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Gautam Buddha UniversityRoll No.

Mid Semester Examination,March-April 2023

Int. B.Tech.+ M.Tech/B. Tech. (CSE/ECE)/CSE Cyber Security, Sem. - II
Course Name: Computer Organization and Architecture Maximum Marks: 25
Course Code: CS-102 Total Time: 1.5 Hours

Note: Attempt any five question.

Q1.Numbers systemconversion.
a) Convert (146.125)10into a binary number system.
b) Convert (1A7)16into the decimal number system.
c) Convert (110010)2 into a octal number system.
d) Convert (DA27)16into the binary number system.
e) Convert (4652)8into the binary number system.

Q2.Explain the rules of Boolean algebra and minimize the given Expression
a) (A + C) (AD + AD¯ ) + AC+C
b) A¯(A+B) +(B+AA)(A+B¯)
Q3. Explain the Differences between Combinational and Sequential circuits with suitable
Q4. Convert the (53.5)10 number into floating point representation with IEEE-754 single
precision format.
Q5.Perform the operation Addition and subtraction on given signed numbers with four bit.
If X= -6 & Y= +5
If X= -7 & Y= -4
Explain the Booth Algorithm with suitable example.
Q6. Differentiate between Computer Organization and Computer Architecture.
Explain the Bus Architecture and its Methods.
Q7. Explain types of CPU Registers.
Perform the Arithmetic’s shift operation with suitable example.

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