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Literature study report



- Shashank Manohar
- 1RW20AT89

● Definition 1-2

● Policies and regulations 3

● Types of NZEB 4-7

● Strategies 8-25

● Bibliography 26
Zero energy buildings are designed and built to consume as little energy as possible. When a renewable
source of energy is added to these buildings, they are capable of producing enough energy to meet or exceed
their requirements to run.
It significantly influences design choices of architects and building owners

Net Zero Energy is different from previous energy efficiency approaches in two ways:

1. The baseline and target are "zero" (instead of a percentage improvement over prior
2. The energy you use must be supplied from renewable energy.

Government buildings are supposed to be dull and uninspiring, have

high energy requirements and are, consequently, polluting. But Indira
Paryavaran Bhawan, the building in New Delhi that houses the office
of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, is different.
Built at a cost of Rs 209 crore, it is India's first building certified by GRIHA
for Exemplary Demonstration of Renewable Technology. It is also hailed
as India's first zero-energy building
Schematic representation of a NZEB site boundary which helps determine the
delivered energy and exported energy 2


Certain regulations with respect to

the national scale and state scale are
present which govern the
parameters required for a building to
be called energy efficient and net
zero energy building
Only when all these parameters are
POLICIES REGULATIONS fulfilled will a building be certified
Energy Supply options and examples

Table to be referred for types foR NZEB

Source :
Table to be referred for types foR NZEB
Source :
Although all attempts to achieve an NZEB are valuable, we can classify an NZEB based on the
RE supply options used and definitions met. A building that offsets all its energy use from
renewable resources available within the footprint is at the top of the NZEB classification
system at an NZEB:A. A building that achieves an NZEB definition through a combination of
on-site renewables and off-site purchases of REC (Renewable energy credit)s is placed at the
lowest end of the NZEB classification at an NZEB:D


NZEB:A buildings generate and use energy through a combination of energy efficiency and
RE (Renewable energy) collected within the building footprint. These buildings can qualify as
site because of their use of on-site RE resources.


NZEB:B buildings generate and use energy through a combination of energy efficiency,
RE generated within the footprint, and RE generated within the site. These buildings can
qualify as site because of their use of on-site RE resources
NZEB:C buildings use the RE strategies as described for NZEB:A and/or
NZEB:B buildings to the maximum extent feasible. These buildings also use
Option 3, off-site renewable resources that are brought on site to produce
energy. They may qualify as site, source, and emissions NZEBs because they
use renewable resources


Buildings Classified as NZEB:D NZEB:D buildings use the energy

strategies as described for NZEB:A, NZEB:B, and/or NZEB:C buildings.
On-site renewable strategies are used to the maximum extent feasible.
These buildings also use Option 4, purchasing certified off-site RE such as
utility-scale wind and RECs from certified sources. Once all possible
cost-effective efficiency and on-site RE strategies have been fully
exploited, off-site options should be explored if necessary



● Passive design
-Form And orientation
-Natural ventilation
● Efficient appliances
● Lighting
● Renewable energy

Section of a typical NZEB with passive design strategies in place

Form and orientation constitute two of the most important passive design strategies for reducing energy
consumption and improving thermal comfort for occupants of a building. It affects the amount of sun falling
on surfaces, daylighting and direction of winds. Towards net zero energy goals, form and orientation have
significant impact on building’s energy efficiency, by harnessing sun and prevailing winds to our advantage.
Thus they play a pivotal role in NZEB design approach as these strategies are one time interventions and their
potential benefits should not be missed. 10
Cooling for hot region

1. In tropical climate like India, long facades of buildings oriented towards north- south are
2. Buildings should be oriented with their longer axis (north –south) aligned perpendicular to
the prevailing winds to facilitate maximum air-flow and cross ventilation through the
3. Buildings that feature a courtyard (in climates where cooling is desired), orienting the
courtyard 45° from the prevailing wind maximizes wind flow into the courtyard and
enhances cross ventilation in the building.
4. In hot & dry climates, the surface to volume(S/V) ratio of the building should be as low as
possible to minimize heat gain (compact plans have greater thermal efficiency, e.g. a square
plan is more thermally efficient than a rectangular one).

