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Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

2 MINUTES Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is ………… and this is my colleague ………… .

And your names are?

This part tests the candidates’ ability to use general social and
Can I have your mark sheets, please?
interac5onal language.
Thank you.
Part 1 gives candidates the opportunity to show their ability to
First of all, we’d like to know something about you.
use general social and interac5onal language and talk about
Select one or two questions and ask candidates in turn, as appropriate.
themselves and their interests, experiences, plans for the
Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D
future, etc. The interlocutor asks candidates for some
• Where are you from?

• What do you do here/there?

informa5on about themselves, then widens the scope of the
• How long have you been studying English?
ques5ons by asking about, e.g. candidates’ leisure ac5vi5es,
• What do you enjoy most about learning English?
studies, travel and holiday experiences, and daily life.
Select one or more questions from the following, as appropriate.
Candidates are expected to respond to the interlocutor’s

ques5ons, and to listen to what their partner has to say. • What free time activity do you most enjoy? ...... (Why?)
• What sort of work would you like to do in the future? ...... (Why?)
The candidates are not ac5vely invited to talk to each other in
• Do you think you spend too much time working or studying? ...... (Why? / Why not?)
this part of the test. This short social exchange is a natural way • Do you like using the internet to keep in touch with people?

Atención, este documento • Have

es propiedad de you celebratedCruz
Academia anything recently? ...... (How?)
to begin an interac5on, and it gives candidates 5me to seBle
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, •párrafo segundo,
If you de la Ley
could travel de Propiedad
to one Intelectual,
country in the world, quedan
would you go? ...... (Why?)
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
before dealing with the more specific tasks in Parts 2, 3 and 4.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas • How important
legales is it to you to spend time with your family? ...... (Why? / Why not?)
• Who do you think has had the greatest influence on your life? ...... (Why?)


I’m into… English is an essen5al / key part of the future I have absolutely no clue what I’m going to do
I’m a keen/avid surfer, reader tomorrow let alone in 5 years.
I like to get away from the hustle and bustle of I’ve been studying English for as long as I can I’ve got it all mapped out first I’m going to...
my job / school / the city remember then...
I’m keen on/fond of (surfing) English is a requirement of my course / job. I have always had aspira5ons to go into the field
I’m a fan of... of...
I’m a (bit of a) computer geek. If you want to get ahead in life you need English. I expect I’ll follow in my Mum/Dad’s footsteps.

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

I’m a (bit of a) workaholic.
I like to recharge my baBeries at the weekend
I’ve been studying English for ages.
It can improve mu career prospects
With any luck, I will probably...
I have a burning ambi5on to..
What I really love about …. /ing is …….. It is essen5al to get to know other cultures If everything goes to plan in 5 years, I’ll be...
The thing I like most of all is ……/ing CHUNKS I’ve always dreamed of... so I expect I will..
I’m fana5cal about …../ing You know what I mean? I haven’t made up my mind yet but I’m leaning
towards studying...
I’m (not) the kind of person who … Having said that I’m torn between studying... and ....
I’ve always wanted to ….. And that kind of things In all likelihood I’ll study.../work in..
I see myself working in the field of...
I’m a night owl / a night person. The thing is Quite honestly, I’ve never thought about it.
I’m an early bird / an early morning person. I mean …. I expect I’ll be ….ing
I spend my 5me ….ing
Atención, este documentoYou
propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.I’d certainly consider ….ing
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
I ……..whenever I getprohibidas
the chance. You see
la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de….los
is contenidos
a burning, de
greatest, a lifelong ,my main
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas. a personal ambi5on

Interlocutor In this part of the test, I’m going to give each of you three pictures. I’d like you to talk
about two of them on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question
This part tests the candidates’ ability to produce an briefly about your partner’s pictures.

extended piece of discourse. (Candidate A), it’s your turn first. Here are your pictures. They show people doing
things together.
Candidates are given the opportunity to speak for Place 3DUW booklet, open at 7DVN, in front of Candidate A.

1 minute without interrup5on. Each candidate is asked to I’d like you to compare two of the pictures, and say why the people might be doing
these things together, and how the people might be feeling.
compare two colour photographs from a choice of three,
All right?
and to make a further comment about them in response to Candidate A
ž1 minute «««««««««««««««««««««
a task that is read out by the interlocutor. A prompt is given
Interlocutor Thank you. 

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

to the candidates in the form of a direct ques5on; this is
wriBen above the photographs. Candidates are expected to

(CandidateB), in which situation do you think the people benefit most from being
together? …… (Why?)

