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APSC Mains 2023 Model Answer 6

Q. Deontological ethics is an ethical theory that focuses on

absolute and universal moral duties and rules. Elucidate.

Marks : 10

Words: 150

Paper: GS IV


Deontological ethics is an ethical theory that is primarily

concerned with the duties and obligations that individuals
have to act in a morally appropriate manner. This theory
posits that there are absolute and universal moral duties and
rules that should guide our behavior, regardless of the
situation or context in which we find ourselves.

Main body:

According to deontological ethics, our moral duties and

obligations are based on the inherent nature of human beings
and the fundamental principles that govern human
interaction. These principles are often grounded in religious
or philosophical beliefs and are not subject to change based
on individual preferences or social norms.

One of the key principles of deontological ethics is the

concept of the "categorical imperative," which was proposed
by the philosopher Immanuel Kant. This principle states that
individuals should always act in a way that they would want
to be treated if they were in the same situation as the other
person. This means that we should never treat other people
merely as means to our own ends, but always as ends in

Another important principle of deontological ethics is the

concept of "duty ethics," which emphasizes the importance of
fulfilling one's duties and obligations, even if doing so is
difficult or unpleasant. This means that individuals must
always act in accordance with their moral obligations, even if
doing so goes against their personal desires or interests.

Deontological ethics also emphasizes the importance of

moral rules and principles, which are often seen as absolute
and universal. These rules and principles are not subject to
change based on the situation or context in which they are
applied, and they are seen as binding on all individuals,
regardless of their personal beliefs or preferences.


In summary, deontological ethics is an ethical theory that

emphasizes the importance of absolute and universal moral
duties and rules. It emphasizes the importance of treating
others with respect and dignity, fulfilling one's moral
obligations and duties, and following moral principles that
are seen as binding on all individuals.

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