Heating for cold regions

1. Surface area to volume ratio of

a building should be low to
avoid unwanted heat loss
(approaching a cube or a
2. For cold climates, orientation
slightly east of south is
favoured (especially 15° east of
south), exposing the unit to
morning and afternoon sun
and enabling the building to
Service cores serve as thermal buffers against heat loss or gain. Optimal location for service
heat during the day. cores are in the east and west direction of the building
3. Buildings with a ‘rectangular
form’ should ideally orient their
longer axes towards 4. Greater the perimeter to area ratio, greater is the heat
north-south direction rather gain of the building.
than east-west direction.
Greater the perimeter to area 5. Building form for energy efficiency should consider
ratio, greater is the heat gain of the floor area, perimeter, building height and surface to
the building. volume ratio

Use of appropriate shading devices is imperative for the appropriate use of daylighting

Structural controls like ‘external shading devices’ are essential environmental controls that either obviate or
greatly reduce the need for mechanical heating and cooling to maintain thermal comfort inside buildings, by
controlling heat gain through openings. Along with glazing type and size of the fenestration, shading devices are
equally important in limiting heat gain from outside through radiation. External and internal shading devices can
thus be used as an essential solution for achieving energy efficiency. 13
● As a first step towards shading, longer sides of a building should be oriented North- South which is
preferred to minimize overall solar gain through the envelope.
● South-facing windows are the easiest to shade. Overhangs on south-oriented windows provide
effective shading by blocking summer sun and admitting winter sun.
● Use fixed horizontal overhangs on south-facing glass. 1m shading device can reduce cooling loads
● To the greatest extent possible, limit the amount of east and west glass (minimize window area)
since they are harder to shade. Consider the use of landscaping to shade east and west exposures.
● An extended roof can provide shade to the entire north and south wall from the noon sun
● Shading is generally not required at the north side. Only cutting the low evening summer sun can
be achieved by vertical shades or internal blinds.
● On lower buildings, well-placed
deciduous trees on the east and west
will reduce summer overheating while
permitting desirable winter solar gains
● Semi-outdoor spaces such as balconies
(2.5m – 3m deep) can provide shade
and protect interior spaces from
overheating and climatic variations. At
the same time they act as wind scoops
and provide a private social space for
the unit. 14
Fenestrations (windows, skylights, & other openings in a building
FENESTRATIONS etc.) allow daylight and the prevailing wind inside the building when

However, solar radiation that can penetrate through these

fenestrations, especially windows, can lead to considerable heat
gain. Glazing in windows traps the heat inside the space. Window
glass allows short wave infra-red radiation from sun to pass through
easily, but is very resistant to passage of long wave radiations
emitted from objects inside the building that have heated from the
solar radiation. Resultant temperature inside the building can thus
be even greater than outside temperature if fenestration systems
are not designed carefully. From NZEB design perspective, building
fenestrations can affect lighting and air-conditioning loads

Methods to reduce heat gain through windows are:

● Orientation and size

● Glazing
● Internal shading devices (blinds, curtains)
● External shading devices 15
● Glazing area should be reduced as long as it does
not affect the uniformity of daylight distribution in
a building.
● Reduce Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) as less
heat will be transferred into the building.
● Reduce the U-Value of glazing and also lower the
SHGC except for the cold climate where higher
SHGC is recommended.
● In general cases, specify low U-values for residential
applications. Even lower values may be desired in
extreme heating climates. For buildings where
passive solar heating energy (cold regions) is
desired, south-facing windows with high SHGC
values coupled with low U-factors should be
● When specifying windows performance, take care
Glazing properties relevant to daylight harvesting and to specify “whole product performance values” /
energy efficiency whole window unit for U-factor and SHGC.
● Use of “glass-only” U-factors should be avoided as
they can be 10% to 40% better than the whole
product value. 16

Thermal insulation in walls and roofs reduces

heat transfer between the inside and outside
and helps maintain comfortable indoor
temperature. It provides healthier
environment, adds sound control, and most
important lowers the electricity bills. Insulation
helps keep indoor space cooler in summer
months and warm during winters.

There are variety of materials to choose from

including fibre glass, mineral wool, rock wool,
expanded or extruded polystyrene, cellulose,
urethane or phenolic foam boards and cotton.
They are generally in the form of amorphous
wool or rigid sheets, or require in‐situ pouring.
Insulation is rated in terms of R‐value. Higher
R‐values denote better insulation and The figure above shows insulation position for air-conditioned and naturally
ventilated spaces in a building in warm climate. Insulation should
translate into more energy savings, much always be placed on the warmer side of the envelope. In warm climates, insulation
should be installed on the outside and in cold climates, on the
needed to meet NZEB design goals. inside.

Daylighting is a building design

strategy to use light from sun.
Presence of natural light in an
occupied space brings a sense of
wellbeing, increases awareness of
one’s surrounding and also
increases energy saving potential
with reduced dependence on
artificial light. Appropriate use of
windows, skylights, clerestories, and
other apertures in the building
provide means to harvest daylight.