Candidate B
point out similari5es and differences between the žapproximately «««««««««««««««««««««
30 seconds
photographs and then move on to deal with the ques5on,
Interlocutor Thank you. (Can I have the booklet, please?) Retrieve 3DUW booklet.
answering it with reference to both photographs.  Now, (Candidate B), here are your pictures. They show students doing different
Candidates have the opportunity to show their ability to
Place 3DUW booklet, open at 7DVN, in front of Candidate B.
organise their thoughts and ideas, and express themselves
I’d like you to compare two of the pictures, and say how students can benefit from
coherently in appropriate language. The listening candidate doing these different activities, and how helpful the activities might be in
preparing them for their future lives.
is also asked to comment briefly (for about 30 seconds) All right?

a[er their partner’s long turn. They should not, however, Candidate B
ž1 minute «««««««««««««««««««««
speak during their partner’s long turn. Interlocutor Thank you. 

Candidates will always be asked to speculate about (Candidate A),which of these activities do you think is most useful? …… (Why?)
something which relates esteofdocumento
to the focus es propiedad deCandidate
the visuals. They Academia A
Cruz Conde. 

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la«««««««««««««««««««««

žapproximately Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
will never be asked to prohibidas la reproducción,
merely describe la distribución y la comunicación30pública,
the visuals. seconds de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.
Interlocutor Thank you. (Can I have the booklet, please?) Retrieve 3DUW booklet.


All pictures are interes5ng, Picture A should have been As for the ques5on They might be -ing /adj It seems to me (that)...
but the first/second/third taken in… whereas Picture B In rela5on to the ques5on They may be -ing /adj I have the impression that...
one gives a stronger idea might have been taken in… Personally,
These three pictures show There are many similari5es… Regarding the ques5on They could be -ing /adj To my mind,
people: Both pictures are quite With regard to the ques5on They seem to be -ing /adj I don’t know about you, but I
related to, involved in, in similar in that they show… As regards the ques5on
different situa5ons that The pictures are alike in In response to the ques5on
require… some way because

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

I’m going to talk about the
picture showing … and the
one showing
The first picture… whereas
the other picture…
It looks as if+suj+present
I feel (strongly) that...
I (strongly) believe that...

Picture 1 aBempts to show The name for it is on the 5p He looks like + noun Speaking from personal
that kind of situa5on, but I of my tongue… He looks + adj experience,
think picture 2 does this They appear to be -ing For me personally,
more effec5vely
It’s difficult to tell from a Another important The name for this escapes Perhaps, maybe, probably I’ve never thought about it,
photograph, but this picture difference is…” me at present, but it’s for/ Judging from the picture I’d but I suppose …
could have been taken in… like… say that… I don’t really like …, but if I
had to choose …
I might be wrong, but I’d say while, whereas, in contrast It’s hard to pick on one It’s very difficult to say, but I
that this picture… on the one hand, on the par5cular thing/person… think …
I would guess that thisAtención, other
documento es propiedad I find it difficult/really
de Academia hard Cruz Conde. This can be explained quite
picture comes from… En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1,to think of segundo,
párrafo anything de
to la easily, ….
sayLey de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación
but… pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

1. Candidate A: 1 minute
These three pictures show people in different situa5ons
that require to be very skilful in the area in ques5on 

I’m going to talk about picture 1 and 3 

Picture 1 could have been taken in the Ar5c whereas 

picture 3 might have been taken in a music studio 

Picture 1 depicts a group of people who look as if they are 

going on an adventure trip. They seem to be competent 

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

skiers. Perhaps they are scien5sts who are going to carry 

out some research. 

In contrast, in picture 3, two boys appear to be playing
some instruments. Maybe, they are rehearsing for a

performance. They give the impression that they are having 

How can students benefit from doing these different activities?
How helpful might the activities be in preparing them for their future lives?

a good 5me, judging from the expression of their faces. 

Regarding the ques5on, the people in the 1st photo might 

be feeling 5red, as the weather condi5ons are hard and the
equipment they are carrying could be heavy,
while in the 2nd photo, they could be feeling excited about

their next concert. Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente

In conclusion, It seems to me that
prohibidas for reaching
la reproducción, a master y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
la distribución 

La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

level in both areas you must have been working hard and
Candidate B: 30 seconds
Interlocutor: In which situaNon do you think the people
benefit most from being together? ...... (Why?)

Well, I’m no expert, but I’d say that people in the 1st
picture would benefit most from being together, since
skiing could be a dangerous export and an exhaus5ng

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

Therefore, I firmly believe that in case of an accident, it
could be really helpful to be with other people when
performing this kind of ac5vity, because they can help you
and support each other if the weather condi5ons worsens.

Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

4 recyclable c can be replaced, refreshed or restored

5 renewable d planting trees where they have been cut down 7

COLLABORATIVE TASK e long-term protection and sustainable management
SPEAKING PART 3 of natural resources

2 MIN DISCUSSION + 1 MIN DECISION-MAKING TASK Complete these sentences with words from 2.1.

1 Ideally, waste that is put in landfill sites should be

This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a
discussion and to work towards a nego5ated decision. 2 Wildlife is becoming increasingly important as more species are threatened with extinction.
In Part 3, candidates are given spoken instruc5ons and 3 Many products, including packaging, have a symbol which tells consumers that they are
provided with wriBen prompts to form the basis for two 4 Solar power and wind power are energy sources.
tasks which they carry out together. They are expected to 5 A programme of in India is aimed at preventing soil erosion to reduce the risk of flooding.
discuss some or all of the prompts in rela5on to a ques5on,
expressing and jus5fying opinions, evalua5ng and 1133 Listen to two Cambridge English: Advanced exam students discussing ways to protect the
specula5ng. They are then asked another ques5on which environment and complete the mindmap.
will engage them in nego5a5ng towards a decision related
Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D
to the wriBen prompts that they have previously discussed.
The candidates are given 15 seconds to read the ques5on
Which of these changes to help
protect the environment would
2 Recycling

and the prompts. This is made clear to the candidates with (1 be the most difficult to make?
the instruc5on: First you have some 5me to look at the task.
The task gives candidates the opportunity to show their
range of language and their ability to invite the opinions
3 Using 4 Buying local
and ideas of their partner. Candidates are expected to share solar panels products
the interac5on in this way and to ini5ate and respond
appropriately. 5 Using energy-saving
A[er the candidates have discussed the ques5on with
rela5on to the prompts they will be given another task in
which they are asked to make a decision. The decision will
2.4 CE 1 Listen again and complete these sentences with words used by the speakers.
be related to the prompts they have just been discussing.
They are assessed on their ability to use the language of 1 There are quite a lot of cycling accidents in London because there aren't
nego5a5on and collabora5on este
while documento
doing es propiedad
this. However, de Academia
2 People accepted the idea of Cruz Conde. very quickly.
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de
they are not penalised if they fail to reach a nego5ated 3 The problem with solar panels is that la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad they're
o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
decision. There is no right or wrong answer to the task.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.
4 Power from the sun costs nothing and doesn't
5 Some fruit and vegetables are expensive because they've been transported
6 Buying fruit and vegetables grown in your area is a good way of supporting 7
7 Traditional light bulbs are very compared with the new type of bulbs.

Shall I start? What about ? What do you think? I see what you are saying The problem with what you
said is that
Would you like to start? How about ? How do you feel about that? I see what you mean For one reason…and for
another reason
Sure! Let’s consider Wouldn’t you agree ? I couldn’t agree more Yes, but the thing is that
Why don’t we look at? How do you see It ? You are absolutely right I take your point, but
Let’s move on to Don’t you think so? You have a point in there I see what you mean, but
Shall we discuss this idea Do you agree? Absolutely! Definitely! We don’t see eye to eye
Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D
I see eye to eye with you That’s an interes5ng point,
but / however...
OPINION REPHRASING We’re on the same page I agree to some extent but
The way I see it... OK, so you mean (to say) I can see what you’re I agree up to a point
As I see it, that... gejng at I'm in two minds about it
I have the impression that... OK, so what you mean is ... I agree en5rely I'm ambivalent about ...
To my mind, In other words,
I don’t know about you, but ..., that is to say, ...
Speaking from personal
Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.
For me personally,
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.


We can eliminate/ rule out … and … , can’t we? Because as we said before… Shall we agree on?
So which one do you think is the best op5on? Can we agree on ?
As I see it Are we both in favour of ?
To my mind Let's try to reach a decision / Shall we make a decision?
Another point I’d like to add about I guess you think we should choose this one
It is also important to remember that Ok, so we agree that …

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

Coming back to what you/I said Le’s go for…
But don’t you think that ? Let’s agree to disagree about that
I came to that conclusion because I don’t think we’re going to agree on this
Speaking from my personal experience It seems that we don’t agree on this, as I don’t share that view
The thing is that … I think we have reached an agreement, haven’t we?
For me, personally, this is the best one Perhaps you’re right. So shall we choose…?

Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

Interlocutor: I’d like you to discuss some of the ways in which people try to Think and talk about the benefits of the different ways and then decide which
protect the environment. change to people’s lifestyle would be easiest to make.
A: So what about bikes to rent? You can hire bikes by the hour or the day in B: I think they’re a great idea –and cycling helps people to keep fit. But the thing
London, can’t you? You collect them at one place at the beginning of your is that it o[en rains in London and there aren’t many cycle lanes, so cyclists are
journey, and then leave them at another place near the end. They’re trying to involved in quite a few accidents.
stop people using their cars. How do you feel about it? Mmm. Let’s consider recycling plas5c. People have picked up on this idea very
quickly, haven’t they? I know my family were very keen on it. It seems such an
obvious thing to do. What are your thoughts on this?
A: It does, yes – we’ve always done it, too. But I remember hearing on the news B: Seems crazy, doesn’t it? It must cost a fortune to export.
recently that we’re recycling more plas5c than our industries can reuse. So
Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D
they’re now expor5ng what we can’t use to other countries.
Yes, it must.

