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UNIT 1: Basics of Management

Session 1:

What is the significance to study Industrial Management by an engineer?

That, why IM is important for an engineering professional?


• Normally, We use „Myers-Briggs Type Indicator‟ which is a simple

indicator of “how people behave and contribute in a work environment”.

• Obviously, the responsibility of information gathering and decision making

by human segments (engineers) in a industry can be seen by selecting their

Information gathering

• Key responsibilities of roles in information gathering are of

1. Inspector [detects and corrects errors]

2. Investigator [gets facts and ‘know-how’]

3. Model maker [builds and tests rough prototype]

4. Test pilot [pushes performance envelop]

5. Entrepreneur [explores new products & methods]

6. Innovator [synthesizes new products]

7. Visionary [imagines product forms & uses]

8. Strategist [speculates on project & product future]

Decision Making:

• Key responsibilities of roles in Decision making are of

1. Reviewer [compare results with goals]

2. Simulator [analyzes performance & efficiency]

3. Scheduler [sets dead lines & breaks bottlenecks]

4. Coordinator [focuses efforts & saves time]

5. Diplomat [harmonizes team, client, & customer]

6. Conciliator [detects and fixes interpersonal issues]

7. Need finder [evaluates human factors & consumer issues]

8. Critic [address aesthetic & moral issues]

• In other words, Management is the act of getting people together to

accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently
and effectively.

• So, Management comprises

of the following activities as

1. Planning,

2. Organizing,

3. Staffing,

4. Leading /directing, and,

5. Controlling

for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.

Functions of Mangement

"Management is the art of getting things done through people"."The prime purpose of
management is to create a suitable environment in which people can perform productively and
coordinate individual efforts toward achieving organizational goals.”

Characteristics of Management :Mgt is Universal, dynamic, Purposeful, goal oriented, a Social

process, a resource, intangible, (incapable of being perceived by senses or realized / defined), a
group of managers, a Multi-faceted discipline, a continuous process, a system of authority, is
integrative Function (multidisciplinary holistic approach), and, profession as art & science. So,
Management comprises of the following activities as Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading
/directing, and, Controlling for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.

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