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environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


World Leadership Conference 2011 Asia-Pacific towards Rio+20 Post Event Report

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

1. Introduction to the second World Leadership Conference The World Leadership Conference 2011 is a unique 5-day preparatory conference which aims to re-kindle the spirit of Rio by enabling the younger generations of today with the skills, knowledge and inspiration required to be effective leaders in creating change, especially towards climate change and sustainable development. Young leaders from the Asia-Pacific are particularly encouraged to engage in lively debate and think critically about the issues that are facing the region today; an opportunity to meet like-minded peers from around Asia-Pacific, to forge and establish lasting relationship in the region for stronger and more impactful change. One of the key intent of the conference is to connect the achievements of past and present leaders with the younger generations to continue the work of environmental stewardship towards a more sustained future. The key deliverable is combined position paper from the Asia and Pacific region, which will be brought up towards the Rio Summit in 2012 as well as the immediate 17th Session on the Conference Of Parties. The position paper will brought to UNEP RIM process as the Asia Pacific position paper under Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY). The WLC identified three key themes: Green Economy to Eradicate Poverty, Energy for a Low Carbon Future, and Institutional Framework on Sustainable Development (previously known as Sustainable Development & Governance), which co-relates with the UNCSD Rio+20s major two themes. 2. Objective of the event a. Learning To teach the youths and young leaders in the Asia-Pacific region about the latest developments in environmental matters through seminar sessions. Also known as the Knowledge Track. b. Voicing Out The coming Rio + 20 Summit in 2012 is an important date of decision for the whole of mankind. We would provide a platform for the youth from all over Asia Pacific to discuss and craft a document to be submitted in the 2012 summit agenda so that their views can be heard. Also known as the Policy Track. c. Taking Action Bringing the youth of Asia Pacific together for this green agenda would forge new relationships, induce the development of new exciting ideas and provide strong follow up on these projects even after attendees return home. Tangible Outcomes A Combined Document of Regional Consultation to be submitted to the Rio + 20 Summit Agenda New projects/initiatives will be started on local, national or regional grassroots levels.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


3. Structure of the organizing committee

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future. 4. Highlights

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


5. Conference Programme

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Time/ Activity 09001000 10001130

11th July Registration Opening Ceremony and Welcoming to Policy Track.

12th July Registration Policy Track: Thematic Discussions within youth delegates

13th July Registration Opening Plenary Session: Green Economy to Eradicate Poverty Lunch Travel from NTUC Auditorium to SCAPE Seminars

14th July Registration Opening Plenary Session: Energy for a Low Carbon Economy

15th July Registration Seminars

11301230 12301300 13001330 13301430 14301500 15001530 15301600 16001730

Lunch Lunch Thematic Discussions within youth delegates

Lunch Lunch Thematic Discussions within youth delegates

Lunch Travel from NTUC Auditorium to SCAPE Seminars


Workshops Transport from SCAPE to NTUC Auditorium Teabreak Closing Plenary: Sustainable Development & Governance Conference End





Thematic Discussions within youth delegate

Thematic Discussions within youth delegate



17301830 18302130

Cultural Night Dinner

Daily Programme End

Networking Session

Daily Programme End

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


6. Policy Track Development

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Dedicated representatives were present at WLC 2011 in July with Charity Reg. No: 1739 sessions being conducted in the respective countries with partner and sister organizations prior to the conference to get maximum inputs.

Before the conference, sister organisations (green NGOs in Asia-Pacific nations) will form their own team to conduct a series of country consultation prior to the conference starting from December 2010. They will be using the following process to conduct the consultation: 1. Calling for inputs of a country paper and interested individuals/organisations (December 2010) 2. Consolidate inputs and publish 1st draft (15th February 2011) 3. 2nd Draft (15th April2011) 4. 3rd Draft (15th June 2011) 5. Submission of finalised delegates details for accreditation (31st April 2011) 6. Regional level consolidation at WLC 2011 (11-15th July 2010) Representatives of different organisations come together, discuss and consolidate a combined civil society position that best reflect the need of the grassroots. The civil society organisations are made up of the various major groups, where they will break up into country (done before the conference) and sub region to be consulted prior to convening again on the plenary sessions for the final documentations. During the conference session itself, upon breaking up to regional and sub group consultation, dial in sessions will be conducted as well to maximize the outreach and inputs for the final position paper. Major Groups: Business & Industry Children & Youth Farmers Indigenous Peoples Local Authorities NGOs Scientific & Technological Community Women Workers & Trade Unions