Daylight factor is used for determining

daylight. It is equivalent to the sum of the
diffused skylight (SC), internally reflected
light (IRC) and externally
reflected light (ERC). Quality and quantum
of daylight entering a space can be
controlled by modifying these three 18
● Pools, ponds and water features immediately
NATURAL VENTILATION outside windows or in courtyards can pre-cool
air entering the house. As water evaporates it
draws large amounts of heat from surrounding
● In public buildings, water in pools and
fountains can be used as a cooling element
along with cross-ventilating arrangement of
● Cooling towers The cooling tower may be used
to evaporate, precool ventilation air for one or
more air handling units (AHU), reducing the
load on the mechanical cooling system.
● Evaporative cooling is most effective in hot and
dry climates.
● Vegetation for evaporation: The
evapotranspiration from one tree can save 250
to 650 kWh of electricity used for
air-conditioning per year. Evapotranspiration
from wet grass can reduce the ground surface
temperature by 6-8°C below the average
surface temperature of the bare soil. 19

Although passive measures will

improve thermal comfort,
air-conditioning may still be
required for maintaining comfort
conditions through the year. The
design as well as efficiency of such
systems could further impact the
energy consumption of buildings.
The process of optimization must
begin with load calculation, and
include system design, system
selection and installation,
commissioning, and ultimately –
operations & maintenance.
Innovative low-energy comfort
systems are highly recommended
for augmenting energy savings.

Be it the microwave in the pantry or

personal gadgets like kindle,
appliances have become ubiquitous
to modern lifestyles. It is not
surprising then that energy
consumed by common appliances is
steadily rising in buildings.Efficiency
in appliances can go a long way in
using energy judiciously in buildings.
It depends on both – appliances the
users buy, and the way they are
used. This section advises on choices
available to users, parameters for
selecting the right appliances, and
good usage practices.


Lighting energy accounts for more

than a quarter of total energy
consumption in buildings. It is
therefore important to optimize
lighting energy use to achieve net
zero goals. Energy efficient lighting
fixtures are now readily available in
the market. These must work in
conjunction with daylighting.
Building form, orientation, and
fenestration design must take
channel daylight into the building.
Daylighting controls as well as
occupancy sensors could further
reduce lighting energy use.
● Lighting is designed based on the space functional requirement and user behaviour. Select possible lamps
available in the market to meet the objective.
● Designer should estimate the basic lighting requirement based on the lux requirement for each lamp
category and select lamp with best life cycle cost and energy saving potential.
● Consider Maintenance factor – The installed lighting should be design to meet the design requirement for
a period of time. A gradual decrease of illuminance is observed in all lighting technologies with time
because of following reasons:
○ Lamp output reduction (Lamp lumen maintenance factor)
○ Dirt on luminaire (Luminaire maintenance factor)
○ Dirt on room surfaces (utilization factor)
● Optimize the lighting requirement based on the use of a simulation software. Many recognized softwares
like Daysim, AGI 32, Dialux etc are available, which simulate the space with selected lamp and luminaire
category and report the uniformity and lighting lux level achieved in a space.
● For a NZEB, designer should target a LPD reduction of at least 50% of the value stated in ECBC.

Lighting power density based on function
For Family Dining 22.6
(ECBC 2007)
For food preparation 12.9
Space Function 2007 LPD
(W/m2) Dressing/Fitting Room for Performing Arts Theater 6.5

Atrium Electrical/Mechanical 16.1

First three floors 6.5 Laboratory

each additional floor 2.2 For Classrooms 15.1

Audience/Seating Area—Permanent 9.7 For Medical/Industrial/Research 15.1

For Gymnasium 4.3 Lobby 14.0

For religious buildings 18.3 For Performing Arts Theater 35.5

For Performing Arts Theater 28.0 For Motion Picture Theater 11.8

For Motion Picture Theater 12.9 Lounge/Recreation 12.9

Classroom/Lecture/Training 15.1 Office

Conference/Meeting/Multipurpose 14.0 Enclosed 11.8

Corridor/Transition 5.4 Open Plan 11.8

Dining Area 9.7


● Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are

replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and
wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being
replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around
● Fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas - on the other hand, are non-renewable
resources that take hundreds of millions of years to form. Fossil fuels,
when burned to produce energy, cause harmful greenhouse gas
emissions, such as carbon dioxide.
● Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than
burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently
account for the lion’s share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to
addressing the climate crisis.
● Renewables are now cheaper in most countries, and generate three
times more jobs than fossil fuels.



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