A: How about energy from solar panels? Surely solar energy is the way forward B: Well, it is, but not for millions of years. The real problem with panels is that
the sun’s never going to stop shining. Don’t you think so? they’re expensive to install, so it takes years to save the ini5al cost of installa5on.
You may have a point there, but I’m s5ll not sure , but what about people who
live in cloudy countries?
A: I suppose you’re right. As long as the sun shines for part of the 5me it at least One of my favourite ideas is gejng people to buy all their fresh fruit and
means people use less conven5onal fuel like electricity or gas. Also, the energy vegetables from local shops. I’m sure we’d all be a lot healthier if we did. Do you
itself is free and it doesn’t pollute the environment. agree?
A: I agree, but some5mes fruit and vegetables are grown in other countries and B: You’re right. The issue of so-called food miles
are brought here by air, and planes are some of the worst air polluters. And not is being taken much more seriously than it was a few years ago. We do always
Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia
only that, the fruit and vegetables are more expensive because they’ve had to
Cruz Conde.
try to buy local produce if we can. That’s a That’s also a good way of suppor5ng
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
travel so far. localde
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, farmers.
la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.

A: Let’s move onto energy-saving light bulbs. B: I can see what you’re gejng at. However, they do last much longer, an
They’re trying to ban the sale of tradi5onal light bulbs, because they’re so average of seven years, apparently.
wasteful of energy. But these new ones are much more expensive than the old
ones. What do you think?
I know that, but they’re not as bright as the old ones. I don’t like them, I’m

Examiner: Now you have a minute to decide which which change to people’s
lifestyle would be easiest to make.

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

A: We could rule out using solar panels, couldn’t we?
Because as we said before, they’re difficult to amor5se in the short term. Which
B: Well, the way I see it buying local products is the measure that can be the
easiest for people, as there are always local shops that sell this kind of products.
would be most the most difficult op5on for you? The only thing you have to consider is where to go shopping. Do you agree?
A: Absolutely!It is not only a measure that helps to protect the environment, but So let’s go for buying local products!
also to boost the local economy.

Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.



This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a discussion PART 4 3DUW

based on the topics or issues raised in the collabora5ve task in Interlocutor Use the following questions, in order, as appropriate:
 Select any of the following
Part 3. prompts, as appropriate:
• Air travel is very bad for the environment. so is it
• What do you think?
In Part 4, the interlocutor directs the interac5on by asking • Do you agree?
wrong to fly abroad for a holiday?
• How about you?
ques5ons which encourage the candidates to discuss further
• Many plants and animals are going extinct Is this
and broaden the topics introduced in Part 3. The ques5ons a problem? Why / Why not?

Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D

o[en focus on more abstract issues as the discussion develops. • Do you think individual action can save the

This part of the test gives candidates an opportunity to show environment?

• How is the climate likely to change in the future due to
their ability to exchange informa5on, express and jus5fy their
global warming?
opinions, and agree or disagree with one another. It also
provides candidates with an opportunity to show that they are
• Thank you. That’s the end of the test

capable of discussing topics and certain issues in more depth

than in the earlier parts of the test. 

Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia Cruz Conde.

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.


That’s a tricky ques5on! What I think is that
I’ve never really thought about that It’s clear to me that
To my mind … One thing I’m sure of is
What a good ques5on! I’m no expert, but I’d say that
To be honest, It’s obvious that
Well, let me think… Another thing is that, Apart from that, As well as that,
I’d say that Laura Sánchez Órtiz - 26825001D And don’t forget, Just as importantly, There’s also the fact that
That’s an interes5ng ques5on! As far as I’m concerned,

SPEECH ORGANISATION To clarify what I mean, I can give you an example

On the one hand From my personal experience
On the other hand Some people say that
Well, it depends on the situa5on / person I strongly believe that
Linkers: as, since, because, however, although, and I might be wrong but …So, it’s obvious that….
The thing is that ASKING YOUR PARTNER
You’re partly right …
do you agree?… or do you have a different opinion?
What’s your idea?
Atención, este documento es propiedad de Academia What doCruz Conde.
you think?
En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente
prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, de laare your thoughts?
totalidad o parte de los contenidos de éste documento.
How do you feel about that?
La academia se reserva el derecho a tomar la medidas legales oportunas.


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