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Printed Pages:01 Sub Code: RVE301 Paper Id: 199314 Roll No. ] Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70 Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. SECTION A 1. Attempt aff questions in brief. 2x7=14 a. What do you mean by Ethics? b. Explain Intrinsic and Extrinsic values. c. State the comprehensive human goals in society. d. Explain the difference between animal consciousness and human consciousness e. Differentiate between the activities of the Self and the Body on any two grounds. f. Explain the relationship between Truth and Respect. g. _ Whatare the two basic aspirations of any human being? SECTION B 2. Attempt any three of the following: 7x3=21 a. Write a short note on the need for Value Education in today’s scenario. b. What do you mean by Universal Human Orde®? What are its implications? c. What do you mean by competence in professional ethics? Give two examples of its implication in industry. ae . d. Explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of needy.” . e. Briefly explain the natural ch stics of the four orders in nature. sl INC wn. 3. Attempt any one part of the following: sal =7 (a) Explain the process of Self Exploration to understand human “alués. How do our preconditioning hinder this process? Give one example... * (b) What are the reguifgethents to fulfill basic human aspirations? 4 Attempt any one pat ‘the following: oe 7x1=7 (a) Distinguish between the activities going on in the si zoing on in the body, and involving both the Self and the Body. Give two.examples of each. (b) Suggest programs to ensure proper functioning of your body. Can we sustain them without right understanding? 5. Attempt any one part of the following: Tx1=7 (a) Right understanding in the individuals is the basis for harmony in the family, which is the building block for harmony in the society. Give your comments. (b) Explain briefly the importance of value based education for the development of a society. y 6. Attempt any one part of the foloyfiitg: 7x1=7 (a) Describe briefly the critertafor evaluation of Holistic technology. Support your answer with an ex: ig: (b) What do you understand by the terms innateness, self-organization and self- expression? How aréthey related to each other? 7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7 (a) What do you mean by definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct? How can it be ensured? B TECH / MBA / BHMCT / BFAD / BFA (SEM-Il) THEORY EXAMINATION 2018-19 UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. (b) What are the reasons of unethical practices in profession today? What is the real solution to the above problems? Give your opinion. 1[Page

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