The Road Not Taken

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All unmarked feet are 

iambic and all feet in blue are anapests.

"The Road Not Taken" is a narrative poem by Robert Frost, first published in the August
1915.Robert Frost poem’s rhythm is iambic tetrameter. In the line “Two roods/diverged/in a
yel/low wood” you’ll see the stress and unstress syllables in the poem.This poem also has
alliteration like in the lines: “Because it was grassy and wanted wear;”, “Oh, I kept the first for
another day!” ,the alliteration in dose lines are “wanted wear” and ”first for”. The first element
that I have notice is the rhyme scheme of the poem . The poem is really four stanzas with five
lines in each, each having the same rhyme scheme – “ABAAB” as a reference
“A Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
B And sorry I could not travel both
A And be one traveler, long I stood
A And looked down one as far as I could
B To where it bent in the undergrowth;”.
This poem also contains a lot of assonance,assonance help the poem establish it’s rhythm so it
can be easily read.for example in the line “And be one traveler, long I stood” dose bold letters
are just some of the assonance in the poem.
Imagery is also important in this poem as it always describe the settings ,Most of the imagery is
visual as it tells about scenerys. As its says in the line “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” it’s
descriving a scenery of two roads in a forest .but not just the lines “To where it bent in the
undergrowth;” ,undergrowth means plants and trees, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear;”
,grassy and wanted wear signifies that no one has walk on it, “And both that morning equally
lay”, in this line morning means new beginning or just simply beginning, “Somewhere ages and
ages hence:”, this line describes the future

This poem also has symbols such as “yellow woods” signifies autumn or end of the
season,”grassy and wanted wear” means growth and new beginning, “leaves no step had
trodden black”,in this part its telling that no one has tarnish it,”I took the one less traveled by”,the
road that is less traveled by means the choices in our life, he choose to risk into the path that no
one traveled in to explore and learn.As well as “The Road Not Taken”this also means roads are
the choices that people has in life and it’s the matter of what you want to choose.

The road not taken also have figure of speech such as metaphor,simile,assonance,and
personification .the line “road fork in the road,yellow woods are example of metaphor.”as just as
fair” on the other hand is an example of simile,the line “some where ages and ages”is an
example of assonance,lastly “grassy and wanted wear”is an example of personification on the
poem The Road Not Taken that have a reflective and pensive tone,and with the theme about life

"The Road Not Taken" poem by Robert Frost .This poem tend to tell a story wrtten in August
1915 as a joke to his friend. This poem is quintain which has four stanza and five lines each,
The poems sentences is very simple and not complicated.

The imagery in this poem comes from its narrator who’s describing the scenery because the
imagery in this poem is more on allow reader to visualize the scenery that would make it
more understandable. imagery contributes a lot to a meaning of a poem, ”two roads diverge in a
woods and I took the one less traveled by that has made all difference” the two roads
symbolizes the life choices that we have to choose from ,and it talks about the choices we pick
and its impact that it made along the way.

“And sorry I could not travel both/And be one traveler, long I stood ”in this line speaker wished
that he did not have to make a choice between the two roads,as he knows that whatever road
he took it will always make a well as the line

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by”this line tells that he took
the road that is less traveled by because he choose the grassy path which symbolize growth
and no one has walk on it.

In the line “I took the road less traveled by” the poet decided to take the risk and travel across
the road that less traveled by because metaphorically speaking the poet wants to be unique
than the other people who choose to take 'the road more often traveled by.

Two roads symbolizing the journey of life and the decisions we make on that journey,signifies
that there are choices in life and you can only choose one path to walk on its either the path the
most people commonly took or the one that it less taken,the only solution is to take one path
and discover it alone.

“The road not taken” symbolizes the missed possibilities it talks about the path that the poet did
not choose,this poem more signify the miss chances and not the path that is more trilling

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