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Western Mindanao State University

College of Nursing
Zamboanga City

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Study of the Illness Condition

- Bone marrow makes 1. The symptoms manifested by the

1. Signs & Symptoms nearly all the components of patient are signs of beta
manifested by the your blood. It's responsible thalassemia. Pallor and jaundice
patient. for creating billions of red are caused by problems in the
- Pallor blood cells daily, along with liver and gallbladder. An
- Enlarged abdomen white blood cells and enlarged abdomen is caused by
- Jaundice platelets. Bone marrow also a complication of thalassemia
- Growth retardation stores fat that turns into called splenomegaly,
- Weakness energy as needed. splenomegaly is the enlargement
- Splenomegaly of the spleen due to lack of
- Bone marrow makes the
2. Lab values hemoglobin in blood and
components of your blood
- Arterial blood gas thalassemia. Growth retardation
that you need to survive.
– Inadequate is caused by iron overload in the
Bone marrow produces red blood of thalassemic patients, if
oxygenation. blood cells that carry oxygen, serum ferritin is higher than the
CBC: white blood cells that prevent desired level it can cause growth
- Low RBC – 2.2 infection and platelets that retardation.
- Low hematocrit – control bleeding. The 2. Arterial blood gas test is used
0.18 absence of bone marrow can - β thalassemia occurs when there is a quantitative to measure the balance of
- Low MCHC – 30.9 be fatal since it's an essential reduction of β globin chains that are usually oxygen and carbon dioxide in
- High RDW – 23.6 Reference/s:
part of your body. structurally normal.2 They are caused by mutations your blood to see how well your
- High WBC – 46.2 lungs are working. It also
body/22818-bone-marrow#:~:text=Bone that nearly all affect the β globin locus and are
3. Diagnostic %20marrow%20makes%20the measures the acid-base balance
extremely heterogeneous. Almost every possible
Procedures %20components,and%20platelets Reference/s: in the blood. Complete blood
defect affecting gene expression at transcription or
- Thalassemic red %20that%20control%20bleeding. count test is used as a diagnostic
post-transcriptional level, including translation, have
blood cell analysis - health/body/22818-bone- procedure for thalassemia used
been identified in β thalassemia.3 These genetic
a primary screening marrow#:~:text=Bone to determine the amount of red
%20marrow%20makes%20the defects lead to a variable reduction in β globin
for thalassemia since blood cells, hemoglobin, white
%20components,and output ranging from a minimal deficit (mild β+
microcytosis and %20platelets%20that%20control thalassemia alleles) to complete absence (β° blood cells, and many more
decreased Hb %20bleeding. types of blood cells.
content of red blood
cells are hallmarks of 3. If found to have inadequate
In β thalassemia, the synthesis of normal α globin oxygenation from an ABG test, it may
all thalassemic red chains from the unaffected α globin genes indicate that the patient may have a
blood cells. continues as normal, resulting in the accumulation problem in his lungs and kidneys. A
- CBC - measures
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the amount of within the erythroid precursors of excess low RBC and hematocrit may
hemoglobin and the unmatched α globin. The free α globin chains are indicate that the patient is suffering
different kinds of not able to form viable tetramers and instead from anemia. Low MCHC is
blood cells, such as precipitate in the red cell precursors in the bone indicative of a low amount of
red blood cells, in a marrow forming inclusion bodies. These α chain hemoglobin in the red blood cells. All
sample of blood. inclusions can be demonstrated by both light and abnormal results of this patient is
indicative of thalassemia.
electron microscopy in the erythroid precursors in
Reference/s: the bone marrow as well as in the peripheral red
- Patient assessment and cells following splenectomy. They are responsible
interview for the extensive intramedullary destruction of the
- Patient charts erythroid precursors and hence the ineffective
https:// erythropoiesis that underlies all β thalassemias.
Anemia in β thalassemia thus results from a
%20marrow%20makes combination of ineffective erythropoiesis, peripheral
%20the hemolysis, and an overall reduction in hemoglobin
%20components,and synthesis. The severity of disease in β thalassemia
%20platelets%20that correlates well with the degree of imbalance
between α and non-α globin chains and the size of
the free α chain pool. Thus, factors that reduce the Reference/s:
degree of chain imbalance and the magnitude of α th/diagnostics/22980-rdw-blood-
chain excess in the red cell precursors will have an test
impact on the phenotype.

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