Preterm Labor

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autmIV HEI EI EEGEI| IJLMLL/IVET// RBI LAL AT ~PRETEUM_aae + Labor that_occur.s before —14 wets 0G. _before_the 2 a OF _21_weels 0G. _ series wit) of _coprdinated_, -_intermitlent—wterine cuntrackions— ae — Case uninonn idiopathic - —— ~Assaciated _px_: multiple gestation ___ =) ye -mpzipseiieyt init _____wlenne — Cervica|__abnor malities _____— period or_relayation ~ fo prevent petal_divarecs— Uterine Contraction (Anatomy) Phases , - 4) INCLEMENT = building Intensity i = 1) ACME ___=_prak_of intensity a 2) DECREMENT _- decreasing intensity _ _ DURATION -_Jength_ OF fime_from_beginning oon the beginning of one Contraction J NTEAJIT_=_trengdh_op” wletine cor nivaction wild. _moderak.._utang ae “FREQUENCY ~ l€ngih_op— tine from beginning of —cont raion 4 40 = ~ Dx_Test 4 ASJESSM EN OF CONTRACMON FREQUENCY Scanned with CamScanner = at teat | contraction in 10 ming lasting for_%0 secs_or more -2 FETAL pupeonecnnn Test ] ——=protin_pnrduced serves “al adneive—pelween amniotic vac 9 —wienne_ining— e ae wntil 22 weeks AQG oe Foldi=pibpnfinrightencc = ——preteren Labor It inig@Rfces sitesi ——(2)_felal_pibmneatin tery = Jalopy_will_not_occur_in a _weeks 4 _Z_NiTenziNe PAPER TEST = to_dehut dhe _prtypentt OF amniotic_fluid in vaginal secretions. —4mninbic_pluid_- pH 1-0- 1-5 (alkaine) Nagel conning =a 4:5> 6:5 Cacidic) 7 _yellow — blue » Ct) gmniotic_rinid_ yellow > yellow = (=) amniotic _pluid result > blue ~ 9reen blue- gray em rane_haj_euptured ___ deep blue (+)_ammiokic__Fluid —___ Fetal bidngy % amaion ay 4)_TERNING TEST = eyternal—ceniical_ot_$ vaginal pool_( pashtrine fornix) = $0 defeuk—plesenc_op—amniofic_fluid = perning—d/t estrogen _$__prOHin_vodiiuan conknt of the. en SVUNPHITIVLUAIALLEN LILLE __amniofic_pluid “Pepinitine dy 2 wretine infractions cause canigal_tnanges “Mal Da m—= digs that __¢rop_/_halt / prevent savor inn Channel _Woloceey, ay P ni _provtagtandin —gntagonict = ride trp ect_*_ premature dosure. —of—the ductus “or _pewwmmenoe / ___grteyiddul > _pulmonany—congestina in _ OT GIVEN 2 Ane F4tal_lungs ee = 4 WO oF the Fe © oligonydramnioy Scanned with CamScanner ee sri eli]) Tile Leet) 2 eee —2)_ Trou taline bronchodilator se = Pitta ad reer ic agg oni —___ “Wide eppeut =_tachy candia____— —D_Magnainm suipate ~— CW depressant ~ top_seivare._eulam psa _%_apor — — Management: A Bed cect —w/hydeation dt ort ape uri cong atest 9 ______—_—_—— aA Monitor vif ——=NDE_mvmal_pp + 4 PR_uponghangingporitinn prom _reuminen t — = 8 Aanhien ot aes — WF hypo ania = eve Re HL PRAT OR = Wor WO * DeHyppaTion vin z_DEHYDR { = 4 = Wor lonuotrnd wine w/ ft Qcugic gravity = PeHYpeaTion Rhett ieee eel m ee Se eee 2 Prevent injury = i patient ittaning ingfoy > wor _4 &e yom + Wo = ip patient _tr_tating tttbutaiing - WOE 4 gluse ¥ KF, 4 OP, 1 PL Scanned with CamScanner

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