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Good morning Kinder! How’s your morning?

Okay very good, I’m glad to hear that you’re all okay.

So again let me Introduce myself. I’m Teacher Danica and I am

your teacher for this subject, today.
So as your teacher, I want you all to listen to me, as you listen to
teacher Berna, teacher Menchel, teacher Queenie, teacher Anna,
sino pa ba Teacher Farrah and Teacher Ashmine when they are
discussing. I want you to respect me as your teacher, as you
respect them. Okay?

Okay thank you Kinder.

So are you ready to listen to teacher Danica?

Okay so with that, let’s start our lesson.
I have here a pictures, and I want you to tell me what are these
things na mafaflash sa screen. Understand?

So, the first picture, what thing is this? PEN

How about this one? NEST
Next, what number is this? TEN
But What do we call to a mother chicken? ( a chicken who lay
eggs) HEN
So, what do we call to this thing? BED
Okay very good Kinder! Ang gagaling Ninyo.
So we have here a pen, nest, ten, hen and a bed.
May napapansin ba kayo about these words? They have similarity
ba? May pare-pareho ba sila? Observe niyo yung mga words.

Okay very good, they all have letter E.

So do you have any idea of what will be our lesson for today?

Our lesson for today is about Phrases with short /Ee/ sound.

Kinder I have a question for you!

What is the sounds of letter E?

Okay, Very good Kinder!

The sound of letter E, is /e/ /e/ /e/

Thank you very much,
So, again our lesson for today is about Phrases with the short /e/
sound. When we say Phrase, this is a group of words that cannot
express a complete thought. For example…

Kinder, can you please read it after me? A pet hen.

Okay very good. So what is our word here that has an /e/ sound?
Okay very good pet and hen.

Again, Harmony can read the phrases in the screen. (A PET

How about ……

Okay, Kinder can you read it all together please?

If I don’t call your name please don’t unmute your mic. Lahat kayo
matatawag, Okay? don’t worry.

I will not call your name if you always unmute your mic kahit hindi
ikaw yung tinatawag ko. Wait for your name to be called. Okay?
Do you understand Kinder?

This is the last slide na pala. Again our lesson for today is about
Phrases with short /e/sounds. Do you have any questions or
clarification of our lesson?

Okay, if you don’t have any questions. Let’s call teacher Berna.
Stellar - Andrea - l - Vio - l - Harmony - Lucas - Melaine - LyAnna
- Chloe - Alon - Rynessa - Daphney - Precious - Elise - Avery -

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