12 Mathematical Induction

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MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION ‘Proof by mathematial induction always follows the same basic steps + Show that the statement ist forte bse case, This sly done by sbi n= | ino he pve expression, | + Assume that the statement is true for m = & and write down what this means (this is called the inductive hypothesis) © Link the dah case to the + Ith ease Show tha if the statement is tr for then itis also tue for n= K+ 1 + Write a conclusion using the standard formulation: | ‘The statement is true for n =I, and if true for n= kits also true for statement is true forall 2 | by the principle of mathematical induction. +1. Hence, the * The inductive step depends on the problem type For series dhe sum off terms is linked tothe sum of + terms by adding the (+ 1) term of the series: Si) =, +t. ‘© For sequences, use the recurrence relation that relates the Ath term tothe (&-+ 1)th term. If ‘recurrence relation involves two previous terms, check two base eases, = 1 and | ‘For differentiation, find the (K+ Ith derivative by differentiating the Ath derivative ‘+ For divisibilty form an equation forthe inductive hypothesis by making the given expression ‘equal 0 multiple ofthe number it should be divisible ys for example, 34, Z, for | visibility by 3. Then substtte from this equation into the expression for n= + ‘+ Por inequalities, substitute from the inductive hypothesis into the left-hand sie of the expression forn= £+ 1 When carrying out the inductive step, make it clear where you have used the result form =k in your working. In the conclusion do not write “The statement i rue for n= and for n= +1 You must ‘understand the correct logic: “Assuming itis tre for =k team then be shown that itis also teve for n= K+ 1. ‘You can pick up marks for writing the statements for = 1 and n=, ‘even if you cannot complete the ealeulation in the inductive step. Indvction problems involving differentiation may require the wse ofthe product or quotient rules. tnd the conclusion, ee ee | ry 2.) SERIES AND SEQUENCES WORKED EXAMPLE 12.1 cm When a uis-2 Liss 211 a ea A2 Sothe statement is rue fern=1 ‘Assume’ ie true for 42,9, , k emer 5 ater ea GeO Let n= K-41. Working toned Ay 2,3, 4 Re (h42iiot aitaitai Gera rey 1,2,9, , k , ket ita ar Te Cee (eee, ket s Gert esay wanete)) _er2ycernyeee) (eo) ~ (20 ke2) _(es2)-k-2eket ey _(e2)! (ee 2 ee othe statanen strc forn=k-+1 Te statements te for n= 1, and true for n=kitisalso true forn=k+ 1. Hence, the statement fs true fran 1 by the principle of mathematical induction. _ met +0! (0-[ Show nat the statements a for ‘Gea sat the nductve Fopotheis the Statamentforn ats aesumod oe He). ‘Thais the sar ofthe havetve sep. Wig down what we re worn owaras wl he us 00 how to Spy the exresson ‘We sat om the LHS and simoty rl oe othe FHS orreaion tat we ae working ‘vance, ‘We use he statement ofthe ndtv rypothesis {equation (and acd the next term, AT tg getthe cum forn= A+ mea The expression we are working towards has (+2 the denominator o ne wrt the 0 fractions vith a comencn dencmnatr Ue 2 We then us the fact hat +24 + ak 61 (o-[ Wie must state what warave shown. Wie a conehsion us the tardies © femal, Practice questions 12.1 1. Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that (2) 2. Prove using induction that +7472 +074 = ¢ 3 E i i i E i i 4, Prove by induction that 3) r(r!)= (2-4 Dt '5, Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that for any integer 1 2nt3 a ve dade 6. Prove by induction that Sa fn +143) Bn 7. A sequence is given by the recurrence relation u,., = Su, ~ 8 with u,=7. Prove by lution thatthe general term ofthe sequence isu, = 5° + 2 £8, Given that yy; =2u, + 1 and = 3, prove by induction tha 9. Given that 4 and tyy2= 8. ~ 15 Use the principle of mathematical induction to show hat u,= 5-43" Ea) EEE 'S lt 12.2 DIFFERENTIATION WORKED EXAMPLE 12.2 Let (x)= 284, Prove by induction that f(x) = G+ n3)e™ for n> 1 =x xs?)o™ =RHS So the statements true form ‘Acoume tis trus for Fx) =(Btx tke Letn= he. Working tna POX) =H (kT 16x} Z (449) Leet yer) (csina(*)) (2 +0)e* +(3t.04k3)} (30) [SA 4(St tks )es oo Ghat h So = (ahr (k1p3t)e" So the statements tue for The statement is true forn= 1, andiferue forn=kivisaleo-trueforn=k-+"1. Hence, ‘the statementis true forall 1 by the Principle of mathematical induction. Practice questions 12.2 410, The function fis defined by /(x)= x0, Use mathematical induction to show that FOG) = eM kex + nk), 1 14. ty 1-2 we by induction th prove by wt co} tn down what we ae working ters i hap us see how fo spi ate certain, ‘Tasie ho naceve ae. ‘We tp” by ctferentatng the expression for FSerequaton |), na tn spi unt we gato {he FS exposson that we ara working towards. o-[ we must tte what we hve ana, ite a cantudon using ne standart format, zn! Cay 12.3 DIVISIBILITY WORKED EXAMPLE 12.3 ‘Use mathematical induction 1 show that 9" — When = 1,9!= 71-2 = O( 0x 14) whichis vite by 14. Sothe statementio tre for Ascumeivis tus forn=k 7h Bte 14Aforsome Ae 2°...) Letn=k+4.Then of 7-2 o(08)=7=28 O1aA¥7 428) —7°—20" (ong (2) sA(14}+9(7"}49(24)-7—2" 9A(14}+74(9-7)}424(9-2) =9A(14}4+74(2)424(7) =9A(14)47(7%2)42(2K7) (ask>1) Ata) H7(14)+241(14) =14(9A+ 742") Sothestatementis trscforn=k+1 The expressions divibe by 14 fora = 1, and ifivisdidableby 14 for n= thenIti6 also 1 by ‘the priscipl of mathematical Induction Practice questions 12.3 42, Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that 2ris divisible by 14 form = Z* ‘Show that he satan eu for = by raking the exprossion and check that is iste by 14 ‘leary sate te ducts hypotheses the (04 stalemont or m= kat Is aumedto be tue A ‘umber bel cub by 14 meane hat it can be ‘ten asa utp of 14 14). od “This 6 te sat of elnino sep, We can wea 99 9 and then substi fr tom equaten (3 Mali x the racket and ako out a actor of (©7| 7 a2! te te elevate, “o make eaoh im amulipe of 14, we can tora factor of 7 fom 7 ard factor of 2 tram 2 Note, howe that thsis ery posse because A> of We must tate what wo nao shown, [ite conason arte sedan 1 is divisible by forall n2 1 4, Prove by induction that 13" ~ 4" is divisible by 9 forall n> 0. 114, Use mathematical induction to prove that 3n + 1)7*— 1 is divisible by 9 for all ne 2° 12.4 INEQUALITIES WORKED EXAMPLE 12.4 Use induction to show that 2°2 forall n> 4, LHS =24=16 | vahen=4. ‘Ascuma tts tuntor =k where ki 4 (o-| Olay state ne nave mpathese the Poatrtetak-r20 sokst-vi or kate V2 Since A> 14-2, ths nequalty 22 2k-+ 1 hold fork> 4, 50: Use the fact hat 4 to show hat he LASE a ke (07 cay 22 2k +1 holds inthe ceumstances oto question De +(2ke) eae =(ke yar 0 the Inequalty holds form = B+ 1. ©-{ Wo us tt ra wo rave shown Tehuttyhos torn 4 arith ern ES Eaohaistrekt tacastnashade "of Pmegersemwenseeseoed foralns-hythoprropeoathonstestnton Practice questions 12.4 416, Use induction to show that 2" 2 n +1 forall positive integers n 46, Prove by induction that n> 3 for all n> 6. 128 Mixed practice 12 41. Use mathematical induction to show that dhe sum ofthe first odd namibers is 2. Prove by induction that 32 + 2° divisible by 17 forall n20. 3. (a) Find the smallest postive integer M such that > M +5, (b) Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that 3° n +5 forall integers n= M. 4, Consider the function f(x) = e083. (a) Find f'(2) and (70). (©) Use te principle of mathematical indetion to show that (x) =(=1)*(xveosx-+2nsin.), 5. Lety(n) =~ dn (4) Show that n+ 1) —fln)= 302 +33, (b) Use induction to show that /() is divisible by 3 form © 2° 6, Prove, using the principle of mathematical induction, that 10°" — 91 all positive integer 0 is divisible by 81 for 7. Given that a =2 and u, = TF2u, For n> 1, prove that <4, 8 Given that = 11 and tes SOx a) ~ 1S prove by induction that 8. Prove De Moive's theorem: [r(cos0+isinO)]' =1(cosn0 +isinn0) forall € 2 Going for the top 12 1. Prove that (a? +3Xn? +15) is divisible by 32 for all odd positive integers n 2. Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that (OAD Hat 2)+4 3). On) = bmn Dd 3. (a) ()_Use the principle of mathematical induction to show that 208) £058 + 00530 + 0850+... $e0s(2n—D0= forne Z* 13m coat (Hence find the exset value of cs +05 +. eo (©) Prove by induction that Sese(2")= cot cot(2"®), [re rH

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