14 Things You Need To Know How To Do On Your Calculator

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THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DO ON YOUR CALCULATOR CASIO CALCULATOR ‘Nore: These instructions were writen based on the calculator model f-9860G SD and may not be applicable to other models, If in doubt, refer to your ealeulator’s mania Skill ‘Store numbers as variables On Inthe RUN menu use the -» baton and then key in a letter Fin 68 freap 278560254058 8. 8660254038 Peet 1.75 omp Solve equations sraphically Inthe GRAPH menu input one equation into YL and the other into Y2 Go tothe G-Soly menu (F5), and use the ISCT (F5) function to find the intersection, If there is more than one intersection, press across (F6) to move the cusor othe next intersection point aise selesnudinsss Solve equations numerically In the RUN menu press OPTN, CALC (P4) and then SolveN (FS). Pur in the equation you want to solve GolveNcos Wetan CHD ~7. 853981634 Loe 133 Solve linear } simultaneous equations Inthe EQUA meno press FI for simultaneous equations. Rearrange the equations into the form ax + by + ce =d and input all the eoeticients In the RUN of GRAPH menu press {Use modulus Fos Gem funetions OPIN then across (F6) and NUM (F4). a. 1aisez6ss6 | ‘Abs (Fs the modulus function, Work with | Inthe RUN menu, using SHIFT Oallows | (7sqyECq=9) complex you to enter‘ and use it fr calculations | sumbers Aira Ans By pressing OPTN, CPLX (F3) you can : 1.878796327 aaeess alist of functions which can be | | @*CLm pple to complex numbers, suchas aa ng the modulus the argument. You (es) on can enter complex numbers in polar form boy using there notation, | Patsequences | Goto the STAT menu. With the into lists cursor over List 1 press OFTN, List {F1 and then Seq (F5). The syntax is Seq(expresson, X, lowest value, highest value, increment), “To find the sum ofthe sequence, 20 to List2 and, using the same menu as before, go across to get Cuml and then Lis. een Find numerical derivatives Find numerical In the RUN menu press OPTN, CALC (F4) and then as (F2). Input the expression you waat differentiate followed by a comma and the value at which you want evaluate the derivative. Ifyou want to sketch a derivative you can use this expression ina graph too, In the RUN menu press OPEN, jeulator Waxtsin Gem FUsin WE Baw nega | CALC OF) and then fa (3). np iosterseser the cxpremion you watt itogate flowed by the lower and pe iis 2 separated by commas (BIN RE AE: ET SE) Find maximum | inthe GRAPH menu ple he graph and | TE=AASaRE and minimum — | press G-Solv (F3). ieee ‘Points on a ‘Then press Max (F2) or Min (F3) raph z q i Find sample | Inte STAT mena em the dati Ls 1 sees | andi reqed te equnces in is Press CALC (F2). Use SET (F6) 10 ‘make sure thatthe 1-Var XList i List 1 and that I-Var Freq is either 1 or List, as appropriate. Then exit and press |-Var (FI) Sevolling down shows the median and quartiles, Ee ee Find Inthe RUN menu, press OPTN, STAT (FS) and then DIST (F3). There are several probabilities in| options: a Ned | Probabity tom a normal Niu, 6} ¢strbution | NomalGDVower dit, ‘upper li, a) pd | Probability rom a binomial Bin, p)distbuton | Binomial, p) Bod | Cumulative probably, PIX. from a BhomiaCDex, n, p) binomial Bin, p) stibuton pd | Probability fom a Poisson Poon) astrbuton | PoissonPOfx, m) Pod | Cumulative probabity PLY <., rom a Peisson |PoissenODt, Sim tase | BinontnalOOL 58-5 PoissonP<2,2, 4 Bi ferross ‘ze Uieinene | Tohd bebomaatesararegon vid) | Gomerss yeast nomad" aspectnadpobustty gowitestar |[BaYS"** SOSPP me finns | menmten DIST, NORMUFD and || Yaht hate In) da sea vr peng menncmmavn in || Gellnn 4 ena de Riva wet el or PU>) we the right tail, and for P(x < Xx) use the central a, Input the mean and standard deviation, Use 1 =0 and = 1 if you do not know the mean or standard deviation and want to