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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English
Grade 8
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Student Teacher: Alia S. Paramata. Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Paulette A. Lluisma Time Allotment:


At the end of the lesson, 100% of the learners with 75% and above level of
proficiency shall be able to;
a. Identify if the statement is Author’s Biased for or biased against


Topic: Identifying Author’s Biased for/ biased against

Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint, Video Presentation

III. Reference:
K to 12 Curriculum Self-Learning Activity (SLA)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
Before we start the lesson for
today, (Student’s name), can you (The student will lead the
please lead the prayer? prayer)
(The students will bow
down their heads and start
 Greeting the Class

Good morning, class! How are

you today?
Students: We’re good,
That’s good to hear! ma’am.

Kindly arrange your chairs and

pick up pieces of trash if you see
Students: Yes, ma’am.
 Class Rules of the Day
Class, please be reminded that
in this class, you will be speaking
in the English language, alright?

Kindly, participate in the class

and raise a hand if you have
questions and when you want to
state an answer Students: Yes, ma’am.

 Checking the Attendance

Let me check the attendance.

Who’s absent today?

That’s impressive! Keep it up,


Students: No one is
 Passing of Assignment absent, ma’am.

Class, I believe I have given you Students: Yes, ma’am.

an assignment last meeting, am I

That’s good. Please pass your

papers in the front, quietly and Students: Yes, ma’am.
without standing from your seats.

(Students will pass the

So, how was your assignment? paper to the front)

Very good. Job well done.

Student: It was good,

 Review

Class, who among you here can

remember our topic last

(Student’s name)?
(Students will raise their
Okay, and what have you
learned from that lesson?
Student: Ma’am, we
discussed about Rules of

Student: Ma’am I’ve learned

Great! Who else? Who has that Parallelism in English
another answer? (Student’s grammar (or parallel
name) structure) is used in order to
balance the sentences we
write. If they are not
balanced, they will lose
Excellent! Another one?
(student’s name)

Student: To achieve
parallelism with words, you
should always try to balance
adjectives with adjectives,
nouns with nouns, verbs with
verbs, and adverbs with

Good Job! I am glad that you still

remember the discussion last

Student: Parallel Phrases are

B. Developmental Activities Phrases also need to be
balanced in your writing. These
Energizer can be prepositional phrases,
I want you to stretch out your arms infinitive phrases, gerund
and have proper posture phrases, verb phrases etc. They
may be linked
1. Activity with coordinating or correlative
Class, before we proceed to our
discussion, first let’s have an

Get a 1 whole sheet of paper and I

want you to draw a comic/cartoon
that talks about politics.

Class, is it clear?

Okay, let’s start! I will give you 10

minutes for that.

Student: Yes Ma’am!

Times up. Now I will call your name
randomly and I want you to explain
your work Infront.

(Student’s name) can you show (Student’s will get a paper)

your work on us

Great Job! Student: Yes Ma’am!

How about from the last row, May I Student’s will start
call (Student’s name)?

Last three presenters, we have

(Student’s name). Let’s start with
you, (Student’s name) followed by
(Student’s name) and (Student’s

(Answers may vary)

Excellent! Your drawings are all
informative and it really shows how
aware are you about our political
system here in our place.
2. Analysis

Based on your drawing, can you tell

me what did you observe from your

What is the significance of drawing (Answers may vary)


Why would everyone know the

meaning of your drawing?

Based on your drawing, what

should you want to

1. Abstraction
Before we start our discussion,
(Student’s name) can you read first
the objectives for today’s lesson?

Objectives: (Answers may vary)

At the end of the lesson, 100% of
the learners with 75% and above
level of proficiency shall be able to:
b. Identify if the statement is
Author’s Biased for or biased

Have you heard of the word bias


Yes, (Student’s name)?


Bias is the preference or opinion (The students will read the

that prevents one from approaching objectives)
something with a neutral point of

Class, if you hear this line

 “You are biased”

What does this mean for you? Student: Yes Ma’am, I have
heard it

Good Job! (Answers may vary)

How about

 What is your favorite ice

cream flavor?

” What does this mean for you?

 Do you prefer dog or cat?

