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Name: Ardelyn B.

Matilac Date:
Course and year level: BSAM-3B
Subject: Organization and management of small business

Journal title:
I. Summary

Is the era management over?

Ricardo Semler, whose ted talk went viral that introducing in terms of industrial democracy
and re-engineering. Mr. Semler is not an academic or an expert in management theory. But Mr.
Semler is a CEO of an industrial company. Even though his representing mainstream thinking or
organizational design are not improvable. But in perhaps in terms of manager that we use in
question whether the idea of management and it inherited from the industrial era, and it still use
fullness. In world of ( VOCA) that in terms of managers there is an a competitive, disorder and
lack of understanding but in generating ideas even you encountered a fail but you have a
purpose to continuous improvement and those practices necessary, but adequate. And for now,
it is have a possibility to build an idea to continuing success without of leadership, but to
creating new ideas from within an organization. The CEO of Netflix, went viral and Sheryl
Standberg specify to it that as probably the most important to come out of Silicon Valley. In
words of CEO that having people smart and intelligent in pre- industrial society would not have
led to better economic outcomes. The mindset shifts for organization transformation is that have
a process from profit and purpose of it to build and success soon a manager. Contextual
awareness peripheral vision, design thinking and a multi- disciplinary approach these are all
terms that are trending in modern speak. A project it based on your titles for free organization,
that you were build idea for your own start today and team members. For yesterday and can
transmit the promptness and intractability that business desire for. Select the context in which
high performances can proceed rather than undertake to manage them is the key to unleash
their full actual.
With goals, fast Beats smart (Summary)
In this case talk about on how to execute strategy the process on how to become a good
leader in the future. In 1954, management by objectives, and retreat that where employees
would be agree with their boss on a set of goals and work toward those objectives universally
the year1. Even its not dreamy like Drucker, nevertheless, could have predict how completely
goals would come prevail the modern workplace. There is a strategic agility project this article is
part of MIT SMR series to explore how organizations can achieve their strategic objectives.
When it comes of this setting goals especially in managers they follow the goals that well stable
set of practices. Their process of goals is they hold one on one meetings with their remedial to
set goals. These same SMART managers desire to make their goals smart, by ensure that they
are specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time bound. The best goals is doing it in
private, so in that case the employees don’t know what companion in other terms are working
on goals is strategic in planning the outcomes for your soon future. And goals can drive strategy
implementation but only when they are aligned with strategic priorities and enable course
corrections as circumstances change its better to rapid goals than not being smart because
rapid goals is the best way for make your goals have best outcome. According to conventional
wisdom, that goals should be specific measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. But
smart goals is undervalue ambition, focus narrowly on individual performance, so that smart
goals is to ignore the importance of discussing goals throughout the year. But in fast goals can
drive strategy implementation, leaders it should be set the goals that are fast frequently
discussed, ambitious, specific and transparent. How to fast your goals make the ways that your
performance powerful and excellent boost all your confidence to that performance to showing
employees what the best level performance is available and companion and helping them locate
companion in similar situations that who can provide advice on how they can do better. When
employees don’t know one an others goals, they are more likely to make unrealistic demands
focus on activities that don’t support their companion, or duplicate efforts. How can leaders
inspire people to set more ambitious in goals? In Silicon Valley many companies encourage
employees to set goals that they are unlikely to achieve in full. Goals attainment from
performance reviews and compensation decisions, which may seem like heresy to managers
steeped in traditional performance management philosophy. Goals are the most powerful tool to
drive strategy execution, has to gain and show their potential, leaders must be in part of smart
goals, and set their ambitious target. Think in terms of fast by having frequent discussions about
goals, setting ambitious target that make their goals fast and making them public for everyone to
see. Smart goals and fast goals is one of lesson that make us to learn that this kind of tools is
needed in our future.
Is the era of management over? (Insight)
This article was mainly explain in terms of industrial democracy and on how organization
process for make what better ways to do in business. Just like on what I’ve done read on the
story of Mr. Semler even he is not expert management theory but he have skill in industrial
company his ability is to make everyone encourage on what best way to do in business that in
doing business is not on what skill you have but to transformation and creating idea for make a
plan for better in business.
With goals, fast beast and smart (Insight)
This article was mainly to explain various concept and strategies to have successful work
management between leaders and employees in a particular objectives or goals. It provide
effective execution of strategies in a certain companies or marketing organization to make the
work efficient and transparent in which it is being practice even in modern workplace. In relation
during 1964, Peter Ducker manage to introduce this what we called management by objectives
in specific workplace.
As we can observe during this present or modern type of establishing set of practices in an
organization or companies, mostly leaders create interaction with their employees through
meetings or any kind of groups session in order to strengthen the bonds of every members in
attain. Those traditional improve and analyze to promote common good. Moreover, some
workplace in different companies used to follow the concepts of smart which stands for specific,
measurable, achievable, and realistic and time-
Bounded but according to unconventional wisdom, leaders should execute their strategy in
setting goals with helps of fast which stands for frequency, ambitions, specific and transparent.
Additionally, goals should be specific which means that whatever things or outcome you wanted
to have at the end of the day. It should be concisely determine in order to improve the
performance of every individual who are being part of plan. Defining the metrics and milestone
in every goals will enhance agility of accomplishing ones project or activity.
Furthermore, frequent discussion and meeting between each members of company will help to
get the desired outcome of the goals and there must be consistency in the decision making
accompanied by reviewing the objectives in order to make correction if there is something that is
lacking. Lastly, setting ambitions goals will surely make goals will surely make the goals more
competent and tis can be done if the set of goals is realistic which means that it can be
achievable will introduce new set of opportunities and improve the performance of the said

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