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ACCOUNTING STANDARDS One – Accounting is about quantitative

CHAPTER 1 – THE ACCOUNTANCY Two – The information is likely to be
PROFESSION financial in nature
Definition of Accounting Three – The information should be
useful in decision making
according to The Accounting Standards
- Accounting is a service activity - the very purpose of accounting is to
- The accounting function is to provide quantitative information to
provide quantitative information be useful in making and economic
primarily financial in nature about decision (American Accounting
economic entities, that is intended Association)
to be useful in making economic
decision. this definition states that
accounting has a number of
according to The Committee on
components, namely:
Accounting Terminology of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants:
a. Identifying as the analytical
- Accounting is the art of recording, component
classifying and summarizing in a b. Measuring as the technical
significant manner and in terms of component
money, transactions and events c. Communicating as the formal
which are in part at least of a component
financial character and interpreting
the results thereof.
a. Identifying
according to The American Accounting
- recognition or nonrecognition of
Association in its Statement of Basic
business activities as “accountable”
Accounting Theory:
- Accounting is the process of - NOT all business activities are
identifying, measuring and accountable
communicating economic - an event is accountable or
information to permit informed quantifiable when it has an effect
judgement and decision by users of on assets, liabilities and equity
the information.
- only economic activities are terms of a common financial
emphasized and recognized in denominator
accounting - The Philippines peso is the unit of
measuring accountable economic
External and Internal Transactions - The measurement bases are:
economic activities of an entity are historical cost – original acquisition
referred to as transactions which may be cost
classified as external and internal > the most common measure of
financial transactions
current value – includes fair value,
external transactions – also known as value in use, fulfillment value and
exchange transactions, are economic current cost.
events involving one entity and another
entity. c. Communicating – the process of
preparing and distributing
examples: purchase of goods from a
accounting reports to potential
supplier, borrowing money from a bank,
users of accounting information.
sales of goods to a customer
- the reason why accounting has
been called the “universal
internal transactions – economic activities language of business”
that take place entirely within the entity. - implicit in the communication
process are the recording,
examples: production – the process by classifying, and summarizing
which resources are transformed into aspects of accounting.
casualty loss – any sudden and Recording – also called as
unanticipated loss from fire, flood, journalizing, is the process of
earthquake and other event ordinarily systematically maintaining a
termed as an act of god. record of all economic business
transactions after they have
been identified and measured.
b. Measuring
- assigning of peso amounts to the Classifying - sorting or grouping
accountable economic transactions of similar and interrelated
and events economic transactions into their
- if accounting information is to be respective classes
useful, it must be expressed in
- accomplished by posting to the Limitation of the Practice of Public
ledger Accountancy
- ledger – group of accounts - Single practitioners and
which are systematically partnerships for the practice of
categorized into asset accounts, public accountancy shall be
liability accounts, revenue registered certified public
accounts, and expenses accountants in the Philippines.
accounts. - A certificate of accreditation shall
be issued to CPAs in public
Summarizing – the preparation practice only upon showing in
of financial statements which accordance with rules and
include the statement of regulations promulgated by the
financial position, income Board of Accountancy and
statement, statement of approved by the Professional
comprehensive income,
Regulation Commission that such
statement of changes in equity, registrant has acquired a minimum
and statement of cash flows. of three years of meaningful
experience in any areas of public
practice including taxation.
Accounting as an information - The SEC shall not register any
system corporation organized for the
Accounting is an information practice of public accountancy.
system that measures business
activities, processes information
into reports and communicates Accreditation to practice public
the reports to decision makers. accountancy

financial statements – key CPAs, firms and partnership of CPAs,

product of accounting including partners and staff members
- documents that report financial thereof, are required to register with
information about an entity to the Board of Accountancy and
decision makers. Professional Regulation Commission
for the practice of public accountancy.
- financial reports tell us how PRC upon favorable recommendation
well an entity is performing in of the Board of Accountancy shall
terms of profit/loss and where it issue the Certificate of Registration to
stands in financial terms. practice public accountancy which
shall be valid for 3 years and
renewable every 3 years upon many other phases of business
payment of required fees. conduct and operations.
example: advice on installation of
computer system, quality control,
CPAs generally practice their
installation and modification of accounting
profession in three main areas:
system, budgeting, forward planning and
a. Public accounting – composed of forecasting
individual practitioners, small
accounting firms and large
multinational organizations that b. Private accounting
render independent and expert - many CPAa are employed in business
financial services to the public entities in various capacity as accounting
- usually offer three kinds of staff, chief accountant, internet auditor
services: auditing, taxation, and and controller
management advisory services.
- controller – highest accounting officer
Auditing – the primary service - major objective: assist management in
offered by most public accounting planning and controlling the entity’s
practitioners. operations
- the examination of financial
statements by independent CPA for c. Government accounting
the purpose of expressing an - encompasses the process of analyzing,
opinion as to the fairness with classifying, summarizing and
which the financial statements are communicating all transactions involving
prepared. the receipt and disposition of government
funds and property and interpreting the
Taxation – preparation of annual results thereof
income tax returns and
- focus: custody and administration of
determination of tax consequences
public funds
of certain proposed business
endeavors. - CPAs may be employed in these
branches of the government
Management Advisory Services – a. Bureau of Internal Revenue
services to clients on matters of
accounting, finance, business b. Commission on Audit
policies, organization procedures, c. Department of Budget and
product costs, distribution and Management
d. Securities and Exchange practice the accountancy
Commission profession.
- mandatory
e. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- exemption: a CPA shall be
permanently exempted from CPD
COUNTINUING PROFESSIONAL requirements upon reaching the
DEVELOPMENT age of 65 years

Continuing Professional Development – accounting vs auditing

the inculcation and acquisition of accounting – constructive
advanced knowledge, skill, proficiency,
ceases when financial statements
and ethical and moral values after the
are already prepared
initial registration of the CPA for
assimilation into professional practice and
lifelong learning. auditing – analytical
- raises and enhances the technical examines the financial statements
skill and competence of the CPA to ascertain whether they are in
conformity with GAAP
RA No. 10912 – law mandating and
strengthening the continuing professional accounting vs bookkeeping
development program for all regulated
professions bookkeeping – procedural, concerned
with development and maintenance of
accounting records
CPD Credit Units – credit hours required - “how” of accounting
for the renewal of CPA license and
accreditation of a CPA to practice the
accountancy profession every three years accounting – conceptual; concerned with
- all CPA regardless of area or the why, reason or justification for any
sector of practice shall be required action adopted
to comply with 120 CPD credit units
- required for the renewal of CPA
license accounting vs. accountancy
- 120 CPD credit units are required accountancy – profession of accounting
for accreditation of a CPA to practice
accounting – reference to a particular  ensure comparability and
field of accountancy (i.e., public uniformity in financial
accounting, private accounting and statements
government accounting)

financial accounting vs. managerial

financial accounting – concerned with
recording of business transactions and
the eventual preparation of financial
- emphasizes reporting to creditors and
investors (external users)

managerial accounting – the

accumulation and preparation of financial
reports for internal users only (within an

GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting

- accounting rules, procedures,
practice and standards followed in
the preparation and presentation of
financial statements
- purpose:
 identify proper accounting
practices for the preparation &
presentation of financial
 create a common understanding
between preparers and users of
financial statements particularly
the measurement of assets and

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