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It began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, FUNCTIONS
1. For documentation
“Century of Inventions”, “technological developments”, and
“globalization” 2. For transmission

Technology allows 24/7 access to information, constant 3. For entertainment

social interaction, and easily created and shared digital 4. For expression
5. For call to action

6. For critical thinking



The literature thus preserved was limited to the seventeen
Fluid basic symbols of the language. With just three vowels and
consonantal symbols that had predetermined.

WHY STUDY LITERATURE? The people of Manila and native groups within the
Philippines used to write on bamboo and the arecaceae palm.
Understanding social milieu
Pre-colonial natives of our islands display an amusing past
Understanding culture through
Understanding human nature and behavior a. their folk speeches (refers to the dialect, or style of
speaking, unique to people living within a geographic area)
Develop historical sense
Relish aesthetics of artistic expression
 bugtong (riddle)
 salawikain (proverbs)
b. folk songs
Literature is an attempt to mirror life.
Literature refers to any textual form of acceptable cognitive
and or affective expression which is the representation of  Magtanim Ay Di Biro (Planting Rice)
man’s experiences of the past and his expectations of the  Atin Ku Pung Sinsing (Once I had a Ring -Lyrics in
future. Panpango)
 Leron, Leron Sinta (My Dear Little Leron)
Literature is the product of imagination, originality, style of
expression, thought, emotions and feelings, idea,s etc. c. folk narratives (stories handed down from the remote past
by words of mouth from one generation to another, reflecting
the people’s tradition, feelings, beliefs and judgments)
21st CENTURY LITERATURE d. indigenous rituals (ritual traditions of Filipinos are best
understood in terms of their intentions. At the core of any
21st Century Literature consists of written works of various
ritual is the fundamental belief that there exists a delicate
genres (poetry, drama, fiction/prose, non-fiction, media)
balance between man and nature, and the spirit world)
printed and published from the start of the new millennium up
to the present. Examples:
New literary work created within the last decade  Healing Practices
 Entering a Newly Built House (Segep di Baey)
Written by contemporary authors
 Festival (BegnasAnd Pacde)
Deals with current themes/issues and reflects a technological

Often breaks traditional writing rules e. mimetic dances (type of dance that imitates nature; it
mimics the behaviors of animals and natural phenomena)
Emerging genres like IM and blog format books, Digi-
fiction, doodle fiction and graphic novels Examples:
 Itik-Itik 4. European legends and traditions
 The monkey dance (Aeta dance)
5. Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog
 The battle dances
6. Grammar books were printed in Filipino

7. Religious tone


1. Awit or song. Awit (and korido) is “long verse narratives on
chivalric-heroic, religious, legendary and folkloric themes. 1. Pasyon. Pasyon involves the chanting of a narrative about
Jesus’ death and resurrection.
2. Riddle or bugtong. Riddle uses “talinhaga”, or a metaphor
that actually helps convey the answer to the riddle. 2. Senakulo. Senakulo, also known as Passion plays, depict the
passion and death of Jesus Christ. These are staged in various
3. Sawikain (or salawikain). These are proverbs that are used parts of the country in the week leading to Easter. The most
to express pieces of wisdom or beliefs that are important to famous sanakulo is Marinduque’s Moriones Festival.
Filipino society. These forms are all done in verse, or metrical
writing. 3. Komedya. Secular Komedya is performed at the local
fiestas. Moro-moro is a type of Secular Komedya which
4. Epic or epiko. This is the major pre-Hispanic poetic form. portrays the clash between the Muslims and the Christians
These are long, episodic, chanted poems which told a story, where the forbidden romance between the prince and the
normally about a legendary hero and his adventures, often princess is settled by having non-Christian be converted to
contending with, and also being aided by, supernatural Christianity or by his or her death followed by a resurrection
creatures and spirits. Often chanted at feasts and rituals. through divine intervention.
5. BULONG (CHANTS). Used in witchcraft or enchantments 4. Carillo. It is a play that uses shadows as its main
6. Kasabihan or sayings. It is used in teasing or to comment spectacle.This is created by animating figures made from
on a person’s actuations cardboard,which are projected onto a white screen.

7. Tanaga is a quatrain with seven syllables each with the 5. Religious Drama (Panunuluyan) (Tagalog for "asking for
same rhyme at the end of each line lodgings") is a Philippine Christmas dramatic ritual narrating
the Holy Family's search for a place to stay in Bethlehem for
No title Jesus Christ's birth through song.


AABB Philippine Literature in English

8. Ambahan is a traditional poetry of the Hanunoo Mangyans In a way, we can say that we can trace the beginnings of
of Oriental Mindoro which is normally inscribed on bamboo Philippine literature in English with the coming of the
using a pre-Colonial syllabic writing system called the Surat Americans. For this purpose, we can divide this period into
Mangyan. three-time frames, namely:


SPANISH PERIOD English as a literary vehicle came with the American

occupation in August 13, 1898, and as they say, a choice
Spanish colonization of the Philippines started in 1565 during bestowed on us by history.
the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish
governor general in the Philippines. Literature started to By 1900, English came to be used as a medium of
flourish during his time. The spurt continued unabated until instruction in the public schools. From the American forces
the Cavite Revolt in 1872. The Spaniards colonized the were recruited the first teachers of English.
Philippines for more than three centuries.
By 1908, the primary and intermediate grades were using
English. It was also about this time when UP, the forerunner in
the use of English in higher education, was founded.


2. Christian Doctrine Filipino student writers learned the language and tried to
produce their pieces patterned after the foreign models.
3. Spanish language became the literary language this time
Literary pieces of study were made by foreign authors.
Filipino writers imitated American and English writers.

More essays, short stories, and poems in English appeared.

Tales of romance and adventures

Short story anthologies

Essays matured earlier in the milieu of social, economic, and

political developments and projected Philippine customs and

Plays were highly emotional rather than intellectual



1. Free Verse – it is a literary device that can be defined as

poetry that is free from limitations of regular meteor rhythm
and does not rhyme with fixed forms.

2. New Criticism – it was a formalist movement in literary

theory that dominated American literary criticism in the
middle decades of the 20th century. It emphasized close
reading, particularly of poetry, to discover how a work of
literature functioned as a self-contained, self-referential
aesthetic object.



 Time of self-discovery and rapid growth

Period of original works with more control of the language

 Writer’s experimentation with forms and techniques

By this time, Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of

English writing. They now confidently and competently wrote
on a lot of subjects although the old-time favorites of love and
youth persisted. They went into all forms of writing like the
novel and the drama.

Writers set out to create a national literature: one that

reflects the Filipino way of life, the traditional values of the
people as Filipinos and utilize the tropical vegetation of the

The Bureau of Education published Philippine Prose and

Poetry, prescribed as a high school textbook.

 The period shifted from romantic idealism to romantic


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