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from the time the disturbance first began to appear, the original medical
attention would also have helped. In this case, though, it must be pointed
out that all the medical advice was very painstakingly followed in every
detail, and the herbal preparation was accepted only as a last resort in
order that the mother and the child might have some sleep after several
frantic, sleepless nights. This case is mentioned here only to demonstrate
the harmless nature of these preparations to the human body, even to
infants, when properly administered. It is highly recommended that the
medical profession also make it its study to discover the truth about
If one has had insufficient schooling or is not endowed with a pro-
found desire to study the human anatomy and its related physical func-
tionings, he would hardly find it worthwhile to experiment in herbal
Alchemy, let alone to attempt to cure when his knowledge is insufficient
because of the long study and tedious work by which this knowledge can
only be acquired.
May Bacon’s statement close this chapter as it began it: “In all our
investigations of nature we must observe what quantity or dose of the
body is requisite for a given effect; and must guard ourselves from esti-
mating it at too much or too little.”


Albertus_ALCH HANDBOOK WC PRESS pages.indd 39 3/25/22 6:28 PM

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