shirts and shorts or treasure, she feels as if she can play more
freely in these clothes. Since childhood, Nadin has loved playing soccer, wars or toy
cars. It cannot be denied, Nadin is indeed a smart and intelligent child, she knows how
to balance study time and play time. For Nadin, everything can be achieved if we are
aware of the importance of time and how to organize our activities. But what kept
disturbing Nadin's mind was a friend named Fazi.
Still clear in Nadin's memory, for other friends, Fazi is a burden for them,
because Fazi is a boy with special needs, he cannot walk like other normal children.
Nadin and Fazi are the same age, even though Fazi has special needs and has to use a
cane every step of the way, Nadin knows that every human being must have a miracle
that made him born in this world. Nadin's other friends always look down on him and not
even many don't want to be friends with Fazi, because Fazi is a child born to an
underprivileged family, his parents have to sweat morning, afternoon and even night to
get on with life. Never mind nice clothes, just to buy food, mediocre for everyday, so it's
no wonder that Fazi looks shabby and dirty unlike other children his age, his cane is
only made of wood which his father has shaped to resemble a normal cane. But none of
that bothered Nadin's feelings of being good friends with Fazi.
When the other kids were busy making fun of Fazi because he couldn't walk
normally, there was Nadin who was always on standby to be Fazi's stronghold. Nadin
also doesn't hesitate to accompany Fazi to play together, so that Fazi can also feel how
beautiful his childhood was. They played soccer, hide and seek, and other games
together, so that a cheerful smile appeared on Fazi's little mouth. When Nadin got
together with other friends, she also brought Fazi along, so that there would be no
difference in behavior that Fazi would get. Even though when they first recognized Fazi
they often laughed at them and didn't even want to be friends with him. Over time, due
to the sincerity of Nadin's behavior towards a friend, made her other friends start to
realize and accept the presence of Fazi who is just a kid who wants to have fun like
them. They always play together, sometimes they also help Fazi to do something when
he is in trouble.
The beauty of friendship when decorated with sincerity. They continued to be
friends up to the elementary school level. They go to school together, play together, do
homework together. Once upon a time, realizing Nadin's sincerity in making friends,
Nadin's parents bought prosthetic legs for Fazi, so Fazi could be free to move around
like other humans. At that time, Fazi and his parents bowed down in thanksgiving in
front of Nadin's parents, tears of emotion fell down their cheeks, they could not escape
the words of gratitude that kept coming out of their mouths to Nadin's parents. Indeed,
God's destiny is never wrong, the number of good people in this world is never lacking,
the important thing is that we must be patient and grateful for the destiny that has been
given and never give up on this destiny.
It was clear that the joyful laughter of the children that disturbed Nadin's mind
was an incident from his childhood. After 6th grade, she and Fazi had to separate.
Fazi's family was kicked out of his house because they couldn't pay the rent. Nadin
cried as much as she could at that time, who would take care of her best friend? Will her
best friend find another friend who sincerely befriends him? Will her best friend be well
received by others? thought Nadine. But fate said otherwise, they must part forever.
Until she was in her 20’s. Nadin kept thinking about Fazi when she saw young children
laughing and playing together.

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