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Question 1

1. Deborah Linton didn’t like MBA’s or more specifically Harvard MBA’s, which Lisa
Benton was. Linton was more emphasizing on On-Job management experience, rather
than just a formal degree. Since, Benton was lacking work experience, she was
underestimated by Linton and all her potential were not leveraged properly.
2. Ron Scoville had a condescending patronizing attitude towards Lisa Benton and he
was very unstructured and unplanned in his work. He used to dump all his pending
work before deadline and commanded Benton to do his work on priority leaving her
own activities aside.

Question 2

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Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High Scoville didn’t had a MBA, still he was moved

Experience from Operations to Marketing department. This
shows that he has the ability to experience new
things and think outside the box.

Conscientiousness Low Scoville was totally unstructured and

unplanned in his work. He used to keep things
for the last moment. A very disorganized

Extroversion Low Scoville was no doubt very good in his work &
knowledge, but, he wasn’t a good team player
or a sociable person. He was good with people
those who were only comfortable with him and
liked him. In fact, he didn’t like many of his
managers and colleagues due to the fact, that,
they used to dislike him for his personality.

Agreeableness Low Scoville never welcomed Lisa’s opinions &

ideas. He always wanted to emphasize that Lisa
had to follow the way he works or do whatever
he asked her to do. Once, he had agreed on
Lisa’s suggestions, but, came back to question
her and prove her wrong in her findings.

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Neuroticism High Scoville had a give-up or procrastination
attitude. He used to keep pending his works for
the last moment and upon approaching
deadline, he had dumped all his commitments
upon Benton. This showed his inability to
withstand pressure. Also, he is emotionally
unstable as he had yelled upon Benton, who
retorted on proving her wrong.

B: From the OCEAN framework analysis of Scoville, Lisa can try to improve her relationship
with him in following two ways:

1. Since, Scoville is low in extroversion and opens up with people he is comfortable with,
Lisa can give extra efforts from her end to gel with him and be more friendly. This
would make Scoville gradually comfortable with her and thus, less friction can be
expected between them.
2. And, Scoville is also low in agreeableness. Lisa can try to insist on her suggestions and
opinions frequently to Scoville, even if he questions her for every attempt. She can
calmly answer his questions or try to give more facts and figures to prove her point
more confidently.

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Question 3

A: This situation represents Hidden Area/Facade quadrant of the Johari window.

B: Lisa can improve her relationship with Linton & also reduce the Hidden area by following
two options:

1. She can take initiative in structuring projects for herself, be assertive in making her
opinions known and being proactive in meetings with Scoville, Linton and staff groups.
2. She can be true to her own character, just the way she was in Right-Away Stores. Also,
she should try to cope up with Scoville and understand his character, his working style.

Question 4

Linton could have improved the way she gave negative feedback to Lisa by following two

1. Providing suggestions on how could Lisa improve her assertiveness in meetings and
not being silent or a mere listener.
2. Make Lisa feel free and comfortable to speak her mind out about the challenges and
hurdles faced by her in the team and explaining about the future goals and
expectations from her.

Question 5

Three engagement tactics that could have helped Lisa in feeling more motivated to work in
Houseworld are:

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1. Lisa should had been encouraged to speak her mind without any fear of criticism or
2. Linton & Scoville should had tried to develop a sense of affiliation with Lisa which
would have kept all of them connected together.
3. Linton could had assigned works to Lisa of her potential and credibility upon which
Lisa could had extent her efforts and proved herself successful in achieving her

Question 6

A: 2 soft tactics that Lisa can use are:

1. Persuasion: Lisa could had used more examples, facts, figures and logics while
explaining her point of views, in order to increase the weightage of her statements.
2. Exchange: Lisa could had extended more her efforts towards Scoville & Linton, in a
sense that, whatever they used to asked her to follow or to do, instead of feeling under-
utilized she could had felt those job activities as a part of her role in a team and after
completion, could had ensured Scoville & Linton listens to her views & opinions.

B: 2 hard tactics that Lisa can use are:

1. Silent Authority: Lisa could had used the legitimate power of an employee to explain
her stand and viewpoint after her clashes with Scoville & Linton. She could had
approached Senior Management or HR team to make her views clear to Scoville &
2. Coalition Formation: Lisa had many colleague friends outside of her team, she used to
go for lunch and commuted to office with them. They also held similar opinions about
Scoville & Linton and all of them could had formed a group promoting Lisa’s thoughts
& views.

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Question 7

Yes, there has been a breach of ethics by Lisa's coworkers. Below are the reasons and

1. Rights Approach breach: Scoville had a patronizing attitude towards Lisa and always
use to treat her in a lower dignified way. He never respected her opinions and views,
even once he yelled at her in open which did embarrass Lisa and made her felt
2. Fairness or Justice Approach breach: Linton had a soft corner for Scoville and used to
turn a blind-eye towards his attitude and behavior with other employees, especially
with Lisa. Lisa had tried telling Linton about the same, but, she insisted Lisa only to
adjust with his style of work and she did favoritism & partiality with Scoville & Lisa,

Question 8

No. Lisa should not quit her job at Houseworld. Below listed are 3 relevant arguments:

1. In Houseworld, she will receive classical marketing training in a structured

environment from industry leaders. People are more professional, well-educated and
outgoing in Houseworld.

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2. Houseworld was an established consumer products company specializing in home care
goods, holding the largest market share in many of its product groups. Losing the tag
of Houseworld employee and that too in such a shorter period of employment duration
would negatively impact her career growth, profile and she would be more
questionable in outside world upon her inability to sustain in such a big organization.
3. Internal growth happens very faster in Houseworld, unlike other companies. Lisa can
become a Product Manager within two to three years. Also, Product Managers in
Houseworld acquire experience in different stages of product life cycle, which is
typically followed by leading brand management companies only.

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