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HLTH 6396

Health Program Planning-Pre-capstone

Sam Houston State University
Department of Public Health
Spring 2023

Course: HLTH 6396-Health Program Planning Office: CHSS 432-I

Professor: Dr. Rosanne Keathley Phone: (936) 294-1171 (936) 661-0028
FAX: (936) 294-3891

Textbook: Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs,

McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., and Thackery, R. Pearson Education, Inc. 2017. 7th
Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0134219929, ISBN-10: 0134219929.
The textbook is available via the Barnes and Noble Bookstore on campus.

Course Description:
This course is a comprehensive study of the components of health program planning with
emphasis on the socio-economical, cultural, and political forces that influence the public health
status of a community. Emphasis is focused on a comprehensive approach to health program
planning, behavior change theories and models, and the evaluation of health programs. Program
planning is a multifaceted endeavor which necessitates a thorough needs assessment of the target
population, careful implementation of the plan, and an evaluation of the product in regard to
modifying the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the population.

The content of the course serves to fulfill several constructs identified in the competencies
for a public health professional as defined in the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
Accreditation Criteria (2016). The CEPH competencies were developed to ensure that students
receive the traditional public health core knowledge areas (biostatistics, epidemiology, social and
behavioral sciences, health services administration, and environmental health sciences), as well
as cross-cutting and emerging public health areas.

Course Delivery:

Our class will meet one time in a face-to-face on April 1, 2023 in The Woodlands Center.
We will meet from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm with a lunch break around noon.

When we are not meeting in class, you will complete some online activities, group assignments,
and individual assignments. Zoom meetings will be scheduled during several weeks between the
face to-face classes at the COM. Our first Zoom will be conducted on Tuesday, January 24th at
7:00 pm. We will discuss the requirements for the class during this Zoom. Please stay tuned for
the Zoom invitation.

Course Objectives:
The student will acquire knowledge and understanding by successfully completing the following
1) Develop the professional attributes of a graduate student entering the profession of Public
2) Apply health behavior theory and models to relative program plans.
3) Follow the PRECEDE and PROCEED framework in the development of health
4) Formulate people and condition specific needs assessments.
5) Create marketing campaigns to publicize health programs.
6) Investigate funding sources for programs.
7) Prepare health program implementation plans.
8) Utilize the elements of process, impact, and outcome evaluations.
9) Apply statistical analysis of program results to determine the effectiveness of health
10) Conduct planning meetings in a professional manner.
11) Align key resource people in the program planning team.
12) Integrate health programs into the community, school, private, and medical sector of

CEPH-MPH Foundational Competencies: section D2-CEPH Accreditation Criteria


Evidence-based Approaches to Public Health:

4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice Public
Health & Health Care Systems
Planning & Management to Promote Health:
7. Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health
8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of
public health policies or programs
9. Design a population-based policy, program, project, or intervention
10. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management
11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs
33. Perform effectively on interprofessional teams

Course Expectations: This graduate course serves as the prerequisite for the HLTH 6397:
Capstone/Practicum (internship) and prepares students for their professional careers. The content
of HLTH 6396 is aligned with the vision, mission, goals, and core values of the College of
Health Sciences:
Vision: Empower society to cultivate the enduring health of individuals and
Mission: Advancing knowledge and practice to inspire the lifelong pursuit of health and
Goals (focus areas):
Core Values:
TEAMWORK: Engage in active participation to foster an environment of shared
EXCELLENCE: Strive for the highest standards and quality in all that we do.
CURIOSITY: Nurture innovation/creativity through consumption, creation, and
dissemination of knowledge
ENTREPRENEURISM: Welcome risk-taking and view failure as an opportunity for
OUTREACH: Serve the current and future needs of individuals, families, and
DIVERSITY: Embrace our differences to ensure each unique voice is encouraged and

Methodologies: This course is taught in a lecture format with some classes and course materials
being posted on the Blackboard system. Specific course instruction will include brain storming,
nominal group process, small group discussion, group dynamics, individual and group
presentations, working in teams, and technological inquiry.