Regional Consultation: Central Asia East Asia South Asia South East Asia West Asia Pacific Region

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


7. Execution of the conference a. Day 1 Policy Track

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

World Cafe by Ms. Natasha: Natasha helped to bring out the enthusiasm and spirit through this session. The delegates from various countries shared their stories, got to know each other and bonded very well.

Discussions from the World Caf

Editing the Policy Paper: The delegates were separated in 3 rooms based on the 3 themes where they were headed by the theme heads: Ms Rupa for Energy for Low Carbon Future, Mrs Iro for Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development and Ms Mei Jia Tan for Green Economy to Eradicate Poverty. With the help of scribes and facilitators, each themes group started the first reading and proposed amendments. Delegates realised the combined paper structure need to be improved. After deliberating for half a day, the delegates gave feedback that the framework of the document itself needed to be improved. After consulting all 3 theme groups, a unanimous decision was reached to redo the combined paper. A task force of five nominated delegates from each theme was created. They were tasked to draft a suitable framework for each theme and based on the content of the national consultation papers.

Policy Track Delegates deep in discussion

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Re-using plates and cups!

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


b. Day 2 Policy Track

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

All three task forces managed to complete their work by evening and produced a consistent framework across the 3 themes. A separate team of 5 delegates across various countries, and an ECO volunteer with prior experience on international policy platforms, Mr Zhe Yu Lee, aided in drafting the preamble. Everybody started chipping in the evening. After some minor grammatical and layout changes, the new combined paper was presented for first reading. The progress was smoother with the new document and delegates enthusiastically participated in the process as they themselves had contributed in producing the new combined paper.

Our Sri Lankan delegate making her point. (L). Our delegates from Vietnam designed and printed their own WLC t-shirts (R)!

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


c. Day 3 Policy Track; Knowledge Track Opening Plenary: Green Economy to Eradicate Poverty

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

The Green Economy knowledge track of the World Leadership Conference had the intention of bringing together leaders in the various fields working towards a systematic greening of the economy for a low-carbon, resource efficient, socially inclusive future. They will share on this new engine of growth in a holistic manner: covering its origins; roles of its stakeholders; obstacles and barriers, solutions to overcoming them; current best practices and recommendations.

The Opening Plenary was held at the grand NTUC Auditorium.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Our Plenary Speakers actively engaged, with Dr Fotiou speaking.

The day opened with the Knowledge Track Plenary, where keynote speaker Dr Stefanos Fotiou, Regional Coordinator of the UNEP Resource Efficiency Programme in the Asia-Pacific, gave an overview of UNEPs green economy report, providing participants with an analysis of the benefits of adoption. Next, Mr Nicolo Wodjewoda, Director of the Road to Rio+20 Project, from Peace Child International, gave a rousing and inspirational presentation on global movements working towards success at Rio+20, and how we could all participate and contribute to the process. Moderated by Mr Zhang Yi Tao, Volunteer for ECO Singapore, and Chairperson for WLC 2009, 4 panelists versed in the field of the Green Economy led the conferences very first plenary session, shared with an eager audience. The panelists were Dr Chris Margules, Senior Scientist, Conservation International; Ms Marlene R. Vinluan, Program Manager at the Country Capacity Building and Knowledge Integration Unit of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), speaking on behalf of Dr Jung Tae Yong, Deputy Executive Director of GGGI; Mr. Maran Gopalakrishnan, Communication Manager, VESTAS; and Mr Steve Tan, Executive Secretary, Young NTUC. Dr Margules shared on his work in conservation planning, and his aims to promote landscape management solutions which would not only increase protection of biodiversity, but also foster social and economic growth, in line with the green economy. Subsequently, Ms Vinluan gave everyone an overview of the GGGI and its works, in particular its promotion of the green economy in Korea and its current initiatives. This was followed by presentations by Mr Gopalakrishnan and Mr Tan, who provided participants with the human capital and social perspectives, drawing the linkages between the environment and job creation, poverty alleviation and civil society movements, with examples from their respective organizations VESTAS and NTUC. Ken Hickson, Founder of ABC Carbon spoke about Communicating Climate Change, and presented his book, the ABCs of Carbon in one of three Knowledge Track seminar
ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


