Social Belongingness

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First let’s discuss about the topic.

What message it conveys and most importantly why we have added this? “To
describe how Social Media can unite us”. Isn’t it interesting. For making this
topic more familiar, we are including a case which is just solved, or we can
say solved accurately due to social media.

Case of ‘Nirbhaya’
16 December 2012, Jyoti Singh was a 22-year-old physiotherapy intern, was
beaten, violated and tortured in a private bus in which she was travelling.
She was severely injured and transferred to Singapore, where eventually she
died during the journey. This case generated widespread national and
international coverage. All the accused people were spotlighted and charged
with sexual assault. But the main thing is that the accused were not given
any harsh punishment and were in jail.
On 15 March 2014, court stayed the execution of two of the four convicts, to
allow them to make their appeal against their conviction. The case was
turning its points, every year but the justice for the victim was not done.
After 7 years, people reimagined this scene, spread this news through social
media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Tags like #JusticeforNirbhaya were
common. The victim got titled NIRBHAYA (fearless) because she fought with
the people who violated her till her death. The news was so much spread
that the court was forced to present its decision. The day came, on 18
December 2019, the Supreme Court of India rejected the final appeals of the
accused people. On 7th January 2020, a death warrant was issued for first
victim, who was executed on 22nd January 2020. The other 3 victims were
also executed later.

The thing we saw in above case is that the case was not taking
points, but after this was spread on social media, the case turned
violent and strict punishment was took over. This is the power of
social media. We can connect the people through social media.

If social media has merits, it has demerits too

just like addiction or inappropriate un-registered cases.

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