Course Content:
Unit I: The professional attributes of a graduate level health professional.
a. Development of electronic portfolio
b. Acquisitions of professional dispositions in public health
c. Conveying the professional you want to be--appearance, communication, and
d. Ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in the public health sector

Unit 2: Health program planning frameworks

b. Social Marketing

Unit 3: Initiating the program planning process

a. Defining the planning team
b. Building the vision and mission of the program plan
c. Establishing effective program goals and objectives

Unit 4: Determining the need for the health program

a. Investigating various sources of reliable health data surveillance
b. Prioritizing health needs for at-risk target populations
c. Generating viable condition and people specific needs assessments

Unit 5: Utilizing health models and theories

a. Application of successful behavior change constructs
b. Utilizations of interventions, strategies, and methods to produce positive behavior
changes in the target population
Unit 6: Components of the program implementation process
a. Development of program budgets and funding sources
b. Marketing and publicity campaigns
c. Timelines and action plans

Unit 7: Evaluating a health program plan

a. Planning for evaluation throughout program
b. Developing a process, impact, and outcome evaluation
c. Analytical designs for program evaluation
d. Analyzing and reporting program results

Course Requirements:

1. Professional Interview and Career Investigations:

Each student will investigate three professional organizations they feel may be a viable
site for their internship. Interviews will be conducted with ONE supervisor of a site of
interest to the student. During the interview with the potential supervisor, the job
description, competencies, career paths, salaries, and the graduate internship project
should be discussed with the individual and entered in the interview schedule for this
assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to prepare students for their graduate
practicum/capstone which serves as the culminating event of their graduate program (90
points). The presentations will be conducted on, and the April 1, 2023 are due by 11:59
pm via BB on April 16, 2023. Additional information for this assignment will be
provided in class.

2. Digital Portfolio Development:

Each student will develop an electronic professional portfolio that can be sent to their
practicum supervisors and potential employers. Students will compile examples of their
coursework, certificates, degrees, and professional statements/brands (75 points).
Students will submit a list of items they will include in their portfolios on January 29th
and share their portfolios in class on April 18th via Zoom and submit their portfolios on
May 7th by 11:59 pm via Bb. Additional information for this assignment will be provided
in class.

3. Group Program Plan:

Students will participate in an inclusive group health program plan developed for a
specific population that demonstrates a public health need. The plan will be submitted to
the instructor and will be presented to the class in a professional format (75 total points-
presentation- 35 points and plan-40 points). The course is structured around this
culminating project. Students will conduct their mock presentation of the program plan to
during a Zoom session toward the end of the semester; the formal program plan
presentation will be conducted via Zoom on May 9th with a time to be determined by the
class; and the plan will be submitted to BB on by May 12th 11:59 pm. One plan will be
submitted by the group. Additional information for this assignment will be provided in
4. Professional Development: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Collaborative Event
or Department of Public Health Faculty and Staff Health Fair

Students have two opportunities for professional development points for the course:

1) Students may participant in an interprofessional education event (IPE) in

collaboration with the School of Nursing, the Department of Public Health, the
College of Medicine, and the University Police Department. The IPE event will be
conducted in-person, and students can bank these hours for their professional
capstone experience. The IPE event for the semester includes an active
threats/mass casualty enactment and training on April 15 th and April 16th. A pre-
training for the event which includes Stop the Bleed and CRASE and is
scheduled on March 3, 2023. Please note that the date of this IPE is subject to
change because of the personnel involved in the disaster simulation.
2) Students may participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the
Department of Public Health Staff and Faculty Health Fair scheduled for the
Huntsville campus on April 4, 2023. This is an event structured to provide the
staff and faculty with preventive health and wellness information. Students will be
involved in the planning of the public health content, the set up of the event
station, the presentation, and the evaluation of the health fair. Dr. Fulton and Ms.
Stone are the event coordinators, and all of the Public Health faculty are
engaged in this inaugural health fair.