Excellent explanation!

Hearing this line, it describes that

each individual is biased at a Student: Ma’am! It means …
different situation. (answers may vary)

Just like being an author, there are

biases on his writing too.

Can someone read it to me, when

does an author becomes bias?

Yes? (Student’s name)

An author becomes bias when

he/she persuades the reader to
believe on his/her own stand of the (Answers may vary)
issue by giving in accurate
information or false impression
even with or without the intention of
misleading the readers.

Great. Thank you (Student’s name)

This time lets find out which of the

statements you would side with.
Student: Ma’am?

Student: An author becomes

bias when he/she persuades
Children should be involved in a the reader to believe on
family decision. his/her own stand of the issue
by giving in accurate
Agree or disagree? Why do you information or false
think so? impression even with or
without the intention of
misleading the readers.

Great explanation.

How about. “Minors need to work to

help with family needs”

Agree or disagree? Why do you

think so?


Great Job! To recognize Bias, you

Student: Ma’am?
should observe

 the word choice, connotation

 names and titles (Answers may vary)
 Placement and size
 Selection or Omission
 Images and videos

Student: Ma’am?

Now how about this statement, tell

me if the author is biased for or
biased against. (Answers may vary)

Statement 1:

“The youth is the hope of our

future.” -Jose Rizal

Anyone, who can answer?

(Student’s name)


Thankyou (Student’s name)

How about this one

“A broken immigration system

means broken families and broken
lives. – Jose Antonio Vargas

Can you answer? (Student’s name)


Class, to determine the author’s

bias and to understand his/her Student: Ma’am, for me the
underlying purpose, you must look author is in favor because…
at the use of evidence and diction.
Evidences can be in a form of facts
and information, testimonies and
direct observations, scientific and
legal findings and anecdotes and
philosophical evidences.

Do you understand?
Do you have questions regarding
Author biased for or against, class?

I will take that answer as saying you

already recognize if the statements Student: Ma’am, for me the
are Author biased for or against. author is not in favor


Let’s now have an activity. Group

yourselves into 5 Groups.
I have here pictures on the board of
different editorial cartoon. Now
each group will pick a paper on this Student: Yes ma’am!
box containing the corresponding None, Ma’am!
number of each picture on the

Picture 1:

Picture 2:
Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:
Are the instructions clear, class?

Student: Yes ma’am!

(Direct each group to its area)
(Ask each group to pick 1 from the
rolled papers and give the paper
bag with the number that
corresponds to what they have

You may now start working with

your group. And prepare to answer
these questions for (5 minutes).

Ask group 1 – 5
1. what is the editorial
cartoon about?
2. What issue is
shown in the
editorial cartoon?
3. State the bias
for/toward (in favor
4. State the bias
against (not in (Students will do this activity)

Preparation time is up! Are you

ready to present?
(Ask all the groups to present) (Students will prepare for
(Ask the presenter) their presentation)

Well done, everyone! You all did

great. Presentations are informative (Students will start
and entertaining. presenting)

(The next presenter will

IV. Assessment
Now class, let’s do another activity.

Direction: Let’s find out which of the

statements below you would side with.
Be prepared to explain your
perspective on why it was chosen.

Statements Agree Disagree Comment

1. Children
should be
involved in
2. Minors
need to
work to
help with
3. People
need to be
to prevent
4. Parents
has the
right to
calls and
5. Putting
devices on
ID Cards.

Are you done? Student: Yes Ma’am

Exchange paper with your seatmate

(Students will exchange their

Let’s now check your answers (Students will check their

(Check answers) seatmate’s work)

All papers with a score of 5, pass it

forward. (Students will pass the
All papers with a score of 4 and below papers)

Are all the papers here?

Student: Yes, Ma’am!

V. Assignment

Instruction: Examine the sets of

statements or opinions below. Then,
categorize the following whether the
speaker / author is biased for or
against someone/something. Explain

 What is/are the issue

 What is/are the author’s
assumptions or stance?
 Bias for in favor of?
 Bias against not in favor

Student: Goodbye Ma’am!

Class dismissed. Thank you,
class! Have a good day ahead

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