sessions. Dr Chris Margules Conservation International and Ms Our Youth. Our Future. Marlene R. Vinluan helmed two other seminar sessions, and Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 participants could choose to attend any one of the three. The Charity Reg. No: 1739 workshops continued, with one by Mr Dragos Necula, Co-Founder, Sales and Business Development, Etrican. He spoke about how organic cotton was saving the welfare of so many cotton workers and how it is a sustainable clothes production process.

Dr Chris Margules of Conservation International- sharing with us (Top L). Our official YOC Attire sponsor and one of our speakers, Mr Dragos Necula, in action. The participants are deeply engaged in the sessions! (Top R and bottom L)

Today was also the start of the Trade Fair, which had eight exhibitors participating. They were (i) Etrican, (ii) SCAPE, (ii) Supreme Master TV, (iv) Converging Koncepts, (v) BOOS from Vietnam, (vi) ECO Indonesia, (vii)Winrigo, (viii) WLC Volunteers. The purpose of the trade fair is to showcase a unique group of Singapore and regional organisations who are putting the cause for environmental sustainability into action. The trade fair lasted from the 13th to the 15th of July at the Atrium at SCAPE, and fascinated participants with the innovations they came up with. Winrigo re-used plastic to make household items like utensils, pet food bowls; Etrican showcased its fashion line consisting of clothes made of organic cotton; BOOS from Vietnam sold some of its clothing items, ECO Indonesia presented the wonders of eco-tourism especially in Indonesia; SCAPE exhibited its programmes for youth; Converging Koncepts introduced its equipment and techniques of energy efficiency; and Supreme Master TV profiled their cause towards a healthier and environmentalconserving way of life by adopting veganism.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Participants crowding around the trade fair (L). Etrican showing off their latest designs (R).

The volunteers for Vietnamese exhibitor BOOS proudly presenting their wares and trinkets from Vietnam.

Winrigo displaying their recycled plastic wares (L). Converging Koncepts with their showcase (R).

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


d. Day 4 - Policy Track; Knowledge Track Plenary: Energy for a Low Carbon Future

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

The Energy track took a closer look at current energy supply and demand in AsiaPacific Region in terms of environmental, economical, political and social perspectives. In the mornings plenary session, which was moderated by Professor Chou Siaw Kiang, Executive Director at the Energy Studies Institute of Singapore, four expert panelists presented on the theme of the day, Energy for a Low Carbon Future. They were Mr Warren Fernandez. Global Manager, Future Energy Project at Shell Eastern Petroleum; Mr Teo Eng Dih. Director for Policy, National Climate Change Strategy of Singapore; Dr Tilak Doshi, Head of Energy Economics, ESI; and Mr Edwin Khew, Chairman, Sustainable Energy Association, Singapore.

Energy Plenary speakers posing with the WLC Chairperson (extreme left) and ECO Singapore President (3rd from left) after a fruitful panel session.

In the afternoon seminar sessions, experts in energy issues discussed with participants the reasons for energy poverty and the main obstacles faced in providing stable energy at an affordable price. They also provided insight into practical short and longterm energy supplies in different regions of Asia Pacific, and the driving forces behind them. Dr Elspeth Thomson, a Senior Fellow at the Energy Studies Institute of Singapore, brought participants through the current energy supply and demand in Asia, covering fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energies. Her topic was Asian Energy Security. Her co-speaker in this seminar session was Dr Michael Quah from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, at NUS. He presented on Sustainability: ASEAN Challenges. His point was that whenever a low carbon future was brought up, challenges of environmental sustainability, energy security, and geopolitics are integrated. He said that a systems of systems approach is needed to deal
ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


with the issue of renewable energy, where according to him, there is the need for multi-disciplinary projects that go beyond individual technological solutions will be clarified, with specific ASEAN examples.

