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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English
Grade 8
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Student Teacher: Alia S. Paramata Date: May 24, 2022

Cooperating Teacher: Paulette A. Lluisma Time Allotment: 1hr


At the end of the lesson, 100% of the learners with 75% and above level of
proficiency shall be able to;

a. determine various social, moral, and economic issue discussed in the

text listened to


Topic: determining social, moral, and economic issue.

Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint, Video Presentation

III. Reference:
K to 12 Curriculum Self-Learning Activity (SLA)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
Before we start the lesson for today, (The student will
(Student’s name), can you please lead lead the prayer)
the prayer?

(The students will

bow down their
heads and start

 Greeting the Class

Good morning, class! How are you Students: We’re

today? good, ma’am.
That’s good to hear!

Kindly arrange your chairs and pick up Students: Yes,

pieces of trash if you see any.

 Class Rules of the Day

Class, please be reminded that in this

class, you will be speaking in the English
language, alright?

Kindly, participate in the class and raise Students: Yes,

a hand if you have questions and when ma’am.
you want to state an answer

 Checking the Attendance

Let me check the attendance. Who’s

Students: No one
absent today?
is absent, ma’am.
That’s impressive! Keep it up, class.
Students: Yes,
 Passing of Assignment
Students: Yes,
Class, I believe I have given you an
assignment last meeting, am I right?

That’s good. Please pass your papers in (Students will pass

the front, quietly and without standing the paper to the
from your seats. front)

So, how was your assignment? Student: It was

good, ma’am.

Very good. Job well done.

 Review

Class, who among you here can (Students will raise

remember our topic last meeting? their hands)

(Student’s name)? Student: Ma’am, we

discussed about
Rules of Parallelism

Okay, and what have you learned from Student: Ma’am I’ve
that lesson? learned that
Parallelism in English
grammar (or parallel
structure) is used in
order to balance the
sentences we write. If
they are not
balanced, they will
lose coherency.

Student: To achieve
Great! Who else? Who has another
parallelism with
answer? (Student’s name)
words, you should
always try to balance
adjectives with
adjectives, nouns with
nouns, verbs with
verbs, and adverbs
with adverbs

Excellent! Another one? (student’s

Student: Parallel
Phrases are
Phrases also need to be
balanced in your writing.
These can be
prepositional phrases,
infinitive phrases,
gerund phrases, verb
phrases etc. They may
be linked
with coordinating or corr
elative conjunctions.

Good Job! I am glad that you still

remember the discussion last meeting.

 Developmental Activities

(Answer may vary)
This morning, let’s have an energizer. I want
you to stretch out your arms and have proper Expected answer:
posture. calm and peaceful
Look at your surroundings, surrounding,
what can you see? what can you hear?

Alright! that’s good to hear. Seems our

environment is peaceful today,

Student: Yes ma’am

Last May 9 ,2022? Can you remember that it
was the day of election? We have voted for
national leaders and as well as local leaders

Student: No ma’am,
but our parents did
Have you voted? because they have
the legal age to vote

Student: My mother
To whom did you/they vote for President? voted for Bong Bong
Marcos as a

Student: Yes ma’am

Based on your observation, are you contented
on the overall result of the election? (Answer may vary)

If yes, why?
If no, why?

Alright, so we are talking about this one

because there are many issues in politics.
Such as disqualification, fraud and vote
buying and many more, next activity will be
talking about different issues. But then were
going to find it out based on the pictures that
will be given.

1. Activity

Complete the idea by filling in the missing

letters. Analyze the picture and see what it
Student: Yes Ma’am!
Let’s start with the first picture

1. Student: Ma’am the

word is

letters to form: UN_MP_O_M_NT Teacher: okay very

good, now how about
this second picture


Student: Hunger

Teacher: Correct!
letters to form: H_NG_R

How about this?

Student: Human

Teacher: Yes! it is
Human Trafficking

letters to form: H_M_N T_A_F_C_I_N_


Student: Drug

(Students will clap)

letters to form: D_U_ A_ _ I_T_O_ (Student will read the


Alright! please give an angel clap for a Job

well done!

Before we will proceed to our next activity,

please be guided with our objective.
please read it (Student’s name)

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the

learners with 75% and above level of
proficiency shall be able to;
a. determine various social, moral, 1. Unemployment
and economic issue discussed in 2. Hunger
the text listened to 3. Human
4. Drug addiction

Thank you so much, now let’s go back to

our previous activity. what are the issues Student: These are
that are mentioned earlier? problems in the
Read again those words start from picture
1 up to picture 4

Student: it’s about

norms and value of

Student: involves
people in the society

Now what are your ideas about these?

Student: scarcity of

Alright! issues are also problems or

concerns in the society.

