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Uniqueness of Individual’s dentition

Developmental characteristics
- Size
- Number
- Shape

Morphological Characterisitcs
- External
- Internal

Post-developmental characteristics
- Filings
- Extractions
- Pathology
- Etc

Other identifiers include: anomalies, morphology of alveolar crest, periodontal status, lips,
rugae palatinae

Dentists are in the ideal position to provide the needed skill and expertise to identify
human remains or living people based on oral features.
Forensic Identification: the application of forensic science and
technology to identify specific objects from the trace evidence
they leave; involves checking presenting features related to
features of the primary identity of an individual

- Human Identification
- Basic Principles
- Acceptable ways of identification (finger printing, dental
identification, DNA analysis)

Dental identification (comparative, reconstructive, postmodern pro DNA profiling)

Methods to confirm an individual’s identity include:
• Visual* (circumstantial, external characteristics, internal characteristics,
radiographs, anthropology and notes)
• Personal effects (can placed on or with person – staging: can wear another person’s
clothing – firefighters in World Trade Center attacks)
• Tattoos (from trauma or surgical)
• Scares
• Anatomical structures
• Medical devices
• Implants
• Fingerprint
• DNA (gold standard but costly and time-consuming)
• Dental comparisons

Forensic dentists can provide can provide efficient accurate and cost – effectives
means of human identification
PM and AM
Interpol DVI

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