find a Z-seor, Cen TEXAS CALCULATOR: "Note: These instructions were written based on the calculator model T1-84 Plus Silver Edition and may ‘not be applicable to other models. If in doubs, refer to your eaeulator’s manual, Store numbers In the RUN menu, use the STOP bation as variables Solve equations and then key ina letter. Inthe Y= mena, input one equation into graphically | YI and the other into Y2. Then press the GRAPH button. ‘You may need t0 use the WINDOW or ZOOM funetions to find an appropriate scale. ‘To look for intersections, press CALC (Gad, F8) then intersect (FS). You must select the two graphs you want to intersect and move the cursor close to the intersection point you ae interested Solve equations numerically Inthe MATH menu press Salve (0) You must rearrange your equation into the form ...= 0. Input this and press Solve (ALPHA, ENTER) when the cursor is bove the X valu. To find other values, ‘change the bounds within which you want the ealeulatorto search For polynomial equations, you can find all solutions by using the solver in the PolySmit 2 APP (which is recommended by the IB. AEE SPEER Solve linear | In the PolySmlt APP select ‘SimutEqn- simultaneous | Solver (2). You can change the number of ‘equations ‘equations and the numberof unknowns. Rearrange the equations int the form ax + by + cz=d and input all the coeflciens. If the solution is not unique, a parametric representation of the solution will be given. Use modulus | Inthe MATH menu, go across to NUM; functions the frst option is ABS, which isthe caleulator notation forthe modulus function. Work with | 2nd, . (decimal point allows you to complex enter‘ and use it fr calculations. numbers By pressing MATH and going across to CPX you can access list of functions which ean be applied to comple. ‘numbers, such a finding the modulus (abs) or the argument (angle). You can enter complex numbers in polar form by using the re notation, Put sequences | Press LIST (2nd, STAT) and move across imo Fists OPS. Option 5s sey, an operation which Pus sequence ino als. The syntax is Searle, X lower lini, upper tim, step). ‘You can store this sequence in ais using the STO» button. To look atthe curative sum of your sequence, use the eumSum function from the same menu, Find numerical derivatives Find numerical integrals Find maximum ‘and minimum points on a reph Find sample Inthe MATH menu, option 8 isthe numerical drvative, aDedv, The syntax is nDerivfimetin, X alue of interest. you want to sketch the derivative fntion, you can graph Y1 = nDecvfancton, X30. Inthe MATH meno, option 9 is tumerical integration, flat. The syntax is tnlmifimetion, X, lower lit, upper lini), Ifyou want o see how the value of the integral changes with he upper limit, you can graph Y1 = falniunesion, X,lower limit, X). When viewing a graph in the CALC menu Qu, F4), press minimum (3) ‘or maximum (4). Use the cursor to describe the left and right sides of the region you want o look in and then click the cursor cose to the stationary point Inthe STAT menu, use the edt function to-enter the data in List Land, if required, the frequencies in List2. Press STAT and CALC, then 1-Var Stats (1) 8 appropriate, Give the name ofthe lst ‘which holds the data and, if required, the lst which holds the frequencies. Scrolling down shows the median and quartiles Sl Cee Probabilities from different distributions can be found using the DISTR mens ind probabilities in distributions (@nd, VARS). There are several options: om roel Probably from a norma Nu, 64 distribution ormatoatfower it, upper tit, 6) binomiaipat Probably from a binomial Bin, p cstibution binomatn p) binomial Cumulative probability, P=, rom abineril in, p) dstibution binomed,p, a} polssonpt Probably fom a Poisson Poin) dstriution poissonpatim, poissoncat Curruatve probability, PIX

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