Class before we will go deeper to our

lesson, let us find out first what are these
moral, economic and social issue.

But first, what do you understand about

moral? do you have any idea?
Okay, good answer!

how about social? What do you


What do you understand about economic?

Good try everyone! This time let’s find out

what is the correct definition of moral,
social and economic through answering
this activity.
(Students will do the
Activity1: Board work Activity activity)

Come to the board and classify the

definition of social, moral and economic

COLUMN A: social


First definition:
-problems that influence the
this issue
common is a situations
citizens or actions
of a country.
that do
These arenot conform
social to thethat
conditions shared
disrupt damagevalues, culture and
beliefs distinguished by a certain
Second definition:
community or social setting.
Student: moral issue,
this issue is a
situations or actions
that do not conform to
Third definition: the shared norms and
values, culture and
issue when there is an abrupt beliefs distinguished
increase of price of basic by a certain
commodities and service community or social
making people unable to have setting.
the capacity to provide for their
needs and wants.

Please read your answer (student’s name), Student: social

issue, issue involves
people in the society,
the public, as a
whole, recognizes the
situation as a problem

This is correct class! when we say moral

issue it is more on the norms and beliefs of Student: economic
each individual. issue is issue when
there is an abrupt
Now how about your answer (Student’s increase of price of
name) basic commodities
and service making
people unable to have
the capacity to
provide for their
needs and wants.

this is correct also, for when we say social (Students will clap)
issue it is all about people’s problem in the

Now for the third one, please read

(student's name)

It is correct! Economic issue is about

proving needs and wants related to
Good job everyone! Student: Yes ma’am
Give fireworks clap to everyone!

Activity 2: Listening text

Student: Poverty
This time, I will give you a listening activity.
All you have to do is to listen to the audio
and know what it talks about and does it
concern to moral, social or economic
Student: Economic
Do you understand? issue

Let’s start with the first audio.

Student: because
Listening text No.1: poverty is the lack of
basic lack of the basic
(Play audio) need of life, maybe
because of low
What is the issue presented in the text?

Very good the answer is Poverty.

And poverty concerns to moral, social or

economic issue?

Student: the answer

Why it is concern to economic? is cheating

Student: moral issue

Excellent! For if the issue is related about

economic crisis, it is economic issue. Student: because
student choose to
Now how about the audio no.2 plagiarize just as
desire to get a good
Listening text No.2: grade
(Play audio)
(Student will clap)
What do you think is the issue presented in
the text no.2?

Good Job! the answer is cheating and it

concerns to?

Why moral issue?

Student: Yes, ma’am
it’s all about gender

Yes, that’s the correct one! It concerns to

moral issue because issue is still related in
Student: it is concern
the moral behavior of the student who to social issue
cheat. Good Job! let’s give mosquito clap

Student: because
Now how about Listening text no.3 women’s participation
in paid work is
(Play audio) constrained by unpaid
domestic and care
Will you able to determine the issue work lack of
presented in the text? productive
Yes correct! It’s all about Gender
Gender inequality concerns to?

Why it concerns to social issue?

Good explanation! To conclude it is social

issue because it is referring to the issue
about women and still it is involved in the

Very good Class!

Activity 3: Video presentation

Student: first
Now, let’s watch this realistic video about statement is an
Pia Wurzbach and Steve Harvey Miss opinion associated
universe question and answer portion. with social issue

“I think that the US and the Philippines

have good relationship with each other.
“We have been colonized by the
Americans.” Student: it deals with
the relationship of two
2. Analysis countries which is
recognize by the
Alright class from those first statement ““I people within the
think that the US and the Philippines have society.
good relationship with each other “
Student: economic
What do you think is the issue? issue

Student: it is a fact
and states the
Well said! It is social issue situation of our
country before where
Why social issue? people somehow
unsatisfactory and
difficulties during
those times.

Now how about the second statement “We

have been colonized by the Americans.”

Why do you think it is an economic issue?

What is the state of the economic status of

the Filipinos during the American

Excellent explanation!

3. Abstraction

This time, I will show you a table of the

examples of moral, economic and social
issue: Kindly read

Moral Social Economic

issue issue issue
gay Illegal unemploy
marriag organizat ment
e ion Student: the
stealing racism increase of examples of moral
prices issue are …
abortion Like Salary/
Teenag Imported
e Over over
pregnan populatio
cy n Student: examples of
Illicit Local social issue are.,
affairs poverty product
gamblin immigrati
g on inflation Student: examples of
prostitut Gun economic issue are.,
ion control Governme

Thank you so much (student’s name)

How about social issue’ examples?

