Coding Assignment

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Coding Assignment:

Make a NodeJs app to connect two people overcall using Cloud Phony more here:​.

Can use any free service available for example - ​Plivo​.

The goal of the application:

1. Ask for a name and phone number.
2. Ask for the other phone number whom to connect and select duration - 5, 10, or
15 min.
3. Click on the call button to connect to a specified number.
4. Connect calls for specified minutes and then disconnect.
5. Show timer on the app.
6. Once done save the details to the database.

Preferred Stack:
1. Node (Mandatory)
2. React (Basic Implementation)
3. MySQL
a. Sequelize ORM (Mandatory)
b. Architecture
4. Shell script - To run the application.
5. Readme instructions to run the code.

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