Accomplishment Report Home Economics Capaoayan ES

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Capaoayan Elementary School
S.Y 2021-2022

Accomplishment Report
Home Economics

Prepared by:


School Home Economics Leader

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
S.Y. 2021-2022


Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (E.P.P.)subject composed namely. Home Economics
and Livelihood Education wherein everything about basic home management livelihood skills were
taught to the pupils in Grade IV-VI. This school year as one of the teachers of this subject I found it
difficult yet exciting to teach despite the less eagerness of some pupils in my class. But eventually I saw
them being inspired and active especially in times of various activities that I gave to them.

Having an EPP subject in the new curriculum is a vital foundation of the pupils in elementary,
teaching them the basic skills like sewing, cooking, gardening and so many others. These things will be
continued when they reach high school and to be able to maximize their skills as the time passes by
especially in K-12 curriculum wherein it is more focus on the skills of the pupils to be developed leading
to them to have a job immediately when they graduated in the senior high school.

So with that, I think EPP subject in elementary should be taught properly so as to cater the needs
of the pupils to learn the basic skills made them discovered what skills they want to focus and develop
more during their high school years.

I. Pupils’ Development

A. Activities
 Participate in school and division RBI lessons
 Accomplished and Submitted Learning Activity sheets
 Constant communication-chat, video call and text.
 Participated in on-line discussion and on-line kumustahan.
 Accomplished different Performance Task and Learning Activities.

B. Achievement Rate in Home Economics

Quarter Grade Level Average
SECOND QUARTER 87.05 88.17 87.2 87.47
II. Teachers’ Development

A. Teachers’ Actitivties
 School based and WFH printing of modules
 Delivery of lesson thru RBI
 Attended different trainings in EPP
 Attended virtual meeting with EPSvr
 Participated in the RBI Aral TarlakHenyo
 Made Learning Activity Sheets aligned with the MELC
 Distributed compendium of Notes to learners as reference
 Give positive feedbacks to pupils.
 Scriptwriter in RBI
 Distributed modules/LAS
 Monitored pupils in answering their modules/LAS
 Conducted Home Visitation and Online Kamustahan
 Submitted reports in school/leadership

III. Programs and Projects Initiated

School Name of Objectives Activities Impact
Programs and
Gulayan sa Involvement of parents in greening Planting of different Parents participated in
Paaralan the school ground. vegetable seeds. planting different
Decreased malnourished pupils. Cultivating , watering vegetable
and removing of weeds. seedlings.
They also do the
planting of vegetables
in their home for their

IV. SLM’S/LAS Produced

 Printed modules and Division Compendium of Notes in EPP- Home Economics Grades 4
to 6
 Developed RBI Script

V. Networking
 Proper health protocols were observed by the parents in the distribution and retrieval
of modules in our school.
 Parents/Stakeholders/NGO’s/GO’s assistance and donations for education
(bondpapers, printers,alcohol, facemask, inks)

VI. Challenges Problems and Solutions

Challenges Problems Solutions
Attitudes towards learning in a distance learning environment Motivated them and told them that they
(modular - print) must adapt with the new normal in
Encouraged them to continue their
education and do their best to learn
Poor Communication with Parents in Implementing the Conducted Home Visitation
Programs, Projects and Activities in EPP because some are And I let some parents to disseminate the
having a hard time in going to school because of their work and information.
some has no gadgets for online kumustahan.
Some pupils don’t have radios for the rbi project shine of Deped They were given Learning Activity Sheet
Tarlac. so that they were updated with the lessons
discussed in the radio by the Teacher
Low participation on RTV lessons Follow up on Parents and Pupils
Poor Internet Connection Found place where there is a strong
internet connectivity
Tried different internet provider
Retrieved modules/LAS were not complete Called their attention through text,
messenger, and google meet
Other parents have no time to go to school to get the modules of To address the needs of the pupils
their children because of their work. regarding this problem, I let some parents
to deliver these modules to those learners
who resides within the area.


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