Industry Schemes

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Industry Schemes

Make in India: This programme was launched in 2014 with the goal of fostering manufacturing and
establishing India as a worldwide manufacturing hub. It focuses on 25 important areas, including
automobiles, textiles, and renewable energy, and offers entrepreneurs incentives and support.

Startup India was established in 2016 to stimulate and support entrepreneurship in India. It provides
support with financing, incubation, and coaching, as well as tax incentives and other benefits.

National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP): This scheme was introduced in 2007 to
improve India's manufacturing sector's competitiveness. It helps with technology advancement, skill
development, and financial access.

Institutional Schemes

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA): Launched in 2013, this scheme provides money to higher
education institutions for infrastructure development, faculty development, and research and innovation.

National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF): Launched in 2015, this framework ranks higher education
institutions in India based on criteria such as teaching, research, and outreach. The rankings are meant to
create competition and to push schools to enhance their quality.

Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY): This scheme was started in 2015 to encourage students in technical
colleges to be innovative and entrepreneurial. It provides money for research and development projects
with commercialization potential.

Relationship between Industries and Institutions

Skill development: To run and thrive, industries require a skilled workforce, and educational institutions are
responsible for improving the skills of the next generation of workers. As a result, industries and
educational institutions must work together to guarantee that the skills provided at educational institutions
are relevant to industry needs.

Research and development: In order to remain competitive and inventive, industries frequently require
research and development, and educational institutions are responsible for doing research and producing
new information. As a result, industries and educational institutions can work together to guarantee that
research is focused on meeting industry needs and that new information is used in the industry.

Internships and training programmes: Internships and training programmes are frequently offered by
industries to students in order to provide them with hands-on experience and exposure to the industry.
Educational institutions can assist in the implementation of these programmes by linking students with
industry partners and ensuring that the programmes are designed to give significant learning opportunities.

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