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We cet circ crm cece erie & MON 109 -EREGNANGY | Goal: TQ RESTORE BLOOD_LOss ___ > verits__of ents —that_ctads_fi AT ie —_—— Fertilization —and__ends with thedetivery _{1- IV_Fluid replacement: - GF Ape payee NR Blind Trapp ign ——__—— wn | — a Crose_ma te = -Lunar_month = 10 monthe eat ana = 0 - Calendar_month___* 9 monthy ___}___yniversatsecipient_- AB —____— Ween ~ 40. meets b. 2 nurses = Avimeter ___- 9 trimester | ¢- gntinistamine. ___—— Highs risk d- piggyac > Puss - — o¢curs_ hen the_tnaternal=al_vnit sO Support it_in_jeapardy dt complications begore }4- Monitor v/s, OR, PR, WO____— req nana} or—dusiing preg nancy i | ABORTION Ae trlgitee (OSM we) 1 Spantancous_/_Miccariage ——=anartion., ectopic pregnancy —___}_caure Ghamasomal__abnvci.aity And trimester C1Y= x0 weeks) —Heriogen —txpOsure, improper __> He mole , incompetent cervix __| drd_irimesor (27-40 weeys) n= Eentive_ / Induced = —~ Planta prewia.abmptio plawning | Pretetm_iquoy ______________} Glagrigication op _Spontaneaus_Abortion _ ee ee I RG -PAEEDING ——_ | semnt_vaginateedingChright tea) “hime aie aan = hypralemicch vigal_ditation_/ dita: 2h ___|= lipe threatening condition __}_- avoid _strenows _aclivities for 48 hi N@ hee - |= chavacterived by inadequatt_blood _| |_- avoid intercourse for weets | supply (poor tise percution) _}e- IMMINENT AbotTON ___|_-to_tell_ond_tistues_________}|_- moderg!e bleeding ___ —> CELLULAR HY POFUNCTON STATE | - moderate tering clamping __ a = pepvical dilgtatian bu00D- oD PRESWRE = Des DE wh = Cardiac _duiput Peripheral | >= COMPLETE ABORTION i esas ee ol Nea > slight bleeding suai ee poe se _||_ > _nild uterine. ergenping —_______4_=_nd_cervical_dilatation ___ Scanned with CamScanner fe tee ee A“ INCOMPLETE —ABooTyoN ——___| Managemen = heavy bleeding (retained placenta) _| Berore_ryplure.i _— —2 moderate io severe. uterine_cramping, > Methotrecalt — —+Cervi@|_dilaiation __} = _Lewco.vorin ___—— emg |_= Mipeprictone ____— oe AM\sceD_agoenion __| Ruptuted; ——____— —light bleeding —Chrownish. dicchamé)_ > Laparoscopy —______—_——— -10_uterine cramping, 7 Rho GAM 10_cervicn!_dilatation Safe) = W_Coongion 4 “yea drain) ————_— DEE Cip over_{4 weet aoc) _| I ace vuppositon} or misoprostol | | chorionic vili_deweiopsinto_puid= — rilled__qeape= lite vesicles —____— _—(Gutotec) followed _ty oxytocin stimutation|_~ abnormalgronth_oj trophoblast —_—— _|—>non= viable pregnancy — ae Complication op Anacion | [= Choviecaranomna- rapidy. meiatii ting 4. HEMORRAAGE 2 malignancy, 2 INFECTION. eee — — S LSOUMMUNIZATION ———__ Wish paddones Prior_H=mole ECIOPIC PREGNANCY tte over 95 yey od implantation quisidt the vterus fs Adan = ampulla - mast commoncite __N- deereaged_péoteig -Atcesament Types : a. He mote. = sharp stabbing —pain/ sharp_wnilateral }COMPLETE ~ Sage se = scant vagingl__cpotting ________| materia pee ~ rigid_abdomen dt peritoneal _irritation {PADTIAL - develop into an abnormal “= clllen's sigo_~ bluigh_tinge of the umbilicus “= shoulder pain d'Lt phrenic nerve _| sigrifofion < ~ fen der_mass palpated in Dougiay’ _| —Oul= dem — —____ embryo that_spons@neowsly —__ . abort) erore 9 welt AdG Assessment: aa |- dark prmwn_upotting, punt juite) —Uunutiugl _ylenne grows —}>-NO_FHR = NO Fetal_parts qelpated Scanned with CamScanner GTP RGcERI Epbroks (LEFLRPLERCEDMERERIER = SNOWSTURM pattern in the Utz —AAncreased_ HCG ~ Hyperemesis Grovidanim_- met@bolic_alfatosis _}_ Adi based Concept. pal0s > 35 (atkaigsic) - 45 (addosis)_| Hedy 22 Cadaosis) = 20 Caltarosis) | = Preg.nancy~ Induced Hypertension Cer) __| —Aystolic 40 mmiig above baseline. | oe ee |_Jrimester_Bleeding ___ | Management: |_~ Uerclage - technique or — reineotcing — closure or fhe es sutures — = McDonald’ ~ permanent Blood pt + 7-95 (acidoric) - 1-45 alkalotig)|_- Phirodkav_- = femporary (21th = ith _— whee ~ wees 406) — = Polt- - erage tnonifor_utsine _— contac ons — |_—hed_cest: SMW —|PUNCENTA DReWiA —G hours apart Ca times) | | ailachnent of she pant inthe lower uterine segment whicn_occluder the “Manaqenent | internal__cecvicat_o¢ _ —~ suction curettage —___ > Ol tht_oerviv_esrace_and dilate... othe te ii CG evtiy 4 weeks til_normal-tvel|piacenia nay betorn lending 40 —~adwife not to_get_pregnant in 1 yfac|y ____= wit Contraception (nqturat_Zartipicial)} —~_pimphyiatis = methotver. aie, INCOMPETENT _Cetvix CPRenmarupe —_| -CERVIGAL_DILATATION.) — = pninieu_eppacement _ond_dilaiation_op_[e- PARTIAL progeestive hemorrhage _____ 14 Degree i lt COMPLETE. = placenta Covees—the entire_conical — SAM ene the _oteviy_unrelased 4_ulerine contraction] __~ partially, Coverr_the cervical os __ _Cn__Iead__to spontaneous abortion __9" MARGINAL Laat Pity aa ae eae Los if Covered py the. placenta _ 7" ——14-LOW= LYING —__ charts = placenta —ix-attacet_ton—in the = sHoW_(pink= tained vaginal discharge) _ = painless dilgiation : “= ruptlee_of_mebrane af _>_jnarea ged _peluic dilatation J eae ufena{ but not covering the _internal_os Scanned with CamScanner 8) ) RELERL EET ELE] BEREEEELE] EI BLEBLEELEI PUACENTA RETA ds Compete ———abnormal_attachment or the piaenta_| - tofal_separation or _{ placenta tothe _myometniwn | maysive (oleeding aed -PUACENIA. INORETA. ie a eae ——invasion of cma -|inanagement ploenia [EW plu pesuuctiation ond Lap PLACENTA PevcngTa | Lept tavera, side Iying ——*_penejrates myometrium to the __ —pocimettinn sca ___|Drecwancy =iNouceO_typeeteNsion_—— Problem: HEMORRHAGE po - $$$ a | Systolic Pressupe_____— “Management: pe HS pM inside_the artes a > ng_waginal_team,n0_pelvic exam, | | ventricles of the._heart _Conteact{ Nd__rectal_exam_- may create propuse__| Diastolic _Preasyre —____— hetoorhage —_____ |= prescure inside the arteries ‘ate bic GL, cide yng) |e tates — a ee -to_increae_ciraulatian —4o_the_mother— ane __—_— = ni ir Foe AS “of hyp vole aie laine ynown = idiopathic — soho, Nee ery pg tine, peda ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE Compiication C59 ucloe) _> premature separation of the | = AMLUPHO PLACENTA -Placenta_—during, ee a ree : edie posing Fado oI Types ss se MANGIA oe at exposure = only atthe edges of the —_|_ hee a SB teers _plncenia = bleeding. a a ee, CENTRAL a ___= separa tion accu at tT Age ________ a concealtd oveeding / minimal] ~ < and 7 35 yean old biel — Cag —uleni( or _| a Utervplaven ta! apoplexy | Le havd—board like wenn | 4: Past _Hrprowy _ |_-(4) Chronic _diseages__appecting— vasuilar system _( Dlanete _ with no_appérent bleeding _| | HyperHnsion, Renal_Promtems Scanned with CamScanner Alassigtcation bist all 1 GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION = 13: ECLAMPL|A $$ [oe ayee_A0_weeks_| i AdG ~ (1 hyper knsion > (4) paokinuna. slo - (1) edema 2d stupp wat | =U) seine /convl Sins —_——— —=() edema (upper ectremities) | ee —=() pottinuia = alownin management: a |= complele_bed_rest_- LLP (lept side.) 2-PREECLAMESIA——— | tigre premio = mild = fimit_yisitors— — sh =I) ace — == dg tone, = quit environment - priya. —— > (4) edema > diet > (4) pmbtinurig_(Al = 42) =f pobin_intote il = G) weight_gain___——— ~ no sodium restriction | = jut_por_feta | wells = —— Severe = ~ NOT C/N: Fie. E -(41) top (iso /10& above) | = FHR L - (4) poteinuia _(_3t_- 44) = _DEMC i —¥ extreme tqema_of the. 08 : se nieight daily — [ ind pugey_fiaea)_— | fb ~Gianeat ee oe ean Ae cotiona LG —of abdomen! igchemia_of the | _~ ft DTR_= hyperrey: I her and pancreaL L, ee Medication, | 4/4 _pultnonary_edema i= HYDRALAZINE. ~~ (_vitual_aittarh ; | —_~for_management of _QP__ vidi eIPOAE eS —_ cereoral_edema, i a hed_rest a = Lach’. hyperctpleia an ; agin aaa CRgi) Sy Lb ELLE) Li-bleBy LI hE LES) LBL LALA! EEE! ~ Anti Conv wlvant ‘Scanned with CamScanner \ Ne -Huzing care _in_ giving Mg voy____} Pathaphyelology.—o-— a Kathe therapentic levelf —_____ |“ disease proces” P 4 Lanier | predispasing_ 4 Cams . oxic We ss isposing_fx__‘au vd — = agin ea aie ponent, . Tae otto, LL respmfuny_depresinfl| = age, 08.8, ~s - 15 meg /L = pegpiratony paralysis chronic. disease we © taon ae ily sus —__- [-digt Sf "ig Mine sudden contraction OF —= 4 DIP oy_byporertevia Cowes —_| the blood veye|¢ "SO ___ patellar _repiex) ea S - 4 ke ae Lo eH & hi ive anidot vlow fifrue perp —CALCLUM GLUCONATE ee o> Wdney s ng) Long Aerm_sicke_epyect : a ue - DSTEOPOROSIS z D> |tna th OFR + permeability _|retention (oliguria) 40 O a a Fluid proteinuria i retention, LS f - ELE q OncoHe pressure D edema (albumin) ge _ = — _ ellema & : : : | a eer ay ung ___—ahdomen_ z - visual = shortness = epigastyic_ ff) dittwehance of breath pain —__ i : : go = Z ie ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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