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Subject: Social-Science-and-Philosophy_______________

Module Title: Lesson 4 Summary


1. Based in your own understanding what is Political Philosophy?

Political philosophy is philosophical reflection or argument about the basis of
political life, as opposed to political science, which claims that human political life
displays law-like regularities that can be discovered, and once discovered can be used to
predict or manipulate outcomes. 

2. Do you agree that Political Philosophy is important in governing a political institution?

I don’t know a lot of people who are interested in politics or philosophy and I
know even fewer who study political philosophy. I’m convinced that part of the
collective lack of interest in these topics rests in the belief that philosophy is fully
disconnected from the real world and that politics is only a matter of opinion. For me,
nothing could be further from the truth.

3. What is the relation of Political Philosophy to Politics?

Political philosophy is a fundamental analysis of the nature of politics followed
by normative dialogue regarding what a political structure ought to look like. By
“politics,” which mean the organization, structure, and distribution of power dynamics in

4. What is the relation of Political Philosophy to Economics?

Economics and Political Philosophy both deal with moral codes. In the
mainstream version of economics, the relationship between a person and their
environment is the dominant focus of the subject (and, commonly, assumes that priority
must be conceded to individual freedom). In political philosophy, the focus of
investigation is the moral code used to form the basis of the relationship between the
individual and their environment

5. What is the relation of Political Philosophy to Ethics?

Moral philosophy is about what is right or wrong for an individual person to do,
sometimes within the context of a larger moral structure attributed to the universe.
Social/political philosophy is about the role, functions, virtues and desirable
organizational structures of groups of people.

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