Great! These are the examples of social

issue, now how about economic issue?
Please read the examples (student’s name) Student: this is an
example of moral
Thankyou (student’s name)

Activity 4: Watching video

Now this time, let’s listen to this video. Student: moral issue
Yeonmi Park speech, escaping from North for with free comes
Korea in search of freedom. And please be moral responsibility.
guided with the statements/text and
determine if it is social, moral and
economic issue

(Play video)

1. From Yeonmi Park speech “North Student: an example

Koreans are desperately seeking and of social issue
dying for freedom at this moment.”
Is this an example of social issue or Student: for men vent
either moral and economic issue? their frustration
through rape
Why do you think it is moral issue?

(Student will clap)

How about this next statement?

2. “I saw my mother raped. The rapist was Student: it is all about

a Chinese broker” moral issue
Is this considered as moral, economic or
social issue?

Why? Student: it is
considered as human
trafficking and be
regarded as unethical
Very good! Please give a bird clap
(Student will clap their
3. Now how about this hands)
“70% of North Korean women teenage girls
are being victimized, sometimes sold for as
little as”
(Students will answer
based from the lesson
What statements express? Is it social, discussed)
moral or economic issue?

Why it is considered as moral issue?

Very good! I guess everyone understood Student: help you

our discussion this morning, everyone understand issues
gives a fireworks clap addressed within a
society or community.
Let’s have a short recap based from our
lesson this morning, what have you learned

a. What is social issue?

b. What are the examples of social issue? (Students will do the
c. What is moral issue? activity)
d. What are the examples of moral issue?
e. What is economic issue?
f. What are the examples of economic


a. What is the significance/ importance

of determining moral, social or
economic issue within our society?

(Group 1 will report

followed by other 2
4. Application groups)
Let’s now have an activity, group
yourselves into 3 groups. And each group
will make a statement. 3-5 sentences
based on the given issues that I will be
given and explain why they are considered
as social, economic or moral issue.

Count 1 – 3, starts from the back (Student will clap)

You may start working from your
groupmates. I will give you 10 minutes to
do it and after that I will call your group
leader to report here in front.

a. Abortion
b. Unemployment
c. Divorce
d. Corruption in the government
e. Hunger

Preparation time is up! Are you ready to

Group leader from Group 1 please present
your answers ...,

Well done, everyone! You all did great.

Presentations are informative and

Please give each group an around of


(Student will read all

IV. Assessment the questions and
Now class, let’s do another activity. Please
answer this.

Instruction. Read the following statements,

then decide which among the following
issues expresses Social, Moral and
Economic. (Students will pass
their papers)
________1. The pandemic has taken on
Philippine as the virus “snuffed” our (Student will clap)
dreams of prosperity and had the world
living a trouble.
________2. Duterte vowed to uphold
human rights and later threatened to kill
drug users.
________3. He orders various agencies
to help OFW’s who have lost their jobs
and returned home due to the Covid 19
________4. He calls on Congress to
swiftly pass the Bayanihan to recover as
One Act intended to provide funds for low
interest loans to small business.
________5. He calls for the passage of a
law establishing the Coconut Farmers’
trust fund and a 66 billion agricultural
stimulus package through the Rural
Agricultural and Fisheries development
Financing System Act.

Alright! Times up. exchange your papers

with your seatmate and let’s check your

Let’s start with the first question ...,

Please read everyone.

Okay, well done everyone!

Please pass your papers in your front mate

without noise and standing

Job well done for today. Give fireworks clap

to everyone.

V. Assignment

This time, before I will end our class. I will

give you your assignment.

Instruction: Read an excerpt from President

Duterte’s SONA and distinguish the issues
discussed whether social, mora; or

My countrymen, it is sad that while

government focuses its attention and
resources to battle the coronavirus, there are
those who take advantage of a pre-occupied
The dealers and purveyors of illegal drugs,
hiding in the shadow of COVID-19, have
stepped up their activities. The amount of
shabu valued at millions of pesos seized
during police operations speak volumes of
the enormity and weight of the problem that
we bear.

The corrupt, the grafters and the influence

peddlers also take advantage of the fear
and confusion that the coronavirus
generates. The financial and material
assistance of the government to the
unemployed, the sick and the destitute
running into billions of pesos, are not
spared from corruption and ineptitude.

If we allow greed, self-interest and

ambition to rule us, then as stated by one
prominent physician, we will “be left
with nothing better than the lesser evil
instead of the greater good.”
The efforts and resources which we
poured out produced the momentum
needed to bring our country closer to
our goals. Suffice it to state, we made
significant strides over time.
Social Moral Economic
Issue Issue Issue

Class dismissed. Thank you, class! Have

a good day ahead.

Prepared by:
Alia S. Paramata
Student Teacher
Approved by:
Ms. Paulette A. Lluisma

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