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Mr Rully Prayoga of (L) Dr Michael Quah and Dr Elspeth Thomson presenting the challenges of energy sources in Asia, a hot topic among environmental sustainability issues (R).

In another concurrently running seminar session, Dr Tilak Doshi, Head of Energy Economics at the Energy Studies Institute addressed the debate between developing and developed countries on carbon emissions release and reduction. On the national level, Dr Doshi focused on Singapore as an example, where he felt that individual Asian countries had to evaluate the impact of low-carbon policies on key sectors and businesses. Ms Neth Dano, Programme Manager of the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) gave a riveting presentation on how Geoengineering is not the solution towards a Low Carbon Future. Ms Dano emphasized that geoengineering techniques are unproven, potentially disastrous to the environment, have irreversible effects and unknown consequences, and will most likely be deployed unilaterally in the absence of democratic multilateral governance mechanism. Mr Rully Prayoga, East Asia Coordinator of the, spoke about the worldwide movement that is fighting against climate change issues. The point he wanted to drive across was that organizing the organizer and putting the action into the right problem, right people, right price and right plan is extremely crucial. Ms Nisha Ramesh from VESTAS gave an engaging presentation about VESTAS and the art of negotiating in the clean tech industry. In the 5th and final workshop, Ms Khairoon Abbas from the Youth Xchange Project of the UNEP held an engaging workshop session with participants to find out the sustainable lifestyle habits that youths have. Mr Allan Lim, CEO of Alpha Biofuels was also present at one of the workshops.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


e. Day 5 - Policy Track; Knowledge Track Plenary: Institutional Framework on Sustainable Development

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

During the Policy Track, after spending the past few days finalising each theme, all the delegates were gathered in a combined session to finalise the conclusion and preamble. Except for few paragraphs, the rest of the position paper was finalised and the WLC executive committee would provide the finishing touches, subject to changes from the delegates. During the Knowledge Track, another Rio+20 Earth Summit topic was up for discussion. It was revealed that the most sustainably-sound ventures at the moment are not the result of governmental imposition, but rather that of motivated individuals and corporations. There is however an ongoing debate as to whether a more intrusive governmental role would be necessary, for at the moment some say it holds mostly a role of polisher of rough edges. Ms Olivia Choong, Founder, Sustainable PR, spoke about how public relations could be sustainable. Seminar sessions were also held by Dr Ruben Zondervan, Executive Director, Earth System Governance; Ms Jill Chin, Project Manager, CSR Asia; and Mr Ian Eddington, Senior Lecturer, Sustainable Development Studies, University of Southern Queensland.

. Participants armed with questions (L). One of our speaker liaison officers with Mr Ian Eddington (R).

Mr David Hoe, Deputy Head (Youth Council) United Nations Association of Singapore also inspired participants with his presentation about Leadership across Gen X and Gen Y. Leadership is influence but it is our connection with others that also what defines leadership. His call is to lead Gen Y the way they desire to be led. Mr Albert Lim, Chairman of the Singapore Packaging Agreement spoke about how the Agreement was developed as a means for the National Environment Agency of Singapore to work in partnership with industry to reduce packaging waste through better design and production processes. Their signatories include Coca-Cola and KFC. The plenary session was moderated by Dr Geh Min, Past President of the Nature Society Singapore. The panellists were Emeritus Professor Koh Kheng Lian, Director, Asia Pacific Centre on Environmental Law; Dr Ruben Zondervan; Ms Jill Chin; and Dr Mark Elder, Director for Governance and Capacity, Institute for Global Environment Strategies. Ms Jill Chins remarks in the closing plenary left its mark on participants; "CSR: It's not about how you SPEND the money. It's about how you MAKE it."

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Ms Jill Chin speaking at the Plenary (L). Our delegation all the way from the Pacific Islands (R).

The Malaysian delegation.(L) and representative from Brunei Darussalam (R)

A happy end to the conference, which paves the way for better efforts towards a sustainable future for the Asia-Pacific! Picture of policy track delegations from 23 countries.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future. 8. Media Exposure i.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Social media marketing on Facebook, Celebrity Tweets: Nadya Hutagalung.

ii. iii.

