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ETHICAL DILEMMA Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character?

March 6, 2015Uncategorized

Do you think people see themselves as more ethical than they really are? And you?

Accord to the information gave by the Ethical dilemma I believe that people see themselves as more
ethical than they really are. We first we do it when it’s hard to find out and to verify, when we have
insufficient time or information. Evidence suggests that when we fail to notice decision has an ethical
component, it enables us to behave in a self-interest manner without having to feel badly about
it(p.193).The self-perspective is another reason because people do care about their appearance, and it
need to be in a positive way. I will also see myself as more ethical that I am because I can be the one
who will break a rule to help my teammates , and I won’t see myself as unethical because it is something
that they will do for me in the same situation. If I go back to the book we can see that it say that own
perception of what we do “what is right” depend on such thing as situation, expectation of other, and

The authors of one study noted that “disclosures can exacerbate [unethical behavior] by causing people
to feel absolved of their duty to be objective.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

I agree about the study made by the authors because people can think that people can think that they
did their job by disclosing to made interest. By consequences this can made them to achieve goals or
objective that are not in the right way. Then this disclosing could be an argument and it won’t be a
problem no more, so they excuse will be on interest being faced in those situation.

Do you think if we admitted it to ourselves times when we behaved unethically we would be less likely
to behave unethically in the future?

I think it will be a good idea to make ourselves admit, so we can realize how often we are acting
unethically and how poorly we are actually acting ethically. That will make own self look miserable and
by consequence we will be more honest in the future decision and behavior. At this point we won’t have
any excuse to made unethical choices. By being honest we will build a strong positive and a leadership
character that will allow us to be in great service for us personally, but also for the business that we are
working for.
ETHICAL DILEMMA Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character?It’s not hard to find examples of
unethical behavior. But what causes people to make unfortunate choices?Behavioral genetics research
has taught us that virtually every human characteristic has genetic origins andthat genetic differences
are a central reason people differ in their behavior. Thus, some personality traitsprobably predispose
people toward unethical behavior. One study of white-collar criminals, for example,showed they were
significantly lower on a conscientiousness scale than the general population.On the other hand, recent
research shows that all of us perform unethical behavior to some degree whilesubconsciously fooling
ourselves about it. We may bend a rule to help a colleague, overlook information thatmight damage a
case we want to make, or lie to avoid a negative consequence—blithely unaware that othersmight view
this behavior as unethical.Why do we do this? Evidence suggests that when we fail to notice a decision
has an ethical component, itenables us to behave in a self-interested manner without having to feel
badly about it. No wonder, then, thatpeople tend to believe they are more ethical than they are.Many
think that transparency and accountability increase ethical behavior. Behavioral ethics
research,however, shows us that often these actions increase unethical behavior, because they cause
individuals tothink disclosure absolves them of ethical responsibilities to be objective, or to deny to an
even greaterdegree the ethical components of their decisions.The first step toward behaving more
ethically is, ironically, admitting to ourselves that we adhere to ethicalstandards less well than we
admit.1- Do you think people see themselves as more ethical than they really are? And you?2- The
authors of one study noted that “disclosures can exacerbate [unethical behavior] by causing people
tofeel absolved of their duty to be objective.” Do y

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