Students will receive a grade for participation in the event, and a grade for a one-page
reflection detailing their experience in the event. This event should be included in your
Professional Portfolio as it meets on of the CEPH competencies.

More information regarding the IPE and the health fair will be provided in the class
overview conducted by the instructor. Participation in the event is valued at 25 points,
and the reflection is valued at 25 points. The reflection is due on Blackboard on or
before April 30, 2023.
HLTH 6396 Course Schedule

Date Topic Other Content and

January 17, First day of class! 6:00 pm
2023 Read course syllabus
January 22, Begin reading PPT and text discussing Due by 11:59 pm
2023 needs assessments
-Submit examples of needs
January 24, Zoom 7:00 PM
January 29, Submission of list of items to include in Due by 11:59 pm
2023 electronic portfolio

February 5, Submit potential practicum sites Due by 11:59 pm

February 7, Zoom at 7:30 PM
February 12, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm
2023 Read textbook!
February 19, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm
2023 Read textbook!
-Submit Program Plan Updates
February 21 Zoom at 7:30 PM
February 26, PPT Lectures on BB Specifics regarding IPE will
2023 Read textbook! be discussed in class
-Submit Program Plan Updates
March 5, Submit links to Professional Portfolio Due by 11:59 pm
2023 (Draft Format)
March 7, Zoom at 7:30 PM
March 13-17 Have a FUN time!!
Spring Break
March 21, Zoom at 7:30 PM
March 26, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm
2023 Read textbook!
-Submit Program Plan Updates
April 1, 2023 Face-to-face class 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
-Conduct professional interviews with
potential practicum sites
-Discuss program plan strategies
April 2, 2023 PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:5
Read textbook!

April 4, 2022 Zoom at 7:30 PM

Staff and Faculty Health Fair

April 9, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm

2023 Read textbook!
-Submit Program Plan Updates
April 16, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm
2023 Read textbook!
-Submit Interviews and Career
April 18, Zoom at 7:30 PM
2023 Presentation of Professional Portfolio

April 23, PPT Lectures on BB Due by 11:59 pm

2022 Read textbook!
-Submit Program Plan Updates
April 25, Zoom at 7:30 PM
April 30, Submission of IPE and/or Health Fair Due by 11:59 pm
2023 reflection to BB
May 7, 2023 Submission of Link to Professional Due by 11:59 pm

May 9, 2023 Zoom at 7:30 PM

Presentation of Group Program Plan

May 12, Submission of Group Program Plan Due by 11:59 pm

May 15, Final grades due to Registrar Due by Noon


Course Evaluation:
Your final grade will be determined by the number of points you earn as described in the
following section. The grade scale is as follows:

Graduate Internship Investigations 75

Professional Electronic Portfolio 90
Inter-professional Educational Event 50
In-class Participation 25
Group Program Plan 75


Point Scale for Grade:

280 - 315 = A
249 - 279= B
208 - 238= C
Below 207 = F
High standards of academic performance are expected of graduate students. All assignments are
due on the dates stated on syllabus or in course e-mails. Students will have points deducted for
late work unless they contact the instructor and provide documentation of their situation. The
deduction of points is based on the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Integrity Policy: Refer to SHSU student guidelines handbook.

Your presence and participation are expected for each class. Students will be permitted one
absence unless otherwise approved by instructor.

HLTH 6396 is a pre-professional class—appropriate dress, removal of caps, and proper

manners are required to complete the course.

Classroom Rules of Conduct:

Students will refrain from behavior in the classroom that intentionally or unintentionally
disrupts the learning process and, thus, impedes the mission of the university. Cellular
telephones and pagers must be turned off before class begins. Students are prohibited from
eating in class, using tobacco products, making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, sleeping,
talking at inappropriate times, wearing inappropriate clothing, or engaging in any other form of
distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result in a directive to leave class.
Students who are especially disruptive also may be reported to the Dean of Students for
disciplinary action in accordance with university policy.