Advertisements in our media partners publications: The Good Paper, Asian Geographic, READ magazine, ECO Express! Article features in the media: The Straits Times, 10th June, The Good Paper, READ magazine, ECO Express!, The Green Business Times, Global Environmental Governance Project

Feature in the Global Environmental Governance Project website. June 23rd, 2011.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore



Blogs: Nadya Hutagalung, Founder, Green Kampong.

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739


Hyperlinked Logo exposure on partners and related events websites: The Good Paper,, The Green Business Times, Road to Rio+20, Asian Geographic Magazine, Green United Nations website, Unite for Climate, Global Green Governance Project, July Event Highlights

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future. 8. Volunteer Commitment

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Volunteers meeting sessions, the first on 12th March and the fourth on 18th June

Of course, the World Leadership Conference 2011 would not be possible without the help of the wonderful volunteers. They came for the monthly meetings to learn more about the event and discussed about how they could contribute better to make this event a success. With each individual taking up a specific role such as Front Desk Helpers, Liaison Officers and Facilitators, they made sure they did their best. Thank you volunteers!

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


Our Youth. Our Future. 9. After Action Review Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 1. Pre-event Charity Reg. No: 1739 a. Strengths i. We started early giving us sufficient time to recruit volunteers and a strong Singapore delegation. ii. We approached many partners early to work with them, and even though we did not end up working with all of them eventually for the conference, we ended up building many strong relationships. b. Areas for Improvement i. Communication between departments should be improved - everyone needed to pay attention to updates because many things changed along the way ii. Venue should have been confirmed earlier iii. There should have been a build up in the content of volunteer training session, so that training is more exciting for volunteers. Also, perhaps we could have had two training sessions instead of four so that there is lesser waiting time and smaller attrition rate. iv. Focus publicity efforts on strategies that are known to work. If there is no time to try new strategies, do not, unless there is a level of certainty. v. Could have more YOC meetings to maintain morale 2. During Event c. Strengths i. Volunteers were committed and flexible in their job scope allowing us to shift volunteers around when necessary. This could be due to the numerous volunteer training sessions and mental preparations. ii. We made the effort to be environmentally friendly during the conference. iii. A good reimbursement system was set up to reimburse volunteers as quickly as possible iv. Volunteers addressed problems quickly and properly. d. Areas for Improvement i. Not enough food and drink for the participants. ii. More buffer time should be added for the transportation of people from 1 venue to another to prevent constant pushing back of the programme. iii. A volunteer meeting point could have been set out. Duty roster printed for easy reference.

3. Post event e. Strengths i. Certificates of appreciation for participants, delegates, volunteers were given out very quickly once the event ended ii. The value generated from the conference was quickly seen through link ups for future events between speakers and participants, and other partners. iii. Participants built strong friendships between each other and were happy with the opportunities present at the conference for them to learn and meet new people with the same mindset as them. f. Areas for improvement i. Post-event reports can be done sooner.
ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

known as ECO Singapore


10. Conclusion: Moving Forward

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

The World Leadership Conference 2011 may have ended but the position paper that was created in the conference will travel around the region before being presented at Rio. Rio+20 is set to become the platform for creating a deal on climate change and sustainable development. The failure of both the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Accord to establish an enforced, legally binding agreement towards the protection of the environment and adaptation to climate change has to be seriously considered at this Leadership Conference. Therefore, the World Leadership Conference 2011 built up a strong momentum in the Asia-Pacific region towards Rio+20 and to train young people to become leaders of today.

The paper has already been presented in the International Youth Summit on Energy & Climate Change from July 22-24, 2011 in Yingjie, China, and next it will go to the Youth Forum on Climate Actions & Mountain Issues in Kathmandu, Nepal, from August 8-12, 2011 and the TUNZA meet this September. The World Leadership Conference itself will continue in 2013, and will be a post-Rio raincheck for the Asia-Pacific region. What have we achieved? What more do we need to do as a region? We are unique in that the Asia-Pacific region consists of developed and emerging countries and thus it can be argued that different approaches towards environmental sustainability are needed. The World Leadership Conference will also work towards the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) due year and the progress in the Asia and pacific region.

ECOSPHERE, SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link, Grid New Media Studios, #04-01, S (237978) I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

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