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Since 2004


VNU-University of Engineering and Technology

INT 6132 - Web Mining

Lecture 0: Course Introduction
Duc-Trong Le (PhD)

Hanoi, 02/2023
Course Introduction
● Course Name/Code: Web Mining / INT6132 (Postgraduate)
● #Credits: 03
● Time: 6.00-8.50pm every Thursday (23/02/2023 - 28/05/2023)
● Course Plan: 10 weeks = 9 (lecture + group presentation) + 1 (midterm)
● Learning outcomes:
○ Understand basic concepts of data/text/web mining
○ Understand techniques and algorithms for web mining
○ Utilise tools/libraries to crawl and preprocessing web data
○ Can apply machine learning models in revealing new knowledge from web
○ Can apply the obtained knowledge to solve real world problems

Duc-Trong Le INT 6132 - Web Mining 2

Course Materials

● Primary Textbook:
○ Bing Liu (2011). Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents and Usage
Data (2nd Edition), Springer.
● Reference Textbook:
○ Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, by Ian
Witten and Eibe Frank, 3rd Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2011
○ Phan Xuân Hiếu, Đoàn Sơn, Nguyễn Trí Thành, Hà Quang Thụy (chủ biên),
Nguyễn Thu Trang, Nguyễn Cẩm Tú (2009). Giáo trình Khai phá dữ liệu Web,
NXBGD, Hà Nội, 2009.

Duc-Trong Le INT 6132 - Web Mining 3

Course Outline
● Lecture 1: Introduction
● Lecture 2: Web Mining Overview
● Lecture 3: Data Collection, Preprocessing & Preparation
● Lecture 4: Text/Web Representation
● Lecture 5: Web Classification
● Lecture 6: Web Clustering
● Lecture 7: Midterm (Online)
● Lecture 8: Recommendation Systems
● Lecture 9: Graph & Network Analysis
● Lecture 10: Visual Data Analytics

Duc-Trong Le INT 6132 - Web Mining 4

Course Assessment
● Group Project: 20% (2nd week onwards)
○ A team of 3 students
○ Choose a paper from WWW'23:
Web Mining and Content Analysis Track
○ Prepare slides and 15-20 mins presentation
● Mid-term Exam: 20% (Online)
○ MCQ Quiz: 50 questions/50 minutes
● Final Project: 60% (Individual)
○ Choose a real-life web mining problem
○ Report submission: KSE template, Week 12
■ Motivation, problem definition
■ Data collection & analysis
■ Propose a method to resolve the problem
■ Experiments and Evaluation (optional, 9-10)

Duc-Trong Le INT 6132 - Web Mining 5

Since 2004


VNU-University of Engineering and Technology

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