Sam Houston State University Policies


Section 51.911(b) of the Texas Education Code requires that an institution of higher education
excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for
the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose
absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be
allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused
within a reasonable time after the absence.

University policy 861001 provides the procedures to be followed by the student and instructor. A
student desiring to absent himself/herself from a scheduled class in order to observe (a)
religious holy day(s) shall present to each instructor involved a written statement concerning the
religious holy day(s). This request must be made in the first fifteen days of the semester or the
first seven days of a summer session in which the absence(s) will occur. The instructor will
complete a form notifying the student of a reasonable timeframe in which the missed
assignments and/or examinations are to be completed.

Department of Public Health Mission

The mission of the Department of Public Health is to foster student-centered learning for early
and advanced health professionals; to conduct applied, evidence-based research in population
health; and to improve health and wellbeing through community engagement at the local and
global levels.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

SHSU adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with
respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with
disabilities that may affect adversely their work in this class should register with the SHSU
Counseling Center and talk with their University supervisor and classroom mentor teachers
about how they can help. All disclosures of disabilities will be kept strictly confidential. NOTE: no
accommodation can be made until registration with the Counseling Center is complete.


It is the policy of Sam Houston State University that no otherwise qualified individual with
disabilities shall, solely by reason of his/her handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic or Student Life
program or activity. Students with disabilities may request help with academically related
problems stemming from individual disabilities from their instructors, school/department chair, or
by contacting the Chair of the Committee for Continuing Assistance for Disabled Students and
Director of the Counseling Center, Lee Drain Annex, or by calling (936) 294-1720

Academic Integrity

According to the administration’s guidelines: “All students are expected to engage in

all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expected to
maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out
of the classroom. Any student found guilty of dishonesty in any phase of academic
work will be subject to disciplinary action. The University and its official
representatives may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any
form academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating on an examination or
other academic work which is to be submitted, plagiarism, collusion and the abuse of
resource materials.”
 “Students will refrain from behavior in the classroom that intentionally or
unintentionally disrupts the learning process and, thus, impedes the mission of the
university. Cellular telephones and pagers must be turned off before class begins.
Students are prohibited from eating in class, [chewing gum], using tobacco products,
making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, or engaging in any other form of
distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result in a directive to leave
class. Students who are especially disruptive also may be referred to the Dean of
Students for disciplinary action in accordance with the university policy.”
The full policy for “Code of Student Conduct and Discipline” is found at the following link:

The Federal Education Rights & Privacy Act requires that we advise students that by registering
for this course, their SHSU assigned e-mail address will be revealed to classmates and the
instructor. By continuing your enrollment in the course, you acknowledge your understanding of
this policy. By enrolling in this course, you agree to the following statement: “I understand that
as a result of registering for this course, my SHSU/Blackboard assigned e-mail address will be
revealed to classmates and the instructor.”

Equal Opportunity Statement

Sam Houston State University is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution.

Title IX

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance."

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination
in education.

Sam Houston State University complies with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of
1972 (Title IX), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or
activities; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits sex discrimination in
employment; and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act. Sexual misconduct, as defined
in the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, constitutes a form of sex discrimination prohibited
by Title IX and Title VII.

Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. While it is often thought of
as a law that applies to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than Athletics and applies to
many programs at Sam Houston State University. While compliance with the law is everyone's
responsibility at SHSU, below is a list of staff members that have primary responsibility for Title
IX Compliance.

Director and Title IX Coordinator—Natalie Issac

Report an incident: Thomason Building, Suite 3080 936-294-3080

COVID Update
For current information related to COVID-19, please visit the university’s COVID-19 webpage
at -COVID-19 Information site.

Please be outstanding stewards of public health and a positive role model to others by practicing
the guidance established by the CDC and the SHSU COVID-19 Task Force.

I am here to help you with resources and contacts while you are enrolled in the MPH
program, so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

I wish you a successful semester!

Rosanne Keathley

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