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of the town--between it and Lake Mareotis--runs the Mahmudiya

said that a great moral effect was produced. The employment

(1865) his loftiest subject and most enduring fame. The


are particular compounds of hydrogen, in which the latter

for freighting up the Yukon, are the only towns apparently

Africa since 1875. In 1881 a French army entered Tunisia,


seems to reveal little else than a series of aetiological

Alexander the city resisted annexation, and was bound over

send thither General Early with the remnants of Jackson's

lived two years in the executive mansion, Washington, during

to Pope Gregory XV. Allacci was sent to superintend its

there. There was much popular excitement at his funeral, and his

of his own soul.'' Adam, like Satan in Ecclus. xxi; 27, has

longitude. On the 15th of April 1891 a further agreement

the duties usually executed by the lay brothers, who acted as

but although a large amount of capital was invested and

imitated Glaisher in making high ascents for meteorological

Bormio and Chiavenna, but in 1797 these regions were finally

Wohler first made calcium carbide, and found that water

in the beaten track of story-telling, he has always a story

close and friendly relations between Great Britain and

in name), and took measures to isolate the communities (see

especially in law to call in the aid of a counsel or witness,

associates, Charles Lane and Henry C. Wright, at ``Fruitlands,''

thoughts) and Ibn Haukal's Description og Palermo, and in

Malinke Mundu

Alps, reserved in 1860 for reasons connected with hunting.

AHR, a river of Germany. It is a left-bank tributary of the

the curse (cp. iii. 19, ``dust thou art'').

boil or roast it. Their habitations are reed-thatched huts,

Nantes to the French in 1486. At that time the house of

has for its larval host the larvae of the beetle Blaps

the Moluccas, the previous government of which was abolished in

the roof sometimes laid at the same slope as the hillside,

tried again to reach Lee's right wing, and on the 8th another

atoms are of equal value, and hence only one alcohol,

the British government its responsibility for the destruction

writers were struck with the intrepidity and number of their

captured Durazzo; he extended his sway over a great part of

Yahweh, moved down to the oaks of Mamre in Hebron and built an

Modern Academies.--Academies have played an important part

drawn direct to the point on the eastern side of Victoria

early date the praetor's possessory interdict was used

interfered in the affairs of Morocco, while Spain acquired many

as it can be ascertained, and the grammar are Indo-European,

as to cause friction when questions were raised affecting

was sufficiently vigorous to enable him to undertake the

subject at that time. He lost his father while he was still

of alternation of generation in this case. The only case

nell' Alta Etiopia (10 vols., Milan, 1886-1893). Political

striven to prevent secession, and soon became itself a state

were affected by a case of adoption, it was provided that the

lead and zinc ores, while in the Kuznetsk Ala-tau, gold,

Pizzo Badile . . . . . . . . . 10,863 Monte Braulio. . . . . . . . . . .9,777

bread, and are about to eat, you must say. And when you lay

engineer, the physicists Fresnel, Ampere, Arago, Blot, the

it throws off to the westward called the Itinivini, which

since at the point of contact in the latter case the acid

Italy with a large army, besieged Desiderius in his capital of

carbon dioxide (``fixed air'') became familiar to chemists the

Boit, 2 Gallisons Rep. 398; Waring v. Clark, 5 Howards

Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce.

age of sixty-three, he entered upon the lonely path of the

small shrines, however, and temene (religious enclosures,

Jean Rousset de Missy at the Hague in 1719. A laudatory life,

Buddhist system of self-culture. So in the long list of

AEthelstan died at Gloucester in 940, and was buried at Malmesbury,

1685. He left his native village at an early age, and in

in the peroxides, in chromic or permanganic acid. Practically

are treated in the following articles:--GEOMETRY, ANALYTICAL;

expedition against Bu-Meyrag, the bey of Titeri, took from him

of Atlanta, but hampered by the necessity of preserving his

of judicial power; a judgment. In a more technical sense,

that the treaty finally settled in March 1905 went no further

son of Malcolm Canmore by his wife (St) Margaret, grand-niece

the three forts, is the official residence of the governor

Iliuliuk, and the volcanic islets Bogoslof and Grewingk, which

to the Federalist party, but he now found its general policy

similarly, the other two regions correspond to the initial

ABANO, PIETRO D, (1250-1316), known also as PETRUS DE

anaesthesia in a case of tooth-extraction, and thereafter

and the home manufacture of woollen goods. The 15th century,

under this title as if just emerged from the sea and in the

reached the temperature soon begins to fall again, and as the

insoluble in water, 3.5% of crude fibre, and 